
What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

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Old 08-24-2015, 11:44 PM   #9
WishListGOD 1 OF 2's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Defense that is as prioritized as offense. Fast movements no sliding unless you get burned or have low defensive lateral stats.

Movement in general that is tight and RESPONSIVE, no lag/delay.

This was a topic of a thread here recently, banners raised after winning championships division winning banners ect.

Not "the man" coming into the NBA in mycareer unless im a high draft pick on a rebuilding team.

TNT, ABC presentation that alternates between certain teams and playoffs.

Some things that within a years time could be addressed/implemented.

Last edited by WishListGOD 1 OF 2; 08-24-2015 at 11:51 PM.
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Old 08-24-2015, 11:46 PM   #10
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout


i dont think the average gamer with complaints realizes how many may be tied to this....

- zone effectiveness

- super crab-shuffle close outs

- lack of explosiveness on first-steps

- getting moved on crossovers

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Old 08-24-2015, 11:47 PM   #11
LorenzoDC's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Mad props to Brother Nelson.

In no particular order for each list below:

  1. Improved and deeper free style offensive plays and AI across the board. I feel pretty good that Czar is on this.
  2. Hope that coach scrimmage option in MyLeague has full gameplay style, where we can practice all freestyle options against a defense that is also playing sim ball, not run and gun three point chucking. Related to MyLeague --> Coaching, hope that players' hot and cold zones may be editable this year, as draft class rookies seldom got variety or sometimes any hot/cold zones at all.
  3. Hope that drafted rookies in MyLeague will have appropriate tendencies to go along with their attributes. This has been broken, especially for bigs, in recent years.
  4. Hope that player models for generic players are improved and more varied to sustain something close to the kind of realistic "feel" we can see in today's "Winning" trailer from the scanned reality based players.
  5. Hope also that draft classes will show enough variety of play styles and types. Last year was weak on bigs, no 3 and d type prospects, and generally low on any kind of defensive specialists and stars.
  6. Hope that animations in the paint for offense and defense are far more varied so that win/lose dice rolls do not so often look OP. Examples are 1) for offense, players driving the lane and knocking down defenders like bowling pins for the successful layup or dunk, and 2) for defense, obvious foul or even flagrant foul animations used to stop a shot, followed by Clark Kellogg commenting that's great defense to stop the layup.
  7. Hope that sim based default SS sliders won't need much reworking for solid game play.

  1. Concerned in MyLeague that trades may not be possible throughout the entire off season, since I asked that question a few times last week when LD2K was in the threads and he never answered.
  2. Concerned, as you are, that defensive movement will remain a much weaker part of the game. Big subject, but I'll leave it at that.
  3. Concerned pressure to rebalance shooting from casuals will lead to making shots easier to stop a flood of grown man and young boy tears. Related, concerned that patches will undo things in the game that are good, as happened with 2k15.

Last edited by LorenzoDC; 08-24-2015 at 11:55 PM.
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Old 08-24-2015, 11:48 PM   #12
Books Nelson Simnation
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Originally Posted by 23
I think this.. the footplanting may have something to do with the way the game moves? Simply because old gen feels so much better in this aspect, so hopefully improved footplanting.

Also along with your thoughts on how the players should run back down court instead of waiting for someone to throw the inbounds pass every time just keep running downcourt.

Also im not sure what the issue is with 2k but why does it take the refs so long to give you the ball when inbounding, same as the players will pass the ball to someone at halfcourt if they have to just to not take the ball out and the guy tiptoes back to out of bounds. Kills any quick strike back if you want to.

Anyway, here's hoping to some improved defense and better rotations by teammates.
It's a complex issue, because whatever system is in place, the controller responsiveness isn't there. So let's take the worst of it, stopping at the 3pt line when you receive a pass. Nothing you press can break that animation. It's like you send the game an application for a control input, it considers it, then approves or denies you based on the situation.

Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
For me it's Foot Planting. Foot planting is still not where it needs to be. You still have players sliding into position to receive passes (especially on inbound passes). Players feet shift or motion shift into position at times. I really hope this gets addressed in 2K16. It's the biggest issue I have with the game.

I would also add being able to break out of these canned animations would be huge!

I hope legends / classic players get the same graphical upgrade as current players. Obviously they can't scan legends but they can still upgrade the player models (especially MJ)
This is a very complex issue, especially when it comes to passes. During the reception of a pass, attributes are thrown out of the window and all of the players move to the ball at the same speed. If you think about the slowest players in the game doing this, you get some pretty warpy speed ups.

Great stuff, all! Keep it coming. I want to make sure the OS perspective is well represented. The whole show can't just be me dunking on Rashidi
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Old 08-24-2015, 11:49 PM   #13
strawberryshortcake's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Real defensive footplanting.

That is all.

To further elaborate: Each and every single step to get into a defensive position requires moving the foot. In order to move your body and legs into a specified position, you need to physically move your legs, step and push off with your foot. The foot needs to make contact with the ground. It is the frictional force created between the foot and ground that allows the person to make adjustments to his position. If the persons' foot and body is out of position, that is when the opposing player has the advantage. I just hope some day, any type of sliding is completely eliminated.

When studio motion captured is done with an actor, the actor doesn't slide his feet. It boggles my mind why shifting still happens when it's expressed in the virtual world.
NBA2k Defense AI,Footplant, Gameplay
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Old 08-25-2015, 12:02 AM   #14
RipCity71252's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Since I primarily play vs. the CPU, an improved AI is always going to top the list for me. Every year it seems this game needs to be heavily edited to get the CPU to play an engaging form of basketball.

If that is 1a, brushing up player movement is 1b. Smoother pass catching animations are always something I look for. It got better in 2k15, but I hope theres a day when we can smoothly transition to a jumper consistently. Too much clanky 2k shuffling going on still.

Regardless, a new 2k always has me and excited to see what's in store for 2k16.
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Old 08-25-2015, 12:02 AM   #15
Books Nelson Simnation
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Originally Posted by strawberryshortcake
Real defensive footplanting.

That is all.

To further elaborate: Each and every single step to get into a defensive position requires moving the foot. In order to move your body and legs into a specified position, you need to physically move your legs, step and push off with your foot. The foot needs to make contact with the ground. It is the frictional force created between the foot and ground that allows the person to make adjustments to his position. If the persons' foot and body is out of position, that is when the opposing player has the advantage. I just hope some day, any type of sliding is completely eliminated.

When studio motion captured is done with an actor, the actor doesn't slide his feet. It boggles my mind why shifting still happens when it's expressed in the virtual world.
I'm not a developer, but I was trained as an animator. Remember that 2k doesn't really exist. It's all an illusion. So all of the things that happen in real life, like transitions from one animation to another, aren't governed by an overall physics system like in the real world. Every time a player does a new action, it has to be integrated without blowing up the whole game.

This isn't easy. I think every game either makes great compromises in this area, or has very simple animations to begin with.

This is without even considering that these actions and transitions between actions also have to be integrated into the ratings system, collision actions and whatever governs cause/effect for size differential.

I'm not defending 2k. This is a criticism thread, but hopefully explaining the challenges will help us lead 2k to very specific problems so they can find the solutions that can work within the systems they have already created. We can ask them to remodel the house. We can even ask them to add a shed to the house, or knock down the wall for a closet.

If we ask for a new house, it ain't happening and we ain't helping.
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Old 08-25-2015, 12:10 AM   #16
madmax52277's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

23 hit the sweet spot when he said old gen and proper foot planting.

1 foul trouble
2 better defense animations
3 smarter AI teammates
4 ball passing through hands body ect.
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