
Reed's WWE 2k19 Universe Mode: The Re-Write Continued

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Old 12-14-2018, 10:07 PM   #73
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k19 Universe Mode: The Re-Write Continued

Originally Posted by wiscowilz
Good set of shows. Man the New Day has AJ's number in your game.
They sure do man I've never seen this amount of dominance from a single group that's wild to me!

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Reed's WWE 2k23 Universe: Youtube Edition
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Old 12-14-2018, 11:08 PM   #74
wiscowilz's Arena
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k19 Universe Mode: The Re-Write Continued

Originally Posted by Reed1417
They sure do man I've never seen this amount of dominance from a single group that's wild to me!

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Especially someone like New Day over someone like Styles.
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Old 12-15-2018, 01:51 AM   #75
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k19 Universe Mode: The Re-Write Continued

June Week 3

The show starts with The Dark Rising walking around backstage. They are approached by Chloe and Raine Valentine. Unlike last time there is no attack but instead a verbal exchange.
Trinity: You two better enjoy the next few days with your titles. Because Sunday night your world is going to come crashing down.
Raine: The only thing that's going to come crashing down will be those two (she points to Pandora and Empira) when WE stand tall still tag team champions. There's no team better than us here.
Trinity and Raine get nose to nose now. Chloe pulls her sister away and the two walk away. As they do Raine turns around and yells “you better watch your backs tonight! You never know what might happen!”
The scene fades to the show intro now.

The music of Asuka hits and out she comes to get the night started! Paige comes out by herself tonight no Skye to be found as she's not cleared to compete tonight. Both of these women have their own issues they are dealing with but tonight they meet in one on one action!

Match 1: Asuka vs. Paige
Both ladies run at each other looking for the first strike and Asuka gets a dropkick. Whip to the corner by Asuka and she tries a flying hip attack but Paige gets out of the way as Asuka goes and hits the top turnbuckle. Paige gets a few good elbows then a back breaker Asuka whips Paige into the corner and gets a kick then turns her around. Paige gets an elbow and tries a kick of her own but Asuka catches it and sends her to the mat with an STO! Paige now sends Asuka off the ropes and gets a drop kick. Hip toss by Paige then a mat slam as she grabs the hair of Asuka. Now she grinds the Empress down with a headlock but Asuka fights to her feet and elbows Paige in the chest to break free. Paige doesn't let this phase her as she sets Asuka in the ropes and hits a neck breaker. Cover by Paige but a one count.

Back to their feet Paige kicks Asuka back into the corner, she tries another but Asuka catches the kick and turns it into a Running Hip Attack! Alexa Bliss' music hits and now Asuka's attention is turned to the ramp as Paige is down! Bliss however comes from behind and surprises Asuka with a DDT! Paige crawls over to make the cover and she gets the win!

We see Sasha Banks walking back stage when she runs into Bayley. Bayley wants an explanation for the way Sasha has acted since becoming champion. Sasha says that she is doing what a boss does, and to remain on top she'll do whatever she has to. Bayley doesn't really agree and wants the Sasha Banks she knew back. Banks slaps her and says that the old Sasha is no more and she's not afraid to hurt Bayley to prove it. Banks walks away as Bayley is on a knee looking dejected.

Match 2 Tag Team: The Rough Riders vs. The Dark Rising (Empira & Pandora)
Yuki and Empira start this one out as Empira runs at Yuki and tries a kick but it gets caught and Yuki gets a drop kick. She picks Empira up and tries a clothesline which Empira ducks and clocks Yuki with a hard clothesline of her own. Jawbreaker by Yuki then a flapjack onto the ropes by Empira. Back to their feet a spinning back fist from Yuki then a tag to Risa. She goes to pick Empira up but Empira kicks her feet out from under her. She pulls Risa to her feet and whips her into the Dark Rising corner where a tag is made to Pandora as they get a toe hold/elbow drop double team move. Reversals from both ladies but Pandora gets a spinning neck breaker. Risa gets a back breaker then tags Yuki back in. Arm drag by Pandora then a hard shot to the face. Pandora sends Yuki to her corner, Yuki turns this around and Empira with the heads up smart tag. But she pays for it as Yuki gets a side suplex and a drop kick. Now Yuki sends Empira to her corner but Empira turns the tables putting Yuki in the corner. Now Risa responds with a blind tag of her own and gets a few punches to Empira then sends her to the apron and gets a neck breaker putting her back in the ring. Empira fights back getting a jawbreaker then sends Risa back to the corner where Pandora gets tagged back in. Curb stomp to Risa! Risa responds with a few elbow strikes then she sets Pandora in the corner, gets a kick that causes her to slump to the middle buckle pad and then caps it off with a Seated Crossbody! She goes to pick Pandora up but the crafty 'Twisted doll” gets a head scissor take down. She can't get much more than that as she gets kicked away by Risa who takes the chance and hits her Michinoku Driver! Empira breaks up the pin at two!

Things break down for a minute but Pandora and Empira gain control. Pandora on the inside gets a few clothesline then one in the corner right into a bulldog! She pulls Risa to her feet and turns her around with a punch then her signature Leg Drop DDT! Instead of going for the pin however she makes the tag to Empira, this allows Risa time to get Yuki back in the match. Yuki gets a crucifix DDT turned into a pin but Empira kicks out at two! Yuki stays on her and hits the Running Hip Attack! Cover again and this one is still not over! Empira barely gets the shoulder up at two wow we almost had an upset! Empira crawls over and barely makes the take to Pandora! House of fire Pandora gets three clotheslines to Yuki but Yuki responds with a triple stack of her own then a super kick! A second Hip Attack! Empira is on the floor outside and can't make it back in time for the save! But that's only because she's being beat down by Raine and Chloe Valentine!

We cut backstage to see Sara Maple talking with Natalya and Beth Phoenix.
Sara: So ladies I have a great plan for tonight! It's a plan to get myself into title contention.
Nattie: Sure Sara lets hear it!
Sara: Well you both know I've had issues with Trinity lately, I was thinking I'd go out to that ring, alone and call her out. Challenge her to a match at Superheroes this Sunday!
Beth: That's a great idea! If you can't earn an opportunity you gotta make one yourself! But you want to go alone?
Sara: Yes and I know that's crazy because she has The Dark Rising and all that but I don't care. I want to show her that I'm a threat by myself.
Nattie and Beth huddle up for a second to think this over, they break the huddle and come back over...
Nattie: We support you! Go for it kid! Make your mark!
Sara jumps for joy at this as Nattie and Beth share a nervous smile with each other.

Match 3 Tag Team: Naomi & Sasha Banks vs. Charlotte Flair & Mickie James
Bell ring as Naomi is set to start this off, but Sasha tags herself and Naomi looks a little angry at this but, begrudgingly gets out of the ring. Sasha and Charlotte start this one out now as Banks gets a kick to the gut then a mat slam. Charlotte responds with a jaw breaker then tries a drop kick but Sasha blocks it. Flair responds with a STO, Banks gets Charlotte into the corner and gets double knees to Flair. High knee from Charlotte then she drags Sasha over to her corner and tags Mickie in. Mickie with stomps to Banks and now she's looking for a tag! She crawls over to Naomi looking for it but Naomi drops off the apron and walks away! This early in the match and now it's two on one! Banks is back to her feet but goes right back down to the mat after eating a Mick Kick! Mick-DDT follows!

