
Why can people play like terminators

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Old 01-09-2019, 11:29 PM   #81
(aka Alberto)
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Re: Why can people play like terminators

Originally Posted by micmuted
and this is exactly what i’ve been saying.. ea has to/wants to make a game that caters to casuals and the sock em rock em robot spammers.

so unfortunately with ea’s mindset we’ll probably never get a ufc game that doesn’t reward ridiculous output
Online....probably not because everyone who plays online isnt concerned about ridiculous output. A few of them post here on OS regularly. Like I said the online sliders or a sim mode but there is still the ranked problem.

Offline...they have done a solid job with giving us the tools to slow the game down.
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Old 01-09-2019, 11:32 PM   #82
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Re: Why can people play like terminators

Originally Posted by aholbert32
A 2% decrease in stats would do practically nothing when it comes to accuracy. That would result in a minscule change in the actual stat and I dont think it would be that noticeable to you or anyone.
Maybe 12%? I don,t know, but the accuracy strikes is a little high in this game.

I think Ea Sports Mma was perfect in this area.
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Old 01-09-2019, 11:35 PM   #83
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Re: Why can people play like terminators

Originally Posted by aholbert32
I'm just telling you what I've discovered from conversations with the devs. I have no input on what they choose to be concerned about and what dont. I know that what I described is what ive been told when discussing things like increasing stamina loss on block and increasing stamina anymore.

I do think there is a pretty big difference though. Increasing the stamina loss based on output affects every new player in every game. A new player doesnt run into a skilled or even moderately skilled grappler everytime they play. The complex controls could be a concern but plenty of fights on a lower level can be won simply by using basic strikes and an occasional overhand or high kick. New fans arent all that interested in "learning the meta" and the ones are can find Youtube and forums like this to help with that.

I know the game you want. I'm not that confident you are ever going to get it because EA isnt just concerned about players like you and I dont think they are convinced that all of your suggested changes will benefit the large number of players.

I hope I'm wrong but I dont think I am.
When they do run into such players or when they lose because of a weaker grasp of complex controls they may be discouraged just as much if not more.

They definitely can be discouraged by the poor tutorials. They can be discouraged by new additions that are explained in blogs that may never be read by causals or new players.

I am not saying they are or not interested. I am merely stating the fact they are less likely to seek out advice than the comp or sim crowd. This puts them at a disadvantage in terms of learning the meta which may discourage them when they get beat for reasons they don't understand.

If they care enough come to forums like this for an explanation they are often met with git good which is discouraging.
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Old 01-10-2019, 05:03 AM   #84
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Re: Why can people play like terminators

The fact that we are still talking about this is very telling. You should not be able to walk down someone throwing combos for 25 minutes. You also should not be able to stick to people like glue and there’s nothing they can do about it.

We should be able to crash into people constantly moving forward or get them into an unblockable clinch or something. The leg kick should actually slow down movement. As it stands, people can eat leg kicks until they get a health event and then once it’s over, they’re back to being in your face 24/7 and moving just as fast.

It’s also way too easy to block takedowns. Why can someone block a takedown shot when they had one damn foot on the ground? If you miss a kick or a combo, it should be a guaranteed TD at least 90% of the time. Td against forward moving opponents should also be easier to get. I shouldn’t have to resort to using cheap tactics just to get someone on the ground because perfect shots aren’t working.

In MK, while there are combo lists, they are very different for each character and there are ways to counter almost everything. The issue with UFC 3 is that the mechanics of the game are not consistent at all and there is either an insanely hard to pull off counter, or not counter that works consistently. Sometimes I will throw what I intend to throw, other times something else entirely comes out. In MK, if you input a command, that command comes out. There’s none of this inputting the command and then pressing block and having the command stop, only to try to continue to finish when you let block go. Stopping a combo with block should stop it full stop and not just pause it.

The whole transition fake spamming is a massive annoyance as well and it’s why I usually quit most times. I have ZERO issue with quitting a match where the guy is spamming something or just won’t get the hell away from me or wants to just hold me in full guard for the whole fight.

