
What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

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Old 08-31-2015, 06:19 PM   #89
soamazen23's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

I would like to be able to import my myplayer to other offline games modes. It would be cool to be able to play my league and import your myplayer character and control every aspect of your league while still being able to get that my career experience with the player lock feature
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Old 09-01-2015, 05:13 AM   #90
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

I just hope the game will reward intelligent basketball more...

I hate it when I spot a guy making a backdoor cut and I throw the ball to him with perfect timing, the ball gets through the defenders and reaches my guy under the basket, it should be an easy bucket... but for some reason my guy can't receive the pass properly, he struggles for a few seconds to take control of the ball, you all know that stupid ball catching animation... Meanwhile the defense is settled and a good opportunity to score is lost...

Also hate it when anticipation doesn't matter in certain scenarios. I read the opponents play, I see the pass coming from miles away, I position myself perfectly to intercept the pass... but I can't because I press the steal button a few milliseconds late (or early), which happens a lot in online games.

And anyone can tell me why did they remove the "total control passing" feature? In certain situations lead pass is just not enough... For instance, when the opponent is playing off-ball D and manually denying the ball to one of my players (standing in the passing lane to intercept my pass),I want to be able to take control of the player he's denying , and make a cut to the basket... I know you can make guys cut by play calling, but you could do it much more easily and the cuts more accurately with total control passing.

Last edited by PandaPower2k; 09-01-2015 at 05:16 AM.
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Old 09-01-2015, 06:45 PM   #91
strawberryshortcake's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Already posted earlier regarding better real footplanting. Been playing NBA2k14 PS4 recently and would like to add the following ... whether it's been improved in 2k15, I don't know...

Better ball awareness
which affects multiple aspect of the game.

1. Rebounding awareness ...
(A) Seeing sequences where a short point guard is able to out rebound the CPU big man seems wrong. True it can certainly happen in real life. So let me further explain. No, the point guard was not boxing out. Both man were down in the paint, standing in a vertical upright position but the point guard anticipated as he should and jumped first. However, the big man waited, and waited, and waited before proceeding to jump despite having clear view that the ball had already been shot and is bouncing off the rim.
(B) Secondly, often times the big man, or anyone for that matter would keep his hands open (as if he was going to basket catch the ball) near his waist/chest/torso region waiting to get the rebound as oppose to extending his arms upwards, and jumping to get the rebound.
(C) Thirdly, players need to be more aware of where they're jumping. Sometimes, I would see players simply jump up, hands extending not towards the ball. Players and their arms/hands need to be aware of where the ball is during the rebound game. Just looking at Live15 gameplay on youtube and even my Live15 demo, I notice that the rebounding game looks to be better implemented. Players would jumps towards the ball. Hands and arms moving towards the ball with purpose.

2. "Second/Put back" shot attempt awareness ... especially if the player is under the basket. After the shot is missed, will the player quickly react to the miss and immediately jump straight up to tip the shot back in, or attempt to pull the rebound. Don't really enjoying seeing the offensive (or defensive) player staring at the ball on the cylinder (when it's clearly a missed shot) as opposed to jumping up towards the ball and making a play of some sort.

3. Loose ball awareness ... If a shot bounces near a player (3-4-5 feet), I expect him to at least motion towards the loose ball as oppose to simply standing in admiration of the ball.
NBA2k Defense AI,Footplant, Gameplay
MLB Show Pitching/throwing
Madden/Live Animations Walking, Throwing

Last edited by strawberryshortcake; 09-01-2015 at 07:04 PM.
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Old 09-01-2015, 10:36 PM   #92
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

A few things in mind. I want the players on my team to play like they play in real life not some ball-watching stuff that they are doing normally.

Also a better career mode. I actually want to be a number #1 pick overall occasionally, is that too much to ask for?
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Old 09-01-2015, 10:38 PM   #93
Trackball's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Originally Posted by Indigo Wolf
I actually want to be a number #1 pick overall occasionally, is that too much to ask for?
In 2K13 and 2K14, you could be, if you played well enough in the Rookie Showcase.
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Old 09-01-2015, 11:31 PM   #94
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

I would like to see a bunch of 2k players that care more about physics, gameplay, realism, intelligent cpu opponents, and reactive, precision controls that affect defenders--along with real post play, two guards that don't score 40 every game, 3rd quarter comebacks for the cpu--ALWAYS...

than they do about lame tattoos, gear, accessories, and BS player packs...

in fact. Just get rid of my player altogether.

MAke a my player game. Go be some lame, tattoo'd punk in a different game.

All I want is Franchise, great online competition, and solid sim realism.

Tattoos. Spike lee????? I want to know about Czar's play developments. I want to feel like I am playing against a unique personality with every single player and team I encounter.

It's laughable that people concern themselves with armsleeves and compression whatevers.

I want a game fresh out the box that I don't have to spend months tweaking.
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Old 09-02-2015, 02:28 AM   #95
DeathstrokeXV's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

I just want to be able to sit down during blowouts in MyPlayer and song length.
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Old 09-02-2015, 02:39 AM   #96
nddot's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Originally Posted by DeathstrokeXV
I just want to be able to sit down during blowouts in MyPlayer and song length.


I hope they improved the passing this year. Theres no way a high rated passer should be doing dumb *** passes just to fit in the cotdamn "script" of a game!!

Im a pass first type of player even online and i hate that im not able to have 100% control of my dishes. The passing is way too slow.
"I just wanna be heaaaaaaaaard"
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