
NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

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Old 09-10-2014, 11:03 AM   #73
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Re: NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

Originally Posted by bigwill33
It is far from good, in my opinion. It is pretty bad still for the most part. But it is better than it has been for the past 3-5 versions of the game, but that really isn't saying much because this was by far the worst sports game that I had played from about 2011-present on 360/ps3.

The puck physics alone make it better than all of those year's efforts for me. But the same AI and cheese/money crap is in there. It is essentially the same problematic gameplay as you've mentioned once you get down to it. Sliders can help mask it for a little bit, but overall it is still there and a few all new issues have crept up as well. And sliders can't help online. Luckily there is barely anything to do with the game online right now anyway.
Agreed. The puck physics are good...ive seen some weird bounces (in a good way.). But you're right about the AI. The "super" AI is back in full force. Because of this, I don't see any difference in any team I play. They all play as if they were superstars.

I guess we could just edit the player ratings to make them more real.....oh wait...we can't.

Presentation wise: Really good. It is. But let's be honest, how long does that "presentation" really last? 30 seconds? Then gameplay. Oh, we have the NBCsports logo. Yea....and? Seeing this, makes me think that if I buy the PS3 version, I won't be missing much presentation wise.

AI: Put a cape on them because they are super again no matter what team you play.

Should I have bought the PS3 version? Maybe. Only real thing you would be missing is the presentation and I'll gain all the features that I like and fixes to things I hated (puck physics).

This game is about as bare bones as you can get. It reminds me of the days when you went to the arcade, put a quarter in, and played one mode of the game. The fact they charged $60 for this, and basically didn't tell anyone the features missing until the last minute, is, well, horrible.

Overall, It doesn't feel like much effort went into this game. And please, don't give me the "it's a new console / gen version so development takes longer." That's B.S. Why? Because you can still implement the basics of the game. Oh and we've been hearing that excuse in years past. Remember when PS3 came out and they gave the same excuse? Does this mean we'll never have a complete game from EA??

EA body checked the fans with this game, and then skated over them. There is no excuse for the game to be released like it is.

Last edited by Steven547; 09-10-2014 at 11:05 AM.
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Old 09-10-2014, 12:05 PM   #74
Mrmagoo's Arena
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Re: NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

Originally Posted by SVCbearcat10
I feel bad for the NHL franchise because this probably set them back at least 2 years. No one will be satisfied with next year's release because everyone will say that NHL 16 should really be NHL 15. This game really does play a solid game of hockey, probably the best to date. It's funny how everyone yelling at how stale commentary and presentation was for YEARS now says that being updated is no big deal.

This game probably should have been delayed until October so more could have been included on launch day. Those saying they should release the game for $30 as a gesture of goodwill have never worked in a business environment. That would put them out of business faster than anything.
Not a chance, with all things being considered the fastest way out of business for ea hockey is to keep doing what they are doing!!!
The whole game industry is lucky that apparently most gamers are more forgiving or just don't worry about reinforcing bad games or business practices than I am or do.
After this I will never purchase any ea hockey product unless used and even the chances of that are slim now.
Years ago I used to purchase every year, madden and hockey but not a chance in hell now. Quite honestly I would much rather have another company have a go at it.
Ea is trash in my eyes. Never used to be that way, but is now.
The fat lady has sung!!
Say good night..
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Old 09-10-2014, 12:46 PM   #75
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Ok, I figured it out.....duh, you CAN play season thru Be A GM, great! Now, can we fix the referee & linesmen?? Why are they continuously skating INTO the play?? Instead of avoiding the puckcarrier, as I'm rushing up ice, 1 or 2 of them skate towards me, literally int me & into passing lanes. I've played 6 games so far and it has occurred in every game. Highly distracting!! Please fix.
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Old 09-10-2014, 03:14 PM   #76
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Old 10-14-2014, 08:49 PM   #77
Nate99's Arena
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Re: NHL 15: Reviewer Impressions (PS4/XB1)

Anyone know when a possible roster update is coming for the next gen consoles and ps3/xbox 360? They need it badly and not to mention that I can't seem to locate Ryan Malone to place him on the New York Rangers. I've been doing the rosters myself on the 360 since EA forgot to update the rosters to a more current date.
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