Now we see the bubbly Sara Maple make her way out to the ring...
Sara: Tonight I'm coming out here with a plan. I've been on a bit of a hot streak here and I'd like to have a chance at the Women's Intercontinental Championship. But there's someone who's getting in my way and I want to show her that I'm a threat. That I'm a fighter, always have been and always will be. So Trinity, come on out here and let's talk!
The lights go out and Trinity appears on the ramp alone surprisingly and makes her way down to the ring...
Trinity: You dare to call me out? The leader of the Dark Rising? You are in over your head girl.
Sara: I am not in over my head, I know exactly what I'm doing trust me. This division is tough and so am I. I want to face you in a match this Sunday with a shot at the Women's Intercontinental Championship on the line!
Trinity: Ha and now you challenge me to a match? Look at you, so busy out here taking praise from these parasites that you can hardly see the mess you're getting yourself into,
Sara: I told you this a few weeks ago and I'll tell you one more time just so we're clear. I'm not scared of you and if you want to fight me, Sunday night I'll be ready for you. I'm looking forward to clashing with you.
Trinity: *sighs* As you wish.
The lights go out and when they come back on Empira and Pandora are in the ring with Trinity! The three surround Sara and things are looking bad here for Maple! Just then we hear the music of Trish Stratus and she makes her way to the ramp.
Trish: Ah ah ah ladies I can see where this is going and no. Not on our show. Empira and Pandora, if you touch Sara you'll forfeit your title match this Sunday against The Valentine Sisters. And with the history you all have I'm sure you don't want that. Trinity, you will face Sara this Sunday in a match and it WILL be a #1 Contenders Match for the Women's Intercontinental Championship! Good luck to you both.
Trinity calls Pandora and Empira off and the three exit the ring. She makes a throat slicing motion across her neck as the trio head to the back.

Main Event: Carmella vs. Becky Lynch
Before the match begins Carmella offers Becky a handshake? Becky is not feeding into the mind games as she slaps the hand away. Referee backs Carmella off and rings the bell. Carmella goes to clothesline Becky but the referee was still a bit too close and he takes the hit instead! Referee down! Becky gets on Carmella with stomps and a snapmare. Becky wrings the arm of Carmella but she gets an elbow and breaks away as the ref gets to his feet slowly. Carmella takes Lynch down and gets a Thez Press then gets up and does a moonwalk with a spin. Becky gets back to her feet using the ropes and Carmella tries to take the chance but fails as she gets tossed to the floor outside! Becky now returns the taunt with one of her own as she swings her hair around! Now Lynch goes out to get Carmella but gets first move here with a mat slam. She gets Becky into the ring and hits a drop kick. “How You Doin” she says as she locks her legs around the head of Becky. She pulls Becky back to her feet and tries a kick but Lynch catches it and sends her to the mat. Now Becky with a single leg Boston crab but Carmella gets out of it and kicks Becky away. She's stunned long enough to allow Carmella time to get up and connect with a Superkick! Too close for comfort as Becky stays in this one kicking out at two! Carmella yells at the ref “come on 1-2-3!” She pulls Lynch up and Becky sets her on the top rope and hits the superplex! She picks Becky up again and this time Becky wrenches the arm of Carmella then sends her to the corner, she tries a splash but Carmella dodges and exits the ring! She taunts Becky saying “come get me”. Becky obliges and the two fight outside and they go over the barricade into the crowd! They exchange punches back and forth till both back it back in the ring at the count of eight! Becky quickly surprises Carmella with the Dis-Arm-Her and instantly she taps!

CAW's Featured:

The Rough Riders (Yuki & Risa Suzuki)
Risa: Oita, Japan, Yuki: Tokyo, Japan
These ladies bring their fun, athletic move set from the land of the Rising Sun to America and WWE. They are very prideful, bold competitors not backing down from any fight and given the way the Japanese view wrestling you know these women had to go through a lot to get this opportunity. Their English is getting better but expect them to do most of their talking in the ring. They met at a promotion in Japan and have been together ever since. Working their way to a few tag team title matches but sadly falling short each time. The heart that these ladies have is nothing to look past.


The Dark Rising (Trinity, Empira and Pandora)
From: Parts Unknown
One of the two teams to make their way over from the AWA promotion in Australia. The Dark Rising formed when Trinity revealed herself to be the leader after a long, heated rivalry with Chloe Valentine that ended with Tx3 capturing the Femme Fatal Championship from Chloe. Trinity is cunning, wily and crafty and as a result this has led her and her faction to gain dominance in AWA. Empira is the enforcer of the group. Her level of violence is unmatched and she is a woman of few words. Pandora makes up the second half of the tag team with Empira and despite her current cold appearance, she used to be a bubbly person. Even though she is the youngest member of the group she's very smart and is very good at the mind games. The “Twisted Doll” and Empira have seen success in AWA's tag team division and are looking to have similar goals here along with the Empress Trinity in WWE.


The Valentine Sisters (Chloe and Raine)
From: Cambridgeshire,England
Now these ladies, these two are some of the baddest women to come from England. They made their mark in AWA not as a tag team but as singles competitors. Chloe and Raine in fact were involved in one of the messiest title feuds in the company's history that saw Raine put her sister on the shelf for seven months. Times have changed since then however as now they seem to have put their old history aside and when WWE came calling, they accepted and have now formed a team that is set to put the whole world on notice. Raine is a hothead, but cold and calculated at the same time. She's very confident and very proud of it all too. She's willing to piss anyone off to get her way. Chloe meanwhile is the tactician of the two, having to keep her sister in check and while she is the more popular of the two due to her speed, power and athletic move set you can see exactly why these two together can only mean good things for them. There's a reason they are referred to as “Pretty Mean Sisters”. They have all the tools to be a force in the Women's Tag Team division.

Sara “The Tornado” Maple
From: Vancouver,British Columbia (Canada)
Sara is a phenomenal wrestler who came to WWE after being scouted at an indie event in Canada. She's a really loveable person with a charming personality. She loves to have fun for the fans and for herself in the ring. The girl really gives it her all and has tremendous heart. However, just because she is charming, don't let that fool you because she has been known to show a whole other side if things don't go her way. She can become very ruthless if this happens so my advice, make sure she stays happy and if she trusts you,don't break that.
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Old 12-15-2018, 02:20 PM   #76
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k19 Universe Mode: The Re-Write Continued

Women of Wrestling: Superheroes Preview

Women of Wrestling's third Pay Per View of the year Superheroes comes to you live Sunday night from Cleveland, Ohio and it is looking to be a great card. There are some big time matches scheduled and we are here to break them down as well as give our predictions for each match. As always we'd love to hear from you on who you got and how does it shake out?

Skye vs. Ember Moon
Skye was upset she missed the go home show, she wanted to compete but was not cleared. Ember Moon has been absent for awhile and who can blame her? She's struggled to find her way since being called up from NXT in the expansion of the new show. Both ladies are looking to find their footing on the card and this match could go a long way to deciding that.
Prediction: Skye

#1 Contenders for the Women's Intercontinental Championship: Sara Maple vs. Trinity
These two have had issues for the past month and it's hit a boiling point. Sara has found herself on a bit of a hot streak since allying herself with the Divas of Doom, Beth Phoenix and Natalya. They have taken her under their wing and led her to the spot she's in now. Trinity is well known in WWE now after coming in with her group The Dark Rising and while they haven't had championship success yet, they are in a good position to. On the go home show Sara called out Trinity, told her she wasn't scared and challenged her to a match with a shot at the Women's Intercontinental Championship on the line. The question now is going to be will The Dark Rising members show up and help Trinity win?
Prediction: Trinity

Submission Women's Intercontinental Championship Match: Becky Lynch vs. Carmella ©
This has been a great rivalry over the past month. Becky Lynch is another women who has struggled to find a place, failing to earn a title shot last month and the month prior losing to Nia Jax in a quick match. But some say you have to make your own opportunity and a few days after being eliminated from the #1 Contenders Battle Royal at Shimmer she made her move by calling out Carmella and making it clear she wanted a shot at the champion. Carmella has defended her title once already against Mickie James, but she's coming off a loss to Lynch by submission on the show this past Thursday. Some say this means the champion is in trouble. We will find out Sunday night.
Prediction: Becky Lynch

Alexa Bliss vs. Asuka
Asuka made her debut two months ago after being the longest reigning Women's NXT Champion in history and showed exactly why she was so dominant in NXT. She quickly dispatched Dana Brooke in her first rivalry on the show and now she's gotten the attention of Alexa Bliss. Bliss has shown that she's not afraid of Asuka but she's also willing to take anything she can get to have the upper hand. This includes her actions this past Thursday when she surprised Asuka with a sneak attack during her match that resulted in Asuka taking the loss. Most are not counting this as a legit “loss” for The Empress and you better believe Asuka's going to bring it Sunday.
Prediction: Asuka

