Here is a list of the CPU Behavior Sliders that have been customized by some OS Community forum members (thanks to Vanuatu for compiling the list):
Falken’s set:
Tackle Aggression: 85
Build-up Speed: 60
Shot Frequency: 63
First Touch Pass Frequency: 65
Crossing Frequency: 90
Dribble Frequency: 40
Skill Move Frequency: 65
g98smith’s Set 2:
Tackle Aggression: 62
Build-up Speed: 45
Shot Frequency: 62
First Touch Pass Frequency: 32
Crossing Frequency: 82
Dribble Frequency: 50
Skill Move Frequency: 40
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 11/28/24
Thanks as always for everyone's patience here.
It seems that Beta 9 was a bit of a hit or miss. We had the same findings unfortunately.
Instead of going deep into explanation of the values, I'm just going to note the main focus here. That's the increase in pass error here. It is very important because it controls the type of passes that can be produced. Something as subtle as a FB taking up the wing, only to turn around and pass back to their CB, can make all the difference in the world for an attack. There are moments like those that really show the game off in the right light - not just forward-forward-forward as it's been lately.
We took a lot of the feedback to validate what we've been testing. Higher marking, more runs, slower gameplay with acceleration and a lively ball at 44 pass speed. There are discrepancies because we are smarter than the CPU and need to give them some advantages. There is a discrepancy in the line length of 32/35 as well which is to keep bodies in the passing lanes, to make it more of a challenge throughout. The same goes with a lower width of 46 where we lose a bit of realism in the wingers coming back to defend the middle of the pitch at times, because FCIQ doesn't have them track all the way back the way most midfield/wingers should in the modern game.
Other than that, goalkeepers got bumped down to compensate for the lower shot speed. The 45 value has been quite good and there are no complaints so far. It makes for some brilliant saves and some howlers, as there should be. It's definitely a great feeling to score goals regardless.
Lastly, injury changes are just early testing, but the goal is to have more injuries that go away from the common broken toe, even if the frequency is lessened a bit. We'll see if that pays off.
Enjoy Beta 10!
Edit: We highly recommend using G98's Set #2 as it has been tested most recently with Beta 10. Feel free to use the other CPU slider set(s) posted above, but we do not have confirmation if they are still applicable to Beta 10 and post-patch.
Version 5 Beta 9 + Version 5 Beta 10 Testing values:

Thanks to discord testers: bman, laxing_ , Hapa90, jrn, TopSide, atsmash, Aaron458f, goblue8118, QB,Urkaun
FC 25 OS Community Sliders website: https://ea-fc25-community-slider-zt8hywd.gamma.site/

Timestamp: 11/23/24
Thanks again for everyone's patience. We're going to dive right into the set here.
Sprint 35/35 - (WC/LEG/ULT) - Still a strong value, and the discrepancy of 35/38 just wasn't needed anymore. With it at 38, the CPU just started a bit of a route one attack most of the time and trying to play a lot of through balls in that fashion. Evened out, we get a bit more balance.
Acceleration - 51/52 (WC), 51/51 (LEG/ULT) - Acceleration discrepancy is needed for World Class as the CPU is a bit over-aggressive and not engaged at the right angles at first. The discrepancy also allows the CPU to win some 50/50 challenges+headers. For LEG/ULT the acceleration is at 51/51 to keep the bite and chippiness that 52/52 brought to the table previously, without affecting the game speed too much.
Shot Error - 68/68 (WC), 75/75 (LEG), 75/78 (ULT) - Still good with the WC value at 68 where the CPU and User can experience different quality levels on their strikes. Even the best strikers in the world can miss-hit the ball. Good variety of ball physics with the shots, and nice to still see some bangers.
Pass Error - 58/58 (WC/LEG/ULT) - No changes needed here as the value still holds up where we're not seeing too many miss-hits, but sometimes players shouldn't be trying reverse passes in their own half and are punished, etc.
