
EA Sports UFC 5 Gameplay and Features Trailer

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Old 09-18-2023, 11:36 AM   #97
Irish0331's Arena
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Re: EA Sports UFC 5 Gameplay and Features Trailer

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Emotes are gone so no need to worry about that.

The bold is the answer to that question...full stop. Like I hear alot of people here questioning whether they are going to buy the game and some are saying they wont. I want to believe you all but this is the 3rd version that I've heard similar comments and there is always a majority that buy it.

I dont know if the sim community not buying the Game would motivate EA to make the changes yall want but I do know one thing....BUYING THE GAME ISNT MOTIVATING EA TO MAKE THOSE CHANGES.

Doesnt matter if you buy it at launch or 3 mos later during a sale, its still revenue that goes into EA's pocket. Its still a sale that they can use to prove that their approach is working.
I know I'll buy it. UFC is pretty much all I play apart from Hell Let Loose and RDR2. But mostly UFC. As butt hurt as I was (and still am over this horrible clinch), I have no choice but to buy it if I wanna play an MMA game. 4....I'm done with it. I have like 500 hours on it and if I hard a hard copy, id' toss it in the backyard and take a leak on it. I can't play 3 on my PS5, so my only option is 5....or dont buy it and not play for a few years. Look, my life is full (contrary to all my belly aching here). I have a family, a stressful job with an alomost 90 min commute each way....playing UFC and messing with my universe spreadhsheet relaxes the sh*t outt my mind, lets me turn off all the noise for a minute. So when I sit down and the game is incomplete, i lose the immersion and it sucks the fun right out. Is what it is. Everyone will still buy it. My crying wont change a thing. And I'll be here thru the next few years bitching.

Can't hold someone against the cage and grapple and slow the pace....thats weak as hell. Not being able to fully customize...weak as hell. And we had it all at one point! OK, you wanna cater to another fanbase? Fine. Get as much $$ as you can...but ADD those archetypes. Don't REPLACE something else with it. Thats not progress in my eyes.
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Old 09-18-2023, 12:41 PM   #98
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Re: EA Sports UFC 5 Gameplay and Features Trailer

Originally Posted by HypeRNT
so what exactly took 3 years to make here? Im just wondering from a non bias stand point. Some might remember me most probably wont, ive been around since the first THQ games, i just dont post much, but man, 3 years for what? The striking looks untouched, yes they squeezed in some strikes from different angles and things like that, but the actual base for it looks literally the same.

This has to be one of those things were they had this game sitting on the shelf for 2 years or a year and a half and they actually only have a year or so of real dev time cuz you cant honestly debate that this is 3 years worth of development time for a replay system, some blood and a sub system which is what people wanted from the start so props on that.
Previous entries in the series seemed be release approx 18 months apart. This has been double that. My impression is that half that time was spent transitioning to the new engine. The other half (which equates to the same amount of time between the other EA UFC games) was primarily spent developing the new damage system and the new submission system.

I could be wrong, but this would all make sense to me. The changes from UFC 4 > 5 seem to be about the same, if not bigger than the changes from UFC 3 > 4. So it would make sense that 18 months or so were spent on the actual gameplay features (similar to the time between previous entries) and the other 18 months were spent working on the transition to the new engine. Assuming that's all correct, the amount of changes/new stuff we've seen and heard about UFC 5 make total sense considering the history of the series.
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Old 09-18-2023, 01:23 PM   #99
(aka Alberto)
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Re: EA Sports UFC 5 Gameplay and Features Trailer

Originally Posted by Irish0331
I know I'll buy it. UFC is pretty much all I play apart from Hell Let Loose and RDR2. But mostly UFC. As butt hurt as I was (and still am over this horrible clinch), I have no choice but to buy it if I wanna play an MMA game. 4....I'm done with it. I have like 500 hours on it and if I hard a hard copy, id' toss it in the backyard and take a leak on it. I can't play 3 on my PS5, so my only option is 5....or dont buy it and not play for a few years. Look, my life is full (contrary to all my belly aching here). I have a family, a stressful job with an alomost 90 min commute each way....playing UFC and messing with my universe spreadhsheet relaxes the sh*t outt my mind, lets me turn off all the noise for a minute. So when I sit down and the game is incomplete, i lose the immersion and it sucks the fun right out. Is what it is. Everyone will still buy it. My crying wont change a thing. And I'll be here thru the next few years bitching.