Charlotte Flair vs. Paige
Charlotte is fueled by jealousy. She is a very competitive woman and this showed in the beginnings of her issues with Paige. Flair wanted the number one contenders match opportunity but Paige got it because she was in the right place at the right time. Paige made that very clear but didn't forget the last time these two met on a Pay Per View that Flair tried to show her up with a handshake after their match. Flair didn't want to hear any of it. Her friend Skye stepped in to challenge Charlotte to a match which she lost, and now Charlotte is looking to show everyone exactly why she was born for this business.
Prediction: Charlotte Flair

Extreme Rules WWE Women's Tag Team Championship: The Dark Rising vs. The Valentine Sisters ©
An old rivalry from AWA has finally taken shape here in the WWE and boy what a first month it's been. These two teams do not like each other at all and this has been a VERY physical and personal feud since day one. Chloe and Raine became the first Women's Tag Team Champions after defeating TNT in the tournament finals at Mayhem. The next month they defended the titles successfully against the Bella Twins and The Dark Rising defeated TNT to get this opportunity. Both teams are fueled by hate and this should tear the roof off the place.
Prediction: The Dark Rising

WWE Women's Championship: Naomi vs. Sasha Banks ©
Naomi was the first WWE Women's Champion of the new era after beating Bayley in a match between the Raw and SmackDown Women's Champions at Mayhem two months ago. Sasha Banks beat Alexa Bliss to earn the title shot and then at Shimmer, she got the job done beating Naomi and became champion. Since becoming the champion Sasha's confidence has skyrocketed and now it appears “The Boss” is back. This has led to some behavior from Banks that we have seen before including shunning her best friend Bayley who is next in line for a title match. On the go home show we saw Naomi turn the tables on Sasha in a tag team match and walk out, Sasha would eventually lose shortly after and that has to have Naomi feeling good about her chances heading into Sunday. But in the words of Sasha Banks “A boss does whatever they can to hold onto what is theirs.” Sunday night will be a good test for both ladies.
Prediction: Sasha Banks
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Reed's WWE 2k23 Universe: Youtube Edition

Last edited by Reed1417; 12-15-2018 at 02:22 PM.
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Old 12-18-2018, 02:41 PM   #77
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k19 Universe Mode: The Re-Write Continued

June Week 3

The purple pyro erupts and the fans give a thunderous cheer! Welcome to Women of Wrestling: Superheros! The WoW brand has blazed a trail in the first three months of it's exsistance and tonight that will continue with a great night of action ahead of us! We have all three titles on the line as well as some very personal scores to settle. Things are going to look very different after tonight so get comfortable because Women of Wrestling: Superheros starts right now!!

Match 1: Skye vs. Ember Moon

Kick from Ember to start, she tries another but Skye catches it and gives a spinning drop kick back. Kick to the lower back of Ember as Skye pulls her back to her feet but Moon with a stiff uppercut. Now they lock up and Ember gets hold of the arm, wrenches it and sends Skye to a knee. Skye fights back to her feet and breaks the lock. Snapmare then a kick to the back again from Skye. Moon back to her feet gets a chop then an exploder suplex. She tries a spinning back kick but it's caught and Skye ducks under to hit a clothesline from the other side. Whip into the corner then Skye comes charging in looking for the double knees but Ember dodges, gets a hurricanrana and into a pin attempt but only a one count.

Skye gets back to her feet and nods at Ember, sign of respect here as Ember now gets hold of Skye again and gets a powerbomb. Skye gets back to her feet and sends Moon to the corner, the double knees miss again and Ember gets a drop kick then lets out a yell! Cover but a one count. Both ladies back to their feet as Skye decks Moon with a drop kick then gets a hold of her leg for a submission move. Ember fights out and turns it into a pin but no count as Skye kicks out quickly. Ember now pulls Skye to her feet then whips her into the corner and we know what this is as the Handstand Forearm Smash connects! Pin here 1-2-Skye's out at two! Now to the top rope Ember's looking to end this...Eclipse!

Backstage now we see the Women's Intercontinental Champion Carmella in an interview with Renee Young...
Renee: Carmella this past Thursday we saw you tap out to Becky Lynch in your singles match. How are you feeling heading into tonight's championship match?
Carmella: Renee I'm the champion for a reason and I feel great. My arm's not in pain anymore. But tonight the only person who's going to be in pain will be Becky Lynch. Because I'm going to break her spirit as well as her body. She's going to once again see she doesn't have what it takes to get the job done and I will silence her for good this time.

Match 2 #1 Contender for the Women's Intercontinental Championship: Sara Maple vs Trinity

Trinity comes at Sara with hard elbows and forearms that force her back into the corner. Sara kicks her way out of there and puts Trinity there with her back exposed. Maple with a ax handle but no dice Trinity counters and now whips Sara into the far corner. She runs and connects with a knee strike then digs her boot right into Maple's face. She pulls Sara up and gets a big suplex. Looking to keep control she sends Maple off the ropes, leapfrogs over and on the rebound hits a nice tiger suplex then a flashback! Cover but just a one count.

Sara is in trouble as she can't seem to get any offense in as Trinity continues her dominance with a running bulldog then a buckle bomb. Another cover and another one count. Now she wraps her legs around the neck of Maple and locks the hold in but Sara fights out and escapes but can't get anything going as she gets planted with a clothesline. Trinity to the corner now gives that same throat slice motion from Thursday night and runs at Sara looking for the Bicycle Knee Strike but Maple dodges at the last second! This could be the moment she's looking for! Arm wrench by Maple then she hits Maple Keys! Sara now hits Vortex! Cover 1-2- Trinity kicks out at two wow! Sara just puts her hands on her head in an “I can't believe it” look but she composes herself and waits on Trinity to get up then hits two clotheslines and a superkick! Trinity now is looking to be in trouble Sara is on fire! Another Maple Keys connects this one she bridges into a pin! 1-2-3!

Backstage this time we see Pandora and Empira creeping around a room. They duck in and out of frame with Pandora creepily, playfully giggling. The two appear up close into the screen as Pandora slowly cranes her neck to one side. Empira comes into frame now and stands next to Pandora...
Pandora: Tonight Valentines....you will fall.
The screen quickly flashes the Dark Rising logo as we hear Pandora again giggle.

Match 3 Submission WWE Women's Intercontinental Championship: Becky Lynch vs. Carmella ©

They lock up and Carmella gets control first taking Becky down to the mat but Lynch turns it around and gains control now locking her legs around the neck of Carmella to get punches on the champ up top. Back to their feet Becky gets a suplex then a knee drop and a drop kick to the back. Now an arm slam from Lynch as she picks Carmella up. Finally the champion gets some offense in with a kick then she whips Becky to the corner and gets a running forearm. She picks Becky up for a Russian leg sweep then applies a crossface. No tap here as Lynch fights out. Carmella's able to stay on her though with a few punches that back Becky to the ropes. She tries a kick but it's caught and Lynch gets an STO then goes right into a single leg Boston crab! Doesn't last long however as Carmella kicks her away. Becky gets a dragon screw then a stomp to the chest. Now Becky locks in a crossface but the champ is able to break free.

Hard clothesline by Carmella then she applies a side headlock looking to wear her opponent down all the while talking smack. “You can't beat me Becky and you know it” Becky breaks the hold and they both are back on their feet and Carmella surprises Becky with the Code of Silence! Becky's legs are flailing for the ropes looking to break the hold. She finds a way out of the situation holding her head. Carmella tries to put Lynch down with a Superkick but misses badly and goes to the apron! Becky gets on her bringing her back inside with a suplex. Now she taunts Carmella saying “that's all you got”? Becky with the arm DDT and then an arm lock as she breaks the hold. Now Becky's back to her feet she can feel the momentum on her side as she waits for Carmella to get up using the ropes to pull herself up. Becky walks over and Carmella drills her with the Superkick! Not able to make it count for anything however as Becky quickly fights out of the crossface and takes Carmella down by the arm digging her leg in applying pressure all the way.