Shot Speed - 48/48 (WC/LEG/ULT) - Really liking this change. Not only is it bringing out some pretty cool shot animations, but it's also keeping the ball on the screen more realistically. Makes for some great save animations as well considering we've lowered GK ability. Overall, no complaints. Still able to score from distance and the ball deflects just as well as it did before.
Pass Speed - 42 or 45 (WC/LEG/ULT) - We're not even going to debate this too much more. It's completely up to the user on what they want to experience. Raising pass speed is always going to do what it should, which is bring the ball to life a lot more. Pair that up with all the slider values together - and it makes a lot of sense. Still, it's not a bad value at 42 either because the ball does stay on the ground a bit more. Players can keep control of the ball a lot easier compared to 45. There's discussion of crossing speed also having more pace on 45 compared to 42. I'm always annoyed by arbitrary slider values, but these two values make sense.
Injury Frequency/Severity - 90/20 (WC/LEG/ULT) - No changes with the 90/20 Freq/Sev values. There's just not enough to know what does what and creates less broken toes, etc. Seen a good mix here of players being subbed off and some that tough it out or recover fully.
GK Ability - 50/50 (WC/LEG/ULT) - We dropped this value to 50 to compensate for the lower shot speed, but it wasn't just about ability more so the animations that come up to react to the ball rather than predict and look unnatural with a higher GK value than shot speed. There have been some brilliant goal-mouth scrambles with the GK making some brilliant saves. Also some brilliant reaction saves on shots from distance.
Marking - 52/52 (WC/LEG/ULT) - As we get into the core of the set, the lower marking will make more sense. We definitely spent time with this value at higher levels and realized that it was causing chaos. Players wouldn't stick with their mark, and the hand off would come too early in a zonal approach - it would make it easy to just burst through all the lines. So, with the adjustments to HLW+RF, the marking value just gives a little nudge for the defending players to focus on their man to mark.
Run Frequency - 5/5 (WC/LEG/ULT) - We started with this value pretty high as "default" 50 to think that the tactics would take over. Unfortunately, there were too many runs and secondary runs that it just became chaos again. While we love that TU5 seemed better pace wise, there is no question that the game is still built on 1v1 battles, and the more runs that happen, the less that can be honored. So, we're safe now with 5/5 Run Frequency.
Line Height - 58/58 (WC/LEG/ULT) - We dropped this value to get more depth for the midfielders again, but also let some crosses to be more dangerous, reducing the constant offsides as well.
Line Length - 35/38 (WC/LEG/ULT) - This value was adjusted because the midfield wasn't meeting. In many CDM based formations, they were too far back, and there would be no midfield in the middle-third especially. So we gave the CPU a bit of the advantage since we removed their Sprint advantage previously. This discrepancy really brings the midfield together, and paired up with the width discrepancy, it makes for some really good midfield play.
Line Width - 48/50 (WC/LEG/ULT) - This discrepancy carries over because we want those center-backs to be available to step up in the half-spaces where a lot of strikers like to run into. This also results in the CPU build up to be more purposeful and not just take the first option forward given to them. I think this is one of the benefits of giving Dynamic CPU sliders a real go because the CPU will change their way of thinking a lot of the time if you can put up a good defensive front.
FB Positioning - 75/75 (WC/LEG/ULT) - The FBs started to retreat immediately and too soon before anything really happens in transition. We need them to stay in the thick of the battle and quite leaving the outside mid (or L/RCM) on their own to pressure then drop all the way back to follow the ball. Now the FBs will stay a bit higher in transition, and challenge, which will again contribute to the decision making from both the User and CPU respectfully.
FT Control - 80/80 (WC/LEG/ULT) - Just a bit of reduction here to help with the ease of being able to steal the ball from the CPU at times. With higher pass speed this doesn't seem as easy because the ball isn't absorbed into players, making it seamless to just tackle through them - instead the ball deflects away. Regardless, it's about controlling the ball and whatever comes related to that, whether it be dribbling, first touch or deflections vs interceptions.
