
Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

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Old 12-13-2016, 02:17 PM   #3313
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Thunderhorse
You need teammates.

Post scorers are tough but the post mechanics are perfectly imperfect. If you are lucky enough to have teammates that allow you to work and actually isolate your defensive player, there's a bevy of moves at your disposal to use.

Only thing is you need to make a decision and go with it fast. If you waste any time they will get the strip just by spamming square. Your dropstep will get peeled, your spin will get peeled. Use your fades and hooks as your primary offensive weapons, and when your opponent respects those start using your up & under. I've found once I get the defender so caught up on just trying to decide whether I'm going to fade or pump and go back under, he neglects the square button because he has to contest the shot - then your spins/dropsteps will really open up.
Thanks for the tips. what should i focus first on upgrading on him i already have 4 hof badges i just miss bruiser . ive upgraded post strenght and dunks a lil bit .

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Old 12-13-2016, 02:48 PM   #3314
Grafaap's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by PostmanPat
If you already know that you want it at 6'11", just start a career a few times with different weight to compare the stats and chose the weight that gives you the stats you like the most

As for the wingspan, when I make a defensive player I always choose max arms length and shoulder width. It helps you getting blocks and rebounds
Originally Posted by Tixe34
I have a 6'11 paint protector. I maxed out his wingspan and shoulder width. For the weight I went 260 and made a Dwight Howard type build. The only issue is your strength caps at 86 if you do this and you will get bullied by the 7'3 340 glass cleaners and post scorers. In pro am I end up as the PF or SF more often than the C though and the extra speed of a lower weight does help me chase around the 6'10 point forwards that get moved up a position.
Originally Posted by killxmike
I think around 260lbs.

That will be similar to my 7' 265lbs PF LDD and i think you will do ok. My STR maxes at 89, i think 6'11 is 87 or 86. A GOOD max height/weight might make you work hard but I never have felt dominated just because someone was max height/weight.

Thanks for all the replies
Ill go for that Dwight Howard build and see how its going to work out
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Old 12-13-2016, 04:48 PM   #3315
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by killxmike
Speaking of 6'11 C.... A glass cleaner 6'11 275lbs C is my latest experiment. Max wingspan.

This allowed me to get 94Str, 94 reb category and keep within 2 spd, 2vert, 2 lateral quickness of my LDD PF ive had so much fun with.

So far ive had extreme success in Superstar MyCareer. (43pts 30reb (14offensive) last game in 24mins played.)

Pretty good success in ProAm walk on considering lack of badges.

So far gold breakstarter, putback king, and brick wall and thats about it.

I tried making 7'2/7'3 glazz cleaner but I just couldnt stand the slow plodding around.
How do you plan on spending your attribute points? I have a similar player, and I don't know where I want to spend my points.
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Old 12-14-2016, 05:19 AM   #3316
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Well i've had alot of as my Slasher but its time to make another character. So i've seen alot of good things about LDD and Glass cleaners. The 2 builds i had in mind were a 6'5 LDD PF for crazy athletics or a 6'11 glass cleaner for a bit of speed and dunking ability.

I'd like to rebound and dunk but get some blocks as well so i'm leaning towards the glass cleaner but would a LDD grab many rebounds or would he just get bullied?
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Old 12-14-2016, 07:58 AM   #3317
Conspiculous's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Azrealun
Well i've had alot of as my Slasher but its time to make another character. So i've seen alot of good things about LDD and Glass cleaners. The 2 builds i had in mind were a 6'5 LDD PF for crazy athletics or a 6'11 glass cleaner for a bit of speed and dunking ability.

I'd like to rebound and dunk but get some blocks as well so i'm leaning towards the glass cleaner but would a LDD grab many rebounds or would he just get bullied?
The huge vertical leap gives LDD the ability to rebound almost like a glass cleaner would. Heres what I would recommend, If your going with a PF consider the different badges, would you rather make a 6'10 SF and get pick pocket and charge card or a PF and get rim protector and bruiser. I chose to go with a SF. Either way if you're going with a pf or SF, you can still block shots and still spam square and rip them 90% of the time. If I'm matched up with a 7'3 Center in pro-am I will absolutely destroy him with the square button.
My Players:
6'6 SG 94 Overall Slashing Defender
6'5 SG 90 Overall Pure Sharpshooter
6'8 SF 81 Overall Two-Way Slasher
Active Daily on 2K, I play 2s, 3s & Walk-on.
If you're active and would like to run Park or Walk-on Shoot me a PSN Message and we can get some games in.
PSN: Carrboys
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Old 12-14-2016, 10:17 AM   #3318
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by MrCrashAndBurn
How do you plan on spending your attribute points? I have a similar player, and I don't know where I want to spend my points.
Im planning to ignore Post Scoring and Shot close/moving. Ive already maxed everything but those plus midrange, 3pt, and playmaking. Ill prob fill midrange next. With 73 midrange i can shoot like 80% inside 3pt line.
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Old 12-14-2016, 11:18 AM   #3319
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by killxmike
Im planning to ignore Post Scoring and Shot close/moving. Ive already maxed everything but those plus midrange, 3pt, and playmaking. Ill prob fill midrange next. With 73 midrange i can shoot like 80% inside 3pt line.
I am curious why you fill the 3pt and not Shot Close. Everything else, I agree with. Sounds like a fun build
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Old 12-14-2016, 12:23 PM   #3320
HowDareI's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

So I got bored of being a sg who can play 1-3 and wanted to do something different.

I was going to make my Rashard Lewis-type player again, except I noticed something:

If you make a 6'10 Sharpshooter SF, you're really slow and unathletic compared to other 3's. Too slow, imo, to really be able to get open without the help of screens. Your dribbling is bad, finishing is awful, and defense is mediocre at best considering your lateral quickness.
Sure, I could just make him shorter...but then I'm just creating a clone of my SG lol...

So I went with a 7' Stretch 4. Now I know that's not "different", everyone online's doing this lol...but for me it is.

I'm actually putting up every category, and I feel like I have a good mix of things to be pretty versatile:

Mobile enough to run the perimeter against 7'3 bigs.
Tall enough to contest shots. Not only that, I'm actually good on defense so stats caps there don't bother me.
Obviously my shot is butter.
But people online seem to judge me based off my "Stretch 4" pregame moniker and I love it. They assume I'm just gonna shoot 3's all game but I have a pretty good post game with these badges and add in no one really being trained to stay down on up and unders or any fakes for that matter.
Pump fakes out on the perimeter are deadly, because if they jump I'm just stepping in for a nice 20 foot middy.
Me and my bro run a 2 to 4 pick and pop to perfection..

It's refreshing to start over with a completely new guy...gives the game a new outlook.
I don't wanna be Jordan, I don't wanna be Bird or Isiah, I don't wanna be any of those guys.
I want to look in the mirror and say I did it my way.

-Allen Iverson
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