Crossface by Becky but no dice here as Carmella escapes and hits a suplex. She pulls Lynch back to her feet and the Lass Kicker responds with an uppercut then sends Carmella to the apron then to the floor outside with a punch. Atomic drop from Lynch on the outside then she sends Carmella chest first into the stairs then sends her back into the ring. Carmella is favoring that arm and Becky pounces! Dis-Arm-Her is locked in! Carmella's screaming in pain but she somehow manages to hang on and escape! Becky pulls Carmella back to her feet slowly and gets caught by a punch then a swinging neckbreaker! Carmella looks to fly off the top rope and the leg drop hits home! Now she goes right into the Code of Silence! Becky fights as long as she can but she succumbs and has to tap!

Backstage we see Naomi in and interview with Renee Young....
Renee: Naomi tonight you face Sasha Banks in a No Holds Barred match for the WWE Women's Championship. You were the first champion for the brand and now you're on the other side tonight as the challenger how are you feeling going into tonight?
Naomi: It's been a long month and I've been thinking about it ever since I lost that title. I want it back so badly and I cannot wait to step into that ring with Sasha tonight. She wants to call herself “The Legit Boss”? Well tonight she's going to feel the glow and the pain of defeat when I get back the Women's Championship.

Match 4: Alexa Bliss vs. Asuka

Asuka runs at Alexa looking for a cross body but instead Bliss gets an arm drag. A few kicks to a seated Asuka then she tries a knee to the back and Asuka's able to move out of the way to get a drop kick. Asuka begins working the arm of Bliss pulling it back. Bliss back to her feet trades strikes with Asuka then Asuka hits a back suplex and a knee drop. Head crank now from Asuka, Alexa with a jawbreaker then a cross body and a head crank of her own. She sends Asuka to the corner and gets a clothesline then grabs her by the arm. Asuka tries to wrap around and break the hold, Bliss says no and slaps the attempt away then clotheslines her into the corner slumping to the middle rope. Foot choke in the corner and now a pin from Bliss but only a one count.

Back to their feet Asuka whips Alexa into the corner and gets a hip attack. She picks Bliss up and hits her hard across the face and Little Miss Bliss is in a heap on the floor! Crossface applied by Asuka but Alexa breaks free. Asuka whips Alexa to the corner but this time the hip attack hits the top turnbuckle as Bliss moves out of the way. Suplex by Bliss then Insult to Injury! Cover 1-2-Asuka's out at two! Now Alexa is looking to end this one as she plants The Empress with a DDT! Another pin here 1-2-ASUKA kicks out!! A heart the size of an empire is on display tonight! Alexa is furious as she picks Asuka up, she eats a kick and Asuka connects with her signature Hip Attack! She slaps her hip afterwards and goes for the cover 1-2-Alexa gets the shoulder up at two! Now Asuka sizes up Bliss and yells for her to get up...vicious kicks of the Empress Combination hit flush! 1-2-NO! Bliss gets the shoulder barely up at two unbelievable!

Back and forth these ladies go with strikes now, till Asuka plants Bliss with a hard suplex and goes right to a pin which Bliss gets out of at two! Asuka goes right into an armbar now but Bliss gets out of that two. Asuka picks Alexa up and tries a German suplex but Bliss flips out of it and takes the referee down in the process! She heads to the top rope but Asuka is there to prevent anything further with an enziguri then she joins Alexa up top and brings her down hard with a superplex! This is amazing! Both ladies are down holding their backs after that hellacious move! Asuka slowly gets to her feet first and waits. Alexa gets back to her feet as Asuka slowly creeps behind her....Asuka Lock is in! Alexa fights as long as she can but she taps! She taps!

We cut backstage and we see Sasha Banks admiring the WWE Women's Championship. She turns now and addresses the camera...
Sasha: I am the baddest woman on this roster, I am the boss of this roster and this WWE Women's Championship proves that. Naomi, tonight if you think you're going to take this from me you have another thing coming. I don't plan on losing to you tonight. I'm going to snuff that glow right out of you girl and there's nothing you'll be able to do about it.
Banks snaps, does a turn and we head back to ringside.

Match 5: Charlotte Flair vs. Paige

They lock up and Charlotte takes Paige down with a headlock, Paige reverses the hold locking her legs around Flair's neck but the Queen is able to kip up and break the hold. Kick by Charlotte then an exploder suplex. Hurricanrana by Paige then a kick to the chest of Charlotte but it's caught and a dragon screw. Dragon screw by Paige then she tries a second kick but this one is caught as well and another leg whip by Flair. Punch by Charlotte is blocked as Paige gets a headbutt to the chest of Flair that sends her to the corner. Paige runs and gets a knee strike then sends Flair off the ropes, leapfrogs over but can't get the follow up attack as Charlotte ducks under and decks Paige with a clothesline. She pulls Paige to her feet by the arm, Paige slaps the hand away and turns it into a Russian leg sweep. Stomp by Paige then she pulls Charlotte up, Flair grabs the leg and gets an STO to Paige then sits out on the knee. Stump puller by Charlotte then she wraps her long legs around the neck of Paige and rolls her around applying pressure as she goes. Paige hits the thigh of Flair and escapes back to her feet.

Arm wrench by Paige that brings Charlotte to a knee but Flair elbows her way out, whips Paige to the ropes and gets double knees to her back. Now a leg DDT and a cover but Paige is out at one. She pulls Paige to her feet but Paige gets a head scissor take down. Clothesline is ducked under by Charlotte as she hits a DDT. Leg sweep then she sits out on the knee again! She keeps on this roll connecting with a Spear! Loud roar by Charlotte here as she heads to the top rope, turns around and we've seen this before..Moonsault but no Paige gets the knees up! Go big or go home and boy that went real wrong! Charlotte clutches her chest in pain as Paige pulls her up and hits the Paige-Turner! Ram-Paige follows! 1-2-Charlotte's out at two!! Paige can't believe it as she lets out a yell now! “This is my house!” As she pulls Charlotte back to her feet and connects with two clotheslines and a drop kick!
Charlotte is in trouble now as Paige pulls her back to her feet and hits a second Paige-Turner 1-2-3! Paige with the victory!

Backstage we see The Valentine Sisters heading to the entrance area when they are stopped by Renee Young....
Renee: Ladies you are just moments away from defending your tag team titles against The Dark Rising. It's very clear there is some bad blood between you four but how do you try and keep focus on the main goal tonight?
Raine: Tonight's match is Extreme Rules in case you didn't know Renee which means that there will be no “keeping focus”. The only focus tonight is to beat those two so badly that they won't make it to the next show, or possibly another show ever again.
Chloe: Forgive my sister, but she's right. Our goal is to retain these tag titles and if we have to beat Empira and Pandora to a pulp we will.
Raine stares at Renee for a bit before walking angrily away. Chloe goes and catches up to her as Renee sends it back ringside.

Match 6 Extreme Rules Tornado Tag WWE Women's Championship: The Dark Rising vs. The Valentine Sisters ©

They pair off Pandora with Raine and Empira goes after Chloe. Russian leg sweep by Chloe as Raine drive by punches Pandora. Big suplex by Chloe to Empira and a drop kick from the corner. Raine and Pandora are going at it outside trading punches then Raine picks Pandora up and sends her face first off the ring apron. Chloe inside the ring drills Empira with a kick that almost takes her head off! Pandora has control of Raine for a bit as she slams her into the Spanish announce table but Raine gets control back with a package suplex. On the inside Empira slams Chloe down then gets a kick to the lower back. Outside the ring Pandora gets driven face first into the steel steps! Empira with huge clubbing blows to the back of Chloe then applies a triangle choke! Chloe breaks out. Meanwhile still outside the ring Pandora hits a drop kick to Raine then she goes under the ring looking for something as Chloe has Empira in a bad spot on the inside as she connects with her signature Airplane Spin/TKO! Pandora has found a chair and pops Raine with it! Chloe on the inside goes for the cover looking for the win but breaks the hold as she sees Pandora coming in the ring.

