
Escape from Tarkov

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Old 02-07-2020, 12:36 PM   #113
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Re: Escape from Tarkov

What are some high level armors to use that I can buy off the market? Looted a modded fal with reap-ir scope, a fast tan? Helmet with visor and other stuff from a scav run using slug rounds. I just bought myself a sicc case and have $5mill in the bank so not too worried about being cost efficient. I just want to have some fun with these guns I've never used before

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Old 02-07-2020, 01:22 PM   #114
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Re: Escape from Tarkov

Killa armor is level 5 and repairs extremely well. It just doesn't offer arm protection. Fort armor is high level and does protect your arms. Then the Fast MT isn't a bad helmet, but I pretty much run Vulkan 5 or Altyn helmets exclusively at this point. There are a few other level 5 and 6 armors I can't think of at the moment. You can just go into the flea market and examine all of the armors and compare them.
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Old 02-10-2020, 06:35 PM   #115
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Re: Escape from Tarkov

Phobia, you have any 7.62x54 builds you run? Now that I'm sitting here with so much money and my hideout is printing more I've just been building new guns to run constantly. I just built an SVD with a 10x scope to play with, but I'm looking for something that actually has decent Ergo at that caliber. The SVD isn't it and can't be it lol, but I'm still gonna run it some because why not? With a 10x scope I'll be able to snipe people in different raids I'll see so far in game.

EDIT: I didn't realize the only other rifles of that caliber were the Mosin and SV98. I've never tried to mod an SV, but I assume it doesn't have really any options.
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Old 02-13-2020, 02:13 AM   #116
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Re: Escape from Tarkov

Originally Posted by canes21
Phobia, you have any 7.62x54 builds you run? Now that I'm sitting here with so much money and my hideout is printing more I've just been building new guns to run constantly. I just built an SVD with a 10x scope to play with, but I'm looking for something that actually has decent Ergo at that caliber. The SVD isn't it and can't be it lol, but I'm still gonna run it some because why not? With a 10x scope I'll be able to snipe people in different raids I'll see so far in game.

EDIT: I didn't realize the only other rifles of that caliber were the Mosin and SV98. I've never tried to mod an SV, but I assume it doesn't have really any options.
I've run all 3 before but I just find snipers are to hamstrung in the game due to the haze. You can get a select few times where you can see a ways but the amount where anything more than a 6x is helpful is so far and between. I'd far rather have a 545x39 with 7n and short range sight.

I tell you this, next wipe, I'm focusing early wipe on AKM's shooting 7.62x39 and the occasional 545x39 with BT. 556x45 is so damn expensive, I can't tell you how much money I wasted early game with fantastic builds running 995, losing 100k worth of ammo. I've learned some valuable lessons this last wipe.

Now with all that said, I'm like you (close but not the same), I have expendable income where I can run crazy kits, hell tonight I did a 500k run of Zuka, Altyn, TX w/ IR, belt, plus a fully decked out VAL. I landed a **** ton of shots with 855A1 (720 damage to armor) ZERO PMC kills and got two tapped. How? Servers maybe? I big issue is I did enough damage to armor to break 10 players armor yet I get no pen kill?!?!? **** just blows my mind but I get two tapped through an Altyn most likely with 545x39 7N.

I find 556 is lacking, 762x51 being a stud, but 545x39 leading the way with medium damage but super high pen. Everyone raves about 9x39 but really it's only beast in close, while 545x39 can basically do it all.

Rant over
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Old 02-13-2020, 01:37 PM   #117
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Re: Escape from Tarkov

Snipers are fun, but they can feel hamstrung at times. I keep contemplating running a sniper setup and keeping more than a pistol for close quarters combat, but I never feel like carrying all of the weight, really. I could go light, but then I hate the idea of bringing in two customized guns that cost a decent amount and running light armor. I get snipers tend to be light since they scope out interactions at a distance, but eh, I just always feel safer in the coziness of Killa armor and a Vulkan.

I don't know why I am worrying about the logical sense of some setups at this point. I've got 16 million roubles right now even after building a bunch of guns for the heck of it and I'll probably hit over 20 this weekend. I should just be running whatever I feel like it for the fun of it. I have with my guns, but I keep running my Killa + Vulkan because they are home.

Also, speaking of building guns, this meta M4 is just stupid. The recoil, or lack of, is just plain dumb. It's a fun gun to use, that is for sure.

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Old 02-14-2020, 02:00 AM   #118
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Re: Escape from Tarkov

Just had my official dumbest death in Tarkov.

My two buddies and I have been trying for over the last 90 minutes to get this one single raid in. The server keeps dropping and then we try to reconnect and get in every X amount of times. The thing is, you can tell the server is dropping as a whole as it can be 10 minutes between reconnects, but 45 seconds have ticked down in raid.

Anyways, it's Shoreline and we were heavily kitted. It kept DC'ing, though, so I decided I was gonna go into the swamp and ditch my gear. I did, it was impossible to see, but 15 seconds later I still hadn't DC'd and a player scav came sprinting up and killed little old hatchling me. I'm hoping he didn't see me ditch everything or if he did that he cannot find it. That'll be a pretty dumb way to lose a loadout worth over a million.

It'd be nice to wake up and see that raid didn't even count due to server issues, but I'm not betting on it. I should hopefully get my gear back on insurance since it was under water, but who knows. I'll know when I hop on tomorrow night. I've got plenty of cash to where this really won't hurt me, but I'll still be ticked if that guy does get that gear just because of how it went down.
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Old 02-15-2020, 03:41 AM   #119
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Re: Escape from Tarkov

I'm starting to get more and more comfortable with this game I'm sitting at 52 hours played so far. I've mainly been playing Customs and Reserve just trying to get used to the maps and such. I've been wanting to try Interchange but I'm too nervous to go in as a solo.

I've also started to upgrade my hideout a bit more so I can start using some of the benefits that it provides. I haven't played a game this addicting in a long time.
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Old 02-15-2020, 05:43 PM   #120
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Re: Escape from Tarkov

New AK build, picked this off a raider on reserve, only had to throw on the foregrip and scope. I'm going to replace the stock if I make it out with it next raid. I've been trying to progress with my builds instead of taking something bare bones and dumping 50 to 100k in mods on them. I'm going to try and use a weapon, if I make it out, upgrade something, rinse & repeat. If the gun sticks around long enough eventually it will be fully modded. I've noticed, I waste far to much money on mods when ammo is the true area to dump money into. A stock AK shooting BS or 7N is not much worse off than a fully modded one. Sure the ergo & recoil control will be worse but it's not so drastic you can't kill with it.

Last edited by Phobia; 02-15-2020 at 05:48 PM.
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