
Lighting Patch?

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Old 08-31-2018, 11:57 AM   #721
PhillyPhanatic14's Arena
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Re: Lighting Patch?

Originally Posted by DaReal Milticket
To show that not eveyone is having issues. And its a forum. Are we not allowed?

maybe it's just me, but if i am not experiencing something that others are i don't feel the need to go running around their bug threads talking about how everything they're experiencing is all in their heads and they just need to adapt to the new madden direction.

EDIT- I see you changed your original post that i commented on lol. Yes. It is called "Lighting Patch?" and my original post was asking if anyone had heard of a patch coming out. The title is not "Lighting Issues?" It's not a matter of if people are having issues. It's when is the patch coming for the issues that clearly exist.

Last edited by PhillyPhanatic14; 08-31-2018 at 11:59 AM.
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Old 08-31-2018, 12:14 PM   #722
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Re: Lighting Patch?

Originally Posted by PhillyPhanatic14
What is the point of posting in here if you don't have any issues?
Uh some of us think the game looks amazing (as I posted above) but still believe the game needs to recognize the issues that others have. And as for me, the game does look amazing but also needs adjusted (1pm games sometimes have an eclipse look to them is the issue I have).

It's not always black and white and us vs them as some of you folks here like to think. The world doesn't work that way and this thread doesn't either.
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Old 08-31-2018, 12:19 PM   #723
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Re: Lighting Patch?

Originally Posted by ODogg
Uh some of us think the game looks amazing (as I posted above) but still believe the game needs to recognize the issues that others have. And as for me, the game does look amazing but also needs adjusted (1pm games sometimes have an eclipse look to them is the issue I have).

It's not always black and white and us vs them as some of you folks here like to think. The world doesn't work that way and this thread doesn't either.

lol thanks for the life lesson but i wasn't talking about you. This is about those that say there's no issue at all.
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Old 08-31-2018, 06:00 PM   #724
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Re: Lighting Patch?

So, basically, we are trying to whittle down a date for the title update?

We can assume, since Clint already mentioned a bug they are aware of will be in the next title update and that normally is 4 to 8 weeks after the street date.

So, my best hypothesis would be somewhere between mid Sept-mid October. Showing more evidence of the game in dark shadows/dark areas of the field might help the developers more, but it won't bring the title update any sooner.

I've always found that showing the evidence to the developers nicely on Twitter tends to get more mileage and more likes.

I stated this recently here and it appears it bears repeating, the ball is in EA's court, we shall see what we shall see in the title update.

My take.
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Old 08-31-2018, 06:12 PM   #725
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Re: Lighting Patch?

Originally Posted by PhillyPhanatic14
maybe it's just me, but if i am not experiencing something that others are i don't feel the need to go running around their bug threads talking about how everything they're experiencing is all in their heads and they just need to adapt to the new madden direction.

EDIT- I see you changed your original post that i commented on lol. Yes. It is called "Lighting Patch?" and my original post was asking if anyone had heard of a patch coming out. The title is not "Lighting Issues?" It's not a matter of if people are having issues. It's when is the patch coming for the issues that clearly exist.
Actually it IS important for those that aren't experiencing issues to post that for devs for troubleshooting issues.

If EVERYONE is experiencing issues, it's a mass problem and easy to fix. If it's isolated issues affecting certain groups of users, it's important to know who it's not affecting in order to fix it for those who are affected.
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Old 08-31-2018, 11:55 PM   #726
PhillyPhanatic14's Arena
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Re: Lighting Patch?

Originally Posted by kehlis
Actually it IS important for those that aren't experiencing issues to post that for devs for troubleshooting issues.

If EVERYONE is experiencing issues, it's a mass problem and easy to fix. If it's isolated issues affecting certain groups of users, it's important to know who it's not affecting in order to fix it for those who are affected.
I get that for sure but there’s no need to continually argue with people who post about their issues and post photos of them. That part which only a minority are doing just isn’t necessary.
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Old 09-01-2018, 08:54 AM   #727
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Re: Lighting Patch?

Originally Posted by ODogg
Dude I've been a Cowboys fan since 1978 and I can tell you that some home games it's dark as hell. And it's not rare, it's pretty common for some games to be like that in various facets throughout the game. Are you saying the camera operators for Cowboys games are not doing their job?

Cuz sorry but I have to seriously disagree with that statement.

But I know what you mean overall, in a game we do need some way to see better because we're not just watching, we're controlling..but still.
I'm not saying anything bad about camera operators at all! I am one so I know how difficult it is to adjust to changing light especially sunlight to darkness. But I see it frequently in NFL and college broadcasts where a player catches the ball in sunlight and runs downfield. As he enters the shadow of the stadium the image on TV goes too dark for an instant. The camera operators quickly opens the Iris and let's more light in and the image quickly goes back up to a level that is acceptable for broadcast. The reverse happens too where they run from shadow to sunlight and the TV image gets overexposed for a few.

In instances where the play is in shadow and light when starting a decision has to be made to expose for the shadows and have the sunny area blown out or expose for sun and have the shadows too dark.

In theory HDR would eliminate a lot of this as camera get better and can see both areas better but we aren't there yet.

Regardless the same is mostly great and the only real issues I am having is with the 1pm eclipse style light you mentioned.

I guess an important part of them fixing any of this is based off of their goals. We all (most of us) want a broadcast experience but EA keeps claiming they want to create their own unique experience which is why so many elements of the presentation still don't look like we see on TV. Simulating lighting on TV versus how it looks in real life would affect their desgn. Anyway. Sorry for going off topic so much but I am passionate about image quality and proper lighting is a big part of that.

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Old 09-01-2018, 10:57 AM   #728
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Re: Lighting Patch?

Originally Posted by PhillyPhanatic14
I get that for sure but there’s no need to continually argue with people who post about their issues and post photos of them. That part which only a minority are doing just isn’t necessary.
True, but the other side of the road is true, too.

What is the point of showing more and more and more evidence of people experiencing the darkness issue? At this point, people are just repeating there is a issue of some don't experience the issue.

At this point, what is there left to prove or debate on either side of the fence? A developer isn't going to magically enter this thread and state, yep, there is an issue, fix coming shortly.

All that is left is to wait and show what course of action they are taking.
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