
What 2k considers "good contests"

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Old 12-15-2017, 02:51 PM   #65
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Re: What 2k considers "good contests"

Originally Posted by ph33
This shot right here is a great example of where the community is conflicted:


What do you guys think? Defense could have been better at the end of the clip, but being able to green *that* shot is silly. That's a classic example of the game considering something wide open without considering the context of what led up to that shot.

By the way, that's a pure sharp but I'm sure everybody noticed if they clicked the link.
Was there a missed 3 second call ? By the guy on the left in black . BTW the shot was legit , I’ve seen way worse and heavier contested go in. I agree the rate is too high. The shot was considered open Via the OP of that link.

Somebody did something similar to me in team pro am except he had the leaning contested shot animation from the hash mark and the shot went in . My feedback said good shot contest . Do you know this Idiot comes down Court the next play and takes the exact same shot just to Airball? Bad shot selection is almost encouraged.
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Old 12-15-2017, 04:24 PM   #66
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Re: What 2k considers "good contests"

I agree pretty much with all of the above, and Jeebs is right, I'm picking too much at one clip here. But I think talking about all of this has made me realize what my biggest problem is: I wish there was much more variety to the quality of shots, and IMO anything less than what the game would consider an A- should never ever be able to get a green release. But then I guess the next debate is "What do you consider a F/D/C/B/A" kind of shot.

In year's past they did letter grades, it seems to have gone away though?

So for example, what I think the game's logic in regards to that shot is this...

-Someone was near the shooter, but not "contesting" so instead of being wide open it's just considered open.
-Sharpshooter took the shot, was on fire, and did a moving shot...for a pure, that's a 99 right? So essentially the game considered this a very good shot even though he dribbled a few times with it, and was forced to take a leaner to get away from the defender. He had no choice but to get off a really quick shot. That's not the same type of "open" to me as a catch and shoot with a late contest.
-He wasn't really in tireless scorer range, but I would argue that he should have taken a much bigger fatigue hit with some of the things that were going on prior to that shot. As 24 pointed we don't have the full context, but I still don't like that kind of shot being labeled as good.

I am just not a fan of this kind of shot being on the same tier as other looks. I wish that shots off of ball movement and penetration are considered way more valuable than some dude chucking it from deep just because he's "open" according to game logic. There's different levels of stress when it comes to some "open" shots people take and I think this should be factored into more.

Also, I noticed that in transition, people will pass up on layups so open that a 10 year old could make, because three pointers are just that easy to hit. That's just...off to me. Hell, even Stephen Curry would usually take the guaranteed 2 in that situation.

And the last thing is something that's been debated for a long time and that's what sharpshooters are able to do---to me, they should be Klay Thompson types. You catch and shoot, maybe do one dribble and shoot, and it's good. To me, pure sharps are meant to be an off-ball kind of player that is mutually helpful to those around it. A good one makes north of 70% and I think that should be good enough for that type. They should have a shot at making moving shots, but allowing them to green light leaners and moving shots as easily as they do is excessive for me.

Last edited by ph33; 12-15-2017 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 12-15-2017, 05:36 PM   #67
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Re: What 2k considers "good contests"

Originally Posted by ph33
I agree pretty much with all of the above, and Jeebs is right, I'm picking too much at one clip here. But I think talking about all of this has made me realize what my biggest problem is: I wish there was much more variety to the quality of shots, and IMO anything less than what the game would consider an A- should never ever be able to get a green release. But then I guess the next debate is "What do you consider a F/D/C/B/A" kind of shot.

In year's past they did letter grades, it seems to have gone away though?

So for example, what I think the game's logic in regards to that shot is this...

-Someone was near the shooter, but not "contesting" so instead of being wide open it's just considered open.
-Sharpshooter took the shot, was on fire, and did a moving shot...for a pure, that's a 99 right? So essentially the game considered this a very good shot even though he dribbled a few times with it, and was forced to take a leaner to get away from the defender. He had no choice but to get off a really quick shot. That's not the same type of "open" to me as a catch and shoot with a late contest.
-He wasn't really in tireless scorer range, but I would argue that he should have taken a much bigger fatigue hit with some of the things that were going on prior to that shot. As 24 pointed we don't have the full context, but I still don't like that kind of shot being labeled as good.

I am just not a fan of this kind of shot being on the same tier as other looks. I wish that shots off of ball movement and penetration are considered way more valuable than some dude chucking it from deep just because he's "open" according to game logic. There's different levels of stress when it comes to some "open" shots people take and I think this should be factored into more.

Also, I noticed that in transition, people will pass up on layups so open that a 10 year old could make, because three pointers are just that easy to hit. That's just...off to me. Hell, even Stephen Curry would usually take the guaranteed 2 in that situation.

And the last thing is something that's been debated for a long time and that's what sharpshooters are able to do---to me, they should be Klay Thompson types. You catch and shoot, maybe do one dribble and shoot, and it's good. To me, pure sharps are meant to be an off-ball kind of player that is mutually helpful to those around it. A good one makes north of 70% and I think that should be good enough for that type. They should have a shot at making moving shots, but allowing them to green light leaners and moving shots as easily as they do is excessive for me.
I'm ok with the escape dribble into a moving shot. Some of the history best shooter could shoot on the move, leaning, fading, back turned to the basket, And whatever you want lol. Ray Allen could do so much more than just shoot. Curry is PG so I don't have to say much about him. Unless some injury happens. He will be the greatest shooter of all time.

