
Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

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Old 09-05-2016, 12:35 AM   #265
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by MontanaMan
Thanks for the feedback dude.

We're actually on the same page. I was thinking 6'6" and going to base the wingspan off of whatever wouldn't hurt my attributes.

Are we sure what weight affects yet?

I'm attempting to be a Harden/Jamal Crawford/Kobe blend.

Kobe because I'm a terror on defense.
Yup I'll post a link to a video that shows what weight affects. It's a guy showing a point guard build but it lets you see what exactly weight affects.

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Old 09-05-2016, 12:41 AM   #266
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Haraldsson88
Wait, if i've understood what some people are writing in this thread, can you exceed the caps eventually? I mean is the caps that are being shown the "final" build or will you be able to upgrade something a bit more? I.e as a slasher if i max out, will i be able to for example go higher then the mid range cap eventually?
No sir I think we get 125 out of a 150 possible on our my career and you get get badges that are bronze to compliment your playstyle but you can not exceed the individual caps of your archetype. Later in the future (they havent announced yet) they will give us more ways to get attribute upgrades for our my player so we can get closer to finishing up that possible 150 but It probably will be 10-15 extra points they cant have us maxing out our players cuz then everyone will be almost the same. But to answer your question again. No can't go past caps. We are capped by archetype.

Last edited by KingKoopaKnicca; 09-05-2016 at 12:43 AM.
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Old 09-05-2016, 12:42 AM   #267
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by Haraldsson88
Wait, if i've understood what some people are writing in this thread, can you exceed the caps eventually? I mean is the caps that are being shown the "final" build or will you be able to upgrade something a bit more? I.e as a slasher if i max out, will i be able to for example go higher then the mid range cap eventually?
You cant exceed the cap.
However there are a total of 150 slots if you were to fully max out your player to their hard crap.(which you can't.)
You get 125 upgrade total 20 they start you off with 80 you use off the bat and 25 you have to earn. But if you do the math and see how many slots you can fill up with 125 you can't even get close to capping out your player. So Zach said you can earn more than 125 upgrades by earning them in other features that have not been annoucned yet.
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Old 09-05-2016, 12:48 AM   #268
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by KingKoopaKnicca
Yea man it seems nice in theory and its a pretty strong theory but I do want to reply because I feel like a glass cleaner at 6 ft 7. Don't you feel like a glass cleaner at 6ft 7 might be too short?

His playmaking is low so he's not blowing by people or putting the ball on the ground.

He would be battling for rebounds and tip dunks, tip ins and tipping the ball towards team-mates. Why not making him bigger? I don't see where the PF has the advantage over a 7ft center version of a glass cleaner? Let's talk about that...

I can see the dynamic with a athletic finishing short PF, even how his badges come into play but I don't see the advantages of a short glass cleaner.

Talk to me, convince me otherwise. Just very interested to see what your thought process is on that.
I'm probably going to go with a 6'8 player if I do Glass Cleaner. I can drop my weight a bit since I can max out strength anyway and I'll have a big advantage in speed over a 7ft center. Since I get a vertical boost too from a weight drop, I can afford to cut down on my wingspan for a better jumpshot. Lateral quickness will be better too so I can be a little more versatile on defense. Playmaking: better here as well.

Now if a 7 footer posts me up, either I'm fronting that guy or it's a straight up hard foul lol

But that's the idea. I don't know if all that tweaking will be worth it though

Last edited by BluFu; 09-05-2016 at 12:51 AM.
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Old 09-05-2016, 12:53 AM   #269
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

I'm gonna try a 6'10" minimum weight athletic finisher at center.

1. Speed. I love Anthony Davis' game, how he uses agility to finish, not strength.
2. Playmaking. If left open in the midrange after setting a screen, I want him to pass like Joakim Noah, or take a dribble inside to finish with a floater.
3. Gravity inside. Due to elite agility and vertical, he shouldnt be left open inside, otherwise will slam the oop.
4. Great synergy of badges. Pick and roller, posterizer, tear dropper, and lob city finisher synergize to make him an elite roll man or an offense unto himself (high playmaking and tear dropper). One man fast break allows him to blitz on unsuspecting defenders.

1. Weak. Bullied on defensive end from strong interior scorers.
2. Rebounding. 12 bars, low strength in exchange for high agility.

I'm hoping a long wingspan will mitigate getting bullied inside and being pushed out of position for rebounding.
Low contact dunk rating from low strength should be remedied by gold tear dropper badge and elite speed.

I see him as a glass cannon, an elite finisher on offense, and potential defensive liability on defense. I think i'll have a lot of fun playing this unique build.
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Old 09-05-2016, 01:04 AM   #270
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by BluFu
I'm probably going to go with a 6'8 player if I do Glass Cleaner. I can drop my weight a bit since I can max out strength anyway and I'll have a big advantage in speed over a 7ft center. Since I get a vertical boost too from a weight drop, I can afford to cut down on my wingspan for a better jumpshot. Lateral quickness will be better too so I can be a little more versatile on defense. Playmaking: better here as well.

