
Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

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Old 12-02-2009, 08:26 AM   #33
Hova57's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

offensive and defensive line play has been made such a big deal the last couple of years I wonder how well it is. looks good I wonder if player models can be slimmed down
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Old 12-02-2009, 08:38 AM   #34
brza37's Arena
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by TheWatcher
If it has no franchise I couldn't care less. It's really strange to me how some people have made a franchise mode more important than what goes on between the white lines. That perplexes me to no end. It's almost like they don't care if the game plays terrible, just so long as they can play 20+ fantasy seasons with fake rosters... I don't get it.
I don't put franchise above gameplay. If that was the case I could just as well play a text based game. But I think one without the other is useless. In my opinion you need both in order to have replay value.
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Old 12-02-2009, 09:13 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by TheWatcher
If it has no franchise I couldn't care less. It's really strange to me how some people have made a franchise mode more important than what goes on between the white lines. That perplexes me to no end. It's almost like they don't care if the game plays terrible, just so long as they can play 20+ fantasy seasons with fake rosters... I don't get it.

But I'm from the old school where Season mode was the important thing and I guess that's always been enough for me. That never trumped the game on the field. The mode could be spectacular, but if the game didn't play well it was pointless because I'd never stick around to finish a season.
Watcher, you're right on. We can do some of the franchise type stuff outside of the game if we really really want to, but we cannot in any way fix gameplay that's bad on our own.
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Old 12-02-2009, 09:14 AM   #36
FroznYogurt's Arena
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I heard they cut $10 off the usual $60 price tag, so it's going to be $50.
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Old 12-02-2009, 09:21 AM   #37
FroznYogurt's Arena
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Yeah right here, 3rd bullet. Publisher is 505 games, and it may be set for April 27th 2010. http://www.pastapadre.com/2009/11/21/the-line-drive-1121
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Old 12-02-2009, 09:23 AM   #38
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by brza37
I don't put franchise above gameplay. If that was the case I could just as well play a text based game. But I think one without the other is useless. In my opinion you need both in order to have replay value.
I just think hardcores have become spoiled with franchise modes, which is kinda weird since in Football games there have always seemed to be so many complaints about their functionality.

Replay value really is an individual perception. For example, I don't like playing with fake rosters in an NFL game, so I personally see no replay value in franchise modes beyond one season. I get no satisfaction from building fake players for 20+ seasons. I want to be able to do what coincides with the real NFL, meaning having the exact rosters, etc... This would be no different for me with BackBreaker.

For me, replay value is in how well the game plays, and if it plays well enough for me to keep coming back and playing again. So I think there are at least two ways to view this.
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Old 12-02-2009, 09:29 AM   #39
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Re: Backbreaker Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by TheWatcher
I just think hardcores have become spoiled with franchise modes, which is kinda weird since in Football games there have always seemed to be so many complaints about their functionality.

Replay value really is an individual perception. For example, I don't like playing with fake rosters in an NFL game, so I personally see no replay value in franchise modes beyond one season. I get no satisfaction from building fake players for 20+ seasons. I want to be able to do what coincides with the real NFL, meaning having the exact rosters, etc.

For me, replay value is in how well the game plays, and if it plays well enough for me to keep coming back and playing again. So I think there are at least two ways to view this.
Me likewise. A game with very solid gameplay is what keeps me coming back. When you can devise and execute football strategies and get different outcomes.... it becomes a game that feels alive. APF is the best at this IMO. The ebb and flow of a game, along with gorgeous interactions and using football answers to solve football problems makes the game something to behold when playing another person.

If Backbreaker can capture that balanced gameplay along with their superior physics and player interactions, they will have a winner in my opinion. People can go on and on about APF not doing as well as expected and I think it had more to do with marketing and less to do with franchise modes.

The only people that freak out about franchise are mostly guys who solely play offline franchise still. For me, franchise was a placeholder for online gaming to try to give more meaning to playing the CPU. Now that online gaming is so prevalent and accessible, offline franchise has a much smaller role in my opinion.
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Old 12-02-2009, 09:29 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by TreyIM2
That there highlighted portion is EXACTLY what I believe this game is all about. Been saying it from day 1 after it was revealed that EA turned Natural Motion down to use the Euphoria engine in Madden. I think that they said prove to use that this engine can work in football game by creating your own and we'll see how the numbers play out, as well, and if it is successful, POW, we'll bring it in because honestly, when u think about it, the engine is not proven to work in a sports game, at all. Only GTAIV, Star Wars Unleashed and the upcoming Red Dead Revolver use the engine. That Indiana Jones game was to use it but the game got canned.
It would have been foolish to buy the engine and not be able to make a smooth transition into Madden because it could have REALLY messed up Madden and messed with their financial projections if the game would have gotten canned for a year but who knows if this is how it will play out or what have you.

Anyway, I want to check this out. The graphics are very weak looking but it goes back to what I believe - It's a demo aimed at EA. As long as they had the basics, I think it serves it's purpose, in that regard, just like the rest of the game sounding very basic, not even mentioning the inclusion of a franchise in the fact sheet. I believe it's all for EA to iron out once they get the engine and Nat. Mot. doesn't have to worry about the particulars and just have to get the game running and playing well.
as far as it being foolish for Madden to change engine's - I don't think you understand the process of implementing a new piece of software. EA can do a parallel produciton and testing to ensure that they can get the new engine to work properly and only then would they switch it out. This will cost extra money that EA has decided to keep in its pockets. I'm not upset with the business decision but it means that we will always be stuck with the same old, archaic engine.

after reading the fact sheet I have a few issues with the game maybe someone can help me out.

1. No canned animations - I'm all for flailing arms and legs after a massive collision but every hit in a football game isn't a knockout blow. There is such a thing as a "sure tackle" wher eyou wrap a man up and take him to the ground. In short we need animated tackles in a football game. besides the animations in madden were never the problem, it was the fact that the animations are triggered randomly and wer void of any football physics.

2. Physics - so far i only have read talk about physics as it relates to randomized tackle animations. How does this translate into blocking, pursuit and in game action. the lack of description on these points worries me.

3. Experimental Camera Angles - Madden has its flaws but there are some things that they have nailed throug years of trial and error. I'm not sure if wacky camera angles are the best way to win over the footballing audience. There are some things that should be reapplied, in my opinion the camera angle should be straight copy of madden or APF.

4.Pass with right analog? - again, we keep going back to madden because the button configuration just works. Deviation just for the sake of deviation doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. If they truly believe that using the right analog will vastly improve the control of the game and football experience then I say go for it (i doubt that is the case). I know you must try new things in order to progress an idea but make sure it is a progression.

I think this type of critique of the game is necessary for the game to be successful. There needs to be competition in the football game market but in order for competition to survive the product has to be on par with the industry leader.

I won't even complain about the character modelling. at the end of the day its the gameplay that i'm concerned about
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