That's the Version 5, Beta 9 set. Use Dynamic,Custom50's, Tactical or whatever custom adjustments you would like. The gameplay is very solid, and quite enjoyable - which says something as it was getting frustrating there for a bit. Thanks to the testers, and hope you all enjoy. Please provide constructive feedback as always.
Timestamp: 11/21/24
Sorry everyone, we'll have beta 9 out tonight. Just needed a couple more sample sizes to make sure of some changes. Stay tuned, thanks!
Timestamp: 11/17/24
We went with 38 Sprint for the CPU to help reduce animation speed and the tendency of the CPU to catch the user very easily.
Shot error lowered for User and CPU on WC, good variety of shots still and more shots on target naturally.
Marking lowered for WC to help with the tendency of the CPU/Teammate AI to spin around the player with the ball at times.
Lowered line height to allow just a bit more space between defensive line and midfield that brings in the forwards to make better runs in the box for crossing. Creates a lot of good variety in build up and opens up the CB to enter the passing lane to defend if needed.
Width adjusted to 46/48 to keep the fullbacks tucked in more, rather than staying out wide and marking noone. In addition, this helps clog the middle of the top of the box a bit more, which forces more variety into play. The discrepancy remains to help the half-spaces to be filled by defending players and more passing lanes are occupied overall.
Test and provide feedback (Read the rules) in depth as possible, or just provide video. Thanks!
Timestamp: 11/13/24
Right, we had felt really good about Beta 6, but there was something missing. We can't fix the low-blocks, but we continue the pursuit of creating more resistance. I know it's tough to ask users to play a certain way - or essentially handicap themselves (aka house rules), so the goal here is to allow the user to play freely, but still get enough resistance throughout the pitch. As a result, we have to set up a
base recommendation rather than a considered range like previously. This isn't to say the base recommendation is the 'be-all-end-all', but we need more objective testing to be done and the only way to do that is remove more variables such as the range suggestion for Sprint/Acc.
So, the values changed here are just slight from beta 6, which is encouraging.
Sprint/Acc: User 35/52, CPU 40/52 (WC/LEG/ULT)
- This combination works really well because the Sprint 40 is the threshold in which the CPU becomes threatening, and doesn't give up defensively. The acceleration at 52 sparks that reaction to the ball, which can be more physicality, more interceptions, just overall more effort in reacting to the ball.
Shot Error: User 75 (LEG/ULT), CPU 75 (LEG)
- Raised shot error for the User and CPU on Legendary, and just the User for Ultimate. Good shot variety from not every contact point is on the laces and perfectly struck. Just more human-like approach that is well needed. If you play shorter halves, reduce these values of course.
Marking: 52/52 (WC/LEG/ULT)
- This value may not have been 100% necessary, but it keeps everything intact based on what we've learned from the Sprint/Acc combo adjustment above.
FT Control: 90/90 (WC/LEG/ULT)
- Consensus here is that it was too high before on 95, resulting in handballs and the ball popping upwards too often. This should still create some of those effects, but allow a bit more calm overall, while still ensuring the ball is alive.
Thanks again for the testing and feedback, everyone. Remember to follow the feedback criteria as well!
Attempted Troubleshooting:
Timestamp: 11/9/24
Okay, here is Version 5 Beta 6. The goal here was to bring back some more of that compression we had pre-patch, but still allow those 1v1 battles to happen. This set really focuses on that because we can't fight it anymore - especially when the game has tried to become more open when we raise the marking value.
First adjustment is reducing the acceleration. While 55 and 58 acceleration were good, they just aren't as viable as an option any longer for the sake of animation speed. If you can tolerate the speed in animation, go for it, but we've moved on.
Sprint remains at 35 or 40, those seem to be the thresholds that are best. 35 Sprint allows all players to sprint, while 40 is where the CPU seems to click into their highest gear (that's acceptable for animation speed) of being engaged. If one wanted to fashion a challenge on WC, setting up with a Sprint of 35/40 could be a viable option. That said, 35/35 Sprint is just as good for WC as it is for Leg. Remember, it's all going to be personal preference at the end of the day.
