I'm really not a LeBron James Heat fan, but I like the cover art. Even as a Pistons fan, I'll have to fight the urge to draw my own Cleveland Cavaliers jersey on a piece of construction paper, cut it out, and tape it to the front of the box.
Not sure, but I like it still being in the game and like the cover art. Best player in the league on the cover of the best (NBA) game in the world. Props, 2K/VC!!!!!!!!
The overall design looks good for the most part, I'm just not a big fan of these ugly red backgrounds 2K has been using lately. I underdstand red is a very dynamic color, but too much of it can be overwhelming from a design point of view imo. It wouldn't hurt to switch it up the design just a little bit lol.
Yes red every year it is just too repetitive, I know its their brand color, but maybe the background could have been black/gray shades this year. With that Lebron pic in front it would have created a nice effect.
It's LeBron....yawn. To people saying it's for marketing, well of course it is. 2K is a well established brand and would sell very well no matter who is on the cover. Just like Madden does.
As much as I dislike LeBron he definitely deserves the cover. However, I don't really care fit it. Personally, I'd rather him be dunking or dribbling, you know doing something with the actual basketball, rather than a stupid pregame ritual.
MVP, considered the best player in the world right now, at the hight of his career, a pop-culture icon, etc. It makes perfect sense for 2K to put him on the cover. But still, 2K might look silly if he doesn't win another ring this year.
I'm not a fan of the harsh red background either - more so I think the blown up photo of his face as the background is kinda gaudy - but from a branding & identity standpoint, it makes sense 2K applies this same treatment to all their sports franchises.