
Armor & Swords All Pro Custom Simulation Style (CFM Only) Sliders Madden 20

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Old 07-26-2019, 10:41 AM   #1
The Lama
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Armor & Swords All Pro Custom Simulation Style (CFM Only) Sliders Madden 20

Armor & Swords Custom All-Pro Simulation Style Sliders (CFM Only) Madden 20

Hello Madden Nation! We are back for another great year of Madden NFL football!

Madden 20 completely builds off the RPM True Step system that was introduced on M19 and has drastically improved player movement and user responsiveness. After playing the Beta and now the retail EA Access Trial, I can confidently tell you this is a measured improvement overall to gameplay. Also the team at EA Tiburon has introduced the all new Franchise Scenario Engine. This will add a new layer of game planning strategy to your franchise. X-Factors and “In The Zone” modifiers are also brand new and welcome additions to have true player differentiation. In my limited time thus far with the game CPU AI QB’s are more aware of pressure and if they are a true scrambler (Newton, Lamar Jackson, Went) they will take off and gash you. No more Super LB’s!!! The new pass trajectories are fantastic and the passing game on Madden 20 feels so much better than ever before. QB’s are also throwing to spots far more often than feeling like the passing game is on the rails.

A little about myself. I have been playing Madden since the very first iteration on the console systems back with the Sega Genesis days. So I have been a part of (as a rabid and passionate sports gamer) the entire evolutionary process of this game from it's beginnings. And I can say this with confidence. You are either a Madden guy or not. And nothing IMO will change that as they have always had a particular style to their games. And quite frankly I always preferred Madden over other football games.....yeah even 2K5 (great game don't get me wrong). Over the last couple of decades (damn I am freaking old) I have figured out ways to make the game "fun" for myself and enjoy my little virtual NFL universe. I play a particular style, using particular settings, camera views, house rules etc that will aid in developing this slider set. I have never been in the school of one size fits all. Therefore I cannot assure anyone who plays a different way (and I will outline all my house rules and playing style, plus you are always welcome to watch my streams so you can see it for yourself) that these sliders are going to work for you.

So with that let's get some housecleaning items out of the way right here.

As always the core goals of the set will be:

1. Fun, first and foremost.

2. Realistic stats and gameplay

3. Great animations and every game feeling organic and unique

4. Dice roll results driven first and foremost by player ratings and a focus on team building via the draft and realistic XP development utilizing T-Dawgs XP Sliders

5. Penalties and QB inaccuracy is a focus of this set without disrupting the gameplay balance

A huge thank you to JoshC1977 for his valuable advice and friendship. He is a heck of guy everyone and a tireless slider freak!!! He finds things I would never even think of. To TDawg for his tireless XP slider effort. I love using his XP sliders and a link to those will be in the CFM House Rule spoiler section below once his set is ready and finalized. And to IteachPercussion whose classic Madden Rosters for PS4 are simply the best in the business, his tireless roster creations have kept Madden 16 and 19 in my rotation for years to come. My hope is he does another amazing classic roster set for Madden 20!

Armors Gameplay House Rules

1. On defense I utilize the defensive cam almost exclusively and also from time to time I will use the broadcast cam (because it looks so damn pretty!!). Playing from the defensive cam adds an incredible layer of realism, challenge and fun IMO. If you want a real challenge, play defense from this view. I am developing the sliders based on the exact settings I employ so it is niche type thing in that regard. Use the values as a base and adjust them to your skill level and playing style.

I also never switch. This is another key component of how I develop my slider set. If I play as the MLB on a given play I stay as the MLB all the way through to the whistle is blown. What that does is put a focus on player ratings, player awareness and you depending on your teammates to make a play you are not involved in or away from. This also at times will strengthen the CPU and make it more of a challenge to play against them. I can tell you it is very hard playing defense this way and can lead to some ugly games if your defense is tired or having an off day. Timely sub packages like bringing in a fresh DL is a big feature of this set. If your defense has been on the field alot, pay attention to their fatigue levels and sub accordingly!!

