Madden NFL 25 News Post

ESPN's Jon Robinson has posted an interview with Mike Vick, as they discuss his new top selling iOS game titled Mike Vick: GameTime. They also talk a little bit about Madden throughout the interview, along with a brand new screenshot from Madden NFL 25.

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Member Comments
# 1 Nerox23 @ 05/13/13 11:16 AM
Is that new cleats he's wearing?
# 2 DeuceDouglas @ 05/13/13 11:18 AM
Seems like they did something different with the face scans this year. In the run-free trailer, AJ Hawk had a different look to him and Vick's face looks different to me than before as well.

On a side note, those aren't the socks they should be wearing with those pants although with the uniform selector, anything is possible. Also, the Redskins won't have the colored neckroll that you can barely see.
# 3 jpdavis82 @ 05/13/13 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
Seems like they did something different with the face scans this year. In the run-free trailer, AJ Hawk had a different look to him and Vick's face looks different to me than before as well.

On a side note, those aren't the socks they should be wearing with those pants although with the uniform selector, anything is possible. Also, the Redskins won't have the colored neckroll that you can barely see.
You may be right, here's Vick last year

Here's how he looked in M12

# 4 speedy9386 @ 05/13/13 11:34 AM
Cool I always wondered why you couldn't do that
# 5 DeuceDouglas @ 05/13/13 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by jpdavis82
You may be right, here's Vick last year...
Makes me wonder if they put to use some GameFace and got a bunch more face scans in. On another note, they really have to close the eye-gap on that facemask a bit. Always been a bit of a pet peeve of mine.
# 6 bpac55 @ 05/13/13 11:43 AM
Man I wish they would fix the gap in the 3 bar rb mask. Always has bothered me how bad it has looked.
# 7 jpdavis82 @ 05/13/13 11:53 AM
I just tweeted the devs about the eye gap in the 3 bar rb helmet.
# 8 Senator Palmer @ 05/13/13 12:48 PM
Still the oversized flak jacket, huh?
# 9 Hova57 @ 05/13/13 01:07 PM
Vick...still on Eagles as its been tradition for me last two maddens , he will be traded
# 10 cthurt @ 05/13/13 01:23 PM
Makes me kinda nervous to see the lime green looking grass again...but maybe im just nit picking.
# 11 DeuceDouglas @ 05/13/13 01:27 PM
One more thing. They need to go back to having either large, regular, or small knee and thigh pads and take away the none option now that they are mandated.
# 12 carvis#15 @ 05/13/13 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Nerox23
Is that new cleats he's wearing?
Looks like it, and I hope so. The same goes for NCAA. If they are new I think they are these.
# 13 CT Pitbull @ 05/13/13 04:16 PM
hey how about releasing a screen shot of a Chicago Bears player with the correct away "nike" navy blue pants. Just to confirm that we are NOW all on the same page on what colors the Bears accually wear. this would be great since we got screwed last year as Bears fans because we were stuck wearing the 2011' style pants which the colors were all washed out of. just a thought and something I would like to see.
# 14 carvis#15 @ 05/13/13 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
Makes me wonder if they put to use some GameFace and got a bunch more face scans in. On another note, they really have to close the eye-gap on that facemask a bit. Always been a bit of a pet peeve of mine.
Hey what's the eyegap?
# 15 DeuceDouglas @ 05/13/13 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by slick589
Where you look out of on the helmet. The top of the bottom part of the facemask should be at about the bridge of the nose
This. Should look more like this. And less like this.

It's not necessarily wrong. There just needs to be a different variation of it. I believe it is the way it is right now so that it matches up with this mask, just without the eye bars.
# 16 ERA @ 05/13/13 05:53 PM
The lighting in this game is very impressive, here is to hoping gameplay has been improved as well!
# 17 hanzsomehanz @ 05/13/13 07:23 PM
"He resembles McNabb more than himself."

Am I alone on this take of the pick?

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# 18 LionsFanNJ @ 05/13/13 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by prostige-
Sorry to say, but that is in fact the same cleats he wore last year.
I think everyone is talking about the redskins cleats
# 19 DeuceDouglas @ 05/13/13 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by LionsFanNJ
I think everyone is talking about the redskins cleats
Pretty sure they're the same as these:

I'm still wondering why we never got the team color cleats last year. Only thing I can think of is that they were unsure on league approval prior to release because I know they just changed that rule last year. I would hope that they are in this year. They need to just give us the ability to apply the team colors and black or white to certain parts of each type of cleat. That would be awesome.
# 20 LionsFanNJ @ 05/13/13 07:41 PM
Ah OK. I didn't buy madden last year so I didn't know those cleats were already in. Though you do raise a good point. Both games don't get team color cleats right. And in NCAAs case outdated wrong cleats at that.

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