
The MLB 2K9 Developers Are Listening

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Old 12-15-2008, 07:59 PM   #241
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Re: The MLB 2K9 Developers Are Listening

Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
I see your point, but the back and forward motion on the swing stick cannot be replicated by a button press. Is the swing stick a perfect represenation of a swing? No, but it is more of a representation of the fact that to successfully hit a ball with power, a hitter must load up his hips. Button pressing is just letting the game handle the timing and act of the step and you just handle the swing.

Without a load in real life, hits would go nowhere. There aren't a lot of hitters out there that can do much with only their arms and a little upper body.

The stick gives the user more control over the outcome because instead of just timing a swing, you have to put both parts together. You control the shift of the momentum from back to forward instead of just the forward.

Again, not perfect at all, but to say it's not closer to what a hitter actually does is pretty far off, IMO. Plus the whole back to forward, visually and technically makes more sense. It could be like the original WSB 2K on the DC and use the press of the trigger to load and release to swing, but using the stick marries up a little better.
I suppose it's a matter of perspective. The swing stick gives you more control of timing ONLY. The control of the hip rotation you speak of is just another aspect of swing timing. So yes, in that regard, it offers more precise control when done well...which it hasn't been thus far.

Where it falls short, is that it completely ignores bat placement through the zone. In reality, you can time the ball perfectly, but if you swing at shoulder level when the pitch is at the knees, let's see where that takes you. A zone or cursor hitting system allows for this type of precise control. You end up with much better hit variety (when correctly implemented, of course) and really have more control of the whole process. You can get the "sawed off" singles, opposite field bloops, "cue shots," etc, etc.

So it really comes down to what's more important to you. Do you want more precision timing control? (and I'll even grant the possiblilty of power generation...though as 2K's system is currently constituted, it has basically zero effect in that regard)
If so, then "swing stick" makes a lot of sense.

If you want more control over how you aim your swing and better hit variety, then I think a zone or cursor system is a better option.

Personally, I'll always take option two. I have no problem if swing stick is an option, but I'd almost assuredly never use it.
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Old 12-15-2008, 08:42 PM   #242
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Re: The MLB 2K9 Developers Are Listening

Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
I suppose it's a matter of perspective. The swing stick gives you more control of timing ONLY. The control of the hip rotation you speak of is just another aspect of swing timing. So yes, in that regard, it offers more precise control when done well...which it hasn't been thus far.

Where it falls short, is that it completely ignores bat placement through the zone. In reality, you can time the ball perfectly, but if you swing at shoulder level when the pitch is at the knees, let's see where that takes you. A zone or cursor hitting system allows for this type of precise control. You end up with much better hit variety (when correctly implemented, of course) and really have more control of the whole process. You can get the "sawed off" singles, opposite field bloops, "cue shots," etc, etc.

So it really comes down to what's more important to you. Do you want more precision timing control? (and I'll even grant the possiblilty of power generation...though as 2K's system is currently constituted, it has basically zero effect in that regard)
If so, then "swing stick" makes a lot of sense.

If you want more control over how you aim your swing and better hit variety, then I think a zone or cursor system is a better option.

Personally, I'll always take option two. I have no problem if swing stick is an option, but I'd almost assuredly never use it.
I personally enjoy the swing stick more. Yes it is more about timing than anything, but it feels like I actually accomplish a little more swinging that way alot more than either the pure timing button press (mvp) or the cursor hitting system.
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Old 12-15-2008, 11:14 PM   #243
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Re: The MLB 2K9 Developers Are Listening

Just focus on making it realistic and fun at the same time. They should put all the details seen in baseball.When you hit a homerun with Manny Ramirez i want to see him raise his hands and seeing the ball get out of here.I want to see the crowd going wild.I want an exciting announcer that screams when u hit a dramatic homerun. I want the players to look big that when they come up to bat it takes almost the whole screen in your tv.I think they look too skinny on 2k8 so make them big and shinny.

I want no glitches on the game and real stats results on Franchise mode, especially when you simulate games.Players should be separated by their abilities. Vlad who's known for his explosive arm should "gun out" t players and for those with weak arm will mostly have to hit the cutoff men.I want to see batters go in slumps because when i play the 2k8 once i got hot with A-rod he never got cold again for the whole season.I also think the computer on 2k8 mostly beat you by hitting homeruns so that should be fixed.

No more meatballs that always end up in the middle of the plate and have an intelligent computer. Eliminate the meatball and have it go mostly out of the strikezone. The computer should try to generate runs by either stealing bases more or hitting it over the the right side of the field to move the guy over.On defense the computer should set exaggerated infield shift on certain players.

2k9 could be a successful game if they combine the stuff you see on mvp baseball 2005 with mlb the show for ps3. They should focus on the details on those games and add it to 2k9. Make 2k9 a four player game.

Last edited by tupapi; 12-16-2008 at 01:16 AM.
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Old 12-19-2008, 12:32 AM   #244
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Re: The MLB 2K9 Developers Are Listening

There needs to be a cool career mode like in MLB 08 and the Madden games, people like to become a superstar!!
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Old 12-20-2008, 05:36 PM   #245
arod77's Arena
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Re: The MLB 2K9 Developers Are Listening

Assign a number scale to the sliders...counting your clicks to the left and right to adjust for every franchise you start is a TOTAL BEATING! Slider and player settings should be able to be assigned to a profile and loaded for any franchise you start.

Keep up the work on the minor leagues...GREAT INNOVATION!! Let's see some more detail assigned to progressions and player development.

And let's stop trying to make everything so damn difficult to upload roster files, etc...Baseball fans are passionate about having realistic rosters...stop limiting that.
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Old 12-24-2008, 01:34 PM   #246
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Re: The MLB 2K9 Developers Are Listening

Superstar Mode PLEASE. If you have any hope of competing with the other baseball games and turn this game around that is what you need.
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Old 12-24-2008, 01:40 PM   #247
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Re: The MLB 2K9 Developers Are Listening

Originally Posted by Kccitystar
So from this post, I am assuming you want more RPG elements to a sports game?
We want a superstrar mode. Dogoreo nailed it. If there was a supertar mode in 2k9 it would be the greatest baseball game ever made. Please, ig you want to compete with the other baseball games you need a superstar mode.
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Old 12-24-2008, 05:59 PM   #248
jsou4646's Arena
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Re: The MLB 2K9 Developers Are Listening

Allow the user to hit from the view behind the pitcher.
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