NBA Elite 11 News Post

According to Pastapadre, via OXM, NBA Live will be renamed NBA Elite.

"The NBA Live name is no more. This year’s NBA title from EA Sports will be called NBA Elite 11. According to OXM (via drules2) the game will be heavy on analog controls with Skate and Fight Night the two titles garnering comparisons in that regard. I’m hoping to get some additional details soon."

Magazine image scan here.

Game: NBA Elite 11Reader Score: 2/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 5 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 23 @ 05/26/10 01:18 PM
What the heck does that mean?
# 2 DaWolf @ 05/26/10 01:20 PM
I have no idea. I cant imagine them renaming one of their oldest franchise.
# 3 DaWolf @ 05/26/10 01:29 PM

from nba live facebook page...
# 4 23 @ 05/26/10 01:33 PM
im not interested in anymore marketing shenanagins, just the real deal
# 5 DaWolf @ 05/26/10 01:41 PM
# 6 jaosming @ 05/26/10 02:08 PM
well....this kinda sucks...

I'm not a fan of the analog controls in basketball games, and dropping the name really shows they aren't trying to get back to the culture Live used to have or whatever they were saying last year in those dev videos.

Sad stuff for me....
# 7 mvb34 @ 05/26/10 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by jaosming
well....this kinda sucks...

I'm not a fan of the analog controls in basketball games, and dropping the name really shows they aren't trying to get back to the culture Live used to have or whatever they were saying last year in those dev videos.

Sad stuff for me....

Way too early to make that statement...
# 8 The GIGGAS @ 05/26/10 02:21 PM
Honestly, I could care less about Live turning to Elite or whatever, but I would always take PP with a grain of salt. I'd wait for the OXM that declares this before calling it truth.
# 9 Pared @ 05/26/10 02:51 PM
You guys should know better.

You're going to be witness to a **** storm of marketing this year. The name change shouldn't be a shock.

All that matters is how good the game is. Hold out and see.
# 10 clark5 @ 05/26/10 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
You guys should know better.

You're going to be witness to a **** storm of marketing this year. The name change shouldn't be a shock.

All that matters is how good the game is. Hold out and see.
i agree with pared this could be a good move for them marketing for the game will be a bit more than usual with a new name
# 11 noshun @ 05/26/10 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by The GIGGAS
Honestly, I could care less about Live turning to Elite or whatever, but I would always take PP with a grain of salt. I'd wait for the OXM that declares this before calling it truth.
Yep, EA is pretty desperate for sales now, hence rebranding. How they treated customers of NCAA 10 Basketball after realease with no patch for the freezing issue, and now them waving the white flag for Live, I'm not holding any hope for EA's brand of basketball games.
It's not like they paid attention to the wishlist since 06. Rebounding is still an issue with the same issues since Live 07. Hope this marketing blitz doesnt turn out like Madden 06. We all know how that turned out.

I'll check the info when it comes out, but thats about it, as I love NBA basketball. I'll save my money when it comes to EA basketball games or borrow from a friend.
# 12 clark5 @ 05/26/10 03:02 PM
The game made a good improvement last year lets just sit back and see what they have to offer
# 13 clark5 @ 05/26/10 03:05 PM
if you read pared article Triple Play made the same move to MVP this could be a good thing they are trying to build a new brand name
# 14 rockchisler @ 05/26/10 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by mvb34
Way too early to make that statement...
# 15 Bellsprout @ 05/26/10 03:43 PM
When does the name of this section of the forums change?
# 16 bigsmallwood @ 05/26/10 03:53 PM
I don't really care if the name changes...as long as the gameplay matches the "elite" status, we will all be okay.

They are going to definitely peak interest with the new title....now they have created more pressure to deliver a STRONG title. Let the countdown begin.
# 17 Behindshadows @ 05/26/10 06:14 PM
The name change was due to the fact, that the NBA Live series has been poorly represented throughout the last 4 years prior to NBA Live 10.

The team sees a new direction and a new level of basketball gaming and they believe they can bring EA basketball to a new and better light.

So changing the name is also like starting fresh and from this day forward. NBA Elite will carry it's own name and history. It's not a bad thing, plus people that are familiar with the Live name, won't turn their heads away when the marketing begins. They'll be curious to what it is, and when they see the graphics, gameplay, presentation, etc.

It will help the sales....Just have to wait and see. Like Pared said," wait and see"!

Damn, I agreed with something Pared said....You know the Devil is somewhere shopping for sweaters....
# 18 Behindshadows @ 05/26/10 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Jazza619
Like others have said, it's to branch off and start something new. Despite the big jumps in Live the last 2 years, the negative stigma associated with NBA "Live" has remained, so it's not a bad move. They could've picked a better name though, but this really is do-or-die for them now
I would have just called it NBA Basketball 11...

Elite doesn't sound like it even, has anything to do with basketball. Sound's like a Nike Shoe brand or something....
# 19 BiggD @ 05/26/10 06:43 PM
No more cheap marketing ploys EA!!! give us a real game
# 20 thakeaf @ 05/26/10 06:58 PM
Did no one save the scan that Pasta Padre had to take down?

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