Madden 12 News Post

ESPN The Gamer has posted the Madden NFL 12 player ratings for the top 5 quarterbacks in the game.

Tom Brady - 99
Peyton Manning - 98
Aaron Rodgers - 98
Philip Rivers - 96
Drew Brees - 96

Are there any changes you would like to see, or are they just about right?

Game: Madden NFL 12Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 44 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Mike Smoove @ 08/01/11 07:56 PM
Cant really argue with it although Peyton should be a 99. Looks spot on though. Glad Rivers is getting the respect he deserves as that guy is game.
# 2 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 08/01/11 08:30 PM
Looks ight to me although I think Rodgers and manning are just as good as Brady.
# 3 dougdeuce @ 08/01/11 08:43 PM
I'm so sick of seeing these inflated ratings. So after 3 years as a starter Rodgers can only get 1% better? Top 5 QB'S all above 95? Give me a break.
# 4 angels eclipse7 @ 08/01/11 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by dougdeuce
I'm so sick of seeing these inflated ratings. So after 3 years as a starter Rodgers can only get 1% better? Top 5 QB'S all above 95? Give me a break.
I completely agree. 5 QBs 96 or higher? That is crazy. Donny wants to make every fan happy aka making every team a little better than they are.
# 5 rich7sena @ 08/01/11 08:57 PM
It would be nice for the ratings to reflect some perspective. For example, Manning is no longer at his best, I'd say he's playing around a 94 this far into his career. Rodgers is probably also around a 94 with a higher ceiling. Brady should be somewhere around a 97 because while he had a phenomenal season last year, he's not 2007 Brady which clearly was him at 99. I'd see the rankings something more like this:

Brady: 97
Manning: 94
Rodgers: 94
Brees: 94
Rivers: 92

I suppose overalls don't matter as long as their individual ratings are spot on.
# 6 knucklar @ 08/01/11 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by rich7sena
It would be nice for the ratings to reflect some perspective. For example, Manning is no longer at his best, I'd say he's playing around a 94 this far into his career. Rodgers is probably also around a 94 with a higher ceiling. Brady should be somewhere around a 97 because while he had a phenomenal season last year, he's not 2007 Brady which clearly was him at 99. I'd see the rankings something more like this:

Brady: 97
Manning: 94
Rodgers: 94
Brees: 94
Rivers: 92

I suppose overalls don't matter as long as their individual ratings are spot on.
I think if you bumped Rodgers up to a 95/96 those would be very fair ratings. Manning is coming off a rocky season by his standards and Rodgers just carried the Packers to a Super Bowl victory.
# 7 Lange248 @ 08/01/11 09:10 PM
I think those ratings are pretty good, at least they got the right QBs up there.
# 8 BoricuaMobStar @ 08/01/11 09:22 PM
Here's What I think the ratings should look like(Im going to do top 10 QB's though)

1. Tom Brady(96)
2. Payton Manning(96)
3. Arron Rodgers(94)
4. Drew Brees(90)
5. Phillip Rivers(90)
6. Michael Vick(87)
7. Matt Ryan(86)
8. Eli Manning (86)
9. Joe Flacco(84)
10. Mark Sanchez(84)

Idk it should be something like that. But overall ratings dont mean nothing anymore. It matters how u play not who u use
# 9 poopoop @ 08/01/11 09:25 PM
They should scrap overall ratings completely. Would do a lot of good and would allow players to be rated on their own merit instead of trying to make them a certain overall.
# 10 wishcoats @ 08/01/11 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by rich7sena
It would be nice for the ratings to reflect some perspective. For example, Manning is no longer at his best, I'd say he's playing around a 94 this far into his career. Rodgers is probably also around a 94 with a higher ceiling. Brady should be somewhere around a 97 because while he had a phenomenal season last year, he's not 2007 Brady which clearly was him at 99. I'd see the rankings something more like this:

