
NHL 16 Penalties?

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Old 09-20-2015, 08:49 AM   #81
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by gopher_guy
Very weird how some people don't see penalties. You have the penalty sliders maxed, I'm assuming?

In my Be A Pro, there are PLENTY of penalties. Like, almost bordering on too many.
Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
Hi same here and please dont take it personal and sorry if it comes off that way as Im just a factual person and I was attacked for the same exact thing thats going on here again in this thread and Im sorry if the term real hockey offends you but if you have a better way to describe how I play Ill be glad to use it .

Once again Im not trying to argue with anyone as I just posted facts again and again on how I do it factually with proof and people seem to get mad as I never said anyone one isnt playing properly ? Did I ? Just said how I played to take it any way you want .

Hey we all play different but when I play I try and play like the real NHL not north south arcade hockey , I dump and chase ect and when heat is on I ice it but dont listen to me read this whole thread .

You got one guy claiming theres no penalties year after year

Me giving factually screens , box scores , variance of penalties and how I get them .

MKHarsh saying he adjusted two sliders to counter balance them in a way and now he gets more penalties but choppy screen

and others saying after an update they had 9 penalties in the first period .

I dont need Sherlock Holmes to tell me whats going on here as its pretty elementary to me how about you ?
Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME

Thanks 100% Correct !!! and the intangible all along was Hu player skill

Hopefully this will help more people enjoy this great simulation of NHL Hockey take it easy guys .
Read above for the true answer
Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !
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Old 09-20-2015, 08:54 AM   #82
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

So you are right and others are wrong, sounds like your suggesting that I'm lying.. Not true I do not see why pens are not called as true as real life as possible. Perhaps you have not seen many real live games, also you think the sliders do make a difference ?
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Old 09-20-2015, 09:49 AM   #83
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Hi ,
Its not about right or wrong its how the hu player attacks the game and even after at least the two years I been here NY Jake member finally admits theres penalties .

Read the examples above on how others get penalties and please dont take it personal as its how the game is programmed and how you react and when I play real hockey I see more than enough penalties on Default .

Now if you looking for some randomly generated penalties ala mlb the show as an example you might be disappointed in this game as skill and what you do does matter IMO .
Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !

Last edited by THESHAMISASHAME; 09-20-2015 at 09:53 AM. Reason: sp
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Old 09-20-2015, 09:51 AM   #84
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

My last game I only had TWO total.. so they come and go, just like last year. There is no change this year as far as penalties go, imho. I doubt they touched that part of the game.
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Old 09-20-2015, 09:56 AM   #85
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by BL8001
I will write this with 100% certainty.

The more you play the game and understand what you can and cannot do in terms of interacting with the CPU when they are defending you, the more penalties are called.

Knowing when and in what situations to press A, to press in the L stick and to use LT to change your body angle, all of that goes a long way to drawing penalties.
Originally Posted by JezFranco
I haven't played 16 yet, but if the penalties is like it's been the last years I'm completely agreeing with TheShame...
The penalties are there, but you have to make the CPU draw them.

However, I still think that the sliders are a bit to ineffective.
Like I said, I don't have 16 yet, but I'm assuming there are still two penalty sliders; One that is meaning "Penalties called by the ref" and the other is "likelyhood for the CPU opponent to draw a penalty". It's not worded like that, but that's what they mean.
(actually there's three sliders, one for CPU team mates right?)

Cykling, dekeing and covering the puck usually gets you more penalties whatever setting the slider is set at.
I actually have the Penalty Slider down pretty low, that way you can on rare occasions get a way with a hooking, just like you can in real life... you know it happens.
However, I still think that the last years (since '11?), the slider that is suppose to affect how often the CPU draws penalties is a non working slider.
Like I said, I know how to play and make the opponent draw penalties, and I'm happy with my results... However, I've played with the CPU penalty sliders maxed, and at minimum, and I don't see a difference.

The lack of poke checking and attempted stick lifts from the CPU is the biggest reason. They usually just go for a clean steal/or big hit, no matter ohw you set the slider.
Heres more and I hope this helps you draw more penalties
Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !
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Old 09-20-2015, 10:01 AM   #86
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Originally Posted by MizzouRah
My last game I only had TWO total.. so they come and go, just like last year. There is no change this year as far as penalties go, imho. I doubt they touched that part of the game.
The Mizz is back baby !

Yes as I mentioned earlier penalties seem unchanged and the few times I upped speed ,hits and aggression ect I saw more rare penalties just like last year as I then saw 5 min majors and double minors but the hockey was unrealistic IMO .

But clock time has changed so Im still getting 5 to 8 PP combined in 6 min periods/games that is and of course near AS default is the only way for me to play that goes with what EA programmed into this game .
Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !

Last edited by THESHAMISASHAME; 09-20-2015 at 10:17 AM. Reason: add on
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Old 09-20-2015, 11:53 AM   #87
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

Good to see you...

I'll have games where I get 8 total.. then games where I get 2. So, it is what it is.. but they really need to look at this slider for NHL 17.

It doesn't really bother me all that much (until the playoffs) as I prefer 5 on 5, but why have the slider if it does nothing. It's huge come playoff time.
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Old 09-20-2015, 11:58 AM   #88
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Re: NHL 16 Penalties?

I have CPU teammates and general penalties sliders maxed. I find that I typically can force a lot of penalties when I create good offensive zone pressure and they increase when the CPU players are more fatigued. A majority are hooking and high sticking when I'm using protect the puck during the cycle.

When I don't get penalties, I usually notice that I am playing a faster paced game. My teammates aren't getting a lot of penalties but I'm usually always switching on defense so that may be causing the issue since I'm pretty much always on the puck.

I'd have to say that I don't have much complaints in the penalty department tho. One game me and the CPU accounted for like 11 penalties. I had a game where there were only three called. So I'm seeing variations which is cool for me.

ive had a 5 min and player ejection, boarding, elbowing, etc. I don't think I've seen the CPU receive a major yet tho.
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