Marking is where things change a bit, but that's only because we've created a discrepancy in width at 49/51. This is a key value because width is a side-to-side marking tool and height is a upfield marking tool, so when adjusting width, we now get players getting pushed into different spaces that can help cover more passing lanes. This is a battle against the low-block teams where we cannot do anything in the sliders to make the defensive line step up sooner, so the next best battle is to get more of a midfield. In order to do this, we had to reduce marking to 52 for WC and 50 for Leg/Ultimate as those difficulties have a bit more sharp defensive 1v1 compared to WC that has a chance of over-pursuit/DAA. The real key visual is the central mids not running into eachother's "zones". They may overrun higher up the pitch, but not as much should be in their own defensive third, where it matters the most - especially if playing against a deep defensive line.
Run Frequency is a big chance as well, but this has been a pleasant change. Not because we want less runs, but we want the runs relative to the tactics of building numbers. On higher run values, the tendency was players would run into each other's passing lanes and it would confuse defending players at times, to the point the animation would be a quick sprint backwards or sideways. Again, the goal is to accept that these 1v1 battles will happen, and getting players into their right positions is the only way to ensure that happens.
Length gets an adjustment as well because the spacing has been a bit too much on 40 post-patch. 30-32 is too low, especially in transition where central midfielders practically instant retreat to the safety of their own defenders. As a result 35 is the happy medium where the spacing is just enough that tactics can breathe, but players can still feel pressure relative to the chosen tactics. the crossing positions are good as well, with a chance of being offside to boot. The runs into the half-spaces can occur, but the width discrepancy allows those spaces to be well marked as well depending on the tactics/quality of players, etc.
FB Positioning dropped all the way to 50. This wasn't because they were so high up the pitch, but more so that we again are trying to isolate 1v1 positions, and the more players running into the specific spaces of other teammates, will just cause havoc and indecision defensively. With it at 50, we defer to the tactics and let the 1v1s still happen because the correct runs are being made due to the RF at 1/1.
Lastly, FT Control is at 95, a bump from 90. This is to combat the driven passes that the user can take advantage of and the CPU tends to use - especially against low block opposition. This is a tough pass to control IRL, so there needs to be some chance of punishment for trying it.
Hopefully this can set us back on the right track. Keep the feedback coming. Remember to include the following format in doing so:
Attempted Troubleshooting:
Timestamp: 11/6/24
Post-update, let's get some organization here when reporting feedback. Please include:
Attempted Troubleshooting:
Timestamp: 11/5/24
We are just about done, right in time for the Title Update that promises some improvements to gameplay. I think it's important to stress Sprint/Acc preference. Thanks to Woods for recommending 40 Sprint in particular as that has helped those who have felt the CPU struggled in the attack.
Here is the insert/comment I plan on including for the final set:
"Sprint and Acceleration are going to come down to personal preference. The ones here are thresholds, or breaking points of change, so each value has their pros and cons.
35 Sprint = Slightly slower sprinting animation, CPU attack not as threatening, but can still get job done.
40 Sprint = Faster sprint animations and feel, CPU attack is threatening, user can feel a bit out of control defensively.
55 Acceleration = Allows better reactions and anticipation defensively and in 50/50 situations. Defensive line in low-block tactics are not as sharp.
58 Acceleration = Allows better reactions and anticipation defensively and in 50/50 situations. Best reactions in defensive low-block tactics. Slightly faster animations compared to 55."
Along with that Sprint/Acc, we are going to include Ultimate difficulty as it's been enjoyed by a couple community members and testers.
GK Ability to 51 from the "under 50" values is the way to go from now on. We just can't get the sync the way we want it, and it's better safe than sorry in "hoping" for animations to play out as late reactions with those under 50 values. 51 GK has been playing quite well overall - but let's still get some eyes on it.
That's all for now. We're almost there, let's hope the TU supports the changes and doesn't go against them. Report feedback as always! Thanks!