She reacts quickly enough to take the chair and knock it away from Pandora then drill her with a huge Superkick as Pandora's head bounces off the steel chair! Raine has gotten back in the ring and grabs hold of Empira to hit a suplex! Chloe goes to pin Pandora but Raine says “not yet”. Empira now fights back getting back to her feet and hits Raine with a couple clotheslines then runs off the ropes and gets a drop kick! Raine rolls out to the floor outside now it's just Chloe alone with both Empira and Pandora who has now gotten back to her feet! Empira applies a choke here and Chloe fights out as Raine gets back in the ring only to be met with a suplex from Pandora then a couple of clotheslines then a bulldog to Raine from the corner! Chloe gets tossed out of the ring by Empira as Pandora has Raine up and hits the Leg Drop DDT! Chloe is slow to get back to her feet on the outside as she has trouble grabbing the apron! 1-2-3! New champions!! New champions!!

Main Event No Holds Barred WWE Women's Championship: Naomi vs. Sasha Banks ©

Time for talk is over and the bell rings here we go! Sasha goes right after Naomi hitting a drop kick. Jaw breaker by Naomi as she's being pulled to her feet by Sasha. Head scissor from Naomi then a kick to the back. Now she locks the arm of Banks and brings her to a knee. Sasha elbows out quickly and attempts a scoop slam but Naomi goes over her shoulders and kicks the leg of Banks before sending her face bouncing off the top rope. Shoulder breaker from Naomi then she lifts Sasha into a fireman's carry, sets her down then kicks her right in the head! She goes to pick Sasha up but the champion uses her elbows to create space then connects with the meteora double knees and a kick to the back follows it up. Naomi gets an uppercut then whips Sasha into the corner and gets a drop kick to her back. Banks pops back up however and surprises the challenger with a head scissors of her own. Naomi rolls to the floor and Sasha has some words “Go on run away you can't hang with me!” Sasha gives chase and sends Naomi right back in the ring. Chop from Banks is blocked as Naomi hits a hurricanrana then goes for a pin but can't keep Sasha down only a one count.

Punch from Naomi, punch by Sasha then she whips Naomi into the corner and gets double knees to the chest. She picks Naomi up and sets her back in the corner, this time upside down in the tree of woe and digs her foot into her face. Elbow to the back of Naomi but she turns around and pops Banks with a left hand. Into the corner goes Sasha after an Irish whip from Naomi, drop kick by the challenger is blocked and the double knees again by Sasha! Bankrupt by Sasha! This might be it 1-2-Naomi's out at two!

Sasha pulls Naomi to a seated position and drop kicks her back down to the mat. Now Sasha sees her chance as she waits on Naomi to get back to her feet...Bank Statement! It's locked in and there's no rope break to save Naomi even though her feet are in the ropes! She quickly however turns the tide and rolls up Banks! One count wow that was a close call on both parts! Naomi sends Sasha to a knee and plants her with a Headscissor DDT! She doesn't go for the pin however knowing that's not enough to put the champion away and Sasha responds with a stiff uppercut backing Naomi up as the hurricanrana follows up! Banks taunts to the crowd then pulls Naomi to her feet as The Boss begins to rumble here getting her second wind! Double clotheslines and a quick drop kick! A second Bankrupt! No pin here as she pulls Naomi to her feet and this may prove costly as the challenger hits an uppercut and then a handspring stunner! Sasha crawls to the ropes trying to find some space but Naomi stays on the attack grabbing Sasha by the hair and bringing her to the middle of the ring, Banks manages to elbow her way out and she sends Naomi off the ropes but Naomi stuns the champion with a knee to the gut then applies Feel the Glow! Sasha doesn't stay in the hold long as she gets hard knees to Naomi's face that allow her to escape! Naomi backs off after being hit with the knees as Banks gets back to her feet, behind Naomi and applies a second Bank Statement! Naomi cannot stay in this one any longer as she has no choice but to tap out!!!

Fallout from Women of Wrestling: Superheros

Asuka survives against Alexa Bliss. Who's going to step up to challenge the Empress of Tomorrow?

Sara Maple has the best chance of her young career after becoming number one contender for Carmella's Women's Intercontinental Championship. How will she handle the pressure that comes with it and will the Divas of Doom be in her corner all the way to the end?

Paige got revenge on Charlotte for their match at Mayhem. Will we see a third clash between these two? After the events of tonight, it would be hard to imagine not.

Skye fell to Ember Moon, what's next for both ladies?

Becky Lynch fails to get it done once again. It's gotta be heartbreaking for her. Will we even see her this Thursday?

The Dark Rising are the new tag team champions. While the leader Trinity couldn't withstand the heart of Sara Maple, Empira and Pandora got the job done. Are Chloe and her sister on the same page after Sunday?

Sasha Banks retained her title. Now she knows Bayley is up next to face her. These two best friends now seemingly enemies are set to collide once again.

Women of Wrestling Top 10 after WoW: Superheros
1. Sasha Banks
2. Carmella
3. Pandora
4. Empira
5. Asuka
6. Raine Valentine
7. Chloe Valentine
8. Sara Maple
9. Bayley
10. Paige

CAW's Featured:

The Dark Rising (Trinity, Empira and Pandora)
From: Parts Unknown
One of the two teams to make their way over from the AWA promotion in Australia. The Dark Rising formed when Trinity revealed herself to be the leader after a long, heated rivalry with Chloe Valentine that ended with Tx3 capturing the Femme Fatal Championship from Chloe. Trinity is cunning, wily and crafty and as a result this has led her and her faction to gain dominance in AWA. Empira is the enforcer of the group. Her level of violence is unmatched and she is a woman of few words. Pandora makes up the second half of the tag team with Empira and despite her current cold appearance, she used to be a bubbly person. Even though she is the youngest member of the group she's very smart and is very good at the mind games. The “Twisted Doll” and Empira have seen success in AWA's tag team division and are looking to have similar goals here along with the Empress Trinity in WWE.

The Valentine Sisters (Chloe and Raine)
From: Cambridgeshire,England
Now these ladies, these two are some of the baddest women to come from England. They made their mark in AWA not as a tag team but as singles competitors. Chloe and Raine in fact were involved in one of the messiest title feuds in the company's history that saw Raine put her sister on the shelf for seven months. Times have changed since then however as now they seem to have put their old history aside and when WWE came calling, they accepted and have now formed a team that is set to put the whole world on notice. Raine is a hothead, but cold and calculated at the same time. She's very confident and very proud of it all too. She's willing to piss anyone off to get her way. Chloe meanwhile is the tactician of the two, having to keep her sister in check and while she is the more popular of the two due to her speed, power and athletic move set you can see exactly why these two together can only mean good things for them. There's a reason they are referred to as “Pretty Mean Sisters”. They have all the tools to be a force in the Women's Tag Team division.

From: Chelsea, England
A fan favorite in the England wrestling scene Skye has come to WWE and brought those fans with her. She has been known to be a “wild child” and it earned her the nickname “The Rebel” across the pond. This has not made her many friends,except maybe Paige because the two have been seen hanging out in the locker room. In the ring Skye brings a ruthless aggression style along with a big heart, this makes her difficult to keep down for the three count in big time matches. This allowed her to capture the Women's Championship at her promotion and hold it for over a year. Can you see why she's a fan favorite in England?

Sara “The Tornado” Maple
From: Vancouver,British Columbia (Canada)
Sara is a phenomenal wrestler who came to WWE after being scouted at an indie event in Canada. She's a really lovable person with a charming personality. She loves to have fun for the fans and for herself in the ring. The girl really gives it her all and has tremendous heart. However, just because she is charming, don't let that fool you because she has been known to show a whole other side if things don't go her way. She can become very ruthless if this happens so my advice, make sure she stays happy and if she trusts you,don't break that.
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Reed's WWE 2k23 Universe: Youtube Edition
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Old 12-25-2018, 06:46 PM   #78
Reed1417's Arena
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Cool Re: Reed's WWE 2k19 Universe Mode: The Re-Write Continued

June Week 4

The show starts and we see Finn Balor walking backstage when he runs into Stephanie McMahon.
Stephanie: Ah Finn just the man I wanted to see. I wanted to talk to you about tonight.
Finn: Yeah Stephanie? What is it?
Stephanie: Well I've got some bad news for you. I know tonight is the last show before Money in The Bank and I hate to do this but, you'll be competing twice tonight. Once in a match against Batista that you wanted and again in the main event against John Cena.
Finn: Sounds like business as usual then. Just stacking the deck against me. That's fine. Triple H is going to regret this though.
With the final word Finn walks past Stephanie as we begin the show. Welcome to Monday Night Raw!

