
Mattanite's M22 Franchise Tips

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Old 09-26-2021, 01:12 PM   #17
MetsFan16's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's M22 Franchise Tips

Originally Posted by Mattanite
Surprisingly complicated question with two parts.

1. Gameplanning - If you don't wish to do any weekly strategy that's fine and cpu will manage it for you. The suggested offensive and defensive strategies are based on the opposing team profiles (a nice touch), you will automatically be in full pads (+5/+3 attribute bonus) AND the cpu does manage progressive fatigue for you and when starters get into the 80 range they'll auto plan splits on the affected position groups (a very nice touch). The focus training players will very likely be recent draft class rookies so reasonably optimised. So when you head to game lobby the cpu will have processed all weekly strategy for you.

2. Switching teams to play - A heavy handed solution here is to do offline commissioner mode (32 owner mode). That way you can switch between profiles with ease depending on what game you want to play - but there are no real owners this year so it means creating 32 new owners which is time consuming and owners suffer from a lack of updates and scenarios. Single owner mode online wont work due to the legacy lock out bug. Coach mode offline will also work and single coach mode online will also work by retiring/create new coach each week BUT you use the existing real coaches each time for ease and so that custom coaches don't disappear into retirement.

Okay I’ll look into this thanks bro!
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Old 09-26-2021, 05:32 PM   #18
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's M22 Franchise Tips

Originally Posted by KingV2k3

Do you have any take on the option to modify the number of X Factor / Superstar / Star players in franchise?

At default settings, there seems to be WAY too many rated Star and above, IMHO.

Even if you empty those three bars out, there ends up being 7-8 Star and above per team, etc.


What's you take on default XP settings?

At 100%, players develop pretty fast, esp. in light of the above.

Ever consider 75% / 50% / etc.?

In the thread:

Sim Madden League Europe (SMLE) use the following settings along with QB limit rules, OL spreadsheets and FB, K and P probowl awards:

Injury Slider: 50 – creates boom and bust players with higher variability of ovr and quick change over of dev each season.
Star Dev: 428 (assuming 20 OL boosts, 4 K, 2 P and 2 FB)
Superstar: 80 (some OL, K, P and FB may reach here)
X-Factor: 56 (some OL, K, P and FB may reach here)
QB Slider 70
HB/FB Slider 100
WR Slider 100
TE Slider 110
OL Slider 70
DL Slider 100
LB Slider 100
DB Slider 110
K/P Slider 100

Our plan is to have a higher number of xfactor, superstar & star dev players but teams will have to carry more injuries with training injuries and gameplay injury slider at 50. There's an injured player xp bug that disrupts this plan. The xp sliders were using are 10pts higher than what we'd need to produce base roster distribution due to us account for more injuries. Hopefully it makes devs much more fluid, expect to lose them if injured but gain them back again with a healthy season.

As for OL, there's too many star dev but far too few superstar and they get hit with dev regression too often. A lower xp slider is essential to avoid clumping of ovr too high and ol awards are also needed to make standout players with the lower xp slider. We also will allow them to go up to xfactor which gives the xp bonus but without the ability.

For QB, far too many get superstar and xfactor dev over time (in part as the draft classes have too many as well) so a lower xp slider accounts for that plus avoids too many elite quarterbacks. We have rules that make you ineligible for any dev upgrade if you throw 20ints and auto lose a dev if you throw 20ints+ and make playoffs. I wanted a flat 20int dev regression rule but others felt protection for less good coaches was needed (still in discussion).

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Old 09-26-2021, 05:34 PM   #19
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's M22 Franchise Tips

Look for the rff xp slider thread in "sliders", lots of discussion there and his sliders work well with standard injury slider. I agree with his idea that if you're going abilities off then max dev caps with lower xp sliders gives a better league distribution of players.

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Old 09-26-2021, 08:53 PM   #20
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Re: Mattanite's M22 Franchise Tips

I hate how easy it is to build a team similar to Mattanite's. Seems every new edition of Madden, it only takes the users in my 4-user online franchise about 2-4 years to have the majority of starters 90+ OVR with way too many SS and XF's. And yeah, we're on All Madden Default. I despise seeing them selling out to get the dev trait upgrades for their players, no regard for losing, just doing everything they can to get the required stats.

There's never been a quarterback that we've had who didn't end up maxing out in a year or 2.

I'm thinking maybe they should implement Potential caps like in 2K. Or make it to where you have to win, in addition to the required stats to get the dev upgrade.
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Old 09-26-2021, 08:59 PM   #21
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's M22 Franchise Tips

Originally Posted by MakaveliLPC
I hate how easy it is to build a team similar to Mattanite's. Seems every new edition of Madden, it only takes the users in my 4-user online franchise about 2-4 years to have the majority of starters 90+ OVR with way too many SS and XF's. And yeah, we're on All Madden Default. I despise seeing them selling out to get the dev trait upgrades for their players, no regard for losing, just doing everything they can to get the required stats.

There's never been a quarterback that we've had who didn't end up maxing out in a year or 2.

I'm thinking maybe they should implement Potential caps like in 2K. Or make it to where you have to win, in addition to the required stats to get the dev upgrade.
That was an all madden 32 user league. Was a freak year.

But yes, the xp system means that ovr potential is too easy to achieve, dev + time = predictable ovr. It's why we upped injury, it's the biggest spanner in that ovr projection and can produce busts. Drafting a superstar rookie isn't a guarantee now if he's injured. Being able to scout injury at the update is a fun addition in line with this.

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Old 09-27-2021, 12:51 PM   #22
Faikanese's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's M22 Franchise Tips

This guide will be really helpful in Franchise. Really detailed! Thanks!
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Old 09-27-2021, 04:41 PM   #23
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Re: Mattanite's M22 Franchise Tips

I am approaching xp differently. XP sliders at 300 preseason through week 1 of regular season. XP sliders at 70 through season and at 25 during playoffs.
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Old 09-27-2021, 05:04 PM   #24
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: Mattanite's M22 Franchise Tips

Originally Posted by timhere1970
I am approaching xp differently. XP sliders at 300 preseason through week 1 of regular season. XP sliders at 70 through season and at 25 during playoffs.
Quite a fun mix. Like mimicking training camp.

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