
Sharpshooters/Stretchs aren't OP AT ALL

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Old 11-07-2018, 02:37 PM   #33
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Re: Sharpshooters/Stretchs aren't OP AT ALL

Originally Posted by Johnnythelegend
So wouldn't it be better if they fixed the delay instead of auto contesting?
I don't think you can fix the delay issue. Everybody Ping and distance from the servers are different. I have 1Gig Up/Down internet with 5ms Ping and I still experience it. I think it'd be better to just add an auto contest option back in the game. I don't recall seeing anybody having a problem with Auto Contest, Intense D, or Manual in previous years. Give the community options again.

Last edited by Korrupted; 11-07-2018 at 02:39 PM.
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Old 11-07-2018, 09:00 PM   #34
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ksuttonjr76's Arena
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Re: Sharpshooters/Stretchs aren't OP AT ALL

Originally Posted by splashmountain
there's nothing wrong with green releases = 100% makes.

Here's why. in real life, if you truly release the ball at the perfect time and aim your arms properly, and balance your lower half perfectly. guess what? you will make the shot every single time (in a closed GYM with no extra air blowing at the ball).

The reality starts becoming arcade and cartoon like on 2k because they either dont know how or dont want to make the game so realistic that you have to do all of those things with the sticks in order to make a green shot.

think about that for a moment. what if you had to actually balance yourself either before you jumped or in mid air, while also keeping your elbow at the proper position for your guys jumper animation and then release it at the right time. all of those things together would make for a difficult green, just like in real life. so that would mean most people would not be even shooting green release shots. they would be shooting almost greens. which most could go in based on a lot of factors at a certain percentage. but not 100% and not 70% even when open. The closer you are to everything i just mentioned being perfect the higher your shot make percentage goes.

so now if i add proper defensive animations and block timing. you are then forced to lean some on your jumper which will make you less balanced which will make your shot most likely not a green release since it will make it so much harder to balance your body while leaning in that quick of a moment before its time to release the shot so it wont get blocked.

^^thats how you setup that scenario. but 2k says no. they want to control it and tell you that these shots are green and money. to force a lot of 3's going up, higher scorers in less mins played since most are playing on 5 to 6 mins qtrs.
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Old 11-07-2018, 09:43 PM   #35
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Re: Sharpshooters/Stretchs aren't OP AT ALL

Originally Posted by Thrustie

It’s funny, I play with sharps and stretches who are good guys who I genuinely like. But when they miss an open 3 they’re like “Come on, 2K!!!” They’re fully in the mindset now that an open 3 should be an automatic make. It’s wild to me that 2K has let this go on this long because now if they nerf shooting, they’ll probably have a riot on their hands.
Well it is annoying to miss WIDE open 3's while others are hitting contested 3's. But yeah some non-automatic-ness would help.

But what 2K has created is an alternate basketball reality with their own version of basketball logic -- worst thing is azz backwards Deadeye badges. Contested = Good shot. wtf. The thing I can't stand about sharps is that having that build completely shrinks the skill gap. You can be brand new to the game, have sub par shot selection, but you're still gonna score 20 - 30 in JRC or get buckets in Park just from your ratings and badges and others setting you up.
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Old 11-08-2018, 09:12 AM   #36
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Re: Sharpshooters/Stretchs aren't OP AT ALL

I‘ve managed to hold the Stretch 4s to 0 points the last two games I‘ve played JRC games but they were bad players and didn‘t rely on the stupid zigzag method to get open.

It‘s not a problem if they don‘t know what they‘re doing and just play a S4 or pure Sharp because it‘s easy but if your opponent is „skilled“ at what he‘s doing even though I hate to admit it I feel like I‘m at their mercy with my Rebounding Athletic Finisher. They are way faster moving from side to side, know how to abuse the freaking lag and that‘s without any picks involved.

What bothers me the most with guarding Stretch 4s is I almost don‘t get any defensive rebounds because I can‘t move an inch away from the threepoint line or it‘s money for them.

I like to punish them in the post though but that only works if your teammates actually pass the ball to a big or don‘t crowd the paint all at once.
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Old 11-08-2018, 11:55 AM   #37
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Re: Sharpshooters/Stretchs aren't OP AT ALL

In my opinion there are a few major factors that are leading to the overabundance of threes in this game, particular in rec/pro-am/park. It's not just that a bunch of threes are going in IMO it's the type of threes that are going in.

The fact that low effort, fade away, off dribble, contested, etc. threes are going in at a higher rate than a wide open Steph Curry three for the majority of sharp shooters in 2k is ridiculous

Not to pull the OG card, but I've played this game since the first 2k on the dreamcast, so I feel that I can offer some good perspective

2k labs: Running test on and giving away results for which jumpers/jumper combo's go in at the highest percentage/have the best chance of getting a green release is leading to a lot of what we see with threes. This is giving sharps a HUGE advantage. It's not a coincidence that most youtubers all have the same/very similar jumper..

instead of having to think about how they can create space, work to get open and play smart etc. Sharps can just jack up shots knowing that their jumper is a safety net because its been tried and tested and has a better chance of going in than any other shot in the game.. It takes zero skill to pay $10 and get this information..

Lack of defensive badges on guard builds:
Whose idea was it to not give any guard builds (other than locks) a bronze pick dodger badge? It's nearly impossible to guard a sharp who is playing with two bigs because of this.