Match 1 Tag Team Contenders Tournament Finals: The Hardy Boyz vs. The Ascension
The Hardy brothers seem pumped up to begin this one as they share a double high-five before we get going. Matt and Konnor start this one as Matt gets a facebuster suplex. Arm drag from Matt after sending Konnor off the ropes. Now Konnor blocks a punch then gets a shoulder tackle. Suplex from Matt as he fires back. Matt now wraps his legs around the neck of Konnor and gets a few punches to the top of his head. Konnor sends Matt into The Ascension corner after reversing an attempted Irish whip from Matt. Tag to Viktor and he needed that badly, as the two hit a double shoulder tackle. Viktor tries a kick but it's caught and Matt gets a dragon screw then a tag to Jeff. Jeff's greeted by a drop kick from Viktor. Jaw breaker from Jeff then a crucifix DDT. He pulls Viktor up but Viktor elbows himself some space then a snapmare and a tag to Konnor. Konnor tosses Jeff outside to the floor and now the fight is on outside. Scoop slam by Konnor to Jeff then he sends Hardy back in the ring at the count of six.
Konnor puts Jeff in the corner and tags Viktor back in as the two get a double combination of strikes. Punches to the gut, ax handles to the back then kicks to the gut as Jeff falls to his knees. Viktor whips Jeff into the corner and connects with a running uppercut to him. He pulls Jeff to his feet but Hardy is able to create a bit of space getting a knee to Viktor's face. Now he pulls Viktor up and hits the Twist of Fate! Viktor rolls out to the floor after taking the move and Jeff tries giving chase but Konnor stops him with a few punches from the apron! Jeff eventually makes his way outside to Viktor and grabs him by the hair, looking to slam him on the steel steps but Viktor escapes before that can happen then gets a spinning drop kick as the referee is now at the count of seven! Viktor sends Hardy off the steel ring post and gets back in the ring. Hardy barely gets back in at the count of ten! Match is still alive! Viktor tags Konnor back in as Jeff crawls and makes the hot tag to Matt Hardy! Now Matt comes in on fire and goes to work. Double clotheslines, dropkick, Side Effect! Cover and Viktor's too slow to break the three count! They're going to face The Revival this Sunday for the Raw Tag Team Championships!

Backstage we see Cedric Alexander in an interview with Tom Phillips...
Tom: Cedric it has been a tough few weeks for you. Since being announced as a competitor in the Money in The Bank ladder match coming up this Sunday you have been in some tough contests including one against John Cena. Tonight you face the current United States Champion Kevin Owens. How are these matches getting you ready for what some would argue will be the biggest test of your career to this point?
Cedric: I have been in a lot of tough matches over the past few weeks and tonight is no exception you're right about that Tom. But just like that first one, this one is just the same. It helps me get ready for the ladder match on Sunday. It allows me to show these fans, Triple H and Stephanie as well as myself that I can compete on a higher level. I'm feeling very good about tonight and about this Sunday.

Alexander walks off as Tom sends it back to ringside.

Match 2: Batista vs. Finn Balor
Kick from Balor then they lock up and Batista takes Finn down with a head lock. Finn reverses and gets the dominant position now, but Batista takes it back and gets in a punch before getting back to his feet. Balor gets back up only to get caught by a kick in the chest then gets sent hard back first into the turnbuckle Finn gets up and back to his feet but Batista clotheslines him over the ropes to the outside! They exchange strikes now and Finn gets a punch, Batista tries a kick but Balor catches it and gets a kick to the face of The Animal. He sends Batista back into the ring and gets a stomp then a reverse DDT. Quick head crank here by Finn then an arm lock looking to wear Batista down. Finn lets the arm go and backs up to the ropes, Batista charges looking for another clothesline but Balor's ready this time tripping Batista into the second rope then gets a knee drop right to his face. Now Batista with an arm drag then a rolling fireman's carry. Big suplex into a pin by The Animal but just a one count! Arm drag by Balor, punch is blocked as Batista gives one back then a big boot! Arm slam then a reverse German suplex! Finn fires back with an inverted DDT! Balor now whips Batista into the corner and hits the Shotgun Dropkick! Now Balor to the top....Coup De Grace! W for Finn in match one of two for him tonight!

Backstage we see The Ascension walking around clearly frustrated with their loss tonight. They go on a mini rampage knocking people and objects out of their way. They stop as the camera pans to see The Hit Squad standing there with their arms folded. The Ascension step up to them now as The Hit Squad don't back down from them. Security comes and breaks this up before it can go any further. Both teams just continue staring at each other while being backed away from each other.

Match 3: Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe
Roman runs at Joe and they both hit each other with elbows to start this one oh my. Clothesline from Joe then a punch by Roman and a jumping clothesline that sends Joe to the mat. Kick to the lower back of Joe but he gets up, turns around and clotheslines Reigns to the floor! Joe goes outside and grabs Roman then tosses him back in the ring. Joe slides back in but gets decked by a shoulder tackle from Roman. Joe responds with a short arm shoulder tackle. Reigns back with an arm drag. He lifts Joe up to a fireman's carry hold but Joe escapes and hits a DDT. Roman gets a uranage then slams the arm and gets a kick to the face of Joe. Roman now goes to lift Joe to his feet but gets countered with an arm drag by Joe. Now Roman counters back grabbing Joe by the hands and down hard to the mat. Roman pulls Joe to his feet, gets caught by an elbow then a drop kick from Joe. Arm drag by Roman then a stomp to the arm. Arm wrench by Joe then he locks in a submission on the arm of Roman. Roman escapes getting his knee up in the face of Joe that backs him off and now Roman sends Joe over the ropes and to the floor! This has been a fantastic hard hitting contest so far!
Roman rolls outside to get Joe, pulls him to his feet and tries a punch but Joe chops Roman and the two slide back in the ring at the same time, stare each other down then Joe plants Roman with a powerslam! Cover here but a one count. Back to their feet Roman ducks a clothesline by Joe then drills him with a Superman Punch! Pin but only a two count! Roman pulls Joe back to his feet, Joe gets a punch that backs Reigns off for a second but he fires right back surprising Joe with a Spear! Cover but Samoa Joe gets the shoulder up at two! Roman gets frustrated and tries grabbing Joe's leg but Joe kicks him away and plants him with a hard Uranage! Roman's clutching his back in pain as Joe just watches him struggle back to his feet...Coquina Clutch is locked in! Roman fights out getting elbows to Joe! He avoids disaster! Now Roman gets on top and gets a few punches. Two clotheslines then a jumping one from Reigns! Roman picks Joe up but Joe rakes the eyes and clotheslines him back into the corner hard. Joe pulls Roman up, Reigns pushes him away and lifts him up to hit a Samoan Drop. Now Reigns sees his chance as he lets out an “ohhh-ahhhh!” Second Spear connects! Joe kicks out at two!!! Roman can't believe it as he pounds the mat in frustration! Joe goes back on the offensive hitting a suplex, Reigns gets an uppercut and a belly to belly then rains punches down. Cover but a two count. Roman tries picking Joe up but Joe counters taking the legs out Roman down. Arm slam from Joe then he turns Reigns around and hits the Chimera-Plex and bridges into a pin! Joe gets it done!

Match 4: Kevin Owens vs. Cedric Alexander
Suplex by Kevin right into a pin to start but not even a one count! Looking to end this early but no dice! Jaw breaker then a drop kick by Cedric right into a kip-up! Owens responds with a German suplex then he slams Cedric's head into the mat multiple times. Now Kevin and Cedric trade strikes back and forth. Kevin drops to the mat and rolls to the floor outside. He seems to have had enough as he begins heading to the ramp as the fans boo loudly. “I don't need this, I'm the United States Champion”. He doesn't even make it up the ramp however as Tye Dillinger intercepts him and gets a few punches driving Kevin back into the ring! He backs off and points at Cedric as if to say “he's all yours”.

