
Last gen impressions?

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Old 10-07-2014, 07:11 AM   #65
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Re: Last gen impressions?

Originally Posted by CaseIH
Thats possibly true, but even if Live was made for the last gen its not like 2k would have had any competition with how bad Live is each yr. Id rather waste money on buying NBA2k15 which is exactly the same as NBA2k14 which I still have, than buy Live. For whatever reason EA just either dont put the resources into basketball or they just dont have very good devs, probably a little bit of both considering how bad Live has always been. I thing I can say about the 2k devs is they do know basketball which isnt something I can say about the EA devs, it just seems this yr the 2k guys got lazy with last gen.

LIke you said they know if you want to play ball and cant buy a new gen console then you more than likely going to buy 15, especially if your a online player then you definitely dont have a choice but to buy the new game. Its basically they figure online guys will buy it anyway, and for guys like me that are Association guys they figure they can push into buying the new system for the improvements. Unless your financially unable like myself then your just up a creek without a paddle

I just hope there is enough bad reviews that were able to save some people money who havent bought it yet and hurt 2k in the wallet at the same time atleast a little. Although considering 15 is identical to 14 their overhead on 15 for the last gen is very little with no more time spent on the game, so probably any game sold just puts their profit even higher as I doubt they have hardly any cost in 15 on old gen.
What you say is true sir , but my point is that , if live 11/12/13/14 (or elite or whatever) were released we would have seen more changes in nba 2k 11/12/13/14 as they would have had to put that little bit more effort in , and it's clear with 2k15 last gen 2k just didn't care , they released a mod as a new title and are charging full price , I understand the future lay in the Xbox one and ps4 but to release 2k15 on Xbox 360 and PS3 with the lack of changes I feel is disrespectful , they could have at least sold it at a reduced price , just my opinion , i think nba 2k15 on last gen gets the chuck Norris 'Thumbs Down'
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Old 10-07-2014, 07:49 AM   #66
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Re: Last gen impressions?

A big THANK YOU to everyone in this thread. I badly want a PS4, but it's not in the cards right now. My buddy and I play 2K a couple times a week, so I planned on getting 2K15 for the PS3 on my way home from work. I have 2K14 and a few other games with me as I type this at work, ready to trade in. But I'm glad I checked this thread as it seems like it would be a waste of money, and that's disappointing.

I haven't followed the previews closely this year like I have in previous years, mainly because I knew the focus would be on current gen, so I didn't want to torture myself. But I just assumed that most, if not all of the improvements would be on last gen considering they're charging full price. I never thought 2K would stoop so low as to release just a crummy roster update. And with KLove still on the Wolves, it sounds like they didn't even do that.

I just wish they wouldn't have released this game as it is very disrespectful to the loyal fans of the series. They could have just supported 2K14 and charged $10-$15 for a roster update including rookies and updated ratings and I'd have gladly paid it. They almost got my $60 as I only checked the forums to see what people were saying about the game, never expecting to see so many negative reviews. What a joke.

Thanks again, everyone.
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Old 10-07-2014, 07:51 AM   #67
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Re: Last gen impressions?

They should have made the game 39.99 ... I don't have 2k14 so I will probrably buy it. I love basketball period ...funny thing is I used to own a next gen console but was so unimpressed with the game selection ... so I just got a xbox 360 slim and a bunch of games for cheap ... this will probably be it for me. I do see that game companies are not really making anything substantial for last gen ... Madden 25 was a pleasant surprise and I can't believe that 2k15 still has Love on the Timberwolves that is a huge indictment that they really didn't care much... oh well hope the game play is good that all that matters ..
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Old 10-07-2014, 07:53 AM   #68
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Re: Last gen impressions?

This is dissapointing. Basically the same game... I honestly expected better out of 2k with the total units they sold. They sold 5 and a half million units last year which was more than Madden but Madden can produce a decent last gen experience. Madden has no competition for last gen just as 2k has no competition. This was just pure laziness.

2k has lost alot of goodwill from their last gen base. I did not preorder this year because of the lack of transparency and I will not purchase it. The nerves to charge the same money as current gen for an inferior game play experience...
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Old 10-07-2014, 08:00 AM   #69
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Re: Last gen impressions?

Can someone let me know if they updated the commentary at all? Do they talk about LeBron returning to the Cavs? Do they say the rookies' names? A big reason I pre-ordered this was for updated commentary, especially for the Cavs. I'm guessing if Love is on the Wolves that's not going to be updated.
I don't have 2k14, so I'll probably keep it rather than sending it back. Very disappointing, though, that they shortchanged 360/PS3 owners so badly. Shouldn't be surprising however since they did the same thing with MLB 2k13.

Last edited by boomhauertjs; 10-07-2014 at 08:18 AM.
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Old 10-07-2014, 08:04 AM   #70
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Re: Last gen impressions?

They could have changed the menus at least , they might not even make a 2K16 if this is the product they are presenting to the people... how is the game the same amount as a current gen game ...
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Old 10-07-2014, 08:36 AM   #71
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Re: Last gen impressions?

development wise, 2k is 3/4 years in on the next gen consoles. Every console release follows the same business model.
all developers in the past never slashed prices on the older gen games, why would any company start now.
there are still more older gen consoles in use, than the enxt gen consoles, so you are talking about major loss in if they slashed the price of games.
By next year, Id be surprised if the majority of these companies continue to make games for both gen consoles.
it's disappointing but at some point folks will have to make the transition to next gen. Im sure there will be a price cut on the consoles by next year also.
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Old 10-07-2014, 08:49 AM   #72
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Re: Last gen impressions?

I know most people don't care, but does anyone know if they added the longer leg sleeves for this version like they did for next gen?
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