Timestamp: 11/4/24
Great job everyone in testing the Beta 3 set. We are now near completion with Beta 4, which is probably going to be one that needs the most eyes on it for the GK Ability more so than the 90 FT change.
The 45 WC, 42 LEG, GK Ability values are geared to just normalize the keeper behavior a bit more. When we dropped to 49 shot speed, the keepers started to misjudge the ball flight more often. Shots right at them were followed with odd animations such as sticking out a hand, then pulling it back in, only to push it out again. It's been as if the GK is ahead of the ball flight, which is why they look silly because they are already in good position initially.
So lowering the GK Ability is essentially dropping their timing and reaction a bit more so they are not so far in front of the ball's flight - and can react in a more realistic manner. Note that point blank save attempts shouldn't be judged as intensely as most keepers just find a way to make themselves big and hope for the best.
FT Control is in-line with what has been discussed in the thread where we get just a tad less ball bouncing straight up, but the value is still high enough that the error is still strong and the ball must be controlled.
That's it, report back your findings! Also provide context on what Sprint/Acc combo you use as that makes a BIG impact to the way teammate AI and CPU react/defend. I personally am using 32/58 Sprint/Acc and haven't looked back since.
Most recent match on Legendary, using
G98's CPU behavior sliders:
Timestamp: 11/2/24
I think we are on the right track with Version 5 Beta 2. Now let's start grinding it a bit more with some specific adjustments to finalize into Version 5 complete.
Sprint/Acc combo - which is best? 35/55 or 32/58? We need to keep an eye on Sprint capabilities on 32, and speed in animations/reactions on 58 acceleration.
GK Ability - WC 49, Leg 48 - So far it seems to help the keepers being too ahead of the ball flight where they end up looking a bit suspicious with their save animations. This is an attempt to sync them back up with the Shot Speed of 49.
Marking - Leg 68 - Dropped from 72 as marking on Legendary seems to be stronger than on WC.
Line Width - 48 (WC, Leg) - Helps with getting players tucked in goal-side a bit more. At times we were seeing defenders marking no one because they were so wide.
Please report back with your findings! Thanks.
Timestamp: 11/1/24
Here is Version 5 Beta 2 for everyone to test.
The focus here was trying to accomplish the same thing as Beta 1, but with a bit more emphasis on good spacing. So the width test is gone, and it's just now reverting back to 50 to allow preset tactics to take over.
The big value change here is acceleration bumped from 50 to 58. This was after watching some older FIFA videos and reviewing some of them that had high acceleration, FIFA 23 in particular stood out. We know acceleration serves as a pace value, but it also controls reactions and intensity - but it's always a tough balance to get the game playing without the wonkiness, or twitchy speed, that comes with adjusting this value higher. There is some calm in knowing that Sim Mode uses 55 acceleration, so raising it to 58 wasn't completely out of the box. What raising it does do is an increase in reaction speed, better 1v1 battles (yes, this is the game's design) and more fight for 50/50 balls as a result.
I have been forcing myself to play on the crappy classic camera as I wanted to get to the point that the game's positioning looked good enough. The raise in acceleration accomplishes this as one part, but the other eye sore was the pass speed and how it kept the ball on the deck without any life. We know 45 is an eye sore on the other side, so meet in the middle with pass speed at 42, now we have the bobble of the ball, the need to master it (especially with a raise in FT) and better deflections create better 50/50s.
Shot speed was another eye sore, at times the ball would scream off the screen and somehow the keeper could save it. Just didn't look realistic, on any camera. This adjustment needs to be sampled a lot more with keepers at 50 as there's some reports of weird keeper animations, in particular where the ball is going right at them and they don't move naturally. Just something to keep an eye on.
FT Control was something that I feel just needs to be done. If we can't have a higher pass speed that makes the ball come full alive, then we have to meet it the rest of the way with the max FT possible. Too often the ball stays on the deck and driven passes are controlled with ease. So raising this value just creates more randomness from a very rigid positional game.
