
I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

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Old 01-05-2014, 08:51 PM   #41
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turty11's Arena
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

i like how when my guy is posted up down in the paint and i hit for a fade/hook INTO the lane he decides to spin behind the backboard and try to throw it through the back of it.....

obviously some stuff is scripted/predetermined because it is a computer and if it wasnt the cpu would never win.....but when the ball warp/teleports through your players directly to the cpu its scripted action at its finest
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Old 01-05-2014, 10:15 PM   #42
BegBy's Arena
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

Originally Posted by Heroesandvillains
There's a reason evidence and truth are connected. One always leads to the other.

Seriously though, thanks for that.

Last edited by BegBy; 01-05-2014 at 10:18 PM. Reason: laughing so hard
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Old 01-06-2014, 01:13 AM   #43
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

Originally Posted by Captain Obvious
so ****ing frustrating this goddamn game is. im done, trading this in for fifa this week. never have i raged so much over a damn sports game. you literally have to play perfect so you dont get cheated, and even then you will miss wide open shots over and over, the cpu will offensive rebound 3times before it scores cause it was scripted too. this is a "video game" its mean to be fun not frustrating and i can see now im not paranoid thinking its just me.
Just to let you know Fifa is just as bad with comeback AI, so you may rage at that game too. It may even be worse than NBA2k
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Old 01-06-2014, 02:42 AM   #44
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

As a CG PS3 player, I believe the AI dynamically decides the fate of your play as well as the CPU based upon factors such as a winning or losing streak, team chemistry, and team play. When the AI determines the gameplay based upon these factors, the percentages of a good pass, shot, defense, or rebound are affected. When the AI has has the percentages in favor of the CPU, it's gut-wrenching because not only do react quicker than players, but it can shoot whatever the hell it wants and make it. I've had rebounds where both my hands are on the ball and the CPU has it palmed to the side and rip it from me. I've seen the CPU put his hand through me and grab the rebound through my body. I've slid several feet from where I jumped because I was in the CPU's way. I've been bonked countless times in the head because the AI would force me to put my hands down as the ball approached. I would hit turbo from time to time and get nothing. I have jumped towards the CPU for a block and was dropped vertically as if I hit some sort of invisible force field. My teammates would double team for no reason, stop rebounding, or simply let the ball fly by them as the CPU gets the possession. I've had random emotion animations occur during a live ball just so the CPU could get the ball. With the CPU players backs turned, it's able to know exactly where the ball will go, while your teammates gear up with shin guards, ready to play a game in FIFA. The AI will commit you to make turnovers for no reason. Just some examples that come to mind if the AI favors the CPU.
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Old 01-06-2014, 02:48 AM   #45
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

I haven't played 2K in a while but wasn't there a 'clutch' option you could turn off?

I think it was 2K11 where once you turned it off, the game was actually enjoyable and winning felt fair.
...we held several meetings to discuss the future of the franchise. After going through those meetings, it became very clear that the vision I had for the game was different from where the leadership wanted to take it. I parted ways with EA shortly after...
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Old 01-06-2014, 03:15 AM   #46
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

It's lazy from 2k. Only way to stop us us to cheese.
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Old 01-06-2014, 04:40 AM   #47
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

You guys havent seen CPU cheating until you play FIFA. I just had to delete the game from my console. That game is laughable bad at cheating.
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Old 01-06-2014, 11:16 AM   #48
El_Poopador's Arena
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Re: I never really believed in scripting in video games, until now...

Originally Posted by jaateloauto
Of course the CPU cheats on the hardest difficulty. That happens in 99% of all video games. They have better attributes on HOF, which includes the clutch attribute. They're not "scripted" to come back, they just come back because their attributes are better than yours.
i have 2k14 on pc and have never once even tried to play on hof difficulty but i still see the same things that people are describing almost every game. its not always necessarily a comeback but if the cpu decides a shot is going in then its going in. so its not limited to hof difficulty.
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