2. Use your playbook - mix up your plays. Use the entire playbook. Don't go for it every time on 4th and 1 with a FB dive or QB sneak. In other words don't cheese the CPU. Keep it real. On offense I make it a point to really dig deep and use every play at my disposal and limit my audibles. On defense I call all my own plays. If the CPU comes out in a 2 WR set but has a stretch TE like Gronk....by all means use the nickel so you can cover that TE. Defesinve hot routes...I use whatever my heart desires. run commit or pass commit I will also use in certain situations, not obvious ones. For example, 2nd and 6 I may run commit if I really feel it is coming. There is true risk and reward in that situation. Where as 3rd and 18.....come on. The CPU needs our help. Sad but true. So don't call a pass commit on obvious downs. Challenge yourself in tweener (for lack of a better term) situations.

3. When on defense I will user pick, swat and strip of course. I will use pass rush moves on the DL and with my OLB's. I will use my full arsenal and stick skills on the player I control without switching.

4. On offense I will control who ever has the ball. I will use moves, jukes etc. What I will not do however is take control of a potential receiver of the football. I do not user catch at all. I let the ratings determine the catch type always. Once the ball is caught I will take control of the ball carrier and do my thing.

5. I play with all visual aides turned off. The cleanest screen possible is what I employ for the best possible broadcast presentation and also challenge.

6. Absolutely use coaching adjustments. It's fun and the risk reward is also great to see play out.

That's basically it as far as approach and playing style. I truly look forward to providing a great base set of sliders at the "All-Pro level for you to play with. Please use it as a starting point to tweak to your hearts content. Everyone has different skill levels and there is no "one size fits all" slider set. People all play the game slightly differently or may have varying levels of skills and stick skills. So don’t think you can’t tweak values to find your sweet spot. Just use this as a guideline base set and if it works for you with the OP values......awesome. If not simply move a certain value up or down 1-2 clicks to start.

Sliders are very responsive and if you stray too far it will change the gameplay in unintended ways. So don’t go to crazy in one direction or the other.

A great suggestion from iMac here on allowing the CPU to pick your defensive play calls. I have tried this and it is a really good option IMO. Purely optional of course. I am actually picking one of the three coach suggested defenses now vs allowing the CPU to pick it and I am getting fantastic results. Again this is purely optional.


I just wanted to share something with the community that I have been implementing recently. I would be interested to see if anyone see's the same as me....

I have always had an odd complex about defensive playcalling and how it must impact the CPU. The depth to it is massive when you consider the following:

• Base packages
• Sub packages
• Personnel
• Ratings
• User input based on who they control
• Skill of the user
• Accuracy of the defensive calls you make in relation to the scheme your team actually runs
• User scheme vs. CPU scheme

When it comes to the game you personally get in Madden, the CPU will of course be hugely influenced based on the team you use, the way you play and your skill level.

For example, if I personally rarely blitz, but then the next person does regularly blitz's, then we will get a very different gameplay experience. If you call man a lot, but I call zone a lot, then our impression of coverage will also be very different.

Even if I follow 'Coach Suggestions', the results still become skewed because you have a choice of calling zone, man or blitz, and you will naturally follow a similar pattern per game and team you play. I feel it creates a very lopsided defensive experience because no matter what team you use, you will always revert to your style.

When I consider this, I found myself really wondering how much am I helping or limiting the CPU's offense.

As a result, I began letting the D call their own play just to see what happens. What I mean by that is, on D, I allow the 15 second timer to run out, and the D will naturally pick a play based on the O's formation, down & distance.

After about 6 or 7 games, I'm really enjoying what I see. There's a great variety of calls, but most importantly, the calls being made are far more relevant to the way that defense would actually be called.

What I'm seeing as a result are my weaknesses being highlighted and my strengths prevailing where it makes sense. It's given me a new level of excitement when it comes to D because I know what I'm seeing is a more accurate representation of my teams defense in both calls and ability.

This absolutely isn't for everyone. The game does get slower and you're at the mercy of what is called for you. Personally, I really like this and gives me a nice sense of immersion when I'm waiting on the CPU to get to the line. Those big downs get that much more exciting.

Interestingly as well, the commentary becomes more bearable because they're not jumping between lines with the slower pace.

It's certainly the way forward for running my defense, and I figured it might be worth sharing should anybody want to give it a try.

Taking a page from my buddy JoshC1977:

My view of what sort of feedback is appropriate:

Broad statements like "It's too easy" or "It's too hard" or "the run game is too easy/hard" will be ignored unless you provide further support.

