
Madden NFL 16 Community Impressions

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Old 08-25-2015, 02:38 PM   #49
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Game has been great for me so far, but one major glitch surfaced. I was playing with the Colts and Luck got injured, but was able to return. However, every play after he came back in was accompanied by the same two commentary lines: "the starter is back in the game", and "confidence is high now that the starter is back". This went on for the final two quarters, probably the most annoying thing is a sports game ever.
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Old 08-25-2015, 02:39 PM   #50
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Community Impressions

I feel like my impressions are very similar to most on here, I'm hoping we see big improvements in the coming years in CFM as far as depth and customization, immersive presentation, better commentary, etc... That's exactly what I told the devs too the times I went down there this year. Gameplay is not perfect but it's definitely improved in a noticeable fashion. I have yet to start a CFM but plan to after they patch the issues currently affecting it. I gave M15 a 7.5, I'm giving M16 a 8.5 after roughly 55 hours of play time with it.

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Old 08-25-2015, 02:44 PM   #51
spoofrice11's Arena
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I only buy each sports game once every few years (Football, Basketball, etc). I don’t have a ton of time to play and I like to make it a long ways into my Franchise.

I wasn’t real impressed with the new features, so think I will wait 1 more year to get a Football game. Do you guys think that is a good idea or is this one that great I should get it for the next few years?

Also, I haven’t decided on a PS4 or Xone yet (So I wouldn’t get the game right away). I’ve just been using my 360, playing basketball a lot.

Any thoughts?
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Old 08-25-2015, 02:59 PM   #52
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Community Impressions

I gotta say the player models as a whole are much improved this year. I'm surprised this wasn't hyped more. The lighting alone is miles ahead of where it was last year.

And I love that Julio's jersey is finally fixed!
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Old 08-25-2015, 03:03 PM   #53
Retropyro's Arena
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It's not perfect, but this year is a huge improvement. For the first time in about 5 years, I'm actually really having fun with the game. Been going through the motions the last few years without even realizing it until now. Well done Tiburon.
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Old 08-25-2015, 03:08 PM   #54
prey2god's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Community Impressions

Originally Posted by Shadymamba
really? is that true since 2005, because that is a long time - i have heard the madden horror stories on next gen, but you sound like they have turned the corner in a major way - I hope so.
Honestly yes. I've bought every Madden since 98 or 99. I've also bought 2k when they were competing against each other.

With that said, Madden 16 has been so much fun, probably most i've ever had since 2005.

Trust me man, get the game. You'll love it. I played CCM out of the box, All Pro w/ Slow speed, 15 minute quarters and 16 acc clock. I'm getting challenged!

I could tell this years Madden dev team really put some hard work into it. They wanted to make a game where it would impress us all after all these Maddens that came out prior to.

Needless to say, I am very impressed. I hope they keep up with the patches for the bugs. If they do this, they will regain fans they've lost and bring some new ones in.
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Old 08-25-2015, 03:09 PM   #55
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Community Impressions

Originally Posted by GisherJohn24
Had 10 hours to play this bad boy before the release and I can easily say I had no trouble forking out the dough to get it. I'm sold.

So...I thoght today so I thought I'd give my two cents how I Feel after some serious game time

Madden took years to come to form IMO. I've played it since it's first arrival on the beloved Sega Genesis and look what we got now? It's had a rocky road here and there, and I understand it's been under heat for being too much like the previous years game, but no worries, they give you just enough to make it feel new. I feel Madden 16 is worth the price tag, and certainly for someone who took some years off.

Madden 16 is the first football game to utilize penalties to their potential. I can't remember the last time I had a pass interference call in any football game. We finally have them and they work! Pass interference calls? Yep sure are. Holding? You know it! Defensive holding? Sure thing. Late hits penalty calls? You bet! This makes the game feel more like a real game and I think for the most part, most will welcome this addition. I haven't decided if they're over done yet, but so far, it's pretty standard on what you see in a real game. It really adds to the realism if you're into the more simulation aspects.

Controls feel polished and smooth. It still has the classic controls of Madden that long time fans can jump right in. Truck stick, hit stick, spin move, hurdle, juke, etc.... Long time madden fans will be right at home with it. The newest things are the aggressive catch and possession catch functions. The aggressive catch can make for a amazing eye candy that you have never seen in a football game before, it's so real people walking into the room are thinking they're seeing ESPN highlights. With aggressive catch activated with *Y* on the XBONE or triangle on ps4, you can make for some spectacular catches and they look spectacular on both sides of the ball. Defensive will also make some amazing attempts to gain possession. Defense can do the same thing, so it's kind of a crapshoot what happens depending if they go up for the aggressive catch. You can make some mistakesif you get hit using the aggressive too much and interceptions can be more gracious. I do like the new function, but as with anything, including the penalties, if you don't like them, turn them off.

The game feel more organic than ever. 15 was great IMO already. Sure, you get the occasional times where guys flop around on piles and play possum on the field till they want to get up. Yeah, I understand it looks silly at times, but does it really interfere with the game itself after the play? No. It doesn't. A lot of review sites already say this is unacceptable and tired of seeing it I say, it's no big deal. When the game is in play, that's what counts.

The game has a fantastic running game. Blockers seem to make holes and are smarter around running down the field with you. The classic truck stick is still there, although I dont think it's as powerful as it once was as a veteran Madden player will probably agree. 16 has a ton of new animations to make the game feel more awesome. There's some brutal hits going on in this game. Although I've probably put in 10 hours already, I haven't had any injuries? hmmmm. But maybe I'm just lucky.

