
so frustrated with this game

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Old 03-30-2016, 07:36 PM   #41
ViolenceFight's Arena
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Re: so frustrated with this game

Originally Posted by 2k gamer all day
Played 2k since 2 weeks not more bec its boring as hell .. No content

I mean this 2k is broke guys.. Mabye just for me bec i play on a real big tv so i see the "stutters-stuttering" almost after every single basket. It's annoying man

All other nba 2k was always smooth in online quick matches 1vs1 but 2k16 is broke!

Let's talk about the gameplay.. I can make a full court pass to my center at the other end to make a easy score.. The defensive can't get my guy bec they are to slow to get back. The other guy do the same and again and again ... What is that ???? Why we can do that

Park: Almost the same like last + no rec .. Thanks!

MyLeague: Almost the same like last year

For me 2k16 is just 2k15.5 . I play nba since 2k9 so i know what i talk. We get less and less content from year to year or new things which are broke

The best nba 2k was nba 2k9.. LOBBYS!!! Man i loved that

You know, you keep talking about stuttering. I'm thinking it's either your connection, or something localized to your particular copy of the game. I know English is not your first language, but your posts are never coherent enough to actually try and diagnose the problems you have
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Old 03-30-2016, 07:51 PM   #42
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Re: so frustrated with this game

This is an inherent issue when you have a vocal fanbase like 2K does. In fact, I might be wrong but I dare say a lot of these problems are because of the short sighted nature is to listen to a large community after release (not OS since outside of a few issues, a lot agreed that 2K16 played perfectly).

People whined and whined about their shots not going in and having a hard time getting past their defenders and scoring. They whined about how it was too hard and not realistic but what people don't take into account is that the learning curve of the game is the key. The game just came out...any game is hard when you first start playing and if it's not, the developers didn't do a good job making it challenging to have to learn to adapt. So a large amount of people whined about this and patch after patch, adjustment after adjustment, 2K caved and listened.

Fast forward months later and now a lot of people are saying the game is too easy or talking about these flaws with it. Again, I may be wrong but a lot of these animations weren't there in the beginning (such as the auto charge in the paint when someone ran in where you don't even get shooting fouls for them or the person that gets called for it isn't even trying to take a charge). There were legitimate issues that should have been taken out (such as the charge cheese in Park) but for the large part, gameplay should have remained the same. Now that everyone has mastered the game and learned releases and what crossovers/moves work on their guy along with the defense being dumbed down from what it was when the game came out...it's obviously ultra easy for those who know it. Everyone from offline players to Park players, you name it, they all know what works and what doesn't and because things changed for those who struggled at first, it's ultra easier and broken in some forms with stuff that wasn't there at first.

Long story short, 2K should have a window of a month or two after release where they just let people complain outside of legitimate issues that are game breaking. Then they can take actual matters into consideration that are detrimental to the game rather than detrimental to the player themselves.
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Old 03-31-2016, 07:04 AM   #43
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Re: so frustrated with this game

Originally Posted by ViolenceFight
You know, you keep talking about stuttering. I'm thinking it's either your connection, or something localized to your particular copy of the game. I know English is not your first language, but your posts are never coherent enough to actually try and diagnose the problems you have
Yea true but bro ... I changed nothing with my connection

I play nba2k since 9 years and i could play always smooth. I checked also nba 2k15 again in 1vs1 online and i get never these stutters .. So 2k16 is broke right?? I play on xbox one with cd version

The thing is .. I really thought i'm alone with that problem but i asked other players and they said they have the same problems. I'm sure as they build up this game they made a big misstake!

Mabye it's just on the xbox one if you have the cd version . I really don't know

Last edited by 2k gamer all day; 03-31-2016 at 07:08 AM.
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Old 03-31-2016, 02:29 PM   #44
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Re: so frustrated with this game

Originally Posted by Inzombniac
This is an inherent issue when you have a vocal fanbase like 2K does. In fact, I might be wrong but I dare say a lot of these problems are because of the short sighted nature is to listen to a large community after release (not OS since outside of a few issues, a lot agreed that 2K16 played perfectly).