Provide full descriptions (or video) of WHY something is "too easy/hard". Broad generalizations based on tiny sample sizes (i.e. less than 8-10 full games in regular season CFM) will be ignored unless you have specific reaction/animation-based arguments to support the "why".

If you have video of full games available, please refer to specific time-frames where you see things that look "off".

I will not make adjustments based on stats alone.

I will not respond to queries based on stats alone. Video is nice, but even text descriptions of what you are seeing is helpful (oftentimes, one small detail may resonate as something I have seen myself...having secondary confirmation often helps me realize that something may be wrong). If you just post numbers, it is meaningless.

You're welcome to post box scores of games (lots of people enjoy seeing them) - just don't be miffed when I tell you that I usually ignore them (now, if you take the time to write specific details about how the game went and what you saw, I will totally read that). But box scores alone really don't tell me a whole lot. Stats lie all the time.

Take ownership of your gameplay style. If you like to go overboard and maybe exploit the CPU a bit, own it. If you're not 100% "sim", there is nothing wrong with that; but my approach may not work for you on All Pro.

Armors CFM House Rules

Now Playing on PS5:
NHL25 - Panthers YR1
CFB 25 - Alabama YR8
MLB The Show 24 - 1990 Blue Jays
MLB The Show 23 - 1985 Yankees
Sudden Strike 4
Sniper Elite Resistance

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Last edited by Armor and Sword; 10-03-2019 at 08:52 AM.
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Old 07-26-2019, 10:42 AM   #2
The Lama
Armor and Sword's Arena
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Armor & Swords All Pro Custom Simulation Style (CFM Only) Sliders Madden 20

Version 5.1 11/22/19

Main Menu

Everything in the Main Menu is set to exactly the way it comes out of the box except:

Injuries on 50

Heat Seeker - Off

Ball Hawk - On

Auto Strafe- Off

Defense Auto Flip - Off

Visual Settings

Play Call Style - Slim

Play Call Button Layout - Square, Cross, Triangle

Previous Play Information - Off

On Field Visual Feedback - Off

Drive Goals & XP Feedback - Off

Franchise Bottom Line Ticker - All

Franchise Gameplan Boost Notification - Off

Coaching Tips - Off

Pre-Snap Menu - On

Player Names - Pre-snap only

Camera Toggle - On

Passing Cam - On

Offensive Camera Settings - Zoom (it is freaking awesome)

Defensive Camera - Defensive Perspective

Enlarge On Field Graphics - Off

Color Blindness - Normal Vision

Brightness - Default

Contrast - Default

All gameplay, auto subs, and penalty sliders in the Main Menu are default!!

Set the following within your CFM Menus

League Settings

Quarter Length - 15 minutes

Accelerated Clock - On - 15 seconds

Skill Level - All-Pro

League Type - All

Instant Starer - Off

Trade Deadline - On

Trade Type - Enable All

Coach Firing - CPU Only

Salary Cap - On

Relocation Settings - Normal

Injury - On

Pre Existing Injury - Off

Practice Squad Stealing - On

Player Progression Frequency - Weekly

Fill Roster - Off

Re-Sign Players - Off

Progress Players - Off

Sign Off-Season Free Agents - Off

Tutorial Pop-Ups - Off

Human Sliders

QB Accuracy - 45 (+3)

Pass Blocking - 50

WR Catching - 50

Run Blocking - 45 (+5)

Fumbles - 50 (set to 75 vs a team with an enforcer on defense and set your in game adjustments to ball carrier conservative)

Pass Defense Reaction Time - 50 (-5)

Interceptions - 50

Pass Coverage - 50 (-2)

Tackling - 48

CPU Sliders

QB Accuracy - 45

Pass Blocking - 50

WR Catching - 50

Run Blocking - 50

Fumbles - 50 (if you have an enforcer on your defense set CPU fumble slider to 75)

Pass Defense Reaction Time - 50(-5)

Interceptions - 50

Pass Coverage - 50 (-2)

Tackling - 50 (+2)

Injuries - 52 (played games) 52 (for advancing the week simmed games)

Fatigue - 50

Player Speed Parity Scale - 50

FG Power - 50

FG Accuracy - 50

Punt Power - 50

Punt Accuracy - 50

Kickoff Power - 50


Offside - 55 (+3)

False Start - 55 (+3)

Holding - 55 (+3)

Facemask - 50 (-1)