Passing feels good. I actually prefer to play on the game speed on "very slow". I think normal or even slow is too much speed for me, but that's just a preference. To me, the very slow represents the real game better IMO.

QB's with lower ratings finally are making more incomplete passes and they are definitely inconsistent! That's good! I noticed in 15, QB's with bad ratings were sometimes going 25 for 27 in one game! Now if your QB is just a bench guy or not very good in general, you'll see a lot of short and overthrown passes. This is a good thing again if you're playing a team with strong running game, but a passing game, not so much. QB's seem to get more rattled. As mentioned above, you're going to see some great one on one battles with the new "aggressive" catch option.

IF you want to play things safe, you can go for the regular catch or possession. Going for strictly possession, you lose the ability to get yards after a catch. Some people like to just let the cpu do all the work, that's fine, but you lose your ability to make big plays. That's the rules with madden for years, if you take over, you have a better chance at making something big happen!

Defensively is still fun with the "behind the back perspective" Sometimes I feel like the camera does some funky things after a pass, but I can usually play good defense sticking with this angle. The hit stick, while still there, doesn't seem as intense as past years? (Is this the NFL saying tone is down EA?) I sure hope not. Either way, it's good we still have the ability to make a big hit to cause those fumbles!

Presentation is slightly better than last year, but it's not light years better. And it always needs work and it's too repetitive. Some new commentary lines here and there, a bit more details about players and historical comments, but they still sound like they're reading off the cue cards too much. I'm also not a big fan of Phil Simms. He's a nice guy, but I'd rather get someone to replace him next year. Not horribly bad, but needs a rehaul for next year. Music has a nice sountrack, although I still wish they would bring back the NFL films music they used in Madden 10 and 11. Modern music is all right, I just like the old school stuff, just a preference though.

The graphics are stunning. Anyone who says otherwise, are cray cray! lol The players faces got the most love, you'll see that in the intro on the level of detail. Very detailed stadiums, amazing use of lighting and shadows and spot on reflections on the helmets. Some of the cut scenes they show in between plays etc are a bit over done, but hey, if you like presenation, there ya go!

While some people don't really pay attention, the sky schemes are glorious depending on the time of day and the sunlight peaking through clouds and how it luminates the field with the shadows are really a sight to see! Playing on snow is a blast, you'll see footprints go all over the field and there is real field degradation going on here. I appreciate those little touches.

The classic and most beloved mode is back, the Ultimate Team mode. Fans know how it works. Build your team of scrubs into the ultimate Madden team and take them online!

Speaking of online, I haven't had any major issues, EA has always had decent servers. I've only noticed a few games with a little input lag, but it's very good considering how many people were playing at once. Roster share will be awesome as always, I love being able to download all the Legends! Thanks to the community for that!

I haven't checked how deep the fantasy or franchise modes are yet, but I'm sure there is always plenty to do.

Madden 16 is a great game. Is it perfect? Nah. No football game is. But I feel it's worth your time. Anyone new to the series should pick it up. I don't know if I can justify 60 bucks if you have 15, but if you're a Madden fan like I am, I already know that you probably already have it. God bless to all the sports fans on operation sports!

Oh, BTW, where are the cheerleaders?

Couldn't agree more with this impression. I too, have been playing the game for about a week and have been really looking forward to seeing something new each time. I'm not that into MUT, but the New Fantasy draft teams are very nice touch.
Def worthy of your hard earned cash!!!!
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Old 08-25-2015, 03:13 PM   #56
prey2god's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Community Impressions

Originally Posted by therizing02
After logging 10 hours with the EA Access version, I stepped up and bought the game today without hesitation.

The thing that sticks with me the most after 10 games is that I can really tell the difference between elite teams and elite players. I played different games with a lot of different teams and not one game played out like the other.

You really need to focus on D to stop Brady. Pittsburgh D is terrible, Seattle's D is as advertised. The Dallas OLine is legit. Elite WRs are elite and everyone else is...everyone else. Playing QB with Manziel is fun because he is mobile and has a high short pass accuracy, but he is awful if he has to throw the ball more than 15 yards down the field.

I sacked Luck with KC 4 times within the first few drives and never came close to Brady with Pittsburgh's D. You can get pressure with 4DL if you can effectively USER cover the underneath routes. The throw on the run animations are just sick! Especially when they take off to avoid a sack and the pass falls 10 yards short of the intended WR. I've had games with 2 penalties and games with 8 penalties.

I played all of my games on AP default, 6 minutes, with the accelerated clock off. For anyone racing to get their slider sets out....pump the brakes, play at least five games, and work from there. This is a new game and how would anyone ever know how dynamic the gameplay is if changes to sliders are made after one game? I read a post earlier where someone said something like "AP is traditionally too easy." Well yeah, but this is a new game. Drop the preconceived notions of past titles and give the game a fair shot to prove how dynamic it is. This one is different, it's refreshing, and it's the first one I've played that actually feels like a real upgrade from the previous year.

Rex and his team deserve all the props! Well done!

I actually plan games out now w/ Madden 16 since players seem to play to their strengths. I check out the OL of the opposite team and depending on who the QB is (Is he mobile or pocket), I will adjust accordingly. Then I will pick a player to attack the weakest OL so it can open up holes for my blitz.

Same goes for Defense. If I got two strong DBs defending my WRs, but weak on my slot WR, i'm going to open up the slot w/ run plays often, penetrating the weak spot of the defense.
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