First thing first, I did not design these sliders with a full sim experience in mind. If you're looking for full sim, I recommend using one of these two slider sets:
What I'm chasing with these sliders is a feeling while playing. I want my inputs to have impact, while at the same time I don't want to lose player differentiation and the thrill of managing a team properly. While I feel I've struck a nice balance, obviously this point is going to be different for different people.
V6 is the latest version. V6 is NOT uploaded to the vault. I have no ETA on when it will be.
Hitting Difficulty: Veteran, All-Star, Hall of Fame, and Legend - all black numbers are universal
Hitting interface: Directional - Pairs great with the
Directional Hitting Guide (shameless self-plug).
Input type: Buttons
Camera shift: Off
Hitting View: The Show 15
In-Play view offense: Medium
Guess Pitch: off
Baserunning Decisions: Assist
Baserunning Interface: Default
Sliding Decisions: On
Pitching Difficulty: Hall of Fame or Legend - all black numbers are universal
Pitching Interface: Pulse I find pulse is the best interface is you want your input to have impact. Attributes still have a huge role to play, they effect how small the pulse can get, how large it can get, the speed it pulses at and tons of other variables. Overall a great interface for the melding of sim and player input.
Pitching View: Fish Eye
API:Off - When playing franchise, I take on the role of both pitcher and catcher. I have no interest in what the CPU thinks is good since I (the catcher) am the one calling the game. I'm also the manager in the dugout. Man franchise is fun.
Throwing Interface: Button Accuracy - Once again button accuracy is great for player impact, while still keeping the fact that attributes have an impact on the interface.
Throwing meter: On
Throwing Difficulty: All-Star or Hall of Fame - Pick Hall of Fame if you really want to up the challenge.
Throwing decision: Off
In play view defence: Medium
Throw Cancelling: On
Hot Zones: Off
Anything not mentioned is user's choice, and even these settings are recommendations. However the base difficulties and interfaces need to stay the same for the slider set.
Dynamic Difficulty Sensitivity: N/A
Human Contact: 5 6 6 6 - Human contact will effect a few things, like the size of the invisible PCI, the width of the timing window, check swing ability and foul frequency.
Human Power: 5 - Power effects the average speeds of balls off the bat.
Human Timing: 0 1 4 5 - Effects the users ability to get the bat on pitches they mistimed. Also has a small impact on ideal timing.
Human Foul Frequency: 4 - This slider effects the "grey area" when your batter doesn't quite line up a ball, figuring out if they get any contact at all. This is a little too powerful in the Show, especially if we want good inputs to be rewarded and bad ones to be punished.
Human Solid Hits: 5 5 7 7 - This slider effects the batters ability to track the ball and get quality hits on good inputs.
Human Starter Stamina: 8 - Starters won't be able to match real life pitch counts without this boost. Also solves some bullpen management issues with the CPU.
Human Reliever Stamina: 7 - See above.
Human Pitcher Control: 5
Human Pitcher Consistency: 5
CPU Contact: 5 3
CPU Power: 5
CPU Timing: 5
CPU Foul Frequency: 4 - Will help reduce those times when the computer just decides it's going to foul everything off. It's fine when it happens but happens slightly too often at 5. Also set this way for fair play.
CPU Solid Hits: 6 5 - You might think that I set this slider this way in the name of fair play, and you'd be partially correct. However, the real reason is because with pitching in this game it's too easy to roll through teams when a pitcher is hot, just pounding the strike zone. In order to give up walks (without the frustration of feeling it's out of your control) you need some fear of the zone. Raising CPU solid hits will make you fear the zone, especially in the middle of the lineup.
CPU Starter Stamina: 8 - Same reason as Human Starter Stamina
CPU Reliever Stamina: 3 - With my extensive testing I've found that while it will effect the average quality of pitches at a given stamina level, the stamina slider has no impact on total potential pitches before running out on the levels between 3 and 7. Since CPU managers only care about the quality of pitching, this setting will encourage them to better manage their bullpen while having no impact on the total potential pitches a reliever can make. This is a compromise for the set it and forget it crowd like me.
CPU Pitcher Control: 5
CPU Pitcher Consistency: 5
CPU Strike Frequency: 0 1 1 3 - This will drastically improve the CPU's pitching strategy. You will see a big difference between great pitchers and poor ones with this setting. CPU Strike Frequency effects how often a pitcher pitches to the corner, as opposed to just getting a strike. It is necessary for the CPU to pitch a little more carefully to you then it would on default because you will hammer opposing pitchers if they are in the zone too often too early (same goes for you BTW).
CPU Manager Hook: 6
CPU Pickoffs: 2
Fastball Pitch Speed: User's Choice +1 (7 recommended) +-0 (6 recommended) -1 (5 recommended) -1 (5 recommended) - must be the same as offspeed
Offspeed Pitch Speed: User's Choice +1 (7 recommended) +-0 (6 recommended) -1 (5 recommended) -1 (5 recommended) - must be the same as fastball
Fielding Errors Infield: 7 - You will see a little more differentiation between good and bad fielders with this turned up.
Fielding Errors Outfield: 7 - See above.
Throwing Errors Infield: 9 - Since I'm using buttons accuracy, this only effects the CPU. Needed in order to compensate for a few factors.
Throwing Errors Outfield: 8 - See above.
Fielder Run Speed: 2 - Provides a little more differentiation on the field, and seems much more natural.
Fielder Reaction: 4 - Again provides a little more differentiation, and highlights plus fielders abilities. I was initially against turning these two sliders down, but Armor convinced me. Afterwards I realized what a good idea it was, since default sliders are balanced for online play.
Fielder Arm Strength Infield: 6 - You'll see the ball snap out of fielders hands much more naturally at this setting. Also cannon infielders are much more of a weapon now. I suspect it was tuned down for online play.
Fielder Arm Strength Outfield: 6 - No more lazy arcs! The ball path and trajectory will look natural far more often, and true cannon outfielders can be difference makers now. Again, probably was tuned for online play.
Baserunner Speed: 7 - Will see some real speed demons, and much more true to life speeds in general. Don't worry, slugs will still chug down the baseline, and the arm strength buff will keep things even steven for the most part. This just allows a slight bit more base hits on difficult grounders when you got a speedster running down the line, especially when facing a guy with a poor arm.
Baserunner Steal Ability: 5 - Has the most direct impact on stolen base success for both you and the CPU.
Baserunner Steal Frequency: 5
Wind: 5 - While power effects bat exit velocity, wind effects how well a ball carries once in the air.
Injury Frequency: 5
Trade Frequency: 5 - There are other sets with better solutions, but I don't want to bother with changing my settings every in game month.
There you go! I've always said that everyone should make their own sliders, but hopefully showing you the changes I made, and more importantly
why will help you find the slider setting of your dreams. Enjoy!
If you want your input to have even more impact when it comes to batting, the three sliders you want to focus on are Solid Hits, Foul Frequency, and Timing. Raising Solid Hits and lowering timing will reward good inputs more, while lowering both Foul Frequency and Timing will punish bad inputs more.