Defensive Pass Interference - 80 (+20)

Illegal Block In The Back - 55 (+3)

Roughing The Passer - 50

All other penalties are toggled “On”

Auto Subs

QB In - 1
QB out - 0

RB In - 80
RB out - 60

WR In - 80
WR out - 75

FB/TE In - 80
FB/TE out - 75

OL In - 1
OL out - 0

DT In - 85
DT out - 80

DE In - 85
DE out - 75

LB In - 85
LB out - 75

CB In - 80
CB out - 60

S In - 80
S out - 60

Enforcers in the NFL Year 1

If you face one of these players set your fumble slider to 75 before the game. To know if you are facing one use this list below. Also you can check all the Superstar/X-Factor players in your game in the pre-game screen. If you see one back out and change the fumble slider. The list for year one is below. This is subject to change due to injury, trade, free agency, new rookies who develop the “Enforcer” trait etc.

Bobby Wagner - Seattle Seahawks

Harrison Smith - Minnesota Vikings

Jamal Adams - NY Jets

Landon Collins - Washington Redskins

Keanu Neal - Atlanta Falcons

Luke Kuechly - Carolina Panthers

Derwin James - L.A Chargers
Now Playing on PS5:
NHL25 - Panthers YR1
CFB 25 - Alabama YR8
MLB The Show 24 - 1990 Blue Jays
MLB The Show 23 - 1985 Yankees
Sudden Strike 4
Sniper Elite Resistance

Follow me on Twitch

Last edited by Armor and Sword; 12-02-2019 at 04:38 PM.
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Old 07-26-2019, 10:42 AM   #3
The Lama
Armor and Sword's Arena
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Armor & Swords All Pro Custom Simulation Style (CFM Only) Sliders Madden 20

Dolphins Year 2 News Center

Year 1 Final Standings

Texans Are Unlikely Super Bowl Champions Led By RB Lamar Miller and UDFA QB Joshua Dobbs! Defeat Eagles 30-24.

In one of the most unlikely seasons, the most unlikely end came with the Houston Texans raising the Lombardi Trophy as Free Agent Waiver Wire pick up QB Joshua Dobbs let the Houston Texans to a Super Bowl title. Superstar starting QB Dehsaun Watson was lost for the year back in week 6 to a torn MCL. Dobbs took over the reigns and he was able to game manage all season long and let his running game and defense win games. It was no different during their post season run.

Here is a look at the Playoffs in Year one:

Black Monday Mike Tomlin and Jon Gruden are fired!! Tomlin though is scooped up by the Chiefs as Andy Reid retires.

Retirements Around The League Led By Drew Brees, Larry Fitzgerald and Adrian Peterson

Drew Brees and Larry Fitzgerald are expected to get yellow jackets but there are questions abound about Adrian Peterson due to his off the field child rearing issues which were well documented.

The Raiders decided to go in a new direction letting go of Jon Gruden. It was a shocking development, but the Raiders completely flopped in his second year at the reigns.

The Steelers after a long run with Mike Tomlin felt they needed a change as well. But Mike landed on his feet the day after his dismissal was announced. Andy Reid called it a career and the Chiefs scooped up Mike.

Off-Season 1 Free Agency Report

Free Agency has been really busy this first off-season. The Dolphins made one big splash and that was signing All-Pro LE Yannick Ngakoue. The Fins made an aggresive offer and locked up the sack machine for 3 years for a total value of 37.5MM

"We want to welcome Yannick to Miami. He is a big addition to our young defense and addressed a big need. In addition to resigning Taco Charlton to a long term deal we will be moving Taco over to RE so Yannick can mange the left side.

The Dolphins made a few other moves after the signing period was over. They were able to land some high value free agents on 1 year "prove it" deals.

RB Damien Williams was reunited with his former team after the Chiefs allowed him to walk. Williams did not garner much interest on the open market but the Dolphins welcomed him back after they traded Kenyon Drake and RE Charles Harris to the Chiefs for an additional 2nd and 4th round pick in the 2020 draft! Williams will serve as the primary pass catching back and compete with Mark Walton Jr for additional carries behind returning starter Kalan Ballage.