What do you guys think about these shoots?

I love this years shooting formula. It opens up the possibilities of contested jumpers going in by really good players. A bad shot is a bad shot still. But if you can get your release right. Especially your contest release (which is completely different timing from your normal catch and shoot or moving release)
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Old 12-15-2017, 05:59 PM   #68
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Re: What 2k considers "good contests"

Originally Posted by jeebs9
I'm ok with the escape dribble into a moving shot. Some of the history best shooter could shoot on the move, leaning, fading, back turned to the basket, And whatever you want lol. Ray Allen could do so much more than just shoot. Curry is PG so I don't have to say much about him. Unless some injury happens. He will be the greatest shooter of all time.

What do you guys think about these shoots?

I love this years shooting formula. It opens up the possibilities of contested jumpers going in by really good players. A bad shot is a bad shot still. But if you can get your release right. Especially your contest release (which is completely different timing from your normal catch and shoot or moving release)
I think for pro am balancing that sharpshooters could do with a little less shot off dribble, for other modes I don't have a problem with it. The vid you linked to is obv a small sample but I believe any shot should have a chance of going in, just that for Pro AM some of the shots should be going in less. Although that is me only going off my experience and I'm obv not the only one guarding the sharps I'm seeing so could be biased
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Old 12-15-2017, 07:49 PM   #69
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Re: What 2k considers "good contests"

Originally Posted by jeebs9
I'm ok with the escape dribble into a moving shot. Some of the history best shooter could shoot on the move, leaning, fading, back turned to the basket, And whatever you want lol. Ray Allen could do so much more than just shoot. Curry is PG so I don't have to say much about him. Unless some injury happens. He will be the greatest shooter of all time.

What do you guys think about these shoots?

I love this years shooting formula. It opens up the possibilities of contested jumpers going in by really good players. A bad shot is a bad shot still. But if you can get your release right. Especially your contest release (which is completely different timing from your normal catch and shoot or moving release)
I think they are decent looks for a shot creator. Shot creators do not have a 99 three.

Now you see the second shot you hit ? Picture sharpshooters doing that from deep.
Overall I don’t have a problem guarding them though. But you see some BS from time.
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Last edited by Rockie_Fresh88; 12-15-2017 at 07:52 PM.
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Old 12-15-2017, 10:20 PM   #70
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Re: What 2k considers "good contests"

if that shot was a layup with that level of contest he would have missed
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Old 12-17-2017, 12:04 PM   #71
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Re: What 2k considers "good contests"

Originally Posted by jeebs9
What do you guys think about these shoots?
First shot --- I would give that like, a C+ or B-. Which isn't bad. To me that means he took a shot that he can make, especially for a dude like Magic T-Mac. He did have a defender trailing him, but not completely smothering him. So that's why I gave it the grade I did, but don't pay attention to the grade I gave cause I don't really have a scale for these things. I just think the shot was ok. A coach wouldn't preach taking that shot too often, especially early-mid in the clock, but I would not ever think "Yeah that ain't/shouldn't be going in". By the way, nice use of triple threat. I love all the things wing players can do out of that. One of the most underused aspects in this game.

Second shot, I actually thought was pretty good. I don't know what Magic T-Mac's 3 point rating is but that looked smooth. Used your dribbles to get into a good shot rhythm, took advantage of the fact that Baron Davis was doing who the hell knows what, lol.

Originally Posted by Rockie_Fresh88
Now you see the second shot you hit ? Picture sharpshooters doing that from deep.
Overall I don’t have a problem guarding them though. But you see some BS from time.
Yep that's what drives me crazy. If you are someone who can catch and shoot and be minimum 70% from deep, then the "penalty" for taking a single dribble before shooting should be much more severe. I know that when you dribble you lose the catch and shoot badge helping you out, but people still get to shoot way too high a percentage after dribbling just because game logic says they're "open". I don't want this game to be anti-fun, but it's also not fun designing a defensive game plan around this. Even the Houston Rockets and Golden State Warriors would blush at some of the shot selection. Those teams generate their 3 point looks off of ball movement, they don't just dribble dribble dribble chuck chuck chuck. They have players who can make spectacular shots, but these guys can't and don't do it every damn possession.

Last edited by ph33; 12-17-2017 at 12:17 PM.
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Old 12-17-2017, 03:23 PM   #72
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Re: What 2k considers "good contests"

Originally Posted by jeebs9
This is why reading this is so frustrating. When I watch the play of users online even offline. People abuse the paint like nuts. And we're in a thread trying open up the paint. The right play here would of been to kick it out to the corner to the WIDE OPEN player. Yes Harden can make this layup. But there is a one percent chance because defender's are in the area. He misses. People should be looking for the best shot possible. In this situation he got the second best shot.

This is why I repeat. Every choice is not automatic. And never should be. I think people need to look at this game as. I have to get my team in the best position to win. The only thing that is perfect in this game. Is a green release. And even that you have to work really hard for.

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Wow...Ask any coach or fan in the world if they think the best play is to kick it out wide when there is an open layup with the best scorer in the game and see how many out of a 1000 think it is. I would be surprised if there were any.

Last edited by RS130988; 12-17-2017 at 03:26 PM.
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