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Old 08-22-2021, 03:09 PM   #25
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by scottyp180
As a 2k fan I felt similar to Madden 21 next gen. Biggest thing for me was that players felt weighted and had a more realistic feel to them. Playing on PS5 I thought the adaptive triggers helped a lot.

Haven't played Madden 22 yet but looking forward to it. Just hoping they can patch out some of the current issues I've read about. Sounds like defensive coverage and zone defense is in need of improvements.
To try and "fix" the coverage issues, I jack up the reaction and coverage Sliders for cpu, and human sliders.

I noticed when I was playing defense, I used cover 2 on a 2nd and long. With the slider for human set at 50 ia All-Pro, Henry Ruggs smoked my corner, and the corner had zero help. The safety was still near the middle hash marks, and its Justin Simmons...he aint no slouch. Put it up to 65 for both, and will test when I get off work tonight if my wife truly makes me change her oil in her Hummer at 10pm

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Old 08-22-2021, 04:47 PM   #26
lunch pale gang's Arena
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by stooge 1010
I’m 52 , been playing since first madden on sega genesis and I have enjoyed most of these madden games. I am having a blast playing on my Ps5, the graphics are the best I’ve ever seen for football. I only play offline, but it still is fun to me.

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50 year old gamer here (51 in just a few weeks) and I too played the first Madden on Genesis, and I completely agree with you on this being the best looking football game I’ve ever seen.

I’m not a football junkie by any means, hockey and baseball are my go to sports, but I’ll be darned if Madden 22 doesn’t have me hooked right now. Again like you, I play offline on PS5 and am just having a blast.
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Old 08-22-2021, 05:08 PM   #27
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by damion2721
This game is awesome. I really don’t understand the constant complaining but it is what it is.
It's simple, really. In any other genre, if a franchise has a string of release people don't like or gets a terrible review, people just tend to not play the game and move on.

Sports gamers are different. We are entitled to a AAA sports game licensed a professional league that operates nearly identical to real life. So when instead of just playing a different game or moving on, sports gamers just flail around aimlessly until a season is over. This leads to depression, so they lash out.

Seriously, the solution is just play a game you like or do something else. But they are depressed, so they see that as an attack on their autonomy. So they organize a movement, get their hashtags in order, make videos about a video games they don't like, made by people they don't respect.

And they think they should be the dominant voice in sports gaming. And that's why there is, basically, only one game per sport anymore.
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Old 08-22-2021, 05:17 PM   #28
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by Cory Levy
If you have fun or enjoy or love the game in its current state, all the more power to you! That doesn't mean those of us who desperately want it to be better or deeper or have less glitches and bugs are wrong or don't deserve a voice though.

Some of us can't just 'not sweat the small stuff' because the small stuff is important to our gaming style.
Honestly, it does. The actual solution to not being able to "sweat the small stuff" is to accept or play something else.

It's not even close, baseball is my favorite sport, but for video games, I've mostly hated baseball games. Even the current Show doesn't keep me coming back. But instead of spending my time complaining in the Show forums, I've been playing a lot of other games, while dabbling in The Show.

This is probably why I find your kind of posts so frustrating. It's what I try to avoid. So I come to a forum about a game I am enjoying, and instead, it's the same crap I avoided posting elsewhere.

People are too dumb to just play games they like. It's probably the same folks that watch Walking Dead or Game of Thrones and complain every week.

Last edited by JayhawkerStL; 08-22-2021 at 06:23 PM.
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Old 08-22-2021, 05:39 PM   #29
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Re: For those enjoying the game

I was still playing 21 right up until the release of 22 and for this game is awesome. Playing the CPU is a lot of fun. My slant passes are not automatic and there are real differences playing against other teams, for example that Redskins defensive line gave me hell throughout the game, very satisfying. There is so much to like about this game and I doubt that the negative folks will ever be able to see that nor do they want to.

Happy to see a positive thread like this and no it doesn't mean the game is perfect, it just means that a lot of us are having fun.

let the others have fun with their yearly this is broken threads, I am enjoying Madden 21 tremendously and there is a huge difference from 21 in all aspects of the game.
Originally Posted by jim416
You are the 2k Police. :)
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Old 08-23-2021, 12:45 AM   #30
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by lunch pale gang
50 year old gamer here (51 in just a few weeks) and I too played the first Madden on Genesis, and I completely agree with you on this being the best looking football game I’ve ever seen.

I’m not a football junkie by any means, hockey and baseball are my go to sports, but I’ll be darned if Madden 22 doesn’t have me hooked right now. Again like you, I play offline on PS5 and am just having a blast.
51 here ..Yep it is a good game! small changes are needed but overall I like it!!
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Old 08-23-2021, 01:01 AM   #31
smcamp3's Arena
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Re: For those enjoying the game

32 here and been playing Madden since Madden 97. I really don't get the hate at all. Sure, if I cheese and run verts every play I'll get some easy TDs but if you're doing that..why even buy the game? I'm having a ton of fun in franchise, really love the coaching skill tree. I also think adding practice injuries is a nice wrinkle. Just lost Dalvin Cook for 1 week and makes me change how I'm going to distribute reps in practice. I swapped Kellen Mond in there bc Kirk Cousins is the bane of my existence and I love that there are CLEAR rookie mistakes made. Missed a couple open guys across the middle by leading them just a tad too far. Loving this game!
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Old 08-23-2021, 01:35 AM   #32
ninertravel's Arena
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Re: For those enjoying the game

I am 40 in a few weeks. I bought madden every single year from 1993 to 2012 03 04 and 05 were the golden years for me. those 3 years were simply awesome in playing madden, when the next gen change happened 06 ripped a lot out like customizing rosters. I feel the decline started here. but they they brought it back up. however... we get to

2013 was the year they killed it for me. A lot of the game was taken out 32 team control for one and so many other features.. and this was the birth of the MUT modes

2014 I remember buying it again when they brought back 32 team control. but it took 30 mins to set up 32 team control. I see some madden 22 videos and nothing has changed in the way you stat up a 32 team franchise. it's frustrating but there is a way to do it I guess. I also got fed up with players vanishing from the franchise rosters. the fact you could put the LS on the depth chart in franchise mode. so then they would all just vanish being lower rated guys. this when on for a few years.

I remember buying madden 2016 and this is when I started to lose interest after a week in or 2. this is when the youtubers and madden hate really started to come in and I will admit I got sucked into it and it pre amped my feelings before I played it.

I think I played madden 20. and another one in-between 16 but not much of it..these were the years I got married had kids and lost both parents to cancer so I really didn't have the interest I once did when I was younger and life had changed. this year though has me thinking I might actually buy the game this year despite the cristism . but here in Australia I am not paying $109 for it on the PS store complete utter rip off!! I can get it physically for $89 normally I would into a retial store and buy it but we are in lockdown right now nothing is opened. I might order it online, but I feel I will wait till September just before the season and a few patches come out and fix a few things

There is no way in hell I am paying $109 for a sports game digitally that will have 0 value in 6 months time.
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