Now if a 7 footer posts me up, either I'm fronting that guy or it's a straight up hard foul lol

But that's the idea. I don't know if all that tweaking will be worth it though
His MAX Playmaking is an 8 out 25! His max Midrange is a 10/25! You will have speed but lets say verses a 7ft Center who's a glass cleaner, that battle in the paint is his cuz not only is he stronger and taller, he has the same rebounding badges as you.

See I'm very interested in this cuz a Glass Cleaner was the only other build I was considering.

You only get 125 points out of 150... at least the beginning and if I was a glass cleaner NONE is going in playmaking and NONE is giong in Midrange cuz they are soo low already even when maxed.

Again I'm open to discussion until the prelude drops LOL. I don't want to waste VC! lol So I'm open to being convinced...
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Old 09-05-2016, 01:14 AM   #271
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by poetinjune
I'm gonna try a 6'10" minimum weight athletic finisher at center.

1. Speed. I love Anthony Davis' game, how he uses agility to finish, not strength.
2. Playmaking. If left open in the midrange after setting a screen, I want him to pass like Joakim Noah, or take a dribble inside to finish with a floater.
3. Gravity inside. Due to elite agility and vertical, he shouldnt be left open inside, otherwise will slam the oop.
4. Great synergy of badges. Pick and roller, posterizer, tear dropper, and lob city finisher synergize to make him an elite roll man or an offense unto himself (high playmaking and tear dropper). One man fast break allows him to blitz on unsuspecting defenders.

1. Weak. Bullied on defensive end from strong interior scorers.
2. Rebounding. 12 bars, low strength in exchange for high agility.

I'm hoping a long wingspan will mitigate getting bullied inside and being pushed out of position for rebounding.
Low contact dunk rating from low strength should be remedied by gold tear dropper badge and elite speed.

I see him as a glass cannon, an elite finisher on offense, and potential defensive liability on defense. I think i'll have a lot of fun playing this unique build.
Nice, a little different than my short and stalky version at PF. The possible difference in mis-matches though. a 7ft 3 center vs a 6ft 10 center w/ minimum weight! OUCH! hehe... I face a similar problem with the exact same 5 inches vs a 7 foot PF but at least I have my WEIGHT. I feel with high playmaking which increases your speed with ball and short height my speed might be exactly the same as yours even at 270 pounds while 6ft 10 but minimum weight. The difference is your technically SPECIALIZING even more... the mismatch at center would be DRASTIC. I feel I might meet 6ft 8 - 6ft 10 power forwards who are lighter than me but almost EVERY center you meet will be bigger than you.

You will have a even greater speed advantage over them though.... Interesting but just too many weaknesses for me... Oh yea but your point about Tear Dropper is a nice one, it would allow you to avoid contact... true... your weaknesses are definitely not on the offensive end... It's defense and rebounding.. two things WEIGHT helps alot with

Last edited by KingKoopaKnicca; 09-05-2016 at 01:23 AM.
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Old 09-05-2016, 01:30 AM   #272
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Re: Player Archetypes NBA 2k17

Originally Posted by KingKoopaKnicca
Nice, a little different than my short and stalky version at PF. The possible difference in mis-matches though. a 7ft 3 center vs a 6ft 10 center w/ minimum weight! OUCH! hehe... I face a similar problem with the exact same 5 inches vs a 7 foot PF but at least I have my WEIGHT. I feel with high playmaking which increases your speed with ball and short height my speed might be exactly the same as yours even at 270 pounds while 6ft 10 but minimum weight. The difference is your technically SPECIALIZING even more... the mismatch at center would be DRASTIC. I feel I might meet 6ft 8 - 6ft 10 power forwards who are lighter than me but almost EVERY center you meet will be bigger than you.

You will have a even greater speed advantage over them though.... Interesting but just too many weaknesses for me... Oh yea but your point about Tear Dropper is a nice one, it would allow you to avoid contact... true... your weaknesses are definitely not on the offensive end... It's defense and rebounding.. two things WEIGHT helps alot with
My guy might be barbecue chicken Erneh on defense, LOL!!
I should go with the max wingspan on this build, to have a prayer on defense by combining length, elite agility, and elite vertical.

I really liked your power forward build. I think it's a point forward role in the mold of Blake Griffin or Lebron James, with high playmaking iq, and unique blend of power and agility. Primarily acting as a point forward, with a secondary option as a roll man. Is that what you were going for?

Mine would primarily be the roll man, with the secondary option of being a point center.

I do agree that my guy has huge weaknesses. I hope he can cut through lumbering defenders to make up for it, and still be able to provide some sort of rim protection with length and quickness.
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