Brady: 97
Manning: 94
Rodgers: 94
Brees: 94
Rivers: 92

I suppose overalls don't matter as long as their individual ratings are spot on.
Agreed. Some more perspective could be put into the ratings. But, as another poster said, I think they rather give high ratings to more people so fans of those teams don't feel cheated
# 11 BoricuaMobStar @ 08/01/11 09:32 PM
@Chuckles012 lol yeah he not top 10 material in real life but in the game u gonna have Santonio Homles, Braylon Edwards, and Plaxico Burress to throw to and you telling me they wont make a QB look good so Madden not gonna make him a top ten QB? In my book Sam Bradford way better and a few others.
# 12 angels eclipse7 @ 08/01/11 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by poopoop
They should scrap overall ratings completely. Would do a lot of good and would allow players to be rated on their own merit instead of trying to make them a certain overall.
i'd be pissed
# 13 trythis @ 08/01/11 09:54 PM
You have a QB in 3 of the last 6 SB's and he is not listed as a top 5 QB, give me a break! How does Rivers get such high ratings, who did he ever beat when it mattered?
# 14 at23steelers @ 08/01/11 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by BoricuaMobStar
Here's What I think the ratings should look like(Im going to do top 10 QB's though)

1. Tom Brady(96)
2. Payton Manning(96)
3. Arron Rodgers(94)
4. Drew Brees(90)
5. Phillip Rivers(90)
6. Michael Vick(87)
7. Matt Ryan(86)
8. Eli Manning (86)
9. Joe Flacco(84)
10. Mark Sanchez(84)

Idk it should be something like that. But overall ratings dont mean nothing anymore. It matters how u play not who u use
Is this list serious?? No Big Ben in the top 10. How is Flacco, Sanchez, or Eli ahead of him? My list:

Tom Brady 97 overall
Peyton Manning 96 overall
Aaron Rodgers 96 overall
Brees 95 overall
Big Ben 94 overall
Philip Rivers 93 overall
Vick 93 overall
Ryan 90 overall
Shaub 89 overall
Freeman 88 overall
# 15 bkrich83 @ 08/01/11 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by trythis
You have a QB in 3 of the last 6 SB's and he is not listed as a top 5 QB, give me a break! How does Rivers get such high ratings, who did he ever beat when it mattered?
How do you quantify who a QB beat with ratings. Fact of the matter is as a passer Rivers is coming off another phenomenal season despite missing most of his playmakers last season.

Led the league with 4,700 yards passing, 66% completion, 30 td and 13 int's and his 3rd straight year with a passer rating over 101.

Not sure why he shouldn't be rated high.
# 16 BoricuaMobStar @ 08/01/11 10:21 PM
@at23steelers honestly I forgot about big ben lol He'd be a 88 on my list. Id take Flacco off the top 10
# 17 tatmanfish @ 08/01/11 10:23 PM
lol, Sanchez top 10!!!

Its OK, Newton has the same deep ball accuracy as Brees. That right there tell you theres plenty of errors. At least they pretty much got the right guys up there.
# 18 TheAlter95 @ 08/01/11 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by BoricuaMobStar
Here's What I think the ratings should look like(Im going to do top 10 QB's though)

1. Tom Brady(96)
2. Payton Manning(96)
3. Arron Rodgers(94)
4. Drew Brees(90)
5. Phillip Rivers(90)
6. Michael Vick(87)
7. Matt Ryan(86)
8. Eli Manning (86)
9. Joe Flacco(84)
10. Mark Sanchez(84)

Idk it should be something like that. But overall ratings dont mean nothing anymore. It matters how u play not who u use
i cant beleive you have sanchez in their, you obviously dont watch the jets. i agree with others for the most part but sanchez!!!!!!!! hes in my top ten worst qaurterbacks in the league.
# 19 BoricuaMobStar @ 08/01/11 10:27 PM
Guys guys lol Im not going with the real life skills. I think Sanchez is a bum among bums but I just think he'd be top 10 QB in madden. In madden 11 I thought he was a solid QB.
# 20 crenk @ 08/01/11 10:40 PM
ESPN article rating QB's based off of a new system

Big Ben not in the top ten

Top tier: Brady, Peyton Manning, Matt Ryan, Michael Vick, Rodgers and Drew Brees.

Well above average: Josh Freeman, Eli Manning and Philip Rivers.

Above average: Ben Roethlisberger, Tony Romo, Joe Flacco, Matt Schaub, David Garrard and Kerry Collins.

Around average: Matt Cassel, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Mark Sanchez, Carson Palmer, Colt McCoy, Kyle Orton and Jon Kitna.

Below average: Shaun Hill, Jason Campbell, Jay Cutler, Matt Hasselbeck, Chad Henne, Donovan McNabb, Sam Bradford and Alex Smith.

Poor: Derek Anderson, Brett Favre and Jimmy Clausen.

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