WR Phillip Dorsett - Dorsett is a former Miami Hurricane and the Patriots decided to purge their receiving corp allowing Dorsett and Josh Gordon to move on. Phillip will be replacing Devante Parker who was traded to the NY Giants for a 2021 2nd and a 2012 4th round pick. The Dolphins are stockpiling draft picks again for their mighty rebuild which according to GM Michael Sword is on target as they approach the 2020 draft in the next month.

QB - Joshua Dobbs - The hero from the Houston Texans Super Bowl run apparently wanted a big contract extension to be Watson's back up. That strategy by his agent failed. Michael Sword swept in and signed him to a one year deal. Dobbs is a scrappy scrambler with excellent speed and very sharp throwing on the run skills. Initially he will compete with grizzled veteran Ryan Fitzpatrick for the back up role behind returning starter Josh Rosen.

"We are committed to Josh and fully believe he can be our QB to lead us to the promised land" GM Michael Sword stated. Joshua will have a chance to compete in the pre-season and show us what he can do, but Rosen is our man. He made some great strides, had a lot of great moments, and some really tough growing pains in Flores new system. But we also recognize the extreme pressure he was under all season behind our OL which we are going to fully address in the draft. Everyone on the planet knows we are looking at the OL as well as the secondary in this upcoming draft. What they don't know is the amount of intricate scouting we have done all around the country and we feel very confident with our scouting department, the amount of picks we have and the savvey we posses to draft strongly and come away with a revamped OL for Josh, Kalen and Damien to run and pass from".

Let's go around the league and notate some key free agent signings:


MLB Blake Martinez

LOLB Kyle Van Noy

Terms not disclosed


WR Tyreek Hill 4yr/75MM

WR Dez Bryant 2yr/15MM

TE Tyler Higbee 4yr/25MM

CB Mike Holton 3yr/31M

RB Kareem Hunt 5yr/50MM

CB Anthony Brown 3yr/24MM


MLB Shaq Thompson 3yr/17MM


ROLB Kyler Fackrell 2yr/11.4MM

HB Chris Thompson 3yr/13.4MM

SS Adrian Phillips 3yr/12MM

DT Arik Armstead 2yr/12MM


C Nick Martinez 2yr/11MM

LE Muhammad Wilkerson 1yr/8.5MM

WR Willie Snead IV 3yr/21MM

WR Ryan Grant 3yr/15.5MM

LE Emmanuel Ogbah 2yr/12MM

QB Jake Ruddock 2yr/2MM (former 3rd stringer for Dolphins)


RT German Ifebr 2yr/12MM

ROLB Bud Dupree 2yr/8.5MM


Hired HC Tomas Pita

CB Joe Haden 1YR/8MM

HB Jalen Ricard 3yr/9MM

HB Kenyon Drake via trade Miami Dolphins 4yr/25MM

RE Charles Harris via trade Miami Dolphins


HB Austin Ekeler 5yr/35MM

MLB Zach Brown 2yr/13MM

ROLB De'Vondre Campbell 3yr/30MM


RE Mike Daniels 2yr/25MM

SS Eric Berry 3yr/21MM


CB Jason Peters 3yr/27MM

QB Teddy Bridgewater 3yr/20MM

WR Keelan Cole 3yr/16MM

WR Allen Hurns 2yr/7MM

WR Devante Parker via trade with Miami 1yr/5MM


CB Trevor Williams 3yr/22MM


WR Demarcus Robinson 2yr/9MM

ROLB Nick Perry 2yr/13.5MM


LOLB Kamu Grugier-Hill 3yr/17MM


Hired Mike Tomlin

Fired Jon Gruden

LOLB Aaron Lynch 3yr/20MM

RE Tyrone Crawford 3yr/13.6MM


CB Jonathan Jones 3yr/17.4MM

MLB Danny Trevathan 2yr/9.36MM

C Mike Pouncy 1yr/7MM

RG Austin Blythe 3yr/26.8MM

ROLB Dante Fowler 4yr/32MM


WR Nelson Agholor 4yr/52MM


WR Geronimo Allison 3yr/15.4MM

CB Ronald Darby 3yr/36MM

MLB Myles Jack 5yr/45MM

C Cody Whitehair 2yr/16MM


RB Derrick Henry 5yr/37MM

RE Randy Gregory 1yr/6MM

QB Jacoby Brisset 3yr/12MM


RE Robert Quinn 2yr/13MM

SS Ha Ha Clinton-Dix 4yr/24MM

CB Kendall Fuller 4yr/58MM

RT La'el Collins 2yr/14MM

LOLB Jatavuis Brown 3yr/19MM


Fired HC Mike Tomlin

Hired HC Demtris Turner

WR Randell Cobb 3yr/21MM


TE Eric Ebron 4yr/35MM

TE Austin Safarien Jenkins 3yr/33.5MM

LG Joe Thuney 3yr/33.5MM


Nothing worth even mentioning.

