
Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

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Old 06-19-2018, 04:35 PM   #81
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Yeah but c'mon, LOL, those games are offering totally different experiences than the games also trying to occupy the football landscape.

The football offerings attempting to make their mark on the console space are in direct response to what Madden is and has become imo. Not saying they are, or ever will be on the level of Madden, but they definitely are trying to offer an alternative with a similar game experience.
I give you the "totally different experiences" point with respect to Rocket League and Super Mega Baseball, that's totally valid. At the same time, I don't think the indie football games are universally responses to Madden either.

Axis Football has been around in some form or another since at least 2010 (at least, that's when the first version was published to Armor Games). I have to imagine it has existed since before then, but I don't know that for a fact; someone else more familiar with the series history would have to tell me. Regardless, calling it a response to Madden feels incorrect, since it started as an online web game and only pivoted to Unity (thus opening the door for 3D graphics and console SKUs) once Flash fell out over favor.

The first version of Maximum Football was released in 2006 by the same developer and its hook is support for all gridiron football rule sets, a niche which is not supported by Madden. To that end, I'll give you this game as a direct response to Madden.

Gridiron Champions, such that it ever actually exists (which is unclear), is a direct response to the hiatus of NCAA Football. It doesn't exist if NCAA Football still exists.

Mutant League Football: I think we can both agree that that's it's own thing, kinda like Super Mega Baseball is to baseball games.

One more indie football game I can think of: Front Office Football 8, which recently got picked up by OOTP Developments, has been around since the days of Windows XP and at one point was published by EA Sports, so calling that a response to Madden also feels wrong. In addition it's not an apple-to-apples comparison, since it's a text simulator.

Last edited by Hooe; 06-19-2018 at 04:41 PM. Reason: more examples
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Old 06-19-2018, 04:38 PM   #82
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
We could reduce Madden to 5 vs 5.

Was NCAA Football 5x5. And what does 5X5 have to do with a Pregame/Half Time/Postgame show?
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Old 06-19-2018, 04:39 PM   #83
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by jfsolo
Oh okay, you're one of those dudes, good to know.
Whatever that means... A guy who is frustrated by the slow progression of this series? Ya, I’m that guy... Sorry, block me then...

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to buy or play the game. If you're tired of being disappointed, I'd recommend seeking out a different game which makes you happy instead.
Listen, I’ve owned every madden since 88. You do the math on how much money I have given EA. I love football in a close 2nd to basketball. Those games and UFC are the only 3 games I play outside messing around with a free fifa download. I don’t believe I have any other options for a football game on consoles with authentic teams and players though do I? If I do please let me know what it is so I can try it... I don’t complain about 2k at all and love what they do every year. The game has issues it needs to improve upon, but I know they listen every year and hear the complaints and they at least touch on it. I get you will defend this game to no end. I believe I want what everyone else here does and for this game to ultimately succeed, but if your seriously not seeing how other companies are doing things compared to madden’s pace I don’t know what else to say. I’m here because in todays day and age of talking about things, wish lists, etc it can get the attention of the devs and possibly make it in the game. I also like discussing it. That being said, I give props where props is due and I also shoot straight when S@@t is not up to par. I likethe new 22 RPM, but if I was to make a list of pro’s and con’s of what is right compared to what is not to fully replicate and represent the sport of football I think we all know which would have more things on it.

This is the problem though in the community. It’s either you are on 1 side or the other. We all want the same thing in the end. Your answer is if you don’t like it don’t buy it. I have said before I enjoy the game online but offline it’s horrible with CPU AI. Even though I enjoy it online there are things that stick out like a sore thumb. Go watch the video shopmaster put out today on pockets. But just because I don’t share your patience or views does not make me wrong. EA needs to hear the negatives (albeit in a constructive manner). That’s the only way they will add or fix what needs to be added or fixed.

I’d love to your opinion and hear why other games are succeeding and going above and beyond like 2k is in the same yearly cycle that madden has with a considerably smaller dev team? That’s not a tad disappointing to you? All the madden people in those 2k blogs released every year saying WOW EA take note is wrong? The depth and options in my league? The depth of players with attributes, badges, and tendencies? Cmon! Like I said other games have made me set a higher standard for madden and as well it should. The whole community should hold a higher standard for them. Only then will we see change...

I posted this article yesterday in a thread. After reading it it really made me think about where the problem really lies...

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Old 06-19-2018, 04:42 PM   #84
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by Therebelyell626
Agreed. Madden should take notes because 2k18 did 3.11m on PS4 while madden did 2.54m. While 570,000 copies doesn't sound like a lot at $65 a pop that's over 300 million dollars. Then you factor in all of the ultimate team money that extra 500,000 copies would generate darn near a billion dollars. That's a lot of cheddar to be leaving on the table.

Is he NBA really that much more popular than the NFL. No. But 2k18 is vastly deeper, accessible, and just flat out better game.
This is how a customer-focused business executive should be looking at the sales numbers. Not, "ah it's good enough".

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Old 06-19-2018, 04:45 PM   #85
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by bucky60
I imagine it takes just as much to steer NBA2k, but they seem to handle it pretty well.
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Old 06-19-2018, 04:46 PM   #86
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
This is the problem though in the community.
We all want the same thing in the end
Honestly as time goes on, and people post more and more, I'm starting to believe that point not to be true. Some of the things I see people post in response, or defense of Madden, leads me to believe they do not want the type of NFL game that I do.

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Old 06-19-2018, 04:51 PM   #87
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Honestly as time goes on, and people post more and more, I'm starting to believe that point not to be true. Some of the things I see people post in response, or defense of Madden, leads me to believe they do not want the type of NFL game that I do.
You know what? You are right! Roadman just posted how EA and OS are not on the same page. I’m not sure OS is even on the same page. LOL
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Old 06-19-2018, 04:52 PM   #88
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Re: Madden NFL 19: The Full Interview With Producer Ben Haumiller

Originally Posted by roadman
Sounds like what EA and OS want aren't on the same page. EA thinks OS wants highlights and OS can get by without the highlights.

Someone needs to send a memo to EA and make sure everyone is on the same page, huge disconnect.

The companies that are being compared are obviously two different companies doing things on their own pacing, timing and resources. They can be compared, but I think everyone can tell clearly the who the leader is by now after 14 years. One company is progressive, the other company is conservative.

I truly feel, opinion only, it boils down to legacy coding. We heard previously for FM, there was coding in FM from 99 until they moved onto CFM.

I think they would need to blow everything up and take 1 step forward and 2 steps back with a bare bones game one year and we know 2k was able to do that, but will the suits at EA be in favor of that?

Probably not, it hasn't happened up to now, and I don't see them changing that philosophy anytime soon.

I get the frustration, I wouldn't mind a flushed out post game show with standings and stats from that week around the league. I wouldn't care if the stats were fake, either.
Some would say madden 25 was that stripped down version of the game. Just my opinion
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