NBA Elite 11 News Post
NBA Elite 11 Videos
Member Comments
I like the controls and everything, but the animations just seem off, like after they release the jumper its just stiff, and they drop back down .. I hope its cause its a WIP, but also the graphics look a lil off too ..
I'm not too good with this early stuff cause idk what to expect
I'm not too good with this early stuff cause idk what to expect
holding onto tha ball in order to get enough power and a better release gives the defender a better opportunity to block ur shot... that's has to be fixed!!! grant hill got his shot blocked cuz he was holding on to the ball to get enough power (I guess) we he should have released early to avoid the block... with no variation this could get ugly!!! nice video tho...
Yeah, nice vid. Did y'all see the bigs down low fighting for the rebound?
Very nice video....I can't wait to see the beta build so I can see how they updated graphics and lighting looks to go with the controls
I 've been fooled way too many times by ea these last couple of years and im not goin to let them fool me anymore.This doesnt look like a step in any direction, just a stand still. I mean comone now, in some other interviews about the controls they said" the left stick controls your players feet and movement and the right stick is hand movement" yadayadayda, i guess they forgot it has always been like that! Thats nothing new! graphics dont look too good either and you cant say its a work in progress because even in the past the graphics dont improve from the "work in progress stage" Im not getting my hopes up for elite to be a great game id love to play just like im from new york and never got my hopes up for my man lebron to come play for us... the result of that was me not being pissed off that he didnt come here.My hopes are up for cp3 and melo however, so maybe elite can be the future big 3 to 2k11s already established big three that is already ready to dominate this upcoming season. demo prove me wrong!
# 6
bonannogiovanni @ 07/12/10 04:58 PM
In the long distance shots the net seems to move before the ball even touches it, however it's way better than 10 overall.
Good video, as far as the players are concerned. But the actual game doesn't look very good.
Man another controls vid? They milking these control videos. The part when Jennings drives to the hoop, Martin is facing Jennings right there in the lane and then turns to his left like he doesn't even notice him as he drives right on by?
i want elite to be a great game but that video has me a little worried,that did not look good at all, and can we hear and see other parts of the game now instead of the controls please. not impressed at all

While, I was originally thinking, "Oh, no, not another vid about Elite's controls", it was good to see some 5 on 5 action, for once. Can't say I necessarily liked what I saw but still, it's early.
# 12
Behindshadows @ 07/12/10 08:31 PM
More control videos, so tired of them. I'm a guy who did everything he could to market Live 10. But seriously, no more control info, we get it!
Let's see some Graphic Improvements, Stadium details, Dynasty Mode, etc.
Controls as someone else stated is over marketing / milking right now!
Thanks for sharing Steve, as it is nice to see some 5 on 5. The graphics and animations during those releases were terrible.
It's W.I.P. so I won't complain too much, I'm just glad they gave us this much footage.
Let's see some Graphic Improvements, Stadium details, Dynasty Mode, etc.
Controls as someone else stated is over marketing / milking right now!
Thanks for sharing Steve, as it is nice to see some 5 on 5. The graphics and animations during those releases were terrible.
It's W.I.P. so I won't complain too much, I'm just glad they gave us this much footage.
# 13
kumamae_33 @ 07/12/10 08:38 PM

# 14
Dantecamp21 @ 07/12/10 08:46 PM
I've played every basketball game around and I've been an avid fan of EA Basketball troughout the years, even in the wake of of disgraceful efforts like 07.
I'm saddened to say that for the first time ever I'm not one bit hyped up for this game. Live 10 got so close but after some extended time with the game the glaring issues became obvious to everybody. For me those videos have a lot of Live 10 in it.
Let's hope they prove us wrong.
I'm saddened to say that for the first time ever I'm not one bit hyped up for this game. Live 10 got so close but after some extended time with the game the glaring issues became obvious to everybody. For me those videos have a lot of Live 10 in it.
Let's hope they prove us wrong.
Looking nice. I think if they have been doing interviews and game sessions with real NBA players, their gaining real success. But, I still have to try it out. I also like how you use the sticks too instead of just hoping for the shots to go in.
some strange!
I go back and see the previous videos...i found it's better than this...(more fluid!!)
I want to see more features..."new hand on control" is enough to me!!
I know it's only july. but PLz show me more features!!
I go back and see the previous videos...i found it's better than this...(more fluid!!)
I want to see more features..."new hand on control" is enough to me!!
I know it's only july. but PLz show me more features!!
# 17
dirtypuppet @ 07/12/10 10:17 PM
Only going to touch on the negatives here, constructive feedback for the devs.
1:11 - 1:14, Curry spinning past Brooks:
Brooks shows no awareness of Curry. Even if he gets beat off the dribble, his head/ eyes should be showing some sort of awareness of the person he's guarding. He's just blankly staring into space.