Free Agency Top Grades Year 1 Off-Season

Buffalo Bills

Grade A

The Bills won the AFC East in 2019 and made the post season. They went all in for 2020 and QB Josh Allen acquiring Browns leading rusher and pro bowler Kareem Hunt. But they did not stop there. They grabbed super star WR Tyreek Hill and former Cowboys, Saints and more recently Dolphin Dez Bryant who had a very solid season for the Dolphins in 2019. Also Tyler Higbee the former Rams TE was signed. The Bills are looking to make a serious run again for a playoff push in 2020.

Kansas City Chiefs

Grade B+

The Chiefs were the top team in the AFC in 2019 heading into the post season, but came up short. Andy Reid called it a career but the Chiefs quickly pounced on HC Mike Tomlin who was fired by the Steelers. The traded for RB Kenyan Drake who will fit right into the offense with the Chiefs. They did lose Tyreek Hill at WR but we suspect they are not done wheeling and dealing and the draft is around the corner.

Indianapolis Colts

Grade B

The Colts added rising star RB Austin Ekeler for a decent value contract of 7MM per avg per season. Ekeler flashed great ability during his brief Chargers career. The also added ROLB De'Vondre Campbell to sure up the defense.

L.A. Rams

Grade B

The Rams look to bounce back from an early post season exit. They are gunning for a Super Bowl in 2020. They added some key veterans in CB Jonathan Jones, MLB Danny Trevathan and C Mike Pouncy. RG Austin Blythe

and ROLB Dante Fowler round out a solid FA class for the Rams.

Washington Redskins

Grade A-

The Redskins shored up their passing game by giving 2nd year QB Haskin a new target in Geronimo Allison. He gives the Redskins a really big target in the slot and nightmare matchup for any slot CB. They also helped their defense by grabbing MLB Myles Jack and CB Ronald Darby.

Seattle Seahawks

Grade A

The Seahawks who went an NFL best 15-1 just added more to an already dominate defense. Veteran RE Robert Quinn and SS Ha Ha Clinton-Dix give veteran leadership a jolt. CB Kendall Fuller is a lockdown DB who will improve the secondary.

2020 Miami Dolphins Draft Recap

The Miami Dolphins had a plan. And it all came together to near perfection in the 2020 draft. The Dolphins made some moves before the draft and dealing RB Kenyan Drake and RE Charles Harris to the Chiefs and gaining an extra 2nd and 4th round pick. Here is the Rookie Class from 2020.

Round 1

The Dolphins could not pass on Delonte Morse. In fact GM Michael Sword had him ranked as his #1 overall prospect. Morse is a shut down CB. And pairing him with All-Pro Xavien Howard will give the Dolphins potentially one of the best CB tandems in all of football. This looks like Sam Madison and Patrick Surtain part 2. Expect Morse to make an immediate impact.

Round 2

Sword was stunned to see ROLB Greg Austin fall to him. He loved his combine and Austin was an absolute pass rushing beast at Oklahoma. Inis Senior season he recorded 14 sacks, 3 FF and 2 INT and led the Sooners in tackles. He will be instantly in the starting lineup day one.

Round 2

Dion Redmond is simply an earth mover at the LG position. A teammate of ROLB Greg Austin, Redmond is an instant starter on the much maligned OL of the Dolphins. Not only is he a great pass protector, but he is a fierce power run blocker and together with Laremy Tunsil will make for a strong left side. This was just the start of the Dolphins draft and already they have 3 blue chip players.

Round 2

David Kilgore did a decent job at Center last season, but Michael Sword wants new blood in the middle of his line and Steve Lloyd will be that guy. The 6’4’ hass from Iowa State comes to the Dolphins with a stellar reputation as a strong, smart and disciplined player. Expect him to also become a starter as a rookie. “We are drafting our future and our present today. We may have the youngest OL in the league when this draft is over”.

