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Old 09-29-2011, 04:21 AM   #25
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Re: NFL License

Honestly though, everyone that supports 2k and their football games, who is to say they could even create a good game. They've succeeded on one game, NBA 2K. Their MLB franchise is a joke, their hockey series got cancelled, as well as their NCAA basketball game. Maybe it isn't just EA focused on other things, maybe it's 2K also being focused mainly on NBA 2K. Personally, I doubt 2K could create a NFL even close to what Madden is. Their last game was good, but it was on a old gen system. The old Madden games were awesome too. Personally, 2K should drop every sports game they have, except for NBA 2K and possibly re-ignite the College Hoops series, it was an awesome game. As for Madden, who knows, maybe they'll figure it out. This years game is a step up, who knows.
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Old 09-29-2011, 04:27 AM   #26
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Re: NFL License

Originally Posted by authentic
Honestly though, everyone that supports 2k and their football games, who is to say they could even create a good game. They've succeeded on one game, NBA 2K. Their MLB franchise is a joke, their hockey series got cancelled, as well as their NCAA basketball game. Maybe it isn't just EA focused on other things, maybe it's 2K also being focused mainly on NBA 2K. Personally, I doubt 2K could create a NFL even close to what Madden is. Their last game was good, but it was on a old gen system. The old Madden games were awesome too. Personally, 2K should drop every sports game they have, except for NBA 2K and possibly re-ignite the College Hoops series, it was an awesome game. As for Madden, who knows, maybe they'll figure it out. This years game is a step up, who knows.
I would disagree with this.

I haven't played a 2K sports game yet that I didn't like. I love the crap out of MLB 2K11 - not sure what all the hate is there. But this is the first year I've played it, and I haven't played The Show, so I don't have much ground to stand on there.

NBA 2K is amazing.

And the NFL 2K series was the best video football game ever. I don't even get all the hype for Madden last gen. I couldn't stand Madden last gen. Thought it was awful. That's why I was so upset about the exclusive license, because the product I was now forced to buy, I felt was miles inferior to 2K.

I'm making my assumptions based on track record. Every sports game 2K has made that I've played I felt was incredible. Not so much with EA. I'd never so much as touch Madden ever again if 2K was back in the NFL business. I only play Madden cuz it's the only choice out there, and I'm too much of an NFL whore to say no. I tried to boycott Madden after the license, and it didn't last long. My love of the NFL is stronger than my dislike of EA and Madden.

That said, I pretty much realize that EA not having the exclusive license is a pipedream. It's gonna take a law declaring the license illegal for it to be dropped. So I try to make the best of it.
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Old 09-29-2011, 05:56 AM   #27
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Re: NFL License

Can sony for example, do similar to MLB and create their own NFL Game with Real teams like The Show 11 with EA Permission or does the contract only allow EA.

Also, is the license to make NCAA football exclusive aswell, if not why would 2K Sports make an college football game. I really think 2k stop caring for football because of the exclusive NFL License which hurt them deeply.

TBH, i really like Madden and really hope the license continues because i really like it and enjoy it. Sure, madden have some flaws but at the end of the day it's just a game. For those who really want perfection go and actually play football.
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Old 09-29-2011, 06:57 AM   #28
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Re: NFL License

Originally Posted by Franchise408
I would disagree with this.

I haven't played a 2K sports game yet that I didn't like. I love the crap out of MLB 2K11 - not sure what all the hate is there. But this is the first year I've played it, and I haven't played The Show, so I don't have much ground to stand on there.

NBA 2K is amazing.

And the NFL 2K series was the best video football game ever. I don't even get all the hype for Madden last gen. I couldn't stand Madden last gen. Thought it was awful. That's why I was so upset about the exclusive license, because the product I was now forced to buy, I felt was miles inferior to 2K.

I'm making my assumptions based on track record. Every sports game 2K has made that I've played I felt was incredible. Not so much with EA. I'd never so much as touch Madden ever again if 2K was back in the NFL business. I only play Madden cuz it's the only choice out there, and I'm too much of an NFL whore to say no. I tried to boycott Madden after the license, and it didn't last long. My love of the NFL is stronger than my dislike of EA and Madden.

That said, I pretty much realize that EA not having the exclusive license is a pipedream. It's gonna take a law declaring the license illegal for it to be dropped. So I try to make the best of it.
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Old 09-29-2011, 09:11 AM   #29
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Re: NFL License

I wish but 2k probably cant blow 30 Million a year like EA on a license
but in reality it is the NFL that is the F@$ that wont allow dual or more license.
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Old 09-29-2011, 09:36 AM   #30
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Re: NFL License

Originally Posted by roadman
I'm just looking for competition to come in, but I don't feel it will happen.
It will, it has to.... BackBreaker had some positives and a lot of people were eager to give it a shot. I don't even feel a company would necessarily need the NFL license to force its way into the market. It's more a matter of making a football game as customizable as possible. Build a good foundation, which 2k could easily do. They have the tech and experience, just make it fully editable so we can do the rest.

Heck, It would take less time for users to create the rosters and all 32 teams logo's then it does currently to adjust and tweak Madden to make it playable.
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Old 09-29-2011, 09:37 AM   #31
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Re: NFL License

Originally Posted by scoonie05
Fan boyism at it's finest. Lol, but, what does it get u besides a dream?? LOL
And of course you have no reasoning behind making the silly statement you made. His point on MLB2K is correct; the MLB series is far from a "joke"; it's a view that's unfortunately perpetrated by less informed posters that keeps that myth going. I'm not the biggest baseball fan, but even I can see it can be argued that while the game isn't as good/well-rounded as The Show, it's good in it's own right. And probably has brought more innovation to videogame baseball this gen. Realtime presentation, innovative 3-man booth commentary, right analog pitching/fielding/hitting, etc. were all things that started in the MLB2K game first. If you read the OS discussion of how the two titles match up, it's easy to see that MLB2K is a viable alternative to those that don't have a PS3. There are some people that prefer MLB2K's gameplay outright. MLB2K had a horrid start this gen, but for the most part it's righted itself (quicker than Madden has). Again, you don't have to take my word for it - look at OS's own comparison of the two titles.

It's often forgotten, but Top Spin 4 is viewed as the best tennis title available by far. And NBA2K11 is arguably the best sports title out there; NBA2K12 may be the best title definitively. Their College Hoops series was far and away viewed as the best college basketball game before NCAA's "decision" to go exclusive ended it's run. And from what I've read it wasn't that 2K's hockey title was so bad, it's simply a small market and can't survive when it's competitor is so dominant. A situation NFL2K was in at one point.

Either way, I just wanted to shoot down the view that 2KSports only makes one good game because it's simply not true. But I'm sure part of the reason many of their titles have excelled is because there is no NFL2K. If there were an NFL2K game, I doubt NBA2K would've ascended/innovated as quickly as it has this generation.

That said, as long as EA is willing to pay more than what the NFL could make from multiple developers this situation will continue to exist. What's their incentive to? It'd seem too cost-prohibitive/risky for any other single developer to take on. It's blasphemy to some, but think about it - the only way I see for this situation to no longer exist is for Madden to fail.
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Old 09-29-2011, 09:57 AM   #32
kjcheezhead's Arena
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Re: NFL License

Madden 12 is a decent game but this series is so tired and lifeless right now. I would give anything for a new take on football, but I don't think it's gonna happen. Backbreaker isn't building a sequel to a game that sold 100,000 copies and those numbers aren't going to convince anyone else to try it either. Finally, the NFL is one of the best at milking out dollars from an agreement and worst at giving it's fans what they want so I expect the license to continue to be exclusive for as long as I can see.
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