Lack of penalty for spamming screens: Spamming screens needs to be penalized. Whether that means a half second delay when trying to set your fifth screen in five seconds, or more "illegal" screens being called.. something needs to be there to deter people from spending 20 seconds of a possession holding down B/circle

HOF limitless range badge:
There is only one person in the entire history of basketball that you have to pick up at half court to deter a 3pt attempt.. That's Steph.. Get this badge out of here..

Sharps off dribble three rating: Why is this so high? Lowering this to an 85 max would eliminate half of the ridiculous threes we see. Having this rating so high is what makes a Klay Thompson build (what a sharp should be minus the D) into a larger Steph Curry build

I think that adjusting the topics mentioned above would greatly improve the three point problem currently in 2k..

Last edited by Hardaway1; 11-08-2018 at 11:58 AM.
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Old 11-08-2018, 12:46 PM   #38
ruxpinke's Arena
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Re: Sharpshooters/Stretchs aren't OP AT ALL

Sad to Say, im slowly losing hope. The silence from the Devs is deafening. Really disappointing. You would think a simple look at the stats would tell them the current 3 pointers are OP. There is so much potential in the game this year.

I dont even mind the inside shots being tougher, but having the 3 ball be so OP really makes it stick out like a sore thumb.

Yesterday in the park was just waves of the same Pro teams, one GC to set crazy screens, one pure stretch/sharp and one little guy to ball handle/shoot as well. Even the games we won weren't fun because there was no variety in builds or playstyle. The teams who knew how to abuse screens regularly went 6/8 from three. Yea you can switch, yea you can talk, but even doing that, there were plenty of plays where defense wasn't being rewarded, because of sticky screens or delayed contests because of lag. When every team with a large positive record is doing the exact same thing, the game gets stale fast. I can't blame them either, its working so why would they ever do anything different. If you value wins over anything else, why would you try to play a different style. Just zig zag until someone finally gets caught on a screen. The fatigue or side to side dribble has no effect on your shot, so have at it.

I LOVE basketball. No matter how much i talk, i always buy this game. I deal with it, because I have faith that they will eventually balance it to a point where its at least fun. I'm not having any fun right now. If this game stays in this state all year I will have to think long and hard about purchasing next year, for the first time since i made the switch to 2k for 2k6.
PSN: PrettyToney
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Old 11-08-2018, 12:54 PM   #39
ruxpinke's Arena
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Re: Sharpshooters/Stretchs aren't OP AT ALL

Originally Posted by Korrupted
I don't think you can fix the delay issue. Everybody Ping and distance from the servers are different. I have 1Gig Up/Down internet with 5ms Ping and I still experience it. I think it'd be better to just add an auto contest option back in the game. I don't recall seeing anybody having a problem with Auto Contest, Intense D, or Manual in previous years. Give the community options again.
The only people complaining about auto contest maybe coming back are people who are abusing the lag and screens now to shoot over and over again. Skill Gap is the term they are holding on to - if there were actual systems in place, i.e illegal screens, stiffer penalties for zig zagging, harsher penalties for off excessive dribble shooting, and a right stick that was actually responsive for contests, then we can talk about skill gap. Right now we are talking about abuse, and only the people abusing are happy with the current setup.
PSN: PrettyToney
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Old 11-08-2018, 01:04 PM   #40
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Re: Sharpshooters/Stretchs aren't OP AT ALL

Originally Posted by BenBobOmb
I‘ve managed to hold the Stretch 4s to 0 points the last two games I‘ve played JRC games but they were bad players and didn‘t rely on the stupid zigzag method to get open.

It‘s not a problem if they don‘t know what they‘re doing and just play a S4 or pure Sharp because it‘s easy but if your opponent is „skilled“ at what he‘s doing even though I hate to admit it I feel like I‘m at their mercy with my Rebounding Athletic Finisher. They are way faster moving from side to side, know how to abuse the freaking lag and that‘s without any picks involved.

What bothers me the most with guarding Stretch 4s is I almost don‘t get any defensive rebounds because I can‘t move an inch away from the threepoint line or it‘s money for them.

I like to punish them in the post though but that only works if your teammates actually pass the ball to a big or don‘t crowd the paint all at once.
I actually don’t find stretch 4s hard to guard in the majority of cases. Especially in the half court. I find that most times if I just stick close to them and don’t cheat, I can effectively shut them down. Most times I contest them, they brick. If they actually have guys running interference for them, it definitely becomes a lot more challenging.

The balancing issue, to me, is that I literally can’t help at all on defense unless I know the ball carrier has zero IQ. I can watch a guy running uncontested to the hoop and I’m still better off camping my guy in the corner because if I help, it’s a guaranteed 3 points. Meanwhile my matchup can run around doubling everyone because there’s a much higher probability i’ll miss at the rim.

I played a team last night with 4 shooters (I was at the 4 defending a stretch) and all they did is have the center set screens at the top of the arc and the PG shoot 3s behind the screen. So our Center would step up to try and contest. The opposing Center would roll to the basket and the PG would pass it to him for an uncontested dunk. I tried to help from the corner but the first time I did it, the Center passed it to my Stretch and he hit. So I stopped helping and the cycle continued. My matchup finished 1 for 3 but just by existing, he crippled our defense. That’s the power of sharps in this game.
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