So, here's another attempt to get some competitive play and some real footy representation - let's hope. I've included two videos that show the play. First is WC against a low block, second is Legendary vs a fairly aggressive CPU.
WC vs low block
Leg vs aggressive
Timestamp: 10/30/24
Okay, everyone. I've got Version 5 beta for you to test. Only 4 values changed, but I feel these are really key values.
Before I post the set, I want to stress that the objective of this set is to bring back some of the retro PES days, in particular PES 5 for me. That game had brilliant ball physics, but it also had terrible positioning at times. What it did to make up for that was the closedown rate and aggression to get the ball.
At the moment, I don't fear the CPU stealing the ball from me. I can move the ball about, turn, and move the ball about some more. It's practically the same for them. Against deep line teams, it's simply passing forward to my striker and I'm able to turn and run for 20 yards while their defenders retreat into their box.
So what sacrifices have to be made here? Well, look at PES 5 as an example, look at the radar itself:
What sticks out? What about that blob of red circles? Does that look like "proper" positioning? More like my 1st graders back in the day (who are now my U10's).
Did the game play brilliantly despite that? Absolutely. Players spread out at the right time, pressured at the right time, and congested the pitch.
Despite dropping the width value significantly, as low as 20 in testing, the width of the pitch still expands enough that it never looks like a blob on that radar. So, I'd say we're safe to experiment and in this case drop the width significantly, but also re-raise some other values.
Line Height
then we lower/even-out:
Line Length
Line Width
The majority of the testing was done on Deep 25/30 teams, and various leagues. Eventually high aggression and balanced teams were tested, but not as much as a sample size.
The main objective here was to create that sense of fear in losing the ball that PES 5 used to do for me. Sure, there's space to occupy, maybe space for my outside back to run into and behind, but while I'm revving up the powerbar, I'm getting tackled or being pushed off balance. The middle of the pitch is highly congested that driven passes are still challenged, and against aggressive teams...watch out.
So, here's the Version 5 Beta. Remember the objective. Positioning is one of those focuses that has absolutely killed the game and I'm tired of fighting this illogical game's mechanics (FCIQ, Preset Tactics, Roles) and poor execution.
Here's my 4 hour stream from earlier today after establishing the posted set. I still went back and forth on some values to test as the testers were taking part in suggestions/analysis.
Enjoy and report back. Thanks!
Timestamp: 10/27/24 - Version 4 updated - Sprint from 30 to 35, Acceleration to 50, Pass Error from 58 to 55 for WC, Pass Speed from 45 to 40.
Thanks to everyone that provided feedback on Version 3.
Sprint Speed - 35/35 (WC, Leg)- We have updated this value to 35 as that is a more agreeable value from the community and testers. This allows every player on the pitch to sprint with some minimal outliers.
Acceleration - 50/50 (WC, Leg)- With the increase in Sprint, we can normalize the acceleration value back to 50, which will help to solidify player's movements overall. While we would love to go under 50, it starts to conserve stamina unrealistically.
Shot Error - 70/68 (WC), 70/70 (Leg)- We have increased the shot error to make shots more human-like, which are not always going to be perfect on the laces strikes. This allows players to stand out based on their ratings, but also ensures plenty of variety when both the User and CPU strike the ball.
Pass Error - 55/55 (WC), 58/58 (Leg)- With an increase in pass speed, we had to adjust the pass error so that there is not only variety in the ball contact, but also the pass variety. We still want the CPU to be competent in their attack, but not to the point that every pass is the same to accomplish that.
Shot Speed - 50/50 (WC, Leg)- This value has not changed as it impacts the goalkeeper animations, which is a delicate area as it is.
Pass Speed - 40/40 (WC, Leg)- The value at 45 was too high and as a result we have dropped it to 40 value, but reduced the pass error for the WC level. This allows the total ball speed to reach a possible maximum of 50 rather than before it would reach speeds as high as 60-65 with driven passes.
Injury Frequency - 90/90 (WC, Leg)- The value is lower here as it seems best to provide more variety of injuries that can range from broken toes to torn ligaments.