Round 3

Sword could not stop raving about Brian Bonner after his selection. The imposing force at RG from Nebraska, Bonner comes in ready to be a superstar. He will man the interior right side where the Dolphins endured the most pressure from all season long with now departed veteran Clint Boling who simply was a turnstile. “Brian is going to have an immediate impact in our running game. He is so physical, so strong and also really intelligent. We are really excited he fell to us”.

Round 3

SS Jay Whitaker had the best combine of all the SS prospects in the draft. So when Sword saw him sitting in the 3rd round.....he pounced. “Jay will have a chance to learn and develop with one of the best hitters in the league in Reshad Jones. He has no pressure to play now, but instead can develop and eventually take over when Reshad's career closes out”. However their is talk if the Dolphins do not improve a lot this season they could move Jones after this season....or during it. So Whitaker may play more than Sword is leading on.

Round 4

Noah Nash at RT will be a wrecking ball. This kid is simply a beast and will be inserted into the stating lineup from day one. The Dolphins will be starting 4 rookies along the line with Tunsil. Hard to believe.....but that is how good they drafted on the OL.

The rest of our rookies are all fantastic prospects.

DT Jose Sherad - potentially a future starer

DT Levon Pittman - potentially future starter

RG Greg Merritt - solid back up with upside to start as well

RB T May - big time per back who may play a role in the future

LG Nick Bohannon - another quality depth piece along the line

Year 2 Pre-Season Depth Chart

2019 Regular Season Dolphin Player Statistics

The Dolphins had 5 Pro Bowl players:

WR Kenny Stills

LB Jerome Baker

CB Xavien Howard

DE Taco Charlton

K Jason Sanders

NFL Top Performers 2019

League MVP was QB Aaron Rodgers

Coach Of The Year Pete Carroll

Year 2 Pre-Season Week 1

Down Goes Taco Along With The Dolphins

The Miami Dolphins opened the 2020 Pre-Season vs the NY Giants. Josh Rosen was uneven as he threw an INT in his 1 quarter of work. He did engineer a scoring drive though capped off by a TD run from Kalen Ballage.

Albert Wilson and Kenny Stills got the call as the starting WR’s and Phillip Dorsett was the #3. Preston Williams was given a long look and produced hauling in 7 receptions for 91 yards. The second year UDFA has been turning heads in camp all summer and is looking to push hard for more playing time. RB Damien Williams looked right at home playing a series with the starters. Mark Walton Jr also looked in mid season form.

The real story was the OL. LT Laremy Tunsil is the only veteran on this completely revamped line as 4 rookies got the start at LG, C, RG and RT. And they looked good. They will need to bond and come together but the Dolphins blue print from the 2020 draft showed well for a quarter. The pass protection was night and day from 2019. Yes it is pre-season and only one quarter, but they really looked solid. New ROLB Greg Austin got his first NFL sack and 1st round pick CB Delonte Morse picked off a Daniel Jones pass in the corner of the end zone intended for Sterling Shepard. Morse displayed incredible leaping ability as he went up over his shoulder to snatch the touch pass out of the air. Xavien Howard also picked off Jones and returned it for a TD in the first quarter. The Dolphins led 14-7 after 1 quarter before all starters for both sides left.

However it was not all roses and rainbows. Pro Bowl LE Taco Charlton fractured his wrist and will be out for the remainder of the pre-season and will miss at least 2 and possible 3 regular season games. Tyrone Holmes will assume the pass rushing duties on passing downs and there will be a battle at LE between J.Woodward and J.Ledbetter for the starting LE job while Taco is on the mend.

The Dolphins backups got smoked in the second half and the Dolphins fell 37-14.

