
Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

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Old 04-04-2017, 02:44 PM   #4161
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by E The Rhymer
Did you change height or position because the +/- is based on a ratio with the default for that height, position, and play style. Also you have have just hit whatever the max for that ratio is.

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They are exactly the same, only difference is the weight.
I'm just looking at the projected max speed and apparently it's 75 for all of them.

I'm lost
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Old 04-04-2017, 03:00 PM   #4162
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Fine, I just made another build with the default weight (245 lbs) and the projected max speed is 74.

We can conclude that a 6'9" 230 lbs LDD SF can have 75 as max speed.
Maybe a 235 lbs can have it too, but I'm fine with 230.
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Old 04-05-2017, 12:17 PM   #4163
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Word of advice: If you're a Shot Creator, use Curry's Layup package if you're big into floaters. The layups themselves aren't anything to write home about, but it has the absolute best floater animations in the game.
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Old 04-05-2017, 01:58 PM   #4164
Bexthelegend's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

In general what's better at the power forward spot an athletic finisher or a tenacious rebounder?

And what's the ideal height for a tenancious rebounding power forward that provides top rebounding along with strong finishing/dunking ability?
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Old 04-05-2017, 03:13 PM   #4165
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

I think with five months left 2K should consider letting us change our players heights and weights one timee each.

no one is going to buy VC and create a new player at this point with the grind
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Old 04-05-2017, 03:18 PM   #4166
ph33's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by sk8board
I think with five months left 2K should consider letting us change our players heights and weights one timee each.

no one is going to buy VC and create a new player at this point with the grind
sk8board please. You know damn well this isn't going to and will never happen.
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Old 04-05-2017, 04:14 PM   #4167
SirGaryColeman's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Bexthelegend
In general what's better at the power forward spot an athletic finisher or a tenacious rebounder?

And what's the ideal height for a tenancious rebounding power forward that provides top rebounding along with strong finishing/dunking ability?
I would figure in who you're likely to be playing with?

If you're just playing with randoms, most Centers tend to want to be in the paint, so you will be sharing it on both ends of the court. You may also end up being put at Center a lot if you're a certain height.

I found that when my 6'8" LDD is put at PF I don't get a lot of defensive rebounds, but I boxout like a beast and the Center ends up with tons of easy rebounds. My LDD pairs really well with a Glass Cleaner, for instance.

At the end of the day, though, do what will be the most fun for how you like to play.

These days, some might say the Power Forward needs to space the floor with shooting ability and only the Center should be in the paint on offense.
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Old 04-05-2017, 04:25 PM   #4168
Bexthelegend's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by SirGaryColeman
I would figure in who you're likely to be playing with?

If you're just playing with randoms, most Centers tend to want to be in the paint, so you will be sharing it on both ends of the court. You may also end up being put at Center a lot if you're a certain height.

I found that when my 6'8" LDD is put at PF I don't get a lot of defensive rebounds, but I boxout like a beast and the Center ends up with tons of easy rebounds. My LDD pairs really well with a Glass Cleaner, for instance.

At the end of the day, though, do what will be the most fun for how you like to play.

These days, some might say the Power Forward needs to space the floor with shooting ability and only the Center should be in the paint on offense.
Well it's actually for my friend who's an Athletic Finisher power forward. Our team currently has

A playmaking point guard- He's a pass first point with great vision who shoots about 46% from three.

A sharp shooter shooting guard- Shoots around 46% from three

Shot creator small forward- Dominates from mid range/rebounds decently and is a 42% 3 point shooter.

Athletic finisher power forward- Finishes strong and gets a ton of easy buckets, best defender

Stretch big Center- Good shooting, can't rebound well

The problem is we're constantly in that elite-elite 1 range, and we get dominated on the boards in nearly every matchup. Our athletic finisher averages about 6 rebounds a game, whiles our stretch big is around 4-5, we'll have games when the opposing team will have a center who has more rebounds than both our bigs combined.

So what we're looking at is rather than having an athletic finisher power forward, having a glass cleaner power forward, who's still mobile enough to get easy buckets, but can get 10-12 boards a game.
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