
NHL 16 Tuner Update For September 28

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Old 09-29-2015, 01:17 PM   #17
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Re: September 29th Tuner Thread

Originally Posted by jr86
Seemingly it overwrites...which is why I am going nowhere near it.
I have the game playing great for my tastes and don't plan on spoiling it.
Originally Posted by jake19ny
It overwrites it. Your options will be latest or 1.00 but they are the same. In an early EA post on the EA forums, before the first tuner came out they posted that the new tuner would overwrite the old one so they don't have a bunch of tuners building up. It appears they just keep overwriting them. Why I have no idea because I liked the option to choose which one works best.
Damn, that is really too bad. I've got the offline game playing the best I've seen in years right now. No way I'm losing it for a couple games online here and there. Such a shame.

Also, odd that they would comment that they don't want tuners "building up"? What's the point of having the option to pick one then? And how would it possibly be a bad thing for offline, given that online has to use the same tuner anyways.

I'd say they should take it even further, giving the option to change tuners but also having a dialog box or something with some light descriptions/point form notes on changes made in each tuner. Seems to me that would eliminate the problem of people being confused between tuners. Though really - if you're going so far as to manually change tuners, are you really ever going to be the type of person that feels like there are too many?
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Old 09-29-2015, 01:29 PM   #18
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Re: September 29th Tuner Thread

Originally Posted by Al_Tito13
I'm not a poke spammer and I hate people who do it, so this was at least a good try by them to increase tripping penalties when doing so. People would definitively need to adjust to avoid penalties. However, they may have overdone it a bit, especially when you consider that the poke check is one of the only tools available to defend in the game because offense is still overpowered in term of tools. If there was no bubble at all for the puck carrier, where every little contact by the defense would cause him to loose the puck, then postioning would be even more important and poke check a bit less, however the game is obviously not programmed like that. Better stick collision detection would also help a lot to balance the game. With a better balance between offense and defense, then an update like that would have been great, but it's not the case right now.

A big negative point: why did the update overwrite tuner 1.00 and not create a new one?


I just played another game and had 15 penalties called 10 of them tripping. 10 on the CPU and 5 on me. See I made an adjustment and tried to time my pokes better and took less penalties but the CPU still gets nailed for it. I tweaked the game to make it more playable but they really need to address this, without eliminating penalties all together (tricky). Until then I'm done experimenting and going back to working on my rosters. I think EA has gotten the message from the masses on this and I'm confident (no I'm not crazy.. lol) they will fix it. I just hope that any fix and new tuner doesn't mess something else up because that's usually the case. I think its difficult to change one thing AI wise without it affecting another thing. This tuner is a perfect example of that. I think one of the goals was to cut down on spam pokers and the mass amount of tripping penalties was an unintended consequence.

Last edited by jake19ny; 09-29-2015 at 01:32 PM.
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Old 09-29-2015, 01:34 PM   #19
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Re: September 29th Tuner Thread

I'd love to see some video (full length stuff like I posted, even a single period would do) from the guys getting double-digit penalties. It's not that I don't believe it (after playing online I can definitely see that happening), but I want to see how you guys are approaching defense.
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Old 09-29-2015, 01:40 PM   #20
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Re: September 29th Tuner Thread

Originally Posted by bcruise
I'd love to see some video (full length stuff like I posted, even a single period would do) from the guys getting double-digit penalties. It's not that I don't believe it (after playing online I can definitely see that happening), but I want to see how you guys are approaching defense.
I would also like to see this. Maybe we can even make it a teaching tool to go into the How To thread to improve everyone's experience.

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Old 09-29-2015, 01:46 PM   #21
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Re: September 29th Tuner Thread

I played a couple of Season games last night and was shocked at the number of tripping penalties. Granted, I've probably been spamming poke-check more than I should, so I toned it down but still got my share of pens the next game.
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Old 09-29-2015, 02:10 PM   #22
jake19ny's Arena
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Re: September 29th Tuner Thread

Originally Posted by bcruise
I'd love to see some video (full length stuff like I posted, even a single period would do) from the guys getting double-digit penalties. It's not that I don't believe it (after playing online I can definitely see that happening), but I want to see how you guys are approaching defense.

I wish I knew how to do that I would post some vids for sure. My approach on defense, since this tuner, when it comes to poke check is to only do it when A) Your back skating with the defender and the CPU you is coming in on you. timing important. or B) when chasing down a CPU player wait until your almost side by side or slightly ahead and then poke. If your behind someone poke checking will almost always lead to a tripping call and that's fairly realistic. your better off going for the stick lift. Also repeated pushing of the poke button will almost certainly land you in the box, also not a bad thing. When I implemented this I saw a drastic reduction in my tripping penalties. Last game I took 5 penalties only 3 trips (two totally deserved). CPU however took 10 and 7 of those were tripping. I feel, while human play is important and its good that you cannot spam the button. I think the over abundance of tripping calls on the CPU is still too much. Hopefully someone in the know can get vids up.
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Old 09-29-2015, 02:17 PM   #23
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Re: September 29th Tuner Thread

FYI: These are the tuner notes just posted by EA, at least we know were not crazy.....LOL


- Improved poke collisions to address issues where a puck would be dislodged even when the puck or puck carriers stick were not contacted.
- Increased the likelihood to trip a player when a pokecheck goes into the opponents skates or legs.
- Increased speed of player controlled goalie when using precision motion.
- Increased the pass error for the lowest pass accuracy slider settings.
- Tuned down agility and ability to generate speed when turning tightly with protect puck.
- Lessened the effect of the speed penalty on the puck carrier slightly when stickhandling a puck.

- Turned down effectiveness of AI players in online faceoffs.
- Goalie will commit more towards the shooter/puck side of the ice to guard against short side shots.
- Lowered the threshold to which a player is able to receive/pick up a puck cleanly.
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Old 09-29-2015, 02:28 PM   #24
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Re: September 29th Tuner Thread

Settings: Pro - 7 min periods - Penalties maxed - position locked

Game Speed 2
Pass accuracy 0 for both

Before tuner released, CPU would score consistently. Goalies were okay. I mostly won a majority of the games.

Post Tuner: Goalies are horrible. Playing as Tor against CAR, I scored 6 goals on 12 shots in the first period. Same sliders I was using previously.

Game lost that "almost SIM" feel and is now NHL Hitz arcade.
Goalie comes out of the crease way too much now, even if my player is right there. We're talking by the faceoff circle.

Game does feel "looser", but it's lost the SIM feel.
Skaters are faster and ratings don't seem to matter. A 70 spd rated DEF can skate toe to toe with a 85+ OFF spd skater.
Skaters on the breakaway are basically uncatchable.

Why can't we select the tuner we want anymore?
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