Year 2 Player Spotlight Preston "The Unicorn" Williams

Williams as a Rookie Making a Circus Sideline Catch

Williams at Practice In year 2

There is a buzz going around Dolphins camp in year 2. And it is in the shape of a Unicorn. 2nd year UDFA WR Preston Williams get's razed a lot about his undying love of unicorns. But the 2nd year receiver from Colorado State is making heads turn more than ever this summer. He has been a camp star after a very quiet rookie year. Brian Flores and GM Michael Sword are quick to talk about the leaps he has made since his rookie season. "Preston is ready to take the next step. We see him challenging for a lot of playing time behind Kenny (Stills) and Albert (Wilson)" GM Michael Sword was heard saying. He has really worked on his body this off-season and looks lean, strong, fast and ready to become a star one day. The Dolphins brought in veteran Philip Dorsett and he is firmly entrenched right now as the #3 WR and when Wilson slides into the slot he goes to the Y spot. Also Jakeem Grant is working hard for more chances after an injury plagued 2019. But Preston seems confident. "I am grateful to be here everyday" Williams said. Williams had domestic violence issues coming out of college which scared away many teams. He was not invited to the NFL scouting combine in 2019 and went un-drafted. He allegedly shoved and grabbed his girlfriend while she was trying to leave his apartment. "It was a really unfortunate incident and one I deeply regret. I would never want to harm a female and I made a big mistake. Fortunately the Dolphins believed in me and my character. They know it was a brief moment where I went a little to far. That is not the person I am nor want to be and I never will let myself get that angry again where I will lose control. It was a true moment I wish I could go back and change. But I can't. I learned from it. And I am a much better man today than I was two years ago".

"We believe in Preston" said HC Brian Flores. "I believe in second chances. Not third or fourth chances though". "Preston knows very well if he ever makes another mistake like that he is done, gone with wind".

Williams had a very good first pre-season game as he was given an chance to run with the first team a little as well as the second team. He hauled in 7 receptions for over 90 yards and turned heads with his strength, speed and route running. He is a physical freak. standing 6'4' and lean at 210 pounds he can dominate any CB in the league. He also can run. Williams right now has the potential to become a #1 WR stud and the Dolphins are so confident in that they traded former first round pick Devante Parker this off-season to the NY Giants for draft picks. Keep an eye out for #82 and also any Unicorns around the stadium.

Injury Bug Has Bitten Dolphins As The Head Into Year 2 Week 1

The Dolphins will be without 2 of their 3 top WR’s heading into the regular season. But even worse, both their starting DE’s are also going to miss extended time. It has been a nightmare pre-season for the health of this franchise.

“Next man up” You hear that all the time, but this one will take on new meaning for the Dolphins. WR’s Albert Wilson and Preston Williams were being counted on to take the offense to the next level. RE Taco Charlton was a breakout player last season with 9 sack and a Pro Bowl appearance. And of course the Dolphins prized free agent catch of the off-season Yannick Ngakoue is also out.

Ngkoue is expected to miss 6 games

Charlton will miss 3 games

Wilson is out 3 games

Williams will be out 5 games.
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Last edited by Armor and Sword; 09-09-2019 at 06:18 PM.
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Old 07-26-2019, 12:20 PM   #4
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Re: Armor & Swords All Pro Custom Simulation Style (CFM Only) Sliders Madden 20

Here we go! Playing the EA Access trial now. Enjoying it so far.
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Old 07-26-2019, 01:13 PM   #5
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Re: Armor & Swords All Pro Custom Simulation Style (CFM Only) Sliders Madden 20

Armor - really looking forward to these - I see you mentioned Gase - is Flores not in the game as the Dolphins head coach?
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Old 07-26-2019, 01:20 PM   #6
BadAssHskr's Arena
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Re: Armor & Swords All Pro Custom Simulation Style (CFM Only) Sliders Madden 20

Awesome! Not really Madden season until this thread goes up. I don’t do much with sliders these days, but love to follow.

Thanks man!
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Old 07-26-2019, 02:38 PM   #7
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Re: Armor & Swords All Pro Custom Simulation Style (CFM Only) Sliders Madden 20

Hey Armor,

Looking forward to your sliders again this year. I hadn't played Madden 19 in months until June, when I restarted up my Titans franchise with your sliders and they worked out perfectly for me. Very realistic and competitive games and stats.

I have actually started a "test" franchise in Madden 20 last night and plugged in your Madden 19 sliders as a base to start from and they played out pretty well overall through one game...they felt like a good start.

But yeah, excited to get things rocking. The player movement and everything does feel so much smoother/better to me.
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Old 07-26-2019, 02:57 PM   #8
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Re: Armor & Swords All Pro Custom Simulation Style (CFM Only) Sliders Madden 20

Originally Posted by Teleo
Armor - really looking forward to these - I see you mentioned Gase - is Flores not in the game as the Dolphins head coach?
I fixed that! Thanks for the catch. Brian Flores is in the game!
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