
Why do people say that Live is unrealistic or arcade-ish?

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Old 09-30-2009, 07:21 PM   #17
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Re: Why do people say that Live is unrealistic or arcade-ish?

It's their opinion. Let them feel what they want to feel about Live 10. If you don't see it that way, then YOU enjoy the game. Others obviously won't based on that opinion and why should that bother you? I'm sure everyone here has an opinion on 2K10. It doesn't mean that your opinion is fact or represents the actual truth. The same goes for opinions on Live.
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Old 09-30-2009, 07:26 PM   #18
CX1329's Arena
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Re: Why do people say that Live is unrealistic or arcade-ish?

Originally Posted by mikejs210
It's their opinion. Let them feel what they want to feel about Live 10. If you don't see it that way, then YOU enjoy the game. Others obviously won't based on that opinion and why should that bother you? I'm sure everyone here has an opinion on 2K10. It doesn't mean that your opinion is fact or represents the actual truth. The same goes for opinions on Live.

Contrary to popular belief, certain opinions -are- questionable. I could say Atari's Ice Hockey has better graphics than NHL, and even if I didn't try to pass that off as fact, it would still be questionable.
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Old 09-30-2009, 07:30 PM   #19
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Re: Why do people say that Live is unrealistic or arcade-ish?

Originally Posted by blues rocker
I don't think it's the quickness of the layup/dunk animations that makes them unblockable...it's the weakness of the defensive control and lack of proper collision (in air) that makes these moves unblockable. when a player goes up for a dunk, if you attempt block him and jump "into" his body, there will be no collision - your defender will just magically bounce off of the dunker like he's protected by a force field. Once they improve the shot blocking system and implement realistic mid-air collisions, that will solve the problem.
Agree with this 100%. All hoop games suffer from that in some way. I do feel that adjusted/circus shots in the paint by the cpu go in a little too much for my liking at the higher levels out of the box. This nullifies the great d that was played to force them into that kind of shot imo.

This game is not arcade though imo
EA and 2k have the unfortunate task of trying to balance on a tightrope of fun and sim while trying not to fall 10,000 feet to their death. Instead of a safety net waiting down below there will just be angry customers quick to move out of the way and talk of their failure.

Last edited by NINJAK2; 09-30-2009 at 07:40 PM.
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Old 09-30-2009, 08:03 PM   #20
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Re: Why do people say that Live is unrealistic or arcade-ish?

Originally Posted by mikejs210
It's their opinion. Let them feel what they want to feel about Live 10. If you don't see it that way, then YOU enjoy the game. Others obviously won't based on that opinion and why should that bother you? I'm sure everyone here has an opinion on 2K10. It doesn't mean that your opinion is fact or represents the actual truth. The same goes for opinions on Live.
However opinons can be mis-informed so people try to inform them.

Saying the game looks too cartoonish,alright that's an opinion,I don't see it but if that's what someone thinks well that's what they think.

Now the people that say Lebron looks white and Kobe looks Chinese while that's an opinion it's a mis-informed one because it's only like that in the hangar because of the giant window the sun is shining through. You can see in the actual demo Kobe is correct and not Chinese.
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Old 09-30-2009, 08:16 PM   #21
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Re: Why do people say that Live is unrealistic or arcade-ish?

Some of them are people like me who didn't give the demo the time of day because they're such a hardcore 2k fan.
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Old 09-30-2009, 08:17 PM   #22
jsquigg's Arena
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Re: Why do people say that Live is unrealistic or arcade-ish?

All things discussed on the forums are objective or opinion based, even when most people here agree. Both Live and 2k are catered to sim gamers, but after playing both demos Live is the most sim game I've played to date. That's my opinion and it's obviously open for debate. I don't think Live is close to being perfect, but all sports video games hit a point where realism is impossible to replicate. So to me, the sim argument gets out of control when people try to enforce their opinions on others because they like how one game plays over another.
IMO Live is more of a sim experience because it bases it's shooting on percentages and has situational tendencies powering its engine without ratings in those areas. I think the problem with 2k is that while it has (to me) prettier animations, the ratings, tendencies, and those beautiful animations are all battling each other. In Live, it doesn't look as pretty at times, but those things are in sync for the most part.
From what I observed, people are just using sim to argue what game they like better. I don't think that's the issue necessarily, but I definitely think Live went out of its way to mirror the real world this year and from what I hear will continue to do so.
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Old 09-30-2009, 08:32 PM   #23
kwas676's Arena
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Re: Why do people say that Live is unrealistic or arcade-ish?

Originally Posted by jsquigg
All things discussed on the forums are objective or opinion based, even when most people here agree. Both Live and 2k are catered to sim gamers, but after playing both demos Live is the most sim game I've played to date. That's my opinion and it's obviously open for debate. I don't think Live is close to being perfect, but all sports video games hit a point where realism is impossible to replicate. So to me, the sim argument gets out of control when people try to enforce their opinions on others because they like how one game plays over another.
IMO Live is more of a sim experience because it bases it's shooting on percentages and has situational tendencies powering its engine without ratings in those areas. I think the problem with 2k is that while it has (to me) prettier animations, the ratings, tendencies, and those beautiful animations are all battling each other. In Live, it doesn't look as pretty at times, but those things are in sync for the most part.
From what I observed, people are just using sim to argue what game they like better. I don't think that's the issue necessarily, but I definitely think Live went out of its way to mirror the real world this year and from what I hear will continue to do so.
Its the authenticity of 2k from, shooting, dribbling, and player traits that what people say 2k is more real the live, people will see that before they see live playcalling, spacing, help defense, and tendencies, I'm talking bout the 09 editions. Live old gameplay where to basic and all over the place. 09 showed to me live was finally back in the sim direction even though the gameplay was whacky.
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Old 09-30-2009, 08:34 PM   #24
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Re: Why do people say that Live is unrealistic or arcade-ish?

My thoughts after two weeks with the demo is if you want the cpu to react and play in a sim fashion, you dictate it yourself.If you choose to run and gun and turn it into a dunkfest, the cpu will respond in kind.
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