The match resumes in the ring with Alexander getting an uppercut then a scoop slam. Cover but a one count. Kevin now rolls out to the floor then back in and gets met with an arm drag from Cedric. To the apron goes Kevin and Cedric runs at him, but gets caught by a kick from Owens on the apron. Huge lariat from Owens then he tosses Alexander to the floor outside. Kevin heads to the top rope now and flies off as Alexander gets to his feet. He turns around just in time to cut Owens out of the sky!

Chop by Cedric, catches the kick and another kick then he gets back in the ring. Kevin gets back in the ring and gets sent to the corner, Alexander runs at him and tries a cross body but Kevin cuts him down then drills him with a clothesline. Kevin goes up top and hits a frog splash! Into the corner goes Cedric, Kevin walks over and tries a kick but it's blocked and Cedric follows it up with his signature Sit-Out Full Nelson Facebuster! Pin but a one count! Cedric now is looking to put this one away as he waits for Owens to get back to his feet...Lumbar Check! Owens survives kicking out at two! Cedric tries to stay on Owens but Kevin gets a short arm clothesline and pulls Alexander up, sends him off the ropes and hits the Pop-Up Powerbomb! Cover by Kevin but Cedric stays alive kicking out at two! The heart of this young man has been on full display the last few weeks and tonight is no exception!

Leg slam by Kevin, arm drag from Cedric then a DDT. Cedric now pumps himself up and uses his speed to get back into this match! Quick clotheslines, drop kick, then a jumping clothesline in the corner and off the ropes right into a kip-up! Alexander lets out a yell and he is amped! Second Sit-Out Full Nelson Facebuster! Kevin kicks out of this one AGAIN at two! Back to their feet and Owens sends Cedric to the floor outside with a clothesline and now the two go on and exchange strikes and counter back and forth. Kevin eventually sends Alexander back in the ring and hits the Package Piledriver! No pin however as Kevin pulls Cedric up, who creates some space shoving Owens back for a DDT. Now Cedric pulls Owens back up but Owens hits him with another clothesline! Owens yells for Cedric to get up...a second Pop-Up Powerbomb puts this one to bed!

Main Event: John Cena vs. Finn Balor
Before the match begins Braun Strowman makes his way to ringside. He walks around Cena's side of the ring and John never breaks eye contact with him. Strowman pulls a chair from under the ring, sets it up and sits down. The bell rings and here we go! Finn wraps John's arm around his back and wenches it hard. Cena with a DDT then he slams Balor'a head into the turnbuckle ten times. Clothesline by Cena. Finn takes Cena down by the legs and gets a stomp to the arm. Now John with a short arm clothesline. Jaw breaker by Finn then a back kick that forces Cena to roll to the floor outside. Cena gets back in the ring and now the two trade punches back and forth! Cena gains the upper hand here and now Braun gets involved as he slides in the ring and decks Cena with a clothesline! The referee rings the bell!
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Reed's WWE 2k23 Universe: Youtube Edition
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Old 12-29-2018, 08:37 PM   #79
Reed1417's Arena
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k19 Universe Mode: The Re-Write Continued

June Week 4

The show starts with the music of Shane McMahon as he makes his way down to the ring!

Shane: Welcome everyone to SmackDown Live! It's the last night before Money in The Bank this Sunday and boy are we excited! Our four SmackDown superstars will go up against Raw's four in an eight man ladder match to determine this year's Mr. Money in The Bank! And we all know one of our boys is going to bring it home! Speaking of our four superstars tonight you'll see all of them compete in a Fatal-4-Way Table match!
Shane does his little dance as he exits the ring.

Match 1: Dolph Ziggler vs. Rey Mysterio
Rey with a quick kick then Dolph gets an arm drag and a snapmare neck breaker. Now the two lock up and Mysterio pushes Ziggler into the ropes. The ref breaks it up as Dolph slaps Rey! Rey tries to get through the ref but gets held back. Dolph meanwhile tries to get a clothesline while the referee has Rey but instead gets the ref, he's down! Elbow by Ziggler, Rey responds with a clothesline then he lifts Dolph up for a suplex, Ziggler gets the knee in his face and comes down to hit a clothesline. Snapmare neckbreaker again by Ziggler then a few stomps to the chest and arm of Rey. Cover but only a one count.

Ziggler pulls Rey to his feet and grabs the arm, Rey twists out and hits a crucifix DDT into a pin but a one count. Dolph ducks a clothesline, Rey tries grabbing him again but gets kicked away as Ziggler hits a drop kick. Headlock applied by Dolph as he's trying to wear Mysterio down. He lets the hold go and pulls Rey to his feet but gets popped by an uppercut from the little man. Whip into the corner by Mysterio then a running forearm connects. Kick by Rey is caught and Dolph turns it around with a spinning kick of his own. Now Dolph with the headlock and handstand growing his confidence. He pulls Rey up and tries the Famhouser but Mysterio catches him and turns it into a power bomb! Now Rey with the 619! To the top rope, Frog Splash! Pin but Dolph gets the shoulder up at two! Rey's eyes say it all he thought he had it!

Jawbreaker by Ziggler, fireman's carry from Rey then a snap suplex. Punch by Mysterio is blocked as Dolph tries countering with a kick but again it's caught and a dragon screw from Rey. Now Rey digs his knee into the back of Dolph looking to tire him out more, Dolph fights out twisting to escape then hitting an elbow right into a Famouser! Cover from Dolph but no Rey gets the shoulder up at two! Headlock from Dolph here again as he talks some trash, Mysterio is able to get himself out with elbows as he tries a kick but Ziggler catches it and gets an STO then applies a single leg Boston crab. Rey turns over and kicks out of the hold as Dolph rolls to the apron. Rey punches him to the floor then goes out and grabs him back into the ring. Another 619! Rey waits on Dolph to get up and gets the Dragonrana! Right into the pin....Dolph's still alive as he kicks out at two! What an opening match this is!

Huge frankenstiner by Rey that busts Dolph open! He heads to the top rope and tries a body splash but Ziggler rolls out of the way! He gets behind Mysterio and hits a Zig-Zag! Dolph with the cover and somehow Mysterio kicks out! Showing the heart he's known for! Kick by Dolph is blocked and Rey sends him outside the ring then runs off the ropes and gets a diving drop kick through the middle rope! On the outside Rey applies a single leg Boston crab of his own as the referee's count is at four now. After he lets go of the hold he rolls Dolph back into the ring and quickly gets a double knee drop to the chest of Ziggler. Rey gets Dolph set up for the third 619! A second Dragonrana! That's it! What a great match to start this show off!

We see The Miz walking backstage when he runs into Daniel Bryan....
Miz: Daniel Bryan. Our wonderful SmackDown General Manager.
Daniel: Miz, SmackDown's WWE Heavyweight Champion.
Miz: It must really hurt you to say those words huh? I bet you wish you could do something about it. I know it eats you up at night that I'm holding this and all you can do is watch from your office.
Daniel: Miz you know if things were different it would be me gunning for that title.
Miz: But guess what Daniel? It's not different! And even if you COULD face me it would end with you losing! Because let's face it I'm better than you in every way.
Miz brushes past Bryan leaving a competitive look on the General Manager's face.

Match 2: TJP vs. Kalisto
They lock up and TJP gets behind Kalisto, quick counter as Kalisto gets a snapmare then a headlock and a knee to the back. Tie up again and now the two go to the corner and the referee breaks it up. Clothesline from Kalisto that slumps Perkins right back into the corner and a drop kick follows. Cover early but not even a one count. Clothesline by TJ but he can't keep the offense as Kalisto takes out his knees. Irish whip to the corner and Kalisto pushes TJ out, who runs at Kalisto for a clothesline and misses, Kalisto ducks into the ropes and pops Perkins quickly with two feet to the face. Hurricanrana by Kalisto! TJP rolls outside, Kalisto gives chase but is caught by a hurricanrana from Perkins into the LED board! They lock up again outside and TJ wrings the arm of Kalisto, punch however breaks the hold and quickly both men get back in the ring. Punch by Perkins then he sends Kalisto to the corner chest first and gets a drop kick to his back. Grabbing the mask now he slams the luchadore's head into the pad ten times. Stomp to the face from Perkins, Kalisto with some offense of his own sending TJ into the corner and connecting with a drop kick. He tries a second one but this time Perkins is too quick as he dodges out of the way. Jab from TJ, Kalisto with a kick then he sends Perkins off the ropes, drop down, kick is dodged by TJ and he instead hits a drop kick. Cover but a one count.

