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Old 08-23-2021, 11:06 AM   #41
bnmdjm's Arena
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Re: For those enjoying the game

So this may seem like I’m taking a shot at those who produce sliders - but I definitely, definitely am not so please do not take this that way!

When I first tried out the game this year, I really did not get much enjoyment out of it. I was playing on All-Pro. So then I decided to plug in some slider sets to see if that helped, and truthfully it didn’t do much for me. And then I realized the problem…

I’m 35 with kids and family I just don’t have the time I used to (similar to many others). I have always been at least an All-Pro if not All-Madden difficulty guy, but I kept reading how Pro was where it was at for some people. I finally decided to try it and I’m thinking, this is kindergarten lol.

However, I started tweaking sliders to my own play style and limited ability and lo and behold, this game has come alive. I think, at least for me, transforming this game from frustrating to fun was as simple as catering the sliders to my own play style, which is obviously unique to me. Without getting into all the nitty gritty, I was able to use the sliders to see what I wanted to see on the field. You can really see that the sliders work - I’m sure they aren’t perfect but I was able to craft a set that does most of the things I wanted them to. It has transformed this game from probably a C- to a B+ literally overnight. With a patch this could definitely get up to an A- experience for myself.
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Old 08-23-2021, 11:21 AM   #42
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by The Black Redneck
If a sports or really any video game pushes someone to levels of depression, and anger then it’s time for that person to unplug and seek out professional help. Games are supposed to be a fun hobby. A way to relax and get away from the stress of real life for a few hours. I just don’t understand the pure hatred some people have for Madden or any video game.
Or any form of entertainment.
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Old 08-23-2021, 11:26 AM   #43
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by bnmdjm
So this may seem like I’m taking a shot at those who produce sliders - but I definitely, definitely am not so please do not take this that way!

When I first tried out the game this year, I really did not get much enjoyment out of it. I was playing on All-Pro. So then I decided to plug in some slider sets to see if that helped, and truthfully it didn’t do much for me. And then I realized the problem…

I’m 35 with kids and family I just don’t have the time I used to (similar to many others). I have always been at least an All-Pro if not All-Madden difficulty guy, but I kept reading how Pro was where it was at for some people. I finally decided to try it and I’m thinking, this is kindergarten lol.

However, I started tweaking sliders to my own play style and limited ability and lo and behold, this game has come alive. I think, at least for me, transforming this game from frustrating to fun was as simple as catering the sliders to my own play style, which is obviously unique to me. Without getting into all the nitty gritty, I was able to use the sliders to see what I wanted to see on the field. You can really see that the sliders work - I’m sure they aren’t perfect but I was able to craft a set that does most of the things I wanted them to. It has transformed this game from probably a C- to a B+ literally overnight. With a patch this could definitely get up to an A- experience for myself.
I have been preaching this......forever. I share my sliders because some guys find them to fit their wheelhouse of what they want out of the game. I never....ever think a slider set I share is some all mighty one size fits all.

No such thing.

I got into slider making exactly doing....what you just described. Tinkering around with them to get the game to where I want it.

That is all they are (sliders) nothing more and nothing less.
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Old 08-23-2021, 11:45 AM   #44
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by Cory Levy
Madden is the only NFL licensed game we have, I love football and I love playing an NFL licensed game. So, because it's not a great game, IMO, I shouldn't get to play any NFL licensed game?
Yes. I'm not sure why that is controversial. I was a 2K fan, and lost football. I tried Madden, and I hated it. I didn't play any licensed football game with regularity from 2005-2010. I like Madden 2010 okay, but hated 11-14.

But starting with 15, I loved the direction of the game, and I play every year. So yeah, maybe you go a decade without a football game you really like. Grow the **** up.

The 'actual solution' would be being presented with a better game that is more in depth and less glitchy and buggy. If there was another alternative that was better than Madden that had an NFL license, obviously I would be playing that.
All of your "solutions" are other people making things exactly the way you like them. You never thought, "I will make my own!" Heck, the idea of just playing and enjoying games you like isn't even an option.

When I moved to St. Louis, they didn't have any BBQ worth a crap. I'm from KC, and BBQ was kind of a staple. And while I can do my own, I'm sure as hell not as good as Gates or Arthur Bryants.

You know what I didn't do? I didn't leave Yelp messages telling Bandanas how much they suck. I didn't yell at the servers and managers. I went downtown and found that St. Louis may not have had BBQ, but they had some great New Orleans style food.

Today, though, 20 years later, after a boom of hipster BBQ places that popped up like Microbrews, we have a ton of BBQ. And I never once had to tell Bandanas that their ribs were complete ****.

During my time without a football game, I actually learned to play basketball and hockey games better, and started following the NBA and NHL more. I played an entire season of MLB 2K at one point. I played an entire 82 game season and playoff in the NHL one year.

My daughter started playing soccer, so I started playing soccer games off and on just to learn a little.

in the meantime, I played fantasy football and participated in pools. I went to lots of Chiefs games and watched them on TV.

