
This has me worried... any mention of fixing this?

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Old 08-24-2014, 06:04 PM   #17
Syncmastr's Arena
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Re: This has me worried... any mention of fixing this?

Originally Posted by mmorg
Not possible. Ran a ton of sims with my 6 hour trial and there is no way you can get enough xp for every player to bump up the attributes of whole groups of positions.
Sorry I wasn't clear. You will not see that all on your team after 1 year.

If you play in an online franchise, you will see stats like that across the league. The point is you can do that with any position you put XP towards. After 3-4 years who knows what you can do when you have earned 100-200k xp.

Also when you are actually playing and hitting weekly/season goals, making the pro bowl, winning awards, etc.. You will see much more XP per year.
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Old 08-24-2014, 06:45 PM   #18
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: This has me worried... any mention of fixing this?

I feel the OP's issue and I keep generally advocating for an expansion of Commissioner controls for a CFM. In this case, allowing the ability for the Commish to "lock" the entire CFM into auto allocation/progression and/or the ability to set XP costs would be a big help. The more options they can provide, the more potential for the community to improvise when unforeseen issues arise.
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Old 08-24-2014, 06:52 PM   #19
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Re: This has me worried... any mention of fixing this?

In that example, I am pretty certain a player like Janoris Jenkins has great development. He is young and a great player, he should be pretty easy to get elite IMO.

Take an unknown CB and do that, I will see the issue.
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Old 08-24-2014, 07:08 PM   #20
kpkpkp's Arena
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Re: This has me worried... any mention of fixing this?

Originally Posted by TheBleedingRed21
In that example, I am pretty certain a player like Janoris Jenkins has great development. He is young and a great player, he should be pretty easy to get elite IMO.

Take an unknown CB and do that, I will see the issue.

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Old 08-24-2014, 07:09 PM   #21
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Re: This has me worried... any mention of fixing this?

I think it's definitely worth looking at and it does worry me. It does seem that it doesn't "climb" enough once you start to hit those elite levels.
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Old 08-24-2014, 08:26 PM   #22
TMJOHNS18's Arena
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Re: This has me worried... any mention of fixing this?

I still prefer the old progression over the xp based system, but seeing that position drills are now present it does help me appreciate the xp more.

My major detractor of the xp system has been how easy it is to take guys who are gifted in 1 or 2 areas and be able to make them an all-around above average player with the xp system. There seems to always be this low 70s to 60 rated players in the FA pool who have really strong ratings in some areas and terrible in others. Problem has always been though you can get this guys and bump up their bad ratings into the lower 80s and cost near nothing per point.

Sure it would take a couple years but chances are you end up with a stud that no CPU would ever take. Many safeties come to mind in Madden 25 that you could pick up and after a year starting would go from 70ish to lower 80s overall, and even be nearing 90 by their 2nd or 3rd full year.

Hopefully this is mostly fixed in M15, as it kinda looks like the point cost does increase more. What I would really like to see is the xp system be taken out for CPU players and use the new training options in conjunction with the previous progression system. This doesn't mean scrap the XP system, just keep it for CFM Player, Coach, GM players.

What I would like to see is the potential system back and combine it with the position training mini games and actual games. Just to make it simply, make playing time effect the players progression. Easy example is awareness. More playing time a player gets the more awareness points they gain. Better potential? Then they get a boost on that. Doesn't mean they can reach 99 ovr if you just play them early, but make their pre-determined potential range be faster reached the more they play.

Say you have a C and A rated players both who start with 65 awareness. If you start both from day 1 maybe the A reaches his potential by the end of his rookie contract, while the C may take 5-6 years to reach, along with increasing his other ratings. Using position training drills could help accelerate the C player into reaching his full potential sooner and also would let teams have good players who aren't all A or B potential players. The counter to just upping C or lower potential players is that they do require more training of field time to reach the potentials of the A or B players, so by starting them you are at a disadvantage because how longer it'll take for them to become as adequate as their A and B counterparts.
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Old 08-24-2014, 11:31 PM   #23
friscob's Arena
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Re: This has me worried... any mention of fixing this?

Just hoping there was extensive testing on this and it will work out in the end. I don't want to say this because it sounds foolishly naive, but i couldn't imagine them releasing the game with it being as terrible as some people are claiming it will be. Time will tell though
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Old 08-25-2014, 06:33 AM   #24
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Re: This has me worried... any mention of fixing this?

Wait, so we can actually "remove" attribute points? As in: If I go to my progress player screen and I want to make my player slower or decrease his coverage skills (don't ask why :P ) I could do it?
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