
NHL 16 Penalties?

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Old 09-27-2015, 06:54 PM   #129
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Playing my first vs game against the cpu in a while.

Default Hardcore All Star 5 min periods.

I moved puck control to max, stick checking to 3, and maxed all penalty sliders.

5 min into the game, i slashed and tripped a player and my cpu teammate slashed someone as well. LOL 3 penalties already. Lets see how the rest plays out.


6 total penalties in period 1, 3 by each team.
2 total in the 2nd period, both on me.
2 total in the 3rd, 1 by each team.

Tripping 4 total, 2 on each team.
Slashing 3 total, all 3 on me.
Hooking 2 total, both on CPU.
Elbow 1 total, on me.

I lost 4-2.

Solid game IMO, shot totals 29 to 27 in favor of cpu.

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Last edited by Fiddy; 09-27-2015 at 07:36 PM.
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Old 09-27-2015, 11:52 PM   #130
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by Therion7
The sliders don't work like 11 and there isn't enough variance for me.

Not sure why you can't accept other long time series players have different opinions and experiences with the game without sarcasm and indirect digs.
I have zero problems how others play but when they gut key sliders trying to paint a unrealistic sim picture and then say theres no penalties thats a falsehood and since last year the same people now person says theres no penalties and now not enough variance and Im telling you for me there is and I also left documented proof on how and type , even after I was attack and called out as a liar .

I think its disingenuous that people make accusations that just arent true and I can also make the game play anyway I want as Fiddy just proved with a few tweaks if you know how to balance them IMO .

Are they perfect no but I also dont want some fake sim AI handing out penalties for sim sake and just like in real Hockey you mostly have to earn them as many here have attested .
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Last edited by THESHAMISASHAME; 09-28-2015 at 02:05 AM. Reason: add on
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Old 09-28-2015, 03:51 AM   #131
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Your opinion, does not mean its right. What others are seeing is different so respect that. Its what individuals see and experience that counts. What there should be is pen sliders that work so that we are all satisfied, thats the main issue. 2k hokey visual was not good but the sliders worked.
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Old 09-28-2015, 04:25 AM   #132
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bcruise's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

No problems here with penalties post-tuner. I usually see at least 2 and often more on a team per game. And I don't even have:

A: The penalty slider all the way up (it's one click from max)

B: The AI sliders "CPU Penalties" or "CPU Teammate Penalties" maxed (they're on 3)

C: Aggression maxed (it's on 3, and believe me they'll still take swings trying to stick-lift)

Before the tuner I barely saw any. Now I'd see too many for a 10-minute period game if I maxed all of the above.
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Old 09-28-2015, 06:00 AM   #133
jr86's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
I have zero problems how others play but when they gut key sliders trying to paint a unrealistic sim picture and then say theres no penalties thats a falsehood and since last year the same people now person says theres no penalties and now not enough variance and Im telling you for me there is and I also left documented proof on how and type , even after I was attack and called out as a liar .

I think its disingenuous that people make accusations that just arent true and I can also make the game play anyway I want as Fiddy just proved with a few tweaks if you know how to balance them IMO .

Are they perfect no but I also dont want some fake sim AI handing out penalties for sim sake and just like in real Hockey you mostly have to earn them as many here have attested .
I think this is a very good point. In a perfect world you should be able to mess with any slider, max the penalty slider and see realistic pp's. But it seems to me reducing certain sliders across the board has an adverse affect on pp's even with thst slider maxed.
I would suggest that people having problems with pp's try and keep most of the other sliders in and around default with the pen sliders maxed, this to me has worked just fine and I am seeing 2-5 pens for my team most games on 6min periods.
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Old 09-28-2015, 09:13 AM   #134
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Just wanted to let everyone know I am now using the armor & swords sliders and ever since in 3 games I am getting a great amount of penalties. I even had a 5 on 3
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Old 09-28-2015, 11:32 AM   #135
jake19ny's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Shams talking about me, I called him out last year and again this year because his constant posts that suggested guys aren't seeing penalties because they don't play properly kind of irritated me. I'm sure he's a good guy as pretty much everyone here is and I should have just ignored it because I don't think he was being a jerk but trying to help and maybe not wording it the best.
As far this thread, it was created after the games release when most people were seeing no penalties at all. It was clearly a problem worth complaining about since EA, to their credit, quickly released a tuner addressing it. As far as variance in penalties, I'm not so much complaining about it as I am just wishing they were there. It would be pretty cool but I understand the difficulty they may have trying to implement them into a video game. I am really enjoying NHL 16 and continue to notice little things that were not in the game before. I will still continue to discuss, not complain, that regardless of my success, Shams success, or anyone else's success, the penalty system is flawed. I still believe no matter what that we should not have to tweak our brains out trying to get penalties nor should we have to wait for tuners to correct it. That's where Sham and I differ but it's fine everyone is entitled to their own view. At the end if the day I'm glad to see people are having more and more success in this area.
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Old 09-28-2015, 11:46 AM   #136
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

I'm just miffed you have to play online to get the tuner to download. I do t play online so I let my ps plus subscription run out....

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