
2k deciding who wins at tip off

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Old 12-01-2016, 09:22 AM   #9
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Re: 2k deciding who wins at tip off

Momentum is definitely there too I'm not denying that, but I'm talking games where every single wide open shot by guys like Curry miss and I shoot 30%. Perfect plays, perfectly wide open, perfectly released, no lag etc. And then the other guy makes contested terrible shots all game shooting over 60%.

Ben Wallace with 88 speed (not bad) besting guys with 90 speed up court on about 20 possessions in one game and shooting 100% on contested 17/18 footers etc. And this is all from tip-off, it's not a switch that's turned on in the 3rd quarter.

Maybe 2k aren't exactly deciding who wins at tip off, but they are definitely massively pushing it in one persons favour on certain games and you have to play like an absolute cyborg doing a high wire juggling act in order to even stay close.
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Old 12-01-2016, 09:38 AM   #10
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Re: 2k deciding who wins at tip off

I don't think it ever actually decides the game 100% there are things you can do to fight it. It can definately build frustration and force you into mistakes you wouldn't normally make though. It's much like life, you can't control what happens to you you can only control your reaction to it.

At this point it's no longer a question of "if" it is happening, it's happening. This many people wouldn't be reporting it if it wasn't a thing. I think it effects lower skilled/fast paced players more as it's easier to force them out of control. Most online players (me included) run a lot of fast breaks and this is where most of the nonsense happens, I think if you slow it down and focus on playcalling and smart basketball your chances of battling through it will go up

Last edited by Foldzy; 12-01-2016 at 09:53 AM.
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Old 12-01-2016, 11:00 AM   #11
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Re: 2k deciding who wins at tip off

Originally Posted by Foldzy
I don't think it ever actually decides the game 100% there are things you can do to fight it. It can definately build frustration and force you into mistakes you wouldn't normally make though. It's much like life, you can't control what happens to you you can only control your reaction to it.

At this point it's no longer a question of "if" it is happening, it's happening. This many people wouldn't be reporting it if it wasn't a thing. I think it effects lower skilled/fast paced players more as it's easier to force them out of control. Most online players (me included) run a lot of fast breaks and this is where most of the nonsense happens, I think if you slow it down and focus on playcalling and smart basketball your chances of battling through it will go up

Exactly. Walk up and call a smart play. Or figure out a play that you have good success with and let go of the sprint button and make deliberate passes and take a good shot. That's all you can do. A lot of people get frustrated and start going faster and that causes more frustration. Never meant to or did imply you were a scrub OP. Just saying I feel a lot of handicapping and "2k deciding" is mental.

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Old 12-01-2016, 11:48 AM   #12
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Re: 2k deciding who wins at tip off

Originally Posted by ihoopfor206
Exactly. Walk up and call a smart play. Or figure out a play that you have good success with and let go of the sprint button and make deliberate passes and take a good shot. That's all you can do. A lot of people get frustrated and start going faster and that causes more frustration. Never meant to or did imply you were a scrub OP. Just saying I feel a lot of handicapping and "2k deciding" is mental.

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it's all good. I have been dominating since I made this post and I wonder now whether I just hit a mental wall before...

I think the momentum is definitely too strong , but I'm not so convinced that games are decided
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Old 12-01-2016, 11:53 AM   #13
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Re: 2k deciding who wins at tip off

I think a lot of people's problems come from "pushing the pace" the entire game. I think when A.C.E. takes that away it results in a ton of sloppy turnovers. We are trained to play that way in domination, but my #1 piece of advice for anyone that is really struggling with the equalizer is to slow the pace of the game down.
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Old 12-01-2016, 02:04 PM   #14
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Re: 2k deciding who wins at tip off

Originally Posted by Mweemwee
it's all good. I have been dominating since I made this post and I wonder now whether I just hit a mental wall before...

I think the momentum is definitely too strong , but I'm not so convinced that games are decided

I think it's strong too but basketball is a game of runs and it has to be represented in less time. Not decided. I get mental blocks too. That's why I usually will puff a little bit before playing. Stress makes me worse. A lot worse.

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Old 12-01-2016, 06:11 PM   #15
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Re: 2k deciding who wins at tip off

Well just last night the timberwolves went on a 20-3 4th quarter burst to get back in the game against the Knicks to force Carmelo to make a shot to win. Guess there is equalizer coming from Adam Silver's NBA office too...

Just kidding but I have experienced a similar amount of this too. I will have 2 straight games of complete domination where computer defense is amazing and offense flows perfectly. Then next game nothing works. People are open all over and I miss completely wide open shots off of set plays or freelance. One game my opponent hit 3 fadeaway contested 3's where I worried about if my controlled player would get called for the foul. That was right after my Ruby curry and Hudson just blew 2 wide open ones. Maybe it is the smallest possible lag in the connection with the new opponent or not. I don't know but it seems fishy.

I switch my lineups so I don't have my players shots down perfectly. I understand that and expect to miss a lot. The full white bar misses when I am getting A rated shots while seeing my opponent make crap multiple times is what gets me mad. I wish there was more incentive to use different lineups than what we have. Maybe bonus wins for using all gold or higher MT earnings.

I refuse to call timeouts even when I am up 15 then 10 then 5 etc. because I hate that the game is forcing me to do that. I should just call timeouts after they score 5 unanswered points. I would win more.

I get sucked into racing up the floor and thowing a bad pass leading to turnovers when my opponents turbo button is stuck on also. Part of that is I am so tired of turboing back with my center only to still have it be a footrace back. All that leads me to playing helter skelter and sloppy. I don't have fun and generally get mad. Win some but lose some.

I gave up going for the diamond shoes because it seemed like as I got closer the computer made something happen to cause me to lose one. I get tired of having to waste games and time just to reset so I can start over. Once I have proven I can stay in the seed by winning where it asks if I want to advance it should allow me the option to just restart anytime. Why is it wasting my time and contracts for no reward just to try to stay in a seed? That is BS to me.

I recently went to a pure garbage all point guard lineup of the smallest possible players like spud webb, muggsy bouges at center etc. just to see if I could win a few on the rest of the way. Surprising how close you can stay. I also did an all centers lineup and win a few. If I lose out on the seed and get knocked down I will try to win the top reward for real then I guess.

It is a video game and not realistic. I have to remind myself that. It is irritating when some young punk gets on the mike acting like they are gods gift to NBA2k17 just cuz they are beating me by 15 when nothing is working like normal. They are the same ones who quit before halftime if they are getting trounced. That isn't enjoyable to me. I play with the volume off most of the time actually now. It is better that way.

Sure wish that 2k would just own up to the stuff they are doing so we know. They say so little about this game and how to do it that it is frustrating to a casual user. Oh well I guess I am the sucker for spending more money than I should have to field a competitive team. I am done now though for sure. Will play with what I have and if I don't play then I probably will save myself some frustration too.
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Old 12-01-2016, 06:24 PM   #16
NoLeafClover's Arena
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Re: 2k deciding who wins at tip off

There really needs to be a ban from being able to make a new topic on here within 10 minutes of losing a game, lol.

I know sometimes it "feels" like the game is rigged, but that's largely because the game mechanics reward unintelligent gameplay too much more than anything else. Guys get down by a bunch of points then start turboing even harder and jacking silly 3s that go in more than they should, are rewarded with fouls by turboing into the paint, etc.

Add in the mental badges for "upping their game when down or in the 4th quarter type badges and you see some cheesy crap, but saying the game is predetermined from the start is just funny.

I'm on a 9 game winning streak at the moment, so I'd like to thank 2K for favouring me over all my opponents for some reason

In short, take a breath and think before posting...
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