
WWE Off-Topic

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Old 07-16-2016, 03:30 PM   #8585
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WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by SPTO
I definitely remember reading at least as early as a couple weeks before UFC 200 that the company was sold or very close to being sold. Hell, the whole process of UFC being sold was in the "back pages" of the sports news since the spring! There was even one report stating that WWE had an early interest but bowed out.

Yea Aholbert posted a tweet in the MMA section about the sale on 6/20. And that was the first report I had heard it was sold. I had heard rumblings of it being sold but nothing definitive.

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Old 07-16-2016, 03:39 PM   #8586
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

I feel like everyone is jumping to severe conclusions here. There isn't a single clue here what he was popped for, he had clean tests prior to the possible violation so for all we know he took the wrong the thing. You gotta be pretty dumb to get popped if you're Lesnar with the testing he does in the WWE and then the big deal they made of him being exempt of 4 months of prior testing with the UFC.

Now say he is that dumb (probably likely) big whoop for the WWE. He's still a spectacle, has no character concerns other then being a mountain man, and this is far from the first failed test the WWE has had. I'd be willing to bet he serves no suspension cause it's not their test and he hasn't been around. To say they should release him is just the craziest thing I've read all day, we're not talking about a guy beating up his wife here.

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Old 07-16-2016, 03:46 PM   #8587
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by jvalverde88
Why? All he did was fail a drug test. Don't get me wrong I'm starting get bored with Brock but he failed a test totally unrelated to to WWE. IMO its stupid for WWE to test when its not even a real athletic contest.
Originally Posted by TheShizNo1

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I just don't see what value he brings the company at this point. His matches are all the same and he's feuded with and/or wrestled most of the top guys, and it's clear that WWE doesn't view Ambrose, Wyatt, etc. as being on Lesnar's level.

With PPV dead for WWE, it's not like Lesnar is brining in extra business, since fans will get the Network for reasons other than 3-4 Lesnar matches a year. He does help with media exposure, but again, that's not translating to ratings or increased Network purchases.

Keep Heyman around and have Nakamura be the next Paul Heyman guy.
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Old 07-16-2016, 04:18 PM   #8588
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by SPTO
The thing is, this is just killing any credibility the WWE has as well. You would have to be willfully looking the other way if you thought Brock was ever clean. (maybe he was very early in his first WWE stint but since then...Yeah I doubt it) So right there you have the specter of WWE (if they actually did) testing being held to scrutiny because how the hell could THEIR tests not pick this up already?

On top of that you have the Roman Reigns thing and the scuttlebutt about how he may have flunked his latest drug test but Vince and Co. want to keep pushing him, maybe not exactly right away but it's being treated almost like a bump on the road. What happened with Brock opens the door to any enterprising do-gooder to put the screws to WWE with their testing protocols.

Before Brock went back to UFC WWE wasn't getting that much "outside" publicity other than their deal with ESPN which allows for some stories and such to make it on their air but overall WWE isn't as huge of a deal outside of the wrestling zeitgeist now however, with the whole hoopla over Brock and cross promoting with WWE there's going to be some kind of scrutiny.
I'm not sure what credibility guys are killing for professional wrestling, though. We know it's fake and scripted so the worst Brock is doing is maintaining his look or recovering faster than normal from injury.

Originally Posted by Chrisksaint
I feel like everyone is jumping to severe conclusions here. There isn't a single clue here what he was popped for, he had clean tests prior to the possible violation so for all we know he took the wrong the thing. You gotta be pretty dumb to get popped if you're Lesnar with the testing he does in the WWE and then the big deal they made of him being exempt of 4 months of prior testing with the UFC.

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And I think you're underestimating how rampant fighters say peds are running through MMA. Getting caught using in wrestling or MMA doesn't present a serious consequence.

Originally Posted by DJ
I just don't see what value he brings the company at this point. His matches are all the same and he's feuded with and/or wrestled most of the top guys, and it's clear that WWE doesn't view Ambrose, Wyatt, etc. as being on Lesnar's level.

With PPV dead for WWE, it's not like Lesnar is brining in extra business, since fans will get the Network for reasons other than 3-4 Lesnar matches a year. He does help with media exposure, but again, that's not translating to ratings or increased Network purchases.

Keep Heyman around and have Nakamura be the next Paul Heyman guy.
I hear you. But if you weren't saying this before he got popped, then it sounds like you're saying to cut him because of that.

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Originally Posted by Mo
Just once I'd like to be the one they call a jerk off.
Originally Posted by Mo
You underestimate my laziness
Originally Posted by Mo
**** ya

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Old 07-16-2016, 04:44 PM   #8589
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by TheShizNo1
And I think you're underestimating how rampant fighters say peds are running through MMA. Getting caught using in wrestling or MMA doesn't present a serious consequence.

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Let's go live to Nick Diaz for comment:
Everybody is on PEDs.

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Old 07-17-2016, 12:20 AM   #8590
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by DJ

Keep Heyman around and have Nakamura be the next Paul Heyman guy.
No thank you. It'd be worse than Punk with Heyman. Fun for a bit, then grows old. Nakamura doesn't need a mouth piece.
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Old 07-17-2016, 01:10 AM   #8591
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

Originally Posted by bdolski
No thank you. It'd be worse than Punk with Heyman. Fun for a bit, then grows old. Nakamura doesn't need a mouth piece.
Yeah. Nakamura doesn't need him and the "just make him a Heyman guy" thing hasn't worked for anyone but Lesnar anyway.
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Old 07-17-2016, 01:43 AM   #8592
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Re: WWE Off-Topic

This may be a dumb comment but since I dont know anything about what they actually test for Ill go ahead and make it:

What if the testing done for UFC is more strict than the testing done with WWE?
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