Injury Severity - 20/20 (WC, Leg)- Good amount of injuries that paired up with Injury Frequency 90 results in variety of injury types (no cure for the broken toe) and duration (leaving the game, able to come back on, etc).
GK Ability - 50/50 (WC, Leg)- No adjustments from default or previous versions as the animations relative to the shot speed are intact.
Marking - 52/52 (WC), 50/50 (Leg)- This value has been dropped from before (70) as defending players had a tendency to follow their assignments too far out of position. The slight adjusted value from default allows the tactics to stay intact, while still providing some needed aggression in defending.
Run Frequency - 30/30 (WC, Leg)- Previously this value was at 70, so the adjustment to 30 has been one that allows the game to stay within tactics and less full-on streaking runs up the pitch, but also bring the crossing positions to be better from the intended targets. At higher values, the forwards, for example, would run well past the defensive line, resulting in not being an option to be crossed into.
Line Height - 58/58 (WC, Leg)- This value has been lowered from previous of 75 to bring in the depth of the midfield when paired up with multiple defensive line Tactics. If a team is high line, such as 95, and the gameplay slider is above 60, the midfield can be easily bypassed (bursting on World Class) which introduces the defensive line sooner. If the value goes lower than 55, the low defensive line tactics, such as 30, result in too big of a gap between the midfield and defensive line.
Line Length - 42/40 (WC), 42/42 (Leg)- There is a discrepancy for World Class as the goal is to prevent bursting through the midfield. Putting the CPU value lower allows the CPU to face-up sooner and get into a defensive position. The length value at 40-42 compliments the Line Height of 58 and Width of 48 in a good fashion to bring in the midfield length to compress and decompress relative to the ball's position.
Line Width - 48/48 (WC, Leg)- The value has been increased slightly to balance the height and length to keep players goal-side defensively, but not so wide across the defensive line to the point spaces can be exposed. The narrow width allows for defensive shape to shift rather than stay stagnant, which reduces exposed spaces that should happen naturally in the flow of the match.
FB Positioning - 85/85 (WC, Leg)- This value was raised to help the fullbacks in transition so that they are not immediately retreating on 50/50 balls or clearances. The value is not made higher either as we do not want to expose the same spaces in every attack, or counter-attack.
FT Control Error - 60/55 (WC), 65/65 (Leg)- There is a discrepancy on World Class to help the CPU's ball retention as it can be easy to tackle the ball carrier at times. These values still work well with the pass speed of 40 as there is still error in the touches, but players will have potential to stand out accordingly.
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 10/24/24 - As mentioned earlier, here is the mini-website that we will share, so please save the link:
We had to acknowledge that the game's default settings have shifted somewhat. This involved revisiting prior values and re-evaluating matchups to ensure they remain balanced. The main thing is World Class started to reintroduce some bursting capabilities for the User, so we had to make adjustments there with acceleration, marking and a length discrepancy.
The concept of "FCIQ" needed a closer examination in relation to how teams are set up tactically and if their on-field actions are logical. Roles play a crucial catalyst in determining player positioning on the pitch, so we had to re-evaluate some values to ensure they are accurate or require adjustments.
Our testing team conducted trials using Tactical, Dynamic, and "Custom 50's" settings (selecting Custom and leaving all values at 50). The assumption is that Custom 50's serves as a neutral starting point, still affected by Preset Tactics, FCIQ, and Roles. Dynamic does what it's designed to do, offering a range of CPU Behavior sliders for each match, while Tactical utilizes preset values for each team.
Sprint Speed - 30/30 (WC, Leg)- We decided to modify this value to be lower as we have increased other areas such as pass speed. This value allows there to be a difference felt between players, both in sprinting, and in general movement on the pitch.
Acceleration - 51/52 (WC), 52/52 (Leg)- Post-update we found that it was too easy to burst through the lines on World Class when the CPU value was at 50. The values were evened up all around to provide equal ability to reach the ball. Drop this value for the User or raise for the CPU to make more difficult. We do not recommend going under 50 as this will impact stamina depletion (under 50 more stamina, over 50 less stamina).