You know what I didn't do? I did spend time posting in the Madden forums because I didn't have an NFL game to play.

Seriously, you need to grow up.
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Old 08-23-2021, 11:51 AM   #45
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
I have been preaching this......forever. I share my sliders because some guys find them to fit their wheelhouse of what they want out of the game. I never....ever think a slider set I share is some all mighty one size fits all.

No such thing.

I got into slider making exactly doing....what you just described. Tinkering around with them to get the game to where I want it.

That is all they are (sliders) nothing more and nothing less.
Yeah, one of the worst spirals sports games have gone through are sliders. People wait weeks, or even months to get sliders just right.

But what always got me were the guys that had sliders moving day one, without even playing a snap in default settings. A ton of these guys hate the game they are playing because they loaded someone else's sliders that broke things that didn't need to be fixed.

It is rare that I adjust more than a bit of a slider or two anymore. I think the devs have a good idea on how to play their game to get a good experience, so I start with that.
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Old 08-23-2021, 01:49 PM   #46
damion2721's Arena
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by JayhawkerStL
Yeah, one of the worst spirals sports games have gone through are sliders. People wait weeks, or even months to get sliders just right.

But what always got me were the guys that had sliders moving day one, without even playing a snap in default settings. A ton of these guys hate the game they are playing because they loaded someone else's sliders that broke things that didn't need to be fixed.

It is rare that I adjust more than a bit of a slider or two anymore. I think the devs have a good idea on how to play their game to get a good experience, so I start with that.
Nailed it!
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Old 08-23-2021, 05:11 PM   #47
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
51 here. Love the game. I think it is clearly the best console football game I have ever played. And I have played them all. Literally.....all of them from way back on the Atari 2600.

We all want things. We all want a great representation (I am talking about Operation Sports the community in general) of the sport. I have never had more fun in my entire life playing sports games......then the last 15 years.

The end of the PS2 ERA for me was Madden 2009/MVP Baseball 2005/NHL 07/NBA Live 05

Then we went to the PS3 and fell in love with The Show and NBA 2K11 and several other non mainstream sports games like Fight Night and Top Spin 4 and of course the NCAA series (11-14 in particular) Madden never really grabbed me and held me on the PS3.....to me personally it was a lost generation for Madden football which was a game I adored from it’s beginnings on the Sega Genesis. Madden 25 on the PS3 was the only one I put in serious franchise time with.

But starting on the PS4 the game incrementally was improving each and every year. We had some steps back after Madden 16 (which I feel was a top 2 Madden game on the PS4) I did not get head deep into 18 or 19. But 20 and 21 I loved.

Madden has taken it’s biggest leap as a game IMO on Next Gen since the jump from PS1 to the PS2 (glory years). The game is really impressive on and off the field.

I love MLB The Show with a heated passion. I can’t stand what has happened on next gen with MLB 21.....I vented a little....as I have been playing the game for 15 plus years. But I moved on.....I simply am playing what I love and its all good (MLB 20).

Its ok not to like a game......but the constant ranting and raving which can be counter productive....yeah get’s a little annoying. That energy can be better used in playing what you love. And all of us can be guilty of it from time to time.....that’s ok...we are human and we are passionate about our sports games.
No sports game is ever perfect. We all know that. And it is perfectly ok to point out shortcomings. But I always felt this forum was for us to gather and find solutions and workarounds so we can enjoy our toys together. And I still feel that way. We have a great slider and roster community here that is always trying to make sports games better. I feel fortunate to have found this place. My sports gaming experience has been highly elevated because of this forum.

Back to Madden 22. A superb effort in terms of making player movement the most realistic it has ever been, CPU AI vastly improved with QB behavior and RB behavior. Still a lot of work to be done with CPU play clock management and inside franchise mode. But with Deuce Douglas in the fold at EA the future of Madden football has never ever been brighter.

Madden 22 is just the start of a clearly great foundation for offline Franchise mode junkies like us.
Thanks for your sliders every year. Are you playing on PS4 or PS5? Btw,I'm 41,it's cool seeing us older
gamers posting here!
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Old 08-23-2021, 05:25 PM   #48
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Re: For those enjoying the game

Originally Posted by JayhawkerStL
Yeah, one of the worst spirals sports games have gone through are sliders. People wait weeks, or even months to get sliders just right.

But what always got me were the guys that had sliders moving day one, without even playing a snap in default settings. A ton of these guys hate the game they are playing because they loaded someone else's sliders that broke things that didn't need to be fixed.

It is rare that I adjust more than a bit of a slider or two anymore. I think the devs have a good idea on how to play their game to get a good experience, so I start with that.
Yeah, and to go along with your point, I think people make adjustments too quickly due to 1 or 2 games. Someone ran for 120 yards vs the Jets? "Time to modify sliders."

I really think it's worth playing at least one season on default sliders, at a difficulty that feels right, to really get enough data.
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