
I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

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Old 01-05-2014, 07:04 PM   #33
jaateloauto's Arena
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

Of course the CPU cheats on the hardest difficulty. That happens in 99% of all video games. They have better attributes on HOF, which includes the clutch attribute. They're not "scripted" to come back, they just come back because their attributes are better than yours.

A lot of the stuff in MyCareer is scripted though. Saw my team blow a 20 point lead by losing the third quarter something like 55-10 with the opponent shooting 90% for the quarter and my team 10% (I of course sat on the bench for that quarter). Then in the 4th there was a special "make a comeback!" dynamic goal which I failed because the coach plays scrubs with no stamina all quarter so when I get triple teamed nobody made their open shots. And my 70% fg with close to 50 points and triple double was rewarded with the coach chewing me out how I sucked in the game. Yeah.
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Old 01-05-2014, 07:17 PM   #34
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

Originally Posted by Heroesandvillains
I've been asking people to do this over in The Show Forums for years. Literally years.

Guess how many took my challenge? I'll give you a hint. Any number you guess would be too many.

Than I ask for boxscores. Like a Scout's Honor sort of thing. And still...

Nada. Zip. Nothing.

I'd love for even one person to do this in ANY scripted games thread.
Honestly, I can't speak for quick game mode or any mode outside of MyCareer, but if you don't believe the gameplay is dynamically scripted then you are sadly mistaken.

I don't have to provide proof, I believe my own eyes, and while I was actually considering doing this for one of my previous games because the same exact outcome happened over and over, I was simply too frustrated to do so.. Besides I don't have the equipment to record (I'm playing on xb1) and putting that kind of effort into something that is known, is a waste of time.

Why are we experiencing the same issues? Are you insinuating that we all must just suck at the game? That's a great observation.

While the same exact stuff may not happen when you replay the game, there are definitely scripted events.

I played the same game 5 times, only to give up the last time and purposely foul out in the first quarter because I saw there was just no way around it.

If you take the time to watch replays on questionable plays, you'll see it for yourself. You'll see your teammates play sag defense while the other team effortlessly makes 3s until they're up by 30 in the first quarter. You'll see 3 of my teammates surrounding a missed shot, only for the ball to hit the ground, while they slowly back peddle away from the ball, only for the opposing team to quickly swoop in and grab it, and easily score.

When we say scripted event, it's more like a dynamic scripted event.. Sometimes it happens, sometimes you can alter it, but it's most definitely scripted in order to add a "challenge" I'm guessing

Anyway, who are you for anybody to provide proof? Are you the voice for 2k? Will the proof fix this? I didn't think so. Sitting here and arguing about it isn't going to fix it. It's the naysayers like yourself that make these kind of issues debatable.
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Old 01-05-2014, 07:18 PM   #35
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

Originally Posted by jaateloauto
Of course the CPU cheats on the hardest difficulty. That happens in 99% of all video games. They have better attributes on HOF, which includes the clutch attribute. They're not "scripted" to come back, they just come back because their attributes are better than yours.

A lot of the stuff in MyCareer is scripted though. Saw my team blow a 20 point lead by losing the third quarter something like 55-10 with the opponent shooting 90% for the quarter and my team 10% (I of course sat on the bench for that quarter). Then in the 4th there was a special "make a comeback!" dynamic goal which I failed because the coach plays scrubs with no stamina all quarter so when I get triple teamed nobody made their open shots. And my 70% fg with close to 50 points and triple double was rewarded with the coach chewing me out how I sucked in the game. Yeah.
Yes, I'm talking about scripting in the myCareer mode.. I didn't think it would be in other modes anyway.
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Old 01-05-2014, 07:45 PM   #36
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

Definitely in MyGM mode as well.
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Old 01-05-2014, 07:54 PM   #37
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

Originally Posted by Rell7thirty
I don't have to provide proof
Best. Argument. Ever.
Originally Posted by Dogslax41
Most people that are asking for a simulation game don’t really want a simulation game because its too hard.
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Old 01-05-2014, 08:32 PM   #38
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

It seems as though things are all over the place in this thread.

Are we talking scripted PRE-DETERMINED outcomes of games?(which is what I took the OP as talking about....which means NO MATTER WHAT you will always win or always lose that game.
If so...if anyone can do what I posted....I'll tip my hat.


Are we talking poor AI scripting(of course the AI is scripted to do certain things...it's not a real person fellas!).....?
Poor animations?
Glitches?(a certain event will constantly trigger the same result.

Some of you guys are talking apples and oranges here IMO.

All gave some. Some gave all. 343
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Old 01-05-2014, 08:44 PM   #39
WTF's Arena
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

Originally Posted by Knight165
It seems as though things are all over the place in this thread.

Are we talking scripted PRE-DETERMINED outcomes of games?(which is what I took the OP as talking about....which means NO MATTER WHAT you will always win or always lose that game.
If so...if anyone can do what I posted....I'll tip my hat.


Are we talking poor AI scripting(of course the AI is scripted to do certain things...it's not a real person fellas!).....?
Poor animations?
Glitches?(a certain event will constantly trigger the same result.

Some of you guys are talking apples and oranges here IMO.

You literally can NOT do that this generation with 2k. You can't save locally, you can't load up another person's save on a profile other than yours. You can't do your little experiment.

I left a game at half time, started it back up 4-5 different times... the game was so scripted, that no matter if I had it on Pro, Rookie, anything, the outcome was still the same, using endless cheesy tactics in order to get the game to the end result that it apparently needed.

I don't need to see 8-10 other guys having the same game play out the same way. I seen with my own eyes, even after turning the game down to Rookie, which playing SIM, should be no difficult task of beating for a 2k veteran. Same result.

It doesnt help that the ignorant Points of Emphasis are so vague that the game will determine what it wants to do.

No matter what guys want to believe, there are enough guys having the issue, not only this year, but in years past. The same issues are there. I have several old videos posted on youtube somewhere of trapping a guy behind the backboard, seeing them shoot, and the ball magically sliding to the side of the backboard and going in the basket, when it should have just hit the side of the backboard at best case scenario.

Regardless, your experiment of sharing files is worthless on this gen, on this game in general.

This type of stuff happens:


At 10 seconds in, he dribbles through both of my legs, and mysteriously the ball warps to his opposite hand to continue his unstoppable path to the rim. The "animations" eventually lead me out of bounds to an unrecoverable state, while Nate continues his magical performance.

Last edited by WTF; 01-05-2014 at 08:51 PM.
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Old 01-05-2014, 08:50 PM   #40
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

so ****ing frustrating this goddamn game is. im done, trading this in for fifa this week. never have i raged so much over a damn sports game. you literally have to play perfect so you dont get cheated, and even then you will miss wide open shots over and over, the cpu will offensive rebound 3times before it scores cause it was scripted too. this is a "video game" its mean to be fun not frustrating and i can see now im not paranoid thinking its just me.
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