
What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

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Old 08-25-2015, 04:47 AM   #25
lvnba's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

I have one big hope and it is that we can have for the first time ever a REAL NBA boxscore simulated in a 2k game.

With all the right numbers on blocks, free throws attempts (fouls called, basically), rebounds, FG%. Every year something is off and this year we will be able to correct some of it through sliders, but I'm hoping that the game itself is real in this aspect.
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Old 08-25-2015, 05:26 AM   #26
Taer's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
This is a criticism thread, but hopefully explaining the challenges will help us lead 2k to very specific problems so they can find the solutions that can work within the systems they have already created.
With this in mind and in no particular order:
1: Transition gameplay. Playing MyCareer/Playerlock, animations involving celebrations and camera-cuts make transitioning to defense properly a nightmare at times. Especially true with the tougher match-ups. I don't want to have to disable or always interrupt these wonderful animations in order to play at an elite level of defense but in 2k15 I had to.

2: Proper use of time management, time-outs and substitutions by the ai. I lost track of how many times their would be a two-for-one situation and the announcers would trigger their commentary but the on-court ai acted like it was a run-of-the-mill play. Time-outs and substitutions are self-explanatory and have been a yearly weakness.

3: Lack of implementation/deployment of improvements in all the modes. Last year, Da_Czar started to deploy more true-to-today play-books and play execution to teams like the San Antonio Spurs. This was awesome but these improvements were not extended to all modes. That was unfortunate. I understand the different teams pooled resources (ie Simballer and Leftos working together) so there is hope but past history shows that MyCareer is often last to get some of those same improvements.

4: MyCareer. I have a lot of hopes and worries here. So many that I can't even give a concise and sweet summary.

5: Gimmick over Sim. One of the most disappointing fact of 2K titles recently has been the prominence of the flop. Not only is the flop featured more in 2K than in the NBA itself now but it has taken precedence in the control scheme over the much more basic and utilized fake pass. I was so disappointed when Mike changed the controller scheme a couple of years back. Vladdy Divac retired years ago, the flop is becoming less and less of a factor, yet 2K is stuck in the 90's it seems with regard to this.

6: Technical Worries. I've lost 100,000s of vc due to corrupted files in 2k15. In older versions of 2k, I could often recover some of my lost time, effort and "vc"/points with prior restores. I know that there is a new security back-up for MyLeague but what about MyPlayer related modes? This is an essential area to improve in.

I'll stop here. When MyCareer info is released I will no doubt have more specifics in that area but for now it is best to wait and see what is said.
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Old 08-25-2015, 05:38 AM   #27
Taer's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Originally Posted by 23
... Also im not sure what the issue is with 2k but why does it take the refs so long to give you the ball when inbounding,
Part of this seems to be related to audio syncing. In 2K15, the refs always held the ball until the audio being played got to a trigger point. It is very frustrating.
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Old 08-25-2015, 05:46 AM   #28
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Blocking a shot without my hand going through the ball!

Hands up defense that works.

Better defensive movement like last gen 2k14
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Old 08-25-2015, 05:56 AM   #29
silverskier's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

1: offscreens and p&r screens better executed, in offense amd defense. The screen player should look for the defensive player. Zipper sets, floppy sets, cut sets, hammer sets, etc, should be better executed.
2: catch and shoot better implemented. The player should correct his stance to execute better the shooting to the basket, with a little jump pre-shooting or other animations.
3: more contextual passes in p&r and p&pop, alley-oops, baseline passes, cuts, in and out passes, handoffs - to improve elbow sets execution -, etc.
4: Players fighting for every inch in the court, in the post, in the p&r, in offscreens, in rebounds, etc.
5: More diversity in rebounds. Long rebounds should be in. Atletic rebounders, IQ rebounders, height rebounders, etc. kind of players.
6: 1v1 should be quite difficult (at least on a regular basis) if it isn't a missmatch and if there isn't a p&r or set execution involved. A simple turbo, change of direction or going backwards shouldn't be enough to create space. Skill + play execution to guarantee good shots. So, more contact between players would be nice.
7: Better spacing. Zone defense, bad execution of 2v1 and offensive charges should be punished with it.
8: Better post game. The offensive charge shouldn't be so overpowered, as it shouldn't be moving your defensive opponent below the hoop.
9: More contextual layups, floaters, eurosteps and dunks, avoiding the block,but also making them blockable if they are not executed my skillful players or the defensive player is good at blocking .
10: Better play execution: faster, more contact between players, better handoffs passes, better cut sets, more branches in a play, etc.

Last edited by silverskier; 08-25-2015 at 06:11 AM.
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Old 08-25-2015, 09:21 AM   #30
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

A few concerns and hopes i like to share:
in order of importance to me.

1. Most important and most annoying thing is the input delay. Offline and Online either way. This ruins all the good things 2k may do in regards of Gameplay and Game Modes. If there is a significant delay in offensive and defensive responsiveness the game is kind of useless to me. And I am not talking about zero lag. There will always be kind of a delay I know that. Even last gen was better in that department.

2. Gameplay and AI Issues all together: A gazillion times I got more and more frustrated by the bad offensive and defensive AI of my teammates and/or of my opponents. Some examples:
- Cutting to the basket, when you have a wide open shot, right before the pass.
- Pick and Roll Offense was non-existent
- Passing and passing speed was not crisp and look flat
- Shooting mechanics were annoying. While contested Fade Away Jumpers and Mid Range Shots were strongly overpowered on the one hand, lightly contested lay ups and finishing at the rim was nearly impossible.

3. Control Scheme: Calling Plays was handled to complicated. In Last Gen you could call plays without stopping the movement of your player. Now you had to let the left stick go.

4. Playbooks and Plays in General: Playbooks and Plays were way to similar. Beside from Freelance Play, which was a good thing in theory, most of the Plays took a lot of time and were broken and useless. Custom Playbook Saving is essential.

5. Training Modes and Mini Games:
Training Modes and Mini Games could be a lot of fun and competitive. First of all I spend several hours in the Training Mode of 2k13. You could choose from every play in the whole playbook on the fly. Activate and Deactivate the Defense and defensive formations of the CPU. Beside from that a Fifa style training mode could be a lot of fun regarding the competitive nature of learning the controls and mastering the game.

These are my main concerns. I hope:

1. 2k will improve their online structure and handle the load of traffic that will occur through the new modes very well. The customization options will lead to tons of data.

2. I think 2k showed that they are open to discuss and learned from their past mistakes. Unlike other sports titles: Especially Fifa. They show progress in terms of Game Modes.
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Old 08-25-2015, 10:10 AM   #31
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

thats its good
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Old 08-25-2015, 10:23 AM   #32
Shakedowncapo's Arena
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Re: What are your top 10 hopes and concerns for NBA 2k16? For #Simnation Hangout

Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
I AM concerned about player movement. The characters feel so sluggish in this game when they don't have the ball it makes all forms of defense very gimmicky and not reaction based. This is without some of the hiccups like the way your own teammates set picks on you(should automatically use a "slip pick" type animation here) or how players walk backwards full court(unless you use turbo) and everyone's favorite, how passes make you automatically come to a full stop at the three point line.
The biggest sticking point for myself. If they can't get it right online this year I'll be looking for other alternatives for my basketball fix. I don't care about the other great features if the on-court product is lacking online with input lag...Won't do it for another year, just won't.
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