
Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

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Old 12-02-2009, 02:17 AM   #17
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by Tito78
With a franchise mode, it will be twice as fun.
what he said

quick games with no meaning = fail
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Old 12-02-2009, 02:18 AM   #18
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by TreyIM2
That there highlighted portion is EXACTLY what I believe this game is all about. Been saying it from day 1 after it was revealed that EA turned Natural Motion down to use the Euphoria engine in Madden. I think that they said prove to use that this engine can work in football game by creating your own and we'll see how the numbers play out, as well, and if it is successful, POW, we'll bring it in because honestly, when u think about it, the engine is not proven to work in a sports game, at all. Only GTAIV, Star Wars Unleashed and the upcoming Red Dead Revolver use the engine. That Indiana Jones game was to use it but the game got canned.
It would have been foolish to buy the engine and not be able to make a smooth transition into Madden because it could have REALLY messed up Madden and messed with their financial projections if the game would have gotten canned for a year but who knows if this is how it will play out or what have you.

Anyway, I want to check this out. The graphics are very weak looking but it goes back to what I believe - It's a demo aimed at EA. As long as they had the basics, I think it serves it's purpose, in that regard, just like the rest of the game sounding very basic, not even mentioning the inclusion of a franchise in the fact sheet. I believe it's all for EA to iron out once they get the engine and Nat. Mot. doesn't have to worry about the particulars and just have to get the game running and playing well.
Or it could be the fact that EA doesn't want to spend the time and the money on an engine that they would not be able to implement in a dev cycle. Or it may be the fact that they knew fans would buy it because it's Madden and they are the only football game to choose from. But hey, if that's what you believe......
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Old 12-02-2009, 02:19 AM   #19
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by TreyIM2
when u think about it, the engine is not proven to work in a sports game, at all. Only GTAIV, Star Wars Unleashed and the upcoming Red Dead Revolver use the engine.
well technically it has been used in a sports game. Ashes Cricket
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Old 12-02-2009, 02:20 AM   #20
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by True Blue Titan
what he said

quick games with no meaning = fail
You purchasing the game then = fail.

Just don't buy it if you don't like it.
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Old 12-02-2009, 02:55 AM   #21
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by stingmgt
"With total team customization, players can create their own rosters and adjust their team’s colors, logos and more. Going on the offense from kickoff to end zone"

This is all I needed to know. This means people here at OS will fully convert these puppies to NFL teams with up to date rosters. I can't wait. I need a new football engine, EA's Madden & NCAA engine is killing my gaming. I haven't played hardcore like I used to in 3 years because of the quality.
Yeah it would definitely be plus since we can do this. I've been waiting for this game to come out for a while because, I just want something different. I hope Its fun to play when/if it comes out because, I'd be all for making a chargers team with them type of physics. If these physics really do change the way football is played on a video game then Its got my 60 bucks already.

I mean without the hopefully next level physics this game would have no way of even having a chance in competing or getting many sells. Hopefully the physics make it more real than it looks. Plus 11 on 11 sounds fun as hell no matter how arcadish it is. I know I would play 11 on 11 if blitz had it so I know I could play it on Backbreaker.
Originally Posted by WatsonTiger
One out of 7 billion, and we still tagged your ***.
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Old 12-02-2009, 03:09 AM   #22
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

I'm definitely interested. A fully fleshed out game, or EA purchasing this engine would be great. Either or, I'm watching.
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Old 12-02-2009, 03:25 AM   #23
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I see no reason why EA would purchase this engine - they already dominate the football game market (correction: they ARE the football game market), and I doubt if they will increase their sales of Madden significantly by improving the physics. That is, if it even is an improvement - I haven't seen this thing running, so while it sounds good on paper, it may not translate into anything that noticeable on-field. Even if it does improve the physics, something this arcane and subtle is completely irrelevant most gamers, so it doesn't make any sense for EA to spend any more money than the bare minimum on Madden to keep the status quo. If it ain't broke (from a profit margin standpoint)...
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Old 12-02-2009, 03:42 AM   #24
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by pietasterp
I see no reason why EA would purchase this engine - they already dominate the football game market (correction: they ARE the football game market), and I doubt if they will increase their sales of Madden significantly by improving the physics. That is, if it even is an improvement - I haven't seen this thing running, so while it sounds good on paper, it may not translate into anything that noticeable on-field. Even if it does improve the physics, something this arcane and subtle is completely irrelevant most gamers, so it doesn't make any sense for EA to spend any more money than the bare minimum on Madden to keep the status quo. If it ain't broke (from a profit margin standpoint)...
I see what ur sayin, but if this sells, like it seems it will EA, will feel the pressure...hard to say when most football fans want NFL football.....

but this does look sexy, hope it plays well and has franchise....gimme something else, i mean good football is great but regardless of the game, most folks want something else...if you dont like franchise, dont play it...but even APF had online leagues, and most folks quit playin after the servers went down, or whatever happened.
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