Re: The "Game Speed, Speed/Accel Attributes, and Movement" Sliders Explained
Originally Posted by EccentricMeat
It’s really a user preference kind of thing. Some people want the constant contact and contextual animations between two players, and some view these animations as stifling “suction” that makes the game less open.
In my opinion, once you have the correct balance of Agility (Acceleration and Lateral Quickness in past games), On Ball Defense, and Defense Strength sliders you’ll want Body Up Sensitivity set high so that actions feel contextual and grounded instead of overly open and ignoring nearby defenders. Almost every move a player makes on the court IRL is in response or anticipation of nearby players. So with that in mind, I find any instance of the game making players overtly ignore or bypass the actions of nearby players to both look and feel antithetical to basketball.
But that’s just my opinion. And setting Body Up Sensitivity high is not inherently better, as without the proper balance of other sliders you can get constant brick-walls and rubber-band defending that also feels antithetical to basketball.
Sorry for rambling. To your question “if I want to get around the defender easier” you CAN do so by lowering Body Up Sensitivity, but I wouldn’t. First I would learn some of the nuance and effective combos with the new dribbling system, as simply learning how and when to launch/speed boost will make it FAR easier to get around your defender. After that, you can always decrease CPU On Ball Defense and/or Agility slightly.
What controls the cpu catch up speed and my guys just jogging on fast breaks