
Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

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Old 03-23-2017, 05:19 PM   #4113
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

7'2" post scorer is the best center build in the game. You get the big man contact dunk and the alley oop dunk packages. You are unguardable one-on-one unless your matchup is a paint protector, which won't happen very often, since paint protector is easily the least used archetype in the game. You have hall of fame brick wall and bruiser, which are two of the most powerful badges in the game. You can make corner threes at a 60% to 70% rate, because 2K thought for some reason that it would be a good idea to let even the lowest rated shooting archetypes have a higher success rate than Stephen Curry does from the corner. And you'll still get tons of rebounds and blocks just because you are tall and 2K hasn't figured out how to make tall players with bad ratings actually behave like the ineffective rebounders/shot blockers that they're supposed to be.

Post scorers as tall as 6'11" and as short as 6'6" also make for good forward builds. But any post scorer build that's 6'5" or shorter won't be able to get the big man contact dunk package, which will make it very difficult to perform drop step dunks consistently.

Last edited by jyoung; 03-23-2017 at 07:24 PM.
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Old 03-23-2017, 07:18 PM   #4114
ph33's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Pretty much every archetype can be good as long as the person using it is utilizing it correctly. I hate playing good glass cleaners because it's hard to put a body on them. Athletic finishers get BS dunks and layups that you can't do anything about. Stretch bigs pull you out of the paint and really neutralize a big's help defense (Especially in walk on when people usually won't rotate to your guy if you left him). And I hate playing paint protectors the most---they'll take away a lot of your post moves ability and I'm pretty much afraid to dunk if they're 3 feet within me knowing my guy will get blocked by Space Jam arms or he'll miss a dunk just because PP/LDD have an aura to them.
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Old 03-23-2017, 09:28 PM   #4115
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Did they nerf the vertical leap drill in daily practices? Just hit my highest vert three times in a row and got Silver several times in a row...

Edit: Must've been the unluckiest streak ever, had about 4-5 practices straight giving me Silver on Vert leap, now I'm getting Gold again, weird.

Last edited by Tomb Of God; 03-23-2017 at 10:05 PM.
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Old 03-24-2017, 08:53 AM   #4116
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by de5m0n
If he thinks that build is garbage then let it be. It's obvious he hasn't encountered skilled post scorers that make the archetype look op.
I'm not telling him to pick one, was just defending against his statement of the build being garbage.
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Old 03-25-2017, 03:20 PM   #4117
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
. I didn't touch shot off dribble.

Any tips for avoiding off the dribble shots? I'm used to using them a lot with my Point Forward (80s), and I catch myself doing it still with my LDD and missing easy shots.

Should I just get Off Dribble shooting or are there tips to getting around it? I've tried pump faking before every shot to reset my feet, but not sure if that is gonna help.
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Old 03-25-2017, 04:46 PM   #4118
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

I have 14 attributes left on my LDD - any tips on how to spend these?

- I have max: Strength (80), Defending (94s), Layups & Dunks (70s), 3pt (60)

- I have put bars into these, but didn't max: 71 midrange, agility (70), Rebounds (72), and Playmaking (60)

- I have nothing in: Shooting off Dribble and Post Scoring

I got lots of options:

1) Max my Agility to 80 and Rebounds to high 70s to increase defense and ignore adding scoring.
2) Get my Agility to 75, max Off Dribble Shots (70 close, 64 mid, 64 threes) and bump midrange from 71 to 74 - to improve my shooting.
3) Max my postscoring (currently 35) to 70 and bump either midrange from 71 to 74 or bump playmaking to 65 from 60 to improve my paint game

There's a bunch of different ways I can go. I am going with the idea that you see noticeable difference in increments of 5 and that you need at least 60 to be decent at something (60 3pt).

Add more shooting? Make him even more of a beast on defense?

Can I ignore off dribble and post scoring? I can't figure out what to do! lol

Last edited by SirGaryColeman; 03-25-2017 at 06:35 PM.
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Old 03-26-2017, 01:37 AM   #4119
ph33's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by SirGaryColeman
I have 14 attributes left on my LDD - any tips on how to spend these?[/img]
I would completely ignore off the dribble and post scoring. If you got 14 points left, I'd personally max out agility for sure and maybe split rebounding and playmaking? Whichever one gets you a better increase.

Playmaking can be helpful if you grab the board and run down the court, in some ways you're like a mini slasher because of the strength.

To me, increasing stuff like shoot off dribble on player types like that is worthless. I prefer making my players really great at what they're supposed great at, and don't bother maxing out things where they'll be just ok or are really reliant on certain situations. But that's my personal preference.

Maxing out 3s on LDD is a good idea though, but having a dimer out there is super helpful. If you don't have a dimer, you'll *gasp* shoot too real of a percentage! 40% instead of 50%!

Last edited by ph33; 03-26-2017 at 01:40 AM.
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Old 03-26-2017, 10:29 AM   #4120
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by SirGaryColeman
I have 14 attributes left on my LDD - any tips on how to spend these?

- I have max: Strength (80), Defending (94s), Layups & Dunks (70s), 3pt (60)

- I have put bars into these, but didn't max: 71 midrange, agility (70), Rebounds (72), and Playmaking (60)

- I have nothing in: Shooting off Dribble and Post Scoring

I got lots of options:

1) Max my Agility to 80 and Rebounds to high 70s to increase defense and ignore adding scoring.
2) Get my Agility to 75, max Off Dribble Shots (70 close, 64 mid, 64 threes) and bump midrange from 71 to 74 - to improve my shooting.
3) Max my postscoring (currently 35) to 70 and bump either midrange from 71 to 74 or bump playmaking to 65 from 60 to improve my paint game

There's a bunch of different ways I can go. I am going with the idea that you see noticeable difference in increments of 5 and that you need at least 60 to be decent at something (60 3pt).

Add more shooting? Make him even more of a beast on defense?

Can I ignore off dribble and post scoring? I can't figure out what to do! lol

I like this build a lot . Max agility and you can't go wrong anywhere else. Also get Difficult shots , tireless scorer , and hotspots . I actually hit moving shots lol
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