1:29 - 1:31, Jennings shoots a floater over Billups:
Obviously the sharp blend of animations is due to giving the user a sharp response time, but if there could be at least a 1, or 2 frame blend between the animations.
1:34 - 1:36, Maggette and Scola boxing out along the baseline:
- Maggette Running Baseline just causes Scola to slide backwards, and then they eventually enter (a horrible, dated, over the top) box out animation. Pretty sure I remember seeing this animation in about Live 05 when EA was touting the '5 Man Mo-Cap. In general, boxing out animations are too over the top.
2:12 - 2:15, Curry shoots a floater in the lane:
Same as the floater over Billups. A one or two frame blend shouldn't hurt the feeling of responsiveness.
2:15 - 2:18, Hill attempts to block Durants jumper:
The generic block animations that Hill does (I've seen this in earlier videos as well) is just very bad. Whether this was taken from mo-cap or manually animated, it's a very rigid animation with bad posing. I run an animation studio and I have a very good sense for movement, and this does not look like it should. Hill also probably jumps too high (I could say that about a lot of the animations I've seen in the earlier videos too). As mentioned earlier, the net is moving a few frames before it's actually interacted with.
2:27 - 2:30, same shot block attempt as before, different angle:
You can also see from this angle that Hill looks like he should be lunging forward slightly, yet he is jumping straight up. I think there just just needs to be more and varied situational blocking animations.
Are any of these issues likely to be looked at?
1:11 - 1:14, Curry spinning past Brooks:
Brooks shows no awareness of Curry. Even if he gets beat off the dribble, his head/ eyes should be showing some sort of awareness of the person he's guarding. He's just blankly staring into space.
1:29 - 1:31, Jennings shoots a floater over Billups:
Obviously the sharp blend of animations is due to giving the user a sharp response time, but if there could be at least a 1, or 2 frame blend between the animations.
1:34 - 1:36, Maggette and Scola boxing out along the baseline:
- Maggette Running Baseline just causes Scola to slide backwards, and then they eventually enter (a horrible, dated, over the top) box out animation. Pretty sure I remember seeing this animation in about Live 05 when EA was touting the '5 Man Mo-Cap. In general, boxing out animations are too over the top.
2:12 - 2:15, Curry shoots a floater in the lane:
Same as the floater over Billups. A one or two frame blend shouldn't hurt the feeling of responsiveness.
2:15 - 2:18, Hill attempts to block Durants jumper:
The generic block animations that Hill does (I've seen this in earlier videos as well) is just very bad. Whether this was taken from mo-cap or manually animated, it's a very rigid animation with bad posing. I run an animation studio and I have a very good sense for movement, and this does not look like it should. Hill also probably jumps too high (I could say that about a lot of the animations I've seen in the earlier videos too). As mentioned earlier, the net is moving a few frames before it's actually interacted with.
2:27 - 2:30, same shot block attempt as before, different angle:
You can also see from this angle that Hill looks like he should be lunging forward slightly, yet he is jumping straight up. I think there just just needs to be more and varied situational blocking animations.
Are any of these issues likely to be looked at?
# 18
smithdynasty @ 07/12/10 10:28 PM
First of all, the game doesn't even look good in the preview. 2nd of all at 2:18, the net pops before the ball goes through. I think Mike Wang just made the best decision of his life by going back to 2k. I fell for EA's marketing machine last year. It wont happen again, this game doesn't look good at all.
So many honest replies here. I can see people being hopeful and crossing their fingers for a solid product, as am I. But at the same time, people are finally starting to see the marketing of EA and this series, for what it is....Hype! Don't get me wrong, I'm an avid Live player, but every year its another nba player talking it up about how great the game is gonna be and how great it feels while the camera is rolling. It's getting kind of old already.
I'm hoping as much as anyone that this years version will be fresh and won't be the same old thing. Graphics looked the same, defense was lacking and I also noticed the technical things like the net moving before the ball hit the rim, but I understand this is a work in progress... But I've been playing this series long enough and have been around here long enough to know that this is EA's M.O. Hype the heck out of the new features, hire some NBA guys to talk it up and then ultimately, IMO, the final product is disappointing. Here's to hoping this years final product will be a few steps up.
I'm hoping as much as anyone that this years version will be fresh and won't be the same old thing. Graphics looked the same, defense was lacking and I also noticed the technical things like the net moving before the ball hit the rim, but I understand this is a work in progress... But I've been playing this series long enough and have been around here long enough to know that this is EA's M.O. Hype the heck out of the new features, hire some NBA guys to talk it up and then ultimately, IMO, the final product is disappointing. Here's to hoping this years final product will be a few steps up.
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