Shot Error - 70/68 (WC), 70/70 (Leg)- We have increased the shot error to make shots more human-like, which are not always going to be perfect on the laces strikes. This allows players to stand out based on their ratings, but also ensures plenty of variety when both the User and CPU strike the ball.
Pass Error - 58/58 (WC, Leg)- With an increase in pass speed, we had to adjust the pass error so that there is not only variety in the ball contact, but also the pass variety. We still want the CPU to be competent in their attack, but not to the point that every pass is the same to accomplish that.
Shot Speed - 50/50 (WC, Leg)- This value has not changed as it impacts the goalkeeper animations, which is a delicate area as it is.
Pass Speed - 45/45 (WC, Leg)- The biggest change is an increase to pass speed. The finding here is that this brings the ball itself to be more lively. More passes into space and thus an emphasis for ball mastery rather than the ball just sticking to players' feet. In addition, this increase also results in more pace on crosses with regular crosses rather than needing to use button combinations such as R1+L1.
Injury Frequency - 90/90 (WC, Leg)- The value is lower here as it seems best to provide more variety of injuries that can range from broken toes to torn ligaments.
Injury Severity - 20/20 (WC, Leg)- Good amount of injuries that paired up with Injury Frequency 90 results in variety of injury types (no cure for the broken toe) and duration (leaving the game, able to come back on, etc).
GK Ability - 50/50 (WC, Leg)- No adjustments from default or previous versions as the animations relative to the shot speed are intact.
Marking - 52/52 (WC), 50/50 (Leg)- This value has been dropped from before (70) as defending players had a tendency to follow their assignments too far out of position. The slight adjusted value from default allows the tactics to stay intact, while still providing some needed aggression in defending.
Run Frequency - 30/30 (WC, Leg)- Previously this value was at 70, so the adjustment to 30 has been one that allows the game to stay within tactics and less full-on streaking runs up the pitch, but also bring the crossing positions to be better from the intended targets. At higher values, the forwards, for example, would run well past the defensive line, resulting in not being an option to be crossed into.
Line Height - 58/58 (WC, Leg)- This value has been lowered from previous of 75 to bring in the depth of the midfield when paired up with multiple defensive line Tactics. If a team is high line, such as 95, and the gameplay slider is above 60, the midfield can be easily bypassed (bursting on World Class) which introduces the defensive line sooner. If the value goes lower than 55, the low defensive line tactics, such as 30, result in too big of a gap between the midfield and defensive line.
Line Length - 42/40 (WC), 42/42 (Leg)- There is a discrepancy for World Class as the goal is to prevent bursting through the midfield. Putting the CPU value lower allows the CPU to face-up sooner and get into a defensive position. The length value at 40-42 compliments the Line Height of 58 and Width of 48 in a good fashion to bring in the midfield length to compress and decompress relative to the ball's position.
Line Width - 48/48 (WC, Leg)- The value has been increased slightly to balance the height and length to keep players goal-side defensively, but not so wide across the defensive line to the point spaces can be exposed. The narrow width allows for defensive shape to shift rather than stay stagnant, which reduces exposed spaces that should happen naturally in the flow of the match.
FB Positioning - 85/85 (WC, Leg)- This value was raised to help the fullbacks in transition so that they are not immediately retreating on 50/50 balls or clearances. The value is not made higher either as we do not want to expose the same spaces in every attack, or counter-attack.
FT Control Error - 60/55 (WC), 65/65 (Leg)- There is a discrepancy on World Class to help the CPU's ball retention as it can be easy to tackle the ball carrier at times. These values work well with the pass speed of 45 as there is still error in the touches, but players will have potential to stand out accordingly.
Thanks to discord testers: bman, laxing_ , Hapa90, jrn, TopSide, atsmash, Aaron458f, goblue8118, QB,Urkaun
FC 25 OS Community Sliders website: https://ea-fc25-community-slider-zt8hywd.gamma.site/