Back to their feet Kalisto with a running hurricanrana! Sliding baseball kick follows! TJ back to his feet tries an enziguri but misses and lands on his feet, Kalisto with a quick kick to the leg sends Perkins back to the mat. Now Kalisto rolls through and hits the Listo Kick! Cover but the shoulder comes up at two! “Lucha, Lucha” Kalisto gets the chant going as he waits on TJP to get to his feet...Salida del Sol! Perkins kicks out at two! Wow! Perkins fires back with a springboard moonsault! He pulls Kalisto to his feet and turns him around...Chicken Wing Gutbuster! He slowly pulls Kalisto to a seated position and gets an arm lock slowing the pace down a bit smart move. Now a single leg Boston crab from Kalisto but Perkins gets away kicking Kalisto to the mat. Now TJP sees his moment....Detonation Kick!

Backstage we see The Usos and we hear their music playing in the background.
Jey: Last week I almost broke your leg Dean! You're lucky Seth came to save you!
Jimmy: Ey that's right Uce! Seth don't think we won't go after your leg too buddy boy. But guess what we're really after?
Jey: We're after domination!
Jimmy: What else?
Jey: Decimation!
Jimmy: What else?
Jey: Destruction!
Jimmy: One more thing?
Jey: To defend these SmackDown Tag Team Championships! But that comes Sunday, tonight is just a preview.
Jimmy: A preview, but be warned this is no dream boys and girls! We're gonna make sure that you feel those hairs standing up on the back of your neck, and when you look behind you no one's there. Guess what?
Jey: That's not paranoia! It's the Uso's!

Match 3 Fatal 4-Way Tables: Randy Orton vs. Big E vs. Chris Jericho vs. Bray Wyatt
Orton with a clothesline to Big E as Wyatt does the same to Jericho. Big E tosses Randy outside and now the battle over the table begins for these two. Randy takes it and puts it in the ring while Bray and Chris continue trading strikes. Hard shot from E to Orton who responds with a suplex. Bray sets Chris in the tree of woe and gets hard knee to the gut. Big E tosses Orton over his shoulder on the outside while inside the ring Bray hits Jericho with the edge of the table in the chest then sets it up in the middle of the ring. E and Randy continue trading blows on the outside. Chris has the upper hand inside the ring for a few moments but gets cut down by Wyatt. Randy sends Big E back in the ring. Jericho rolls out to the floor as Bray comes behind Randy and plants him with a suplex that causes Orton to roll out! Now Bray with a back suplex to E then a powerslam. Big E gives him one back as Chris and Randy go after each other. Pumphandle slam by Wyatt to Big E then an Uranage! Chops from Jericho to Orton on the outside then he gets slammed hard back first into the LED board.

Bray has Big E by the neck dragging him over to the table but Big E elbows out of danger. He tries a powerbomb but Bray gets out of it with a back body drop. Now Chris enters the ring and gets grabbed by Wyatt but Chris twists out and slaps the hand away, Big E goes after Orton on the outside. Randy catches a kick from E and drills him with a clothesline that causes the second table on the outside to fall over. Jericho on the inside springboards off the ropes and drop kicks Wyatt outside. E and Orton are back in the ring and Big E hits a German suplex to him. Big E now grabs Orton and leans him against the table but slips out of the way and gets a Thez Press! That was a close one as E rolls out! Orton moves the table to the corner meanwhile Jericho grabs the other one and brings it in the ring. Randy whips Bray into the corner against the table. Chris cuts Randy off from getting to Wyatt forcing him to roll out. But now with this newfound chance Chris powerbombs Wyatt through the table!!

Match 4: Xavier Woods/w The New Day vs. AJ Styles/w The Club
Styles with two punches then a suplex to Woods. Atomic drop from AJ, he can't keep it going as Xavier gets a jaw breaker to create space. Inverted DDT from Woods then AJ goes back on the offense with a stump puller then a pin but only a one count. AJ hits a flying clothesline as Woods now rolls to the apron and gets punched off to the floor by The New Day. Now Styles brings Woods into the ring and sets him in the corner. Chop then a tornado face buster into the ropes! AJ lands on the apron and gets a springboard 450 splash! Calf Crusher by Styles and he really has it locked in tight! Woods taps! Styles finally gets some amount of revenge!

Main Event Tag Team: The Shield vs. The Usos
The Shield are making their way down to the ring....Jimmy and Jey from behind blast them with the title belts!! Jey tosses Seth into the ring and here we go as the ref rings the bell. Uppercut from Jey then he whips Seth to the corner, tag to Jimmy as he hits a huge running forearm. Kick misses as Seth dodges and hits a suplex. Jimmy rolls out and back in quickly but Rollins is ready for it whipping Jimmy to his corner and hitting a flying forearm of his own. Inverted DDT from Seth. Rake of the eyes by Jimmy then he gets whipped into The Uso corner . Seth reverses it and sends Jimmy back to his corner where the tag to Dean is made. Snapmare/big boot combo by the two. Dean tries a clothesline and misses as Jimmy ducks under and gets a headbutt. Ambrose gets a jaw breaker and tries a clothesline but Jimmy catches the hand, twists around and kicks Dean in the chest as Dean leans on the ropes. Jimmy goes to grab him but instead gets dumped over the top rope to the floor!

Cross body into a thez press from Dean as he wails on Jimmy and The Shield have fought their way back into this match! Back in the ring tag to Seth who drops a knee into the back of Jimmy. Now Jimmy grabs Seth and gets a headlock take down then a quick kick to his back and a tag to Jey. Seth kicks him away and gets back to his feet then sends Jey to The Shield corner and he hits the buckle hard bouncing out right into a northern lights suplex. Dean gets tagged back in, gets a knee to Jey then a cross body/thez press to him. Leg snap then a knee to the face by Dean. Jey gets back on the offensive here catching a kick and whipping Dean back into the Uso corner. Dean is ready as he gets a boot up to block then sends Jey to his corner, Jey returns the favor with a kick of his own then a jumping forearm. Again into the corner and this time the tag to Jimmy and the double super kick hits but the downside to this is that Ambrose is able to make the hot tag to Rollins!

Dropkick by Seth but on the second attempt he misses and Jimmy seizes the moment to apply Tequita Sunrise! Seth's in the hold for awhile but doesn't tap out! He escapes the hold and gets up to hit Jimmy with the School Boy Superkick with his off leg! He picks Jimmy up and hits a shiranui! Kick out at one! Now a Curb Stomp! Jey breaks the pin up at two! Jey gets back to the apron and Seth follows him sending him to the floor with a jawbreaker! Back in the ring Jimmy's gotten to his feet and he sends Seth to the corner and hits a flying clothesline then a hip drop. Kick to the back of Seth and now Jimmy to the top rope, “get em Uce” Jey hops in the ring and cuts the legs of Dean from under him as Jimmy hits the Uso Splash on Seth! Rollins however shows his resilience kicking out at two!

Tag to Jey who's made it back to the apron now but Seth gets a DDT and now here comes Rollins, two clotheslines and a slingblade! School Boy Superkick to Jey who wisely rolls out of the ring! Seth goes after him but gets greeted by an inverted DDT then gets tossed back into the ring for a neck breaker. Big reversal here by Seth as he cuts the knees from under Jey and pulls him up quickly for the Ripcord Knee Strike! The Shield win overcoming the sneak attack to start this one wow!

What a fantastic night of action here on SmackDown! Everyone brought their A game and if this is any indication then Sunday is going to be a great night! Look out for the Money in The Bank Preview article later in the week and good night from Cleveland!
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Old 12-30-2018, 02:12 PM   #80
wiscowilz's Arena
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Re: Reed's WWE 2k19 Universe Mode: The Re-Write Continued

Good set of shows.
Born and Raised in Wisconsin
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