Another way to increase the speed of the game is by including more 90+ speed players. For example in my custom roster there are 230 players with a speed rating of 90 or more. I found out that the threshold for the fastest players in the game is 93 once you hit that number there isn’t much of a difference between players it is the fastest a player can be so I have only about 20 players at that rating in the game so it doesn’t get too oversaturated.
I play with Atribute effects at 10/10 and there is a huge difference when skating with Milan Lucic when compared to Mcdavid who has 99s in his skating across the board. I feel like hockey is getting faster and faster each year so it doesn’t seem absurd to have about 34% of the players having above average speed.
I am also a prolific historic roster maker and for example for differentiation there are only 44 players with 90 or more speed in my 84-85 Nhl roster so playing a game with my 2018 custom roster and any of my 80’s rosters feels exceptionally different in terms of pace.
Anyway here is a link to my thread about this check it out and let me know what you think. The Link is below.