
What Went Right in NBA 2K17, What Needs Improving in NBA 2K18

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Old 05-16-2017, 04:59 AM   #33
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Re: What Went Right in NBA 2K17, What Needs Improving in NBA 2K18

Originally Posted by VAWereWolf65
Before anything else, they need to follow up on their promises and stop blatantly lying to the community. The amount of communication with us is already very, very low, but then when they do come out with some kind of news or something we aren't even sure if it's true or if we can believe them.

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That video is misrepresenting what a 'lie' is. Much of its complaints weren't lies; they were examples of poor communication from 2K, or were they just personal opinions of the video maker. Saying skills matter was a lie? Well, no. Clearly the video maker believes stick skills don't matter, but that's his opinion. Not a lie.

Unreliable servers has a been a legitimate criticism of 2K for years. There's no lie, unless 2K said all server problems were fixed.

The Mike Wang shooting tweaks issue wasn't a lie; if anything it was a dev being overly receptive to user feedback. He's on here all the time asking for feedback.

Getting the runaround on simple service requests isn't a lie; it's typical of poor service big companies in every industry provide.

And does the video maker genuinely believe the underwater park stuff wasn't a joke? It wasn't funny, but it was clearly a joke.

The video makes some very valid criticisms. But re-badging them as lies is just sloppy, and is pretty typical of how the 2K YT community is heading.
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Old 05-16-2017, 05:19 AM   #34
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Re: What Went Right in NBA 2K17, What Needs Improving in NBA 2K18

From a gameplay perspective, there were plenty of advancements. I saw ACE start to do some very complex things, but it was let down by the physics system. It made running plays difficult and slick rotations were bogged down. There was the odd error (e.g. players running into the 4th row) but this was rare and was not a gamebreaker.

The strategic aspects of the game got a lot deeper, but the communication was shallower. OG and Czar were out there, but they are devs. It should not be their job.
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Old 05-16-2017, 05:25 AM   #35
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Re: What Went Right in NBA 2K17, What Needs Improving in NBA 2K18

Originally Posted by Smirkin Dirk
That video is misrepresenting what a 'lie' is. Much of its complaints weren't lies; they were examples of poor communication from 2K, or were they just personal opinions of the video maker. Saying skills matter was a lie? Well, no. Clearly the video maker believes stick skills don't matter, but that's his opinion. Not a lie.

Unreliable servers has a been a legitimate criticism of 2K for years. There's no lie, unless 2K said all server problems were fixed.

The Mike Wang shooting tweaks issue wasn't a lie; if anything it was a dev being overly receptive to user feedback. He's on here all the time asking for feedback.

Getting the runaround on simple service requests isn't a lie; it's typical of poor service big companies in every industry provide.

And does the video maker genuinely believe the underwater park stuff wasn't a joke? It wasn't funny, but it was clearly a joke.

The video makes some very valid criticisms. But re-badging them as lies is just sloppy, and is pretty typical of how the 2K YT community is heading.
Click bait and chasing for views and subscribers so they can make a living.
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Old 05-16-2017, 07:44 AM   #36
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Re: What Went Right in NBA 2K17, What Needs Improving in NBA 2K18

Originally Posted by Smirkin Dirk
That video is misrepresenting what a 'lie' is. Much of its complaints weren't lies; they were examples of poor communication from 2K, or were they just personal opinions of the video maker. Saying skills matter was a lie? Well, no. Clearly the video maker believes stick skills don't matter, but that's his opinion. Not a lie.

Unreliable servers has a been a legitimate criticism of 2K for years. There's no lie, unless 2K said all server problems were fixed.

The Mike Wang shooting tweaks issue wasn't a lie; if anything it was a dev being overly receptive to user feedback. He's on here all the time asking for feedback.

Getting the runaround on simple service requests isn't a lie; it's typical of poor service big companies in every industry provide.

And does the video maker genuinely believe the underwater park stuff wasn't a joke? It wasn't funny, but it was clearly a joke.

The video makes some very valid criticisms. But re-badging them as lies is just sloppy, and is pretty typical of how the 2K YT community is heading.
Every year 2k says servers have improved and every year they haven't improved. And do you really think stick skills matter? I mean i think that's a pretty obvious one. Spamming the analog stick to do dribble moves and draining a three with a glass cleaner doesn't sound very skillful to me
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Old 05-16-2017, 07:47 AM   #37
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Re: What Went Right in NBA 2K17, What Needs Improving in NBA 2K18

Originally Posted by JohnTaylor
Click bait and chasing for views and subscribers so they can make a living.
You must not watch too much YouTube if you think that video was click bait
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Old 05-16-2017, 07:56 AM   #38
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Re: What Went Right in NBA 2K17, What Needs Improving in NBA 2K18

Originally Posted by VAWereWolf65
Every year 2k says servers have improved and every year they haven't improved. And do you really think stick skills matter? I mean i think that's a pretty obvious one. Spamming the analog stick to do dribble moves and draining a three with a glass cleaner doesn't sound very skillful to me
Of course stick skills matter somewhat. It's on a continuum so people are perfectly correct in saying they matter a lot, or they don't matter as much as they should. But to say the claim 'stick skills matter' is a lie is just typical exaggerated youtube rubbish.

When I use the servers, they're better than what they were. I couldnt even find a game 3 years ago. But they are still not at the quality they need to be.

The video you posted shows how the 2K YT community is shifting towards making exaggerated nonsensical claims rather than providing constructive and informed feedback.
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Old 05-16-2017, 09:42 AM   #39
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NBA 2k can definitely improve on the defensive side more with more realistic animations and less sliding with the player motions (They should implement that foot technology; also PLEASE 2k can you fix the player graphics again with more realistic body types and compositions.
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Old 05-16-2017, 12:43 PM   #40
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Re: What Went Right in NBA 2K17, What Needs Improving in NBA 2K18

Originally Posted by jeremym480
I'm a fan of 2k17 and have been playing it pretty much every day since it was released. It obviously has so flaws, but as an offline guy, I've really enjoyed it this year.

For 2k18 I would be fine if there were no news modes or additions and instead they focused on correcting or tweaking legacy issues. Gameplay issues like loose ball always seemingly going to the cpu and big's easily being able to stay in front of guards, etc. And for MyLeague things like trade logic and team building need complete overhauls. I know that every year they say that this has been tweaked and every year I end up having to save the cpu's ai for killing itself.

Those are just two examples. I can name more, but I'll just leave it at that and say that my wish is that they prefect what they have before moving on.
Yeah, that's the thing. Offline the game is pretty decent. It still has it's problems but they are not as glaring. Online is a mess! The cheesers expose all the issues and holes in the gameplay. Defensive rotations, constant reaching in unpunished, turboing around with no fatigue, defenders not getting back, the A.I. not boxing out, etc. The list goes on and on. It's like you have to control every player on the court for a realistic experience Lol

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