Madden 12 News Post
Madden NFL 12 Videos
Member Comments
I cannot stand Anthony Stevenson in these videos. Good look at Madden, but ugh.
Robotic really?? I thought they looked really good my only compliant I wish they showed more elusive runs of bush and faulk juking guys and breaking ankes, I like the new keep your balance animation real nice touch.
# 6
TracerBullet @ 06/03/11 06:02 PM
# 8
PRAY IV M3RCY @ 06/03/11 06:16 PM
The animations are far from revolutionary, but I definitely did see some minor improvements between 11 and 12.
Animations in this video looked way better than in the DPP Sizzle video.
It looked night and day, these animations looked a lot more smooth.
It looked night and day, these animations looked a lot more smooth.
The same way you can say they are slick, someone else can say they aren't. I'm of the opinion they aren't, but I do see a modicum of progress, and I didn't expect it to go from worst to first in one year so, I'll give credit where it's due.
Definitely better than 11. I hope that one year the focus will be animations. I'd like to see what they could do if they spent a year to revamp them like they do other aspects of the game.
If nothing else, I finally feel Madden is headed in the right direction, for me, anyway. I know many felt this way after 10, but I didn't really share that sentiment.
Looking good to me.
Especially all the Customization abilities that we are getting.
Hope they boster the Create a Team Logo possibilities though.
Got some things I want to do.
I guess if you are looking for something negative about the game, you'll find it with ease.
Every game has it's issues, and I'm one who will note some negatives also.
But if negatives are at the forefront of what we see, ahead of what's been done to Madden 2012, folks will miss out on enjoying the game with the good things that are there.
Sometimes even I ask for too much!!!
Looking forward to playing.
I really believe it's going to be different from what I've played in the past.
Especially all the Customization abilities that we are getting.
Hope they boster the Create a Team Logo possibilities though.
Got some things I want to do.
I guess if you are looking for something negative about the game, you'll find it with ease.
Every game has it's issues, and I'm one who will note some negatives also.
But if negatives are at the forefront of what we see, ahead of what's been done to Madden 2012, folks will miss out on enjoying the game with the good things that are there.
Sometimes even I ask for too much!!!
Looking forward to playing.
I really believe it's going to be different from what I've played in the past.
# 14
xITSxDAWKINSx @ 06/03/11 08:24 PM
hardcore fans can see the changes from madden 11 to madden 12. those who cant dont really care for madden and are here to hate so let them. one more thing roger craig was the 1st to have 1000 yrds rec. and rushing go 9ers lol
# 15
raiders81tim @ 06/03/11 08:40 PM
Straight rip off of APF. Complete and total. If they really did fix the running this game could be really something. Glad to have abilities in a newer game, but I'm completely surprised by how blatant a rip off this is.
LoL...In what way?
Still looks like madden.... um that's because it IS Madden. What you should have said was, this definitely looks better than Madden 11.
# 18
raiders81tim @ 06/03/11 09:52 PM
However imo at least the running animations look so much better, still not perfect, but I can live with this, much better than the ice skating.
# 19
bigstud23lb @ 06/03/11 10:00 PM
this madden looks the best hopefully no one on here doesnt think im talking **** about this game also lmao
# 20
kjcheezhead @ 06/03/11 10:54 PM
Well at least this looked better than the Eli Manning video as far as the animations go, imo.
One part I really didn't like was at 2:07, Reggie Bush is out on a pass route and the defender is running the route before him. I hate when they do that, but otherwise decent vid.
One part I really didn't like was at 2:07, Reggie Bush is out on a pass route and the defender is running the route before him. I hate when they do that, but otherwise decent vid.
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