Can't hold someone against the cage and grapple and slow the pace....thats weak as hell. Not being able to fully customize...weak as hell. And we had it all at one point! OK, you wanna cater to another fanbase? Fine. Get as much $$ as you can...but ADD those archetypes. Don't REPLACE something else with it. Thats not progress in my eyes.
Understand, I cant agree with you more but you hit on a point that I want to address.

I'm exactly like you. I have a full life (minus the 90 minute commute each way.) and thats part of the reason I adjusted the way I see the game. Months before release of UFC 4, I found myself raging against the game and the devs behind the scenes. Everything from a new grappling system that they were going to make mandatory, the lack of new fighters and CAF changes made me furious.

Around release, I realized that there was only so much I could do. I'm there to advise but they arent obligated to listen to me just like they arent obligated to listen to OSers....even if we are right.

Since then my approach to the game has worked well for me. There are certain things I cant stand about UFC 5 (I'll list them closer to release) but I'll say this....I'm enjoying the game and I havent even played the retail version.

The game is fun if you arent looking for a true MMA sim. I hate the GNP system for UFC4 but I can say its improved from 5. The grappling system is similar to 4 but there are a few changes with the mechanics/meta and the sub system adds an aspect to the grappling that I love. I dont have anything good to say about CAF other than that at release we can at least easily start adding fighters to the game because there are hundreds of CAFs on Youtube and the system is the same.

I guess my point is that immersion is important but if you have to buy the game, lowering expectations is probably the best approach.
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Old 09-18-2023, 01:25 PM   #100
(aka Alberto)
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Re: EA Sports UFC 5 Gameplay and Features Trailer

Originally Posted by ragreynolds
Previous entries in the series seemed be release approx 18 months apart. This has been double that. My impression is that half that time was spent transitioning to the new engine. The other half (which equates to the same amount of time between the other EA UFC games) was primarily spent developing the new damage system and the new submission system.

I could be wrong, but this would all make sense to me. The changes from UFC 4 > 5 seem to be about the same, if not bigger than the changes from UFC 3 > 4. So it would make sense that 18 months or so were spent on the actual gameplay features (similar to the time between previous entries) and the other 18 months were spent working on the transition to the new engine. Assuming that's all correct, the amount of changes/new stuff we've seen and heard about UFC 5 make total sense considering the history of the series.
It also hasnt been a full 3 years. They usually dont start developing the next series until around 4-6 mos after release and Covid still played a role in slowing development at the beginning (I'd imagine it was difficult to do Mocap through 2020 and part of 2021).

Not making an excuse for EA but thats the reality.
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Old 09-18-2023, 02:03 PM   #101
Irish0331's Arena
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Re: EA Sports UFC 5 Gameplay and Features Trailer

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Understand, I cant agree with you more but you hit on a point that I want to address.

I'm exactly like you. I have a full life (minus the 90 minute commute each way.) and thats part of the reason I adjusted the way I see the game. Months before release of UFC 4, I found myself raging against the game and the devs behind the scenes. Everything from a new grappling system that they were going to make mandatory, the lack of new fighters and CAF changes made me furious.

Around release, I realized that there was only so much I could do. I'm there to advise but they arent obligated to listen to me just like they arent obligated to listen to OSers....even if we are right.

Since then my approach to the game has worked well for me. There are certain things I cant stand about UFC 5 (I'll list them closer to release) but I'll say this....I'm enjoying the game and I havent even played the retail version.

The game is fun if you arent looking for a true MMA sim. I hate the GNP system for UFC4 but I can say its improved from 5. The grappling system is similar to 4 but there are a few changes with the mechanics/meta and the sub system adds an aspect to the grappling that I love. I dont have anything good to say about CAF other than that at release we can at least easily start adding fighters to the game because there are hundreds of CAFs on Youtube and the system is the same.

