
Shooting percentages in NBA 2K17 are vastly inflated. Blame the terrible defenses

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Old 05-09-2017, 11:58 AM   #33
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Re: Shooting percentages in NBA 2K17 are vastly inflated. Blame the terrible defenses

Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
I can't imagine some of these horrible shot selections from people in pro am going in anymore than they do.

I'm all for creating space and having a window to get a shot off , but this whole year I've seen nothing but spam turbo and square . No moves whatsoever .
That's my point. How fun is it gonna be if 40% of contested shots drop lol. I guarantee there'll be a thread on here "why even play defense anymore"
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Old 05-09-2017, 01:27 PM   #34
stillfeelme's Arena
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Re: Shooting percentages in NBA 2K17 are vastly inflated. Blame the terrible defenses

Originally Posted by Rsnake21
The difference between open vs contested %'s isn't that much. Somebody in one of these threads posted the actual stats I believe. I think it was around 5% difference. All I'm trying to get at is that I feel shooting was the least of 2k's problems. Against top level comp nobody was shooting 10-10 or any outrageous %'s
Yeah that was me who posted it. The whole league on average drops only 5% when contested tight vs. being open and wide open. It is not a dramatic jump. If the 2K dev's fix the issue they have to fix the open success and the contested success rates. If I can easily turn a bad shooter into a respectable shooter by just knowing the shot timing then you lose too much realism in my eyes.
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Old 05-09-2017, 02:05 PM   #35
stillfeelme's Arena
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Re: Shooting percentages in NBA 2K17 are vastly inflated. Blame the terrible defenses

Originally Posted by Rsnake21
That's my point. How fun is it gonna be if 40% of contested shots drop lol. I guarantee there'll be a thread on here "why even play defense anymore"
If the person is a good shooter when contested then the shots going in that rate is realistic. That is the point of having open vs. contested ratings.


Tight 2PT Jumpers 39%
Open+Wide open 2PT jumpers 48%

Tight 3pt 30%
Open+Wide open 3pt 44%


Tight 2PT Jumpers 47%
Open+Wide open 2PT jumpers 58%

Tight 3pt 31%
Open+Wide open 3pt 40%


Tight 2PT Jumpers 42%
Open+Wide open 2PT jumpers 54%

Tight 3pt 37%
Open+Wide open 3pt 44%

You can find this by going to NBA.com tracking shots under a player shots greater than 10ft
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Old 05-09-2017, 02:20 PM   #36
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Re: Shooting percentages in NBA 2K17 are vastly inflated. Blame the terrible defenses

Originally Posted by Rsnake21
I try to have intelligent debates but I guess it's not possible sometimes. Show me a "rant" that I've made. Look at the hundreds of sharpshooters on twitter saying the same type things as me. So obviously there's nothing dishonest or credibility changing about anything I'm saying. If you play top 100 talent than you know good looks aren't easy to come by then 2k decides you're gonna full white brick this one doesn't represent a skill gap.
The skill gap is revealing not all shooters are equal - some are actually better, worse, and average compared to others. There is no skill gap in Park at the moment but it is presently noticeable in Pro Am. The Twitter rants are from users who need 80% greens to validate they are achievers.
Originally Posted by Rsnake21
What's your teams rank man?
My GT is mistahanz

Please add me. You are so obsessed with rank yet sound so powerless over your own results. You are epitomizing the struggle of "sharpshooter woes".

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how could I lose? im playing by my own rules..
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Old 05-09-2017, 02:48 PM   #37
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Re: Shooting percentages in NBA 2K17 are vastly inflated. Blame the terrible defenses

Originally Posted by hanzsomehanz
The skill gap is revealing not all shooters are equal - some are actually better, worse, and average compared to others. There is no skill gap in Park at the moment but it is presently noticeable in Pro Am. The Twitter rants are from users who need 80% greens to validate they are achievers.

My GT is mistahanz

Please add me. You are so obsessed with rank yet sound so powerless over your own results. You are epitomizing the struggle of "sharpshooter woes".

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IM not obsessed with the rank of your team, I asked you once. Here's an example, if you get your way and 2k goes full sim and removes greens altogether. We play each other and the most you can do is take smart shots with full white bars. We take the same exact number and quality shots, let's say 10. 7 of mine drop and 2 of yours drop does that make me a more skilled player?
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Old 05-09-2017, 02:51 PM   #38
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Re: Shooting percentages in NBA 2K17 are vastly inflated. Blame the terrible defenses

Sorry and just gigs let's say for my example we have the same type build
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Old 05-09-2017, 03:19 PM   #39
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Re: Shooting percentages in NBA 2K17 are vastly inflated. Blame the terrible defenses

Originally Posted by Rsnake21
IM not obsessed with the rank of your team, I asked you once. Here's an example, if you get your way and 2k goes full sim and removes greens altogether. We play each other and the most you can do is take smart shots with full white bars. We take the same exact number and quality shots, let's say 10. 7 of mine drop and 2 of yours drop does that make me a more skilled player?
Isn't that how basketball works? Warriors are the most talented team in history yet they still lost games.. Players with the most skill don't always win.

Isn't part of the skill getting those open shots? You work to get open shots to minimize the chance of the failure of missing.. That is literally basketball.
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Old 05-09-2017, 03:32 PM   #40
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Re: Shooting percentages in NBA 2K17 are vastly inflated. Blame the terrible defenses

Originally Posted by DakkoN
Isn't that how basketball works? Warriors are the most talented team in history yet they still lost games.. Players with the most skill don't always win.

Isn't part of the skill getting those open shots? You work to get open shots to minimize the chance of the failure of missing.. That is literally basketball.
I wasn't talking about winning or losing cause there is many more elements than shooting. It's a discussion about the direction 2k should take in regards to shooting. To the other guy with his condescending posts, it's ok to have a difference in opinion man. No need to keep saying off the wall crap and ridiculous things. This is a forum to discuss differences in opinions. So if you would like to discuss it further, have an opened mind and at least try to understand where I'm coming from and I'll do the same. I just want 2k to be as fun and fair as possible because at the end of the day it is a video game and not real life
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