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Playmakers NCAA 10 Varsity Sliders (360)

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Old 07-23-2009, 08:03 AM   #41
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Re: Playmakers NCAA 10 Varsity Sliders (360)

Do you get players subbing in and out with these settings ? I've seen a hb come out but never a dl or anyone else.
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Old 07-23-2009, 09:31 AM   #42
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Re: Playmakers NCAA 10 Varsity Sliders (360)

Playmaker you have some great sliders. I have been using yours and adjusting to my skill level but I have one question on your FG power. I went into practice and took the best kicker in the game power wise (UCLA k) and started working from 0 up. What I did was max out accuracy so I did not have to deal with that factor and I kicked 10 kicks (with max power or it did not count) and then adjusted as needed. I was trying to kick 52 yard FG and I had to get to a 40 rating before I could hit the cross bar. At 45 and I was able to hit the 52 yd FG on a regular basis, but just barely (I had maybe 2 or 3 more yards in it). I then played a couple of games and with mine and the CPU FG set at 45 the longest FG I saw made was 47 yards. How long of FG where you seeing with a rating of 0. I like the idea of making the 45+ yd FG hard but I want to think I have a shot with a 95+ kick power rated kicker also.
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Old 07-23-2009, 10:50 AM   #43
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Re: Playmakers NCAA 10 Varsity Sliders (360)

Just a few things i've noticed -

With tackling at 5 lesser teams break a lot of tackles and turn small plays into very big plays. Should this not be raised ?

Running for the human seems to be very tough. I was only getting about 3 yards a run as Wisconsin against the Ohio Bobcats. Maybe needs to be upped a bit.

Maybe not the fault of the sliders but my HB never returns after being subed out. When the number 2 hb got tired the number 3 came in.

I really like the feel of these sliders though but just wonder about the points above.
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Old 07-23-2009, 11:12 AM   #44
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Re: Playmakers NCAA 10 Varsity Sliders (360)

Originally Posted by packmanuk
Just a few things i've noticed -

With tackling at 5 lesser teams break a lot of tackles and turn small plays into very big plays. Should this not be raised ?

Running for the human seems to be very tough. I was only getting about 3 yards a run as Wisconsin against the Ohio Bobcats. Maybe needs to be upped a bit.

Maybe not the fault of the sliders but my HB never returns after being subed out. When the number 2 hb got tired the number 3 came in.

I really like the feel of these sliders though but just wonder about the points above.
I will look into it this evening after work.....but i'm glad to hear the running game isn't a easy chore for the human player and yes you could increase the tackle slider if you like to slow down the CPU.

I just needed to make sure they could run effectively and cause problems on this level on ground.


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Old 07-23-2009, 11:16 AM   #45
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Re: Playmakers NCAA 10 Varsity Sliders (360)

I'll be interested in your findings. For now i'll just up human tackling to about 15 or 20 and maybe increase human running to 50. If I can't run against Ohio what am I going to be like against some of the top teams ?
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Old 07-23-2009, 11:47 AM   #46
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Re: Playmakers NCAA 10 Varsity Sliders (360)

I never did ask a question. What range of FG are you seeing at 0.

By the way I am really looking forward to trying your 20 for QB ACC. I had mine set at 30 and I was like 24 for 27 and the cpu was 17 for 27. I can live with the CPUs but mine was way to high.

On the tackling I had mine at 20 for me but I had the cpu RB Ability at 60. Where it really stood out was on punt returns. The cpu return was throwing my cover guys to the ground like a rag doll.

I really like these, especailly your latest ones.

Last edited by 90Bamagrad; 07-23-2009 at 11:53 AM.
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Old 07-23-2009, 12:52 PM   #47
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Re: Playmakers NCAA 10 Varsity Sliders (360)

Originally Posted by packmanuk
Just a few things i've noticed -

With tackling at 5 lesser teams break a lot of tackles and turn small plays into very big plays. Should this not be raised ?

Running for the human seems to be very tough. I was only getting about 3 yards a run as Wisconsin against the Ohio Bobcats. Maybe needs to be upped a bit.

Maybe not the fault of the sliders but my HB never returns after being subed out. When the number 2 hb got tired the number 3 came in.

I really like the feel of these sliders though but just wonder about the points above.
I wanted to ask a ? of all, is everyone else seeing that when your starter at HB subs out they do not reenter the game at any point?? This is a potential HUGE bug, I have the suggested sub in/out's posted here and sliders too(Thanks Playmaker!!). This has me pretty concerned, otherwise Iam enjoying sliders, but will need to tweak so that the CPU stops completely crushing me on the ground and on returns, granted I play a horrible team in my Dynasty, but a 22.5 ypc avg and 2 kick returns for TD is a little too much, looking at tackling increase :-) Thanks for replies!
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Old 07-23-2009, 12:56 PM   #48
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Re: Playmakers NCAA 10 Varsity Sliders (360)

The only way I have been able to stop it is do not go above a sub in of 85. Anything above that and I have lost my HB at some point during a game.

On kickoffs try directional kciking first (try an pin them in the corner), then if that dont work start upping KO power (up to 100 if you have to bury it in the EZ) and then finally If you have to supersim kickoffs. I did that last year to avoid the easy returns.

Last edited by 90Bamagrad; 07-23-2009 at 12:59 PM.
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