I guess my point is that immersion is important but if you have to buy the game, lowering expectations is probably the best approach.
Thats all I can do, lower expectations. Like c'mon...ya love cutting and pasting so much, cut the caf and clinch from 3 and load that MFer up in 5!

I did start another thread about CAF templates. They had the same templates between 3 and 4, but they assigned different numbers. Then about a year into 4, they added more hairstyles and whatever else but if f'd all the numbers up again. So a caf template on youtube from Oct 2020 wouldn't line up in say Mar 2022 because face template 6 in Oct 2020 was then face template 24 in Mar 2022. I might be losing my mind, but i'm certain thats what happened because I had to pause the youtube vids and really eyeball the outline of the template itself. Can tell you how may times i'd follow the template exactly for say Jake Collier, but with the template flip he came out looking like Bigfoot Silva

And thanks. I know you catch sh*t in here but I do value you opinions. Seems like theres a lot of parallels in the way we play and think about the game. So I appreciate your info and candor. And 90 mins commute sucks, but ya gotta go where the money is.
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Old 09-18-2023, 04:05 PM   #102
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Re: EA Sports UFC 5 Gameplay and Features Trailer

Holy Hell!!!????

That trailer absolutely killed any and all excitement I had for this game.

I bailed out of UFC4 1/4 of the way through its life cycle because I just could never adjust to the pre-canned animations of the striking, and then all the convoluted controls etc etc ...

Seems like ZERO has changed there.

Lastly, as my name suggests, I'm all about the ground game! As a 14 year practioner of BJJ, I cannot begin to talk about how much I dislike how the ground is handled. :/
...and that's not even addressing the GnP from guard....which STILL doesn't have sways from the bottom. Good Lord! HOW?!?!?!

Do we all agree that THAT one feature alone from Undisputed was so frigin' awesome? lol

Anyway. Stinks, because I really want an MMA game to play.

I hope to try it out and gladly eat my own words, but this trailer is NOT giving me any hope for that.
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Old 09-18-2023, 04:18 PM   #103
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Re: EA Sports UFC 5 Gameplay and Features Trailer

In the dev interview they made such a fuss about the damage system is gonna change the meta, and if your damaged you have to go to plan B etc… We’ll I dont see it. You can clearly see in the gameplay that defensive options takes away a BIG chunk of your stamina bar, while the attacker can spam away at half the cost. And what are you supposed to do? Go to a useless clinch? Try a takedown which probably wont work cause the mechanic sucks. No, what your left with is to pressure box back. Thats still the ufc 4 meta!!! I dont think the damage system will change anything. The problem in all these games are that the mechanics they implement is done in such a lazy way that they dont accomplish what their supposed to do.
And doctor stoppage is gonna happen WAY to much.

Last edited by rebel8pig; 09-18-2023 at 04:20 PM.
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Old 09-18-2023, 05:11 PM   #104
Yaari's Arena
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Re: EA Sports UFC 5 Gameplay and Features Trailer

Originally Posted by rebel8pig
In the dev interview they made such a fuss about the damage system is gonna change the meta, and if your damaged you have to go to plan B etc… We’ll I dont see it. You can clearly see in the gameplay that defensive options takes away a BIG chunk of your stamina bar, while the attacker can spam away at half the cost. And what are you supposed to do? Go to a useless clinch? Try a takedown which probably wont work cause the mechanic sucks. No, what your left with is to pressure box back. Thats still the ufc 4 meta!!! I dont think the damage system will change anything. The problem in all these games are that the mechanics they implement is done in such a lazy way that they dont accomplish what their supposed to do.
And doctor stoppage is gonna happen WAY to much.
I think they estimated 1 out of 50 fights to be a stoppage. I don't know what to think of that.

But I do feel disappointed that the changes in damage system seem to be mostly visual. Nothing about the effect of strikes then? Rocked states and damage? Yeah we really need that beta footage out there because this answers nothing so far.
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