There should not be any of these “death” combos either. No combo should be inherently more powerful than any other. That’s why this combo spamming is even an issue. It wouldn’t be like that if regular punches weren’t like pillows.

There needs to be a higher focus on individual strikes, stamina management, and intelligent movement. There should not be this leaning and then whipping strikes that come out lightening fast. The moving strikes were a good idea in theory, but the way they were implemented has caused a TON of issues. Now, people can not only walk you down non stop, but they can throw while they’re doing it. I can only think of a handful of actual fighters that could output this amount of strikes. Hell, even Diaz would be gassed with the amount of strikes people throw in this game. Blocked, whiffed, or connect, they should drain stamina. People should not be able to just walk through an onslaught of strikes and take turns exchanging combos. You go, I go, you go, I go, you go, etc.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had guys just walk towards me holding block and it seems like no matter what I throw, I can’t break it. Go to the body? Well, I could do that, until they start to throw uppercuts and we all know how deadly those are. One uppercut, hook and you’re rocked or knocked down. Maybe even KO’d if they time it right. It’s complete BS.

The parry system was a massive issue in the past games, but the past games didn’t have forward moving strikes and all of these mechanics that have no real defense. What’s the best way to stop people from unloading combos? By countering them. Why don’t more people counter? Because you sway the wrong way ONE time and you could lose the fight in an instant. Some combos are crazy slow, others are crazy fast. This queuing of combos should not be a thing. Combos should come out at the speed you press the buttons. The parry may solve this issue, but not if it comes back the same way it was.

Last edited by RematchKing; 01-10-2019 at 05:11 AM.
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Old 01-10-2019, 06:01 AM   #85
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Re: Why can people play like terminators

I dont understand the complaint about clinches

It is very hard to block a clinch attempt (Over/Under)in phone booth range. Even harder if your opponent lands a 2 first or if you’re blocking.

Imo the perfect balance would be increasing stamina drain on blocked strikes but also increasing damage bleed through on blocked strikes (especially heavy strikes) based on accuracy vs block rating.

This way fighters can still gas a bit easier just punching away at someone’s block but the defender will still take a lot of damage if they’re just holding block.

I’d love a system where dodging heavy strikes is imperative. It’d work like other fighting games where

Fast strike >dodge>heavy strike >block>fast strike
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Old 01-10-2019, 08:48 AM   #86
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Re: Why can people play like terminators

Originally Posted by RetractedMonkey
Not to mention, those are only the STRIKING options. Add in grappling tools and you have well over ten options to counter pressure. Making it the best style at lower levels but the absolute worst style at a high level.

It’s funny because low level players use pressure as a crutch, but high level players that pressure fight have to be even more technical with their pressure to stand any chance against other good players.

Pressure is easy to learn, hard to master.

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Which is why I always wondered why no one ever applied Terminator pressure on ESFL cards ...everyone is so calm and technical safe for when they smell blood and the KO is in sight .

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Old 01-10-2019, 08:52 AM   #87
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Re: Why can people play like terminators

Originally Posted by micmuted
any YouTube channels that have good examples of dealing with pressure i should check out?
You won't find it easy. The best thing is pay attention to what the top players in the community say . If we can separate their knowledge from their personalities it helps.

But one thing I've noticed and learnt from martial and R monkey is it won't be easy ...you will get knocked out and rocked . But you will start to see pattern because everyone has a pattern. That revolves around block breaking .

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Old 01-10-2019, 09:01 AM   #88
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Re: Why can people play like terminators

Originally Posted by Lauriedr1ver
A combination of a few things.
1. Making the other defensive options more reliable, getting caught while moving still happens when it shouldnt at times.
2. Add parries, yes I know its the boogeyman of this community, but a comprehensive and detailed parry system is a must.
3. Add a power modifier, means that distance of strikes would be altered.
4. Make block breaking easier.
5. Increase vulnerablity to body whilst holding high block and vice versa.
6. Slow down movement whilst blocking.

A few need to be a bit more detailed but this is a brief list.
Wait what ??? Some of your suggestions seem to me , to be in favor of pressure fighting ...

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