
Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

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Old 04-05-2017, 05:37 PM   #4169
SirGaryColeman's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Bexthelegend
Well it's actually for my friend who's an Athletic Finisher power forward. Our team currently has

A playmaking point guard- He's a pass first point with great vision who shoots about 46% from three.

A sharp shooter shooting guard- Shoots around 46% from three

Shot creator small forward- Dominates from mid range/rebounds decently and is a 42% 3 point shooter.

Athletic finisher power forward- Finishes strong and gets a ton of easy buckets, best defender

Stretch big Center- Good shooting, can't rebound well

The problem is we're constantly in that elite-elite 1 range, and we get dominated on the boards in nearly every matchup. Our athletic finisher averages about 6 rebounds a game, whiles our stretch big is around 4-5, we'll have games when the opposing team will have a center who has more rebounds than both our bigs combined.

So what we're looking at is rather than having an athletic finisher power forward, having a glass cleaner power forward, who's still mobile enough to get easy buckets, but can get 10-12 boards a game.
I have a 6'11" Glass Cleaner (it's a center, but play it at PF a lot) that is pretty fast at that height and when doing putbacks/dunks/post moves he gets even faster.

He is tall enough to jump out of the building for rebounds too... and when he jumps for rebounds, he's crazy fast at that too.

I think the way 2k works is that if you have a high rating in something, you do it super well no matter what your other attributes are.

Making him tall enough to be a center makes sense to me if you have a stretch at Center., but 6'11" is still small enough to run with smaller PFs. I also like the combo of 1 shooting big and 1 post-dominant big.
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Old 04-05-2017, 06:25 PM   #4170
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Bexthelegend
Well it's actually for my friend who's an Athletic Finisher power forward. Our team currently has

A playmaking point guard- He's a pass first point with great vision who shoots about 46% from three.

A sharp shooter shooting guard- Shoots around 46% from three

Shot creator small forward- Dominates from mid range/rebounds decently and is a 42% 3 point shooter.

Athletic finisher power forward- Finishes strong and gets a ton of easy buckets, best defender

Stretch big Center- Good shooting, can't rebound well

The problem is we're constantly in that elite-elite 1 range, and we get dominated on the boards in nearly every matchup. Our athletic finisher averages about 6 rebounds a game, whiles our stretch big is around 4-5, we'll have games when the opposing team will have a center who has more rebounds than both our bigs combined.

So what we're looking at is rather than having an athletic finisher power forward, having a glass cleaner power forward, who's still mobile enough to get easy buckets, but can get 10-12 boards a game.
Will this glass cleaning PF be guarding opposing Centers every game? Because a lot of elite3 and up teams will force him to the perimeter and he will be too far away from basket to consistently get rebounds. Have you considered moving your stretch C to PF position and creating a Glass Cleaning C?

Your other problem is that sharpshooter only shooting 46% from 3. He should be 55% at minimum. Most sharpshooters I know are in the sixties from 3.
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Old 04-05-2017, 06:52 PM   #4171
Bexthelegend's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by de5m0n
Will this glass cleaning PF be guarding opposing Centers every game? Because a lot of elite3 and up teams will force him to the perimeter and he will be too far away from basket to consistently get rebounds. Have you considered moving your stretch C to PF position and creating a Glass Cleaning C?

Your other problem is that sharpshooter only shooting 46% from 3. He should be 55% at minimum. Most sharpshooters I know are in the sixties from 3.
Well I usually switch our pf onto whichever big is scoring the most, because he's a much better defender than our stretch big. However, whenever there's a stretch big at the 4 I switch him onto the center for rebounding purposes.

The PF vs C is interesting because I think the glass cleaning power forward is a lot quicker in transition/off cuts, which is where we get a ton of easy buckets currently using his athletic finisher. So we want to maintain that option strongly on offense whiles also doing much better on the boards.

The sharpshooter thing is 100% correct though. He has to get better with his timing. He's one of those players who shoot purely with the shot stick. I've always felt like the X button is clearly superior when it comes to shooting.
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Old 04-05-2017, 07:11 PM   #4172
SirGaryColeman's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Bexthelegend
Well I usually switch our pf onto whichever big is scoring the most, because he's a much better defender than our stretch big. However, whenever there's a stretch big at the 4 I switch him onto the center for rebounding purposes.

The PF vs C is interesting because I think the glass cleaning power forward is a lot quicker in transition/off cuts, which is where we get a ton of easy buckets currently using his athletic finisher. So we want to maintain that option strongly on offense whiles also doing much better on the boards.

The sharpshooter thing is 100% correct though. He has to get better with his timing. He's one of those players who shoot purely with the shot stick. I've always felt like the X button is clearly superior when it comes to shooting.
How big is the stretch? If he's big, I'd stick to your idea of switching based on matchups, but if he isn't that tall, then maybe a GC Center is the way to go.

I also wouldn't rule out a big LDD, especially since you have no real defenders on the team and stretches stink for defense.

Personally, I don't like the stretch big archetype and would rather have a big with 60 3pt shooting, so he can still stretch the floor, but also be a proper big.

You have a lot of offense, but not a lot of defense going on with that lineup. Good idea on the Glass Cleaner - I think it will help you guys whether PF or C.
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Old 04-11-2017, 07:41 PM   #4173
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

new to the forums here....i made a 7'3" 282 glass cleaner when the game first came out....at this point it's probably too late to make a new one...but i noticed that by just going up to 295 you can get a 94 in strength as opposed to the 89 i have now and the speed difference is negligible....any experienced pro-am glass cleaners that might know if this +5 strength makes a difference?
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Old 04-11-2017, 07:44 PM   #4174
Housh123's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by NBA2K2
new to the forums here....i made a 7'3" 282 glass cleaner when the game first came out....at this point it's probably too late to make a new one...but i noticed that by just going up to 295 you can get a 94 in strength as opposed to the 89 i have now and the speed difference is negligible....any experienced pro-am glass cleaners that might know if this +5 strength makes a difference?

It doesn't bro

At even as low as 80 your already stronger than 80% of everyone in the game. 89 is good enough use your upgrades on something else

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Old 04-13-2017, 03:41 PM   #4175
kdurantmvp's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

I just made a 6'10 point forward lol

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my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgI...bK1eShv_ZnakVg
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Old 04-13-2017, 04:12 PM   #4176
shayellis's Arena
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Can anyone who has used a player with strength between 50-60, let me know of how this has affected your gameplay. I am thinking of creating a 6"10 SF low strength slasher. I don't know if strength will heavily impact my making of dunks. I see Sharpshooters throw down, so I am not too worried but still want to here anyone elses experiences.
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