People whined and whined about their shots not going in and having a hard time getting past their defenders and scoring. They whined about how it was too hard and not realistic but what people don't take into account is that the learning curve of the game is the key. The game just came out...any game is hard when you first start playing and if it's not, the developers didn't do a good job making it challenging to have to learn to adapt. So a large amount of people whined about this and patch after patch, adjustment after adjustment, 2K caved and listened.

Fast forward months later and now a lot of people are saying the game is too easy or talking about these flaws with it. Again, I may be wrong but a lot of these animations weren't there in the beginning (such as the auto charge in the paint when someone ran in where you don't even get shooting fouls for them or the person that gets called for it isn't even trying to take a charge). There were legitimate issues that should have been taken out (such as the charge cheese in Park) but for the large part, gameplay should have remained the same. Now that everyone has mastered the game and learned releases and what crossovers/moves work on their guy along with the defense being dumbed down from what it was when the game came out...it's obviously ultra easy for those who know it. Everyone from offline players to Park players, you name it, they all know what works and what doesn't and because things changed for those who struggled at first, it's ultra easier and broken in some forms with stuff that wasn't there at first.

Long story short, 2K should have a window of a month or two after release where they just let people complain outside of legitimate issues that are game breaking. Then they can take actual matters into consideration that are detrimental to the game rather than detrimental to the player themselves.
This is 100% correct. I'm one of the people who LOVED the AI when the game first came out because it WAS challenging. But no, 2K decided to listen to the idiot children on Twitter who bitched and moaned about the game being too hard and now it's a breeze. I play on Superstar difficulty and I'm in the ECF with the 23rd ranked Knicks. It's disgusting. I just want an AI CPU challenge.
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Old 03-31-2016, 02:48 PM   #45
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Re: so frustrated with this game

I can confirm game was at least 50% better at release date, like always 2K cater to unskilled guys and whiners but strive into making simulation which is totally opposite, you thrive to make game realistic but at same time listen to people who want arcade.

Game should be 18+ only, i don't care what kids think or need because kids need to play Wii or something like that, this title always was synonym for chosen audience and sim fans. If someone whines about missing treys or says how it's hard to get past someone (for dunk obviously) shouldn't play this game.

It's always clear you can't please everyone and if 2K strives to create simulation then they shouldn't cater to these ridiculous requests.

Same happened with this so called all time ratings scale, it was introduced like big thing and now after 3/4 of season it was thrown away, i am not frustrated with the game itself because game on release date was playable and while not great it was much better than now, i am frustrated that 2K listens to community when they need dumber game to enjoy themselves but hesitates to listen legit complaints and great suggestions.
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Old 03-31-2016, 05:00 PM   #46
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Re: so frustrated with this game

Originally Posted by Yesh2k
2k before the game was released:

The end of cheese
Weight matters

iam31yearsold after release:

Rims are good.
Hahaha. I don't know...I like them rims.

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Old 03-31-2016, 06:12 PM   #47
Sleepy59's Arena
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Re: so frustrated with this game

Why are you guys angry that defense for the cpu was nerfed? For one I'm happy because I absolutely hate when my online opponents play strictly off-ball and allow the cpu to do all the work. You're saying that people who are unskilled complained, but on the contrary people that work on D and play on-ball complained. Maybe if you want harder CPU for single player, you guys should state that, but for online, I prefer on-ballers to have the advantage.

Last edited by Sleepy59; 03-31-2016 at 06:17 PM.
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Old 03-31-2016, 06:21 PM   #48
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Re: so frustrated with this game

Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Offline you really need to mess with the sliders for the CPU.

Online is a wreck, they cater to turbo cheese like crazy. You can just take LeBron James and run him into the paint and make an easy layup. Just because LeBron is 94 overall doesn't mean you should use him carelessly.

Users with poor shot selection are much more rewarded. Fadeaway 3s, all nonsense. I am thankful we have sliders for offline.
This is true. I've played quite a few of theses guys who are litteraly trash at the game play at full speed the whole game. You can beat them, they are beatable but it's incredible how efficient their style